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Lira and Luca were placed in the care of guardians at a young age. When Luca, her brother, leaves to work in Hope, Lira is pursued by Frank; he is not as likable as he seems, After he tries to kill her, she flees to Hope and discovers that she has powers. Lira and Luca save her biological parents from a sleeping spell and Lira finds true love.

PublisherMalie Olivier
Release dateDec 13, 2016

Malie Olivier

Malie Olivier is a South African author and an ex-teacher. When she isn't busy writing she does proofreading, editing, translating and typing. She enjoys writing Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction books because the ideas and possibilities are endless.

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    Book preview

    Lira - Malie Olivier


    Malie Olivier





    By Malie Olivier

    Copyright 2016 Malie Olivier

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, Licence Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7


    About Malie Olivier

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    I don’t remember much of the night that our parents took us to our guardians. Luca said that he could remember that we got into a car late at night and we drove for ages. He remembered that we stopped at a small house and our parents left us there. We didn’t understand why we were suddenly living in another place or why the strange couple that lived there were telling us to call them Mom and Dad.

    I was so grateful though that I had my big brother with me and that we were more than siblings. He was the only one that I went to when I had a problem and I usually followed his advice. We had a good relationship; he was my hero and my best friend when I was growing up.

    When Luca went to university we still stayed in touch. We would phone each other at least once a week and text each other regularly. He did well at university but took a job in another town when he graduated. My life took a turn for the worse when he left.

    Chapter 1

    I should have listened to my brother. At least he had the courtesy to not say, I told you so, when he saw me again. We are close to each other; could be because we are adopted and our adoptive parents look nothing like us. We are both blond with very blue eyes and our parents have brown hair and eyes. They told us that we were placed in their care when my brother Luca was 3 and I was one. They have never divulged more than that. So, I should have listened when he told me that Frank, a policeman in our town, was bad news.

    * * *

    Frank and Luca were at school together and never got on. Over the years our parents had to visit the principal’s office a few times because they were caught fighting. Frank always started the fight and let Luca take the fall. Nobody believed him though; we all knew he was bully. In any case Luca moved to a small town called Hope two years ago and that was when Frank decided to make his move. He probably thought that I would be a kind of prize; if we got close it would be to spite Luca. Frank had never paid me any attention before and in the beginning I was flattered. Frank was dishy and had the typical bad boy reputation.

    I was teaching and moved out of our parents’ house. I rented a small cottage in walking distance of the school and suddenly Frank would conveniently be in the area and give me a lift to school. He would ask about my day and paid me a lot of attention. We chatted all the way to school and I started to feel comfortable and relaxed with him. Soon he was driving me home in the afternoons too. He started making me nervous because I felt he was being too pushy. He had started asking some personal questions and was forever asking me to go out for supper. I always politely declined his invitations.

    I tried a few times to see if I could leave earlier from home or later from school but he was always there waiting. He kept pushing to start a relationship with me and I insisted that we were just friends. I was actually considering moving back home; that is how much he rattled me daily. I felt like I was being stalked and I phoned Luca. He told me to move back home with our parents and stay away from Frank. I loved my little cottage and thought that maybe if I went on one date with him he would stop asking me out.

    That was a big mistake because in his mind I then became his girlfriend. Frank could be so charming and behaved like the perfect gentleman. Our first date he tried to impress me and he was on his best behaviour. I thought that would be the end of it but

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