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ManWords: Real Words for Real Men
ManWords: Real Words for Real Men
ManWords: Real Words for Real Men
Ebook294 pages3 hours

ManWords: Real Words for Real Men

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So your bros are hanging around the grill, shooting the shit while putting back brews from a pony keg. The air's heavy with barbecue sauce, stale belches, and testosterone. And you want to sound manly, like you read Maxim, not GQ. Like you watch football, not gymnastics. You want to use words like "crack-back," "low rider," and "mojo." You need ManWords.

If you want to be a high roller, a mac daddy, or a player, you also need this book.

And if "taupe," "ruching," and "brow gel" are words you actually know, get this book now. You can probably still be saved.
Release dateJun 18, 2011
ManWords: Real Words for Real Men

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    Book preview

    ManWords - Jeremy Greenberg


    It’s no secret that men have a shared vernacular that only other men understand. You know the words we’re talking about; manly words that cause chest hair to spontaneously sprout, power tools to start up with just a glance, and cases of beer to disappear without a trace. Words that let men be … well, men. After all, you’re a man and if you want to have a bromance with your wingman, tap out of a board meeting, or walk off an injury so painful that it knocks the wind right out of you, you need to know how to express yourself. And here, in this celebration of all things manly, you’ll find every ManWord ever uttered.

    However, as you probably already know, some words are just more masculine than others. To help you know which words will only inspire a fist bump, and which words are worthy of a ticker-tape parade, we’ve rated each word based on its manliness. After all, we want you to be all the man you can be.

    So, whether you’re a working stiff, a single guy tossing back shooters on a weeknight, or a married man who bravely faces the weekends with a weed whacker in one hand and an oversized set of grilling utensils in the other, here you’ll find the words you need to know to keep your testosterone pumping. Enjoy!

    Chapter 1


    (words that mask emotion—

    which is the feeling a guy gets in his stomach

    telling him it’s time to start drinking)

    Throughout history men have been notoriously incapable of expressing their feelings. Don’t feel bad if this is you. In today’s society, we’re encouraged to be sensitive and wear our emotions on our sleeves. Fortunately, there’s an antidote: this chapter on masking emotions. You’ll love it—but don’t admit it, or your friends will call you a sissy.

    ANTISOCIAL (adjective)

    what women will call a guy who doesn’t want to go with her to some lame-ass party.

    The women from my knitting group are lots of fun! I think the reason you won’t go to their party is that you’re just ANTISOCIAL.

    I was lousy in school. Real screwed up. A moron. I was ANTISOCIAL and didn’t bother with the other kids. A really bad student. I didn’t have any brains. I didn’t know what I was doing there. That’s why I became an actor.


    APESHIT (adverb)

    as opposed to losing one’s shit, which is more of an implosion, going apeshit is to lose one’s f’ing mind in a more exterior fashion.

    If the store tries to give me store credit for my return I’m going to go APESHIT on the cashier and knock over that display of cheap cologne.

    ASS CLOWN (noun)

    there are chefs and top chefs, and there are clowns and ass clowns—a grand distinction only earned by a handful of idiots.

    The class clown grew up to be nothing more than an ASS CLOWN.

    ASSHOLE (noun)

    typically a guy who makes more money, has a hotter wife, or is simply better than other men at stuff. Unlike a douche bag, an asshole can still be respectable.

    That ASSHOLE has won three Super Bowls, and two supermodels.

    That’s the miracle of babies, their ability to lay bare the tender, beating hearts of raging ASSHOLES.


    ASSWIPE (noun)

    an asshole’s sidekick; someone who cleans up the messes an asshole makes.

    That ASSWIPE had better stick with his friends, or he’ll get torn apart.

    AWESOME (adjective)

    so great that it inspires awe; best used when describing hamburgers and tits.

    If you knock on a watermelon and it sounds hollow, you know it’ll be AWESOME.

    BAD (adjective)

    good; best used preceding motherfucker.

    Oedipus Rex was one BAD motherfucker.

    BADASS (noun)

    an alpha male. It’s one of the few terms guys can use to express admiration for another man without sounding like they’ve got a man crush.

    That guy who can burp the Star-Spangled Banner is a total BADASS.

    Hey Ripley, don’t worry. Me and my squad of ultimate BADASSES will protect you.


    BADMOUTH (verb)

    to speak ill of someone or something; it’s like talking shit, but a bit more formal.

    The fact that my date looked nothing like her photo left me no choice but to BADMOUTH her all over my Facebook page.

    BAG OF SHIT (noun)

    a bag containing shit, or a guy who reminds you of a bag containing shit. A good substitute if you’ve already used asshole too much that day.

