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365 Daily Do Its: Organizing Tips and Challenges to Help You Get (and Stay) Organized Throughout the Year
365 Daily Do Its: Organizing Tips and Challenges to Help You Get (and Stay) Organized Throughout the Year
365 Daily Do Its: Organizing Tips and Challenges to Help You Get (and Stay) Organized Throughout the Year
Ebook73 pages1 hour

365 Daily Do Its: Organizing Tips and Challenges to Help You Get (and Stay) Organized Throughout the Year

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About this ebook

So... what are Daily Do It's you ask? Daily Do Its are daily organizing tips and challenges that help you get organized throughout the year in a way that will ALSO help you maintain organization for years to come. Some are quick and easy; and some are more challenging than others.

How it works: Do each daily task (every month) as shown - OR - each month, simply choose the tasks that are most important to you and get those done.

It’s completely up to YOU!
•If you want to challenge as many as you can.
•If you want to be more organized in certain areas of your life and/or home...choose the ones that you think will be the most beneficial.
•If you just want to improve your organizational skills, and maybe learn a few great organizing tips along the through and mark those that interest you.

And, if you miss a day, it's okay; just start again tomorrow. Remember, you don’t HAVE to do every one as shown. It's like going to the gym...yes, it's better to keep up with it each day if you’d like the most beneficial results. But, YOU are in control and can choose how much you’d like to get done. And, you can always start over again and do a little more to catch up (if you want to).
Bottom line... YOU CAN DO IT!!! YOU CAN get organized!

Remember... "Organization isn't about perfection; it's about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life." - Christina Scalise, Organize Your Life and More let's have fun with it!

*** Please note: 365 Daily Do Its is a wonderful addition to the book Organize Your Life and More by Christina Scalise, but you don't have to have that book to complete each daily task.

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Release dateDec 24, 2016
365 Daily Do Its: Organizing Tips and Challenges to Help You Get (and Stay) Organized Throughout the Year

Christina Scalise

Christina Scalise is a Professional Organizer, author, wife and mother of three. She resides in upstate New York with her family and is the author of Organize Your Finances, Your Kids, Your Life! and Organize Your Life And More. She also writes many articles, and provides weekly tips and product recommendations on her website. Additional Qualifications: Professional Organizer since 2004 (individual coaching for home and office). Creator and owner of "Organize Your Life And More" and "," event organizer and planner, management experience with real estate, business offices, town office management, and non-profit organizations.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting ideas about how to get more profesional things done

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365 Daily Do Its - Christina Scalise

365 Daily Do Its

Organizing Tips and Challenges

to Help You Get (and Stay)

Organized Throughout the Year

First Edition - COPYRIGHT 2016 by Christina Scalise

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher and copyright owner.

Published by... Christina Scalise, Author of Organize Your Life and More and owner and creator of..., 405 Spain Gulf Rd. North, Poland, NY 13431

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Daily Do Its for the month of...













About the Author


So... what are Daily Do It's you ask? Daily Do Its are daily organizing tips and challenges that help you get organized throughout the year in a way that will ALSO help you maintain organization for years to come. Some are quick and easy; and some are more challenging than others. You may notice a few Daily Do Its have been repeated more than once throughout the year. The reason for this is simple...those particular tasks should become a habitual part of your organizing routine.

How it works: Do each daily task (every month) as shown - OR - each month, simply choose the tasks that are most important to you and get those done. For the ones that do not apply to you... use those days to choose a different Daily Do It that does apply to you - OR - do one or more things on your personal To Do list - OR - simply take an extra day off for yourself and enjoy what you’ve already organized.

It’s completely up to YOU!

If you want to challenge as many as you can.

If you want to be more organized in certain areas of your life and/or home...choose the ones that you think will be the most beneficial.

If you just want to improve your organizational skills, and maybe learn a few great organizing tips along the through and mark those that interest you.

And, if you miss a day, it's okay; just start again tomorrow. Remember, you don’t HAVE to do every one as shown. It's like going to the gym...yes, it's better to keep up with it each day if you’d like the most beneficial results. But, YOU are in control and can choose how much you’d like to get done. And, you can always start over again and do a little more to catch up (if you want to).

Bottom line... YOU CAN DO IT!!! YOU CAN get organized!

Before you start: Add a few minutes (or more) to your daily schedule so you’ll be sure to have enough time to accomplish each task. The most common excuse for NOT getting organized is... I don’t have time! But, the fact remains, the more organized you are, the more time you will save.

Remember... Organization isn’t about perfection; it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life. – Christina Scalise, Organize Your Life and More.... so let’s have fun with it!

*** Please note: 365 Daily Do Its is a wonderful addition to the book...Organize Your Life and More by Christina Scalise, but you do not have to have that book, to complete each daily task.

Wishing you the best in organizing success!

- Christina Scalise

Ready? Set? GO!!! Happy New Year! January is National Get Organized Month... so let’s start out THIS year getting (and staying) organized! Let’s set aside some time in our busy schedules (each day or week) for reducing clutter, organizing and figure out which areas of our lives (or homes) need the most organizing. Walk

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