    My history professor’s a complete BAG OF SHIT. He keeps insisting that Pol Pot is not a type of marijuana.

    BALLSY (adjective)

    tough, not afraid of taking risks or being hurt—pretty much the opposite of actual balls.

    He was known as a very BALLSY juggler.

    BASTARD (noun)

    a child born out of wedlock; what a woman calls a man who leaves town after impregnating her out of wedlock.

    I can’t believe that BASTARD wouldn’t take a DNA test.

    Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a BASTARD from Hollywood to Las Vegas … with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.


    BELLICOSE (adjective)

    hostile, wanting war; imagine if a Klingon and a strung-out supermodel had offspring.

    Lance became BELLICOSE when the drugstore cashier said they were out of cortisone cream.

    BERSERK (adverb)

    violently apeshit; from an ancient Scandinavian legend about the first guy to watch a soccer match.

    All I did was tell Sven that his fish sandwich stank to high hell, and the guy went BERSERK.

    BITCHSLAP (noun, verb)

    a slap to the face with an open palm; a verbal assault to which there is no defense.

    When Michael forgot to pick up the beer for the party, I was so upset I BITCHSLAPPED him.

    Someday, you’re gonna get BITCHSLAPPED and I’m not gonna do a thing to stop it.


    BITCHY (adjective)

    a term best used when a guy wants his friend to do what he wants. Implying that a guy’s being bitchy has with it the powerful implication that he’s not even complaining like a man.

    You said you’d help me move. So stop being so BITCHY and let me tie a refrigerator to the roof of your Ford Escort.

    BONEHEAD (noun)

    not as dumb as a dumbass, but more stupid than a shit-for-brains, because at least the latter has brains—even if they’re shit.

    When Frankenstein drove off with his coffee on the roof of his car, the other monsters called him a BONEHEAD.


    What It Means: what a woman will call a facial mole or some other hideous deformity.

    It’s Only Okay When: you politely explain to your girlfriend what they now have laser-removal treatments for.

    BRAWL (noun, verb)

    a noisy fight; imagine if two cats were having sex, but were also drunk and not cats, but rednecks.

    Two chicks started to BRAWL when they both showed up wearing the same outfit.

    BROMANCE (noun)

    a close friendship between two heterosexual guys which, even though they talk on the phone all the time, and go clothes shopping together, doesn’t make them gay.

    Peter was involved in a very serious BROMANCE with a guy in his fantasy league.


    a friend who is so close that the only thing you don’t have in common is the bloodline from whence you came.

    How could you sleep with my mom? I thought you were my BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER? Now you might become my stepfather from another mother.

    BROWN-NOSE (verb)

    to treat another human being better than they deserve for purposes of survival or gain.

    My golden retriever BROWN-NOSES me all the time.

    CALLOUS (adjective)

    a desired quality in both a man’s feet, and his attitude toward anything delicate and beautiful. Originally the word just referred to having big pads of unfeeling, dead skin. But over time, women realized this is also a pretty good word to describe most men.

    My feet are all calloused, but I’m so CALLOUS that I don’t give a damn.


    What It Means: a hat fancied by Frenchmen and artists.

    It’s Only Okay When: discussing the military elite forces called the Green Berets. When a guy’s that badass he almost needs to wear a beret out of fairness to guys who aren’t.

    CANDY ASS (noun)

    a person who is afraid and cowardly because he believes himself to be as delicate as candy; the only honest fear for a candy ass is a trail of ants.

    The gingerbread man who refused to stand up for himself was a total CANDY ASS.

    CHICKENSHIT (adjective)

    second only to fraidy-cat in utter cowardliness; best used when trying to goad someone into doing something stupid.

    Come on, why won’t you jump off the roof of that eight-story building? What are you, CHICKENSHIT?

    CHILLAX (verb)

    a combination of chill and relax; best used to appear cool while telling someone else to mellow out.

    Dude, CHILLAX! I’ll stall the cops.


    What It Means: really expensive, custom-made clothing.

    It’s Only Okay When: trying to describe the $30 airbrushed T-shirt that you got at the flea market.

    COCKSUCKER (noun)

    a general insult; rivals douche bag as one of the worst things a man can be called.

    Next time I see the guy who told my mom I was smoking weed I’m going to kill that COCKSUCKER.

    COOL (adjective)

    the ability to appear not to give a shit.

    When the hostess told Steve and his date that there was a thirty-minute wait for a table, he played it COOL and slipped her a twenty, which promptly got him the best seat in the Olive Garden.

    CRAPPY (adjective)

    not quite shitty, but substandard.

    The drunken girl at the barbeque begged me for sex. At first things were going pretty well, but the night turned CRAPPY when she vomited and passed out.

    CROCK OF SHIT (noun)

    an untruth; what liars bring to picnics.

    He said he used Tabasco in this stew, but that’s a CROCK OF SHIT.

    DAD (noun)

    the person whose life you ruined by being born; the guy who gave you your first beer; the asshole who made you mow the lawn; the person you’ll become when you have kids.

    My DAD told me he didn’t start drinking until I was born.

    DAMN (interjection)

    what a man says when he experiences moderate disappointment—like when McDonald’s stopped supersizing food.

    DAMN. Someone stole my girlfriend’s panties off of the clothesline in the back yard.

    DANG (interjection)

    damn for wimps; best used when a guy’s trying to appear reformed at his parole hearing.

    When I get out of prison, I’m going to kill my DANG lawyer.


    What It Means: doesn’t matter, no dude should use a word with an accented vowel—it is the extended pinkie finger of punctuation.

    It’s Only Okay When: explaining to your date that your unmade bed is actually a very hip form of décor called the natural look.

    DICKHEAD (noun)

    a jerk.

    That guy who is into collecting Richard Nixon memorabilia is a total DICKHEAD.

    DICKWAD (noun)

    not smart enough to be a dickhead (as it would imply that he had a head), but not as wild and crazy as a dickweed.

    That DICKWAD went to jail for soliciting prostitution—from a woman in a police uniform.

    DICKWEED (noun)

    while most dicks are people who have been made unpleasant through bad parenting, or a lack of love, dickweeds can grow unpleasant in any environment, very quickly, and often require chemicals to keep them under control.

    That gardener who planted the dandelions is a total DICKWEED.

    DING-A-LING (noun)

    an idiot who doesn’t quite merit being called a dumbshit or shit-for-brains; best used for calling a waiter or waitress an idiot while on a first date, so the woman thinks you're sensitive.

    I can’t believe the silly DING-A-LING forgot our drink order.

    DINGBAT (noun)

    stupid, but kind of in a cute way; best used to describe a really beautiful woman who forgets to wear underwear.

    That girl in the bikini we met at the car show was a total DINGBAT.


    What It Means: not functional, purely to look at and not for touching, and therefore useless.

    It’s Only Okay When: you explain that you didn’t know when your mother-in-law finds teeth marks in her plastic fruit.

    DIPSHIT (noun)

    another term for idiot; best used for people who chew tobacco, or are too stupid to slow down for dips in the road.

    That DIPSHIT tried to tell me he makes his own ice cream.

    DON’T FUCK WITH ME (phrase)

    a warning men will emit when they are reaching the threshold of tolerable annoyances; best used right before inquiring if someone would like to get his ass kicked.

    DON’T FUCK WITH ME unless your health care covers hospital visits!

    DON’T FUCK WITH ME fellas. This ain’t my first time at the rodeo.


    DOOFUS (noun)

    a clueless idiot; it’s key for men to know that, unlike a dumbass, dipshit, or dumbfuck, there are no circumstances in which a guy can meet girls with a doofus in his crew. But, the doofus friend is good for playing or watching sports, drinking (a time in which he somehow becomes less of a doofus), or helping you move.

    Did you have to bring Johnny? I know he’s your cousin, but the guy’s a DOOFUS.

    DORKWAD (noun)

    a guy who is dorky to the point of doing things like wearing fanny packs in public, opening conversations by discussing a love of hard-boiled eggs, and in extreme cases, having a tattoo of his Second Life avatar.

    That DORKWAD just told me my car’s not parked within eighteen inches of the curb.

    DOUCHE BAG (noun)

    a guy who exhibits moral qualities and pleasantness similar to that of a popular feminine hygiene product.

    That guy’s a total DOUCHE BAG. I’d never cheat on a girl that hot.

    DUMBASS (noun)

    someone of equal or lesser intelligence than a buttocks; best used when describing someone as harmlessly stupid, as opposed to a dumbfuck or a shit for brains, whose stupidity can be troublesome.

    That donkey who forgot the trail to the bottom of the Grand Canyon is a real DUMBASS.

    DUMBFUCK (noun, adjective)

    a degree more stupid than a dumbass, and one less than a doofus. Dumbfuck should be reserved for profound acts of stupidity.

    I can’t believe that DUMBFUCK thought the stripper would actually hook up with him in the champagne room.


    What It Means: if a man knows this word, it means he’s seen way too much theater. The only good part is that denouement actually means the ending or the best part of a story. And most men would agree that whatever they’re being forced to watch, for them the

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