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A Book of American Martyrs: A Novel
A Book of American Martyrs: A Novel
A Book of American Martyrs: A Novel
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A Book of American Martyrs: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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“Oates’ American saga captivates because it exists within an actual drama playing out across the country...Martyrs is a graceful and excruciating story of two families who do not live very far apart, but exist in different realities. ” --USA Today, 4-star review

“Successful because [Oates] refuses to satirize or dehumanize anyone, even murderous foes of abortion...With its wrath and violence, A Book of American Martyrs offers this teaspoon of warmth in these troubled times: that it is possible to be wrong without surrendering your humanity.”  --Los Angeles Times

“The most relevant book of Oates’s half-century-long career, a powerful reminder that fiction can be as timely as this morning’s tweets but infinitely more illuminating.” --Washington Post

A powerfully resonant and provocative novel from American master and New York Times bestselling author Joyce Carol Oates

In this striking, enormously affecting novel, Joyce Carol Oates tells the story of two very different and yet intimately linked American families. Luther Dunphy is an ardent Evangelical who envisions himself as acting out God’s will when he assassinates an abortion provider in his small Ohio town while Augustus Voorhees, the idealistic but self-regarding doctor who is killed, leaves behind a wife and children scarred and embittered by grief.

In her moving, insightful portrait, Joyce Carol Oates fully inhabits the perspectives of two interwoven families whose destinies are defined by their warring convictions and squarely-but with great empathy-confronts an intractable, abiding rift in American society. 

A Book of American Martyrs is a stunning, timely depiction of an issue hotly debated on a national stage but which makes itself felt most lastingly in communities torn apart by violence and hatred.

Editor's Note

For and against abortion…

One of America’s finest storytellers delves into the fray of the abortion debate with abundant empathy. This winner of the 2017 mystery and thriller LA Times Book Prize reaches a level of much-needed understanding rarely found in our social-media saturated public discourse.

Release dateFeb 7, 2017

Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates is a recipient of the National Medal of Humanities, the National Book Critics Circle Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award, the National Book Award, and the 2019 Jerusalem Prize, and has been several times nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. She has written some of the most enduring fiction of our time, including the national bestsellers We Were the Mulvaneys; Blonde, which was nominated for the National Book Award; and the New York Times bestseller The Falls, which won the 2005 Prix Femina. She is the Roger S. Berlind Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at Princeton University and has been a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters since 1978.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A book of numerous sections, narrated by (or focussing on) the different characters who come together in this tragedy.In a small midwestern 'women's centre', likeable, driven doctor Gus Vorhees braves the pro-life demonstrators to continue serving his patients. Meanwhile another driven male- flawed working-class Luther Dunphy, a committed Christian, prays and turns a shotgun on the 'murderous' Vorhees.In a vast (750p) but utterly compelling work, Ms Oates looks at the two families destroyed. The middle class Vorhees kids, their father ripped from them, their mother unable to sustain the family, moving away to live alone.And Luther Dunphy's wife - already mentally frail and on mood altering medication after an earlier bereavement - and his kids, specifically the unlovely Dawn, shy, monosyllabic, who finds a purpose in taking up boxing.Who is the martyr? The murdered doctor? The innocent guy with him who also died? Or Dunphy himself, who knowingly gave his life for his faith? As widowed Jenna Vorhees walks out on her children ("I can't be your mommy any longer") we see too parallels with those women who opt out of motherhood. There are no easy answers.Masterly writing, in particular with her characterization of Luther and Dawn Dunphy, both so real you feel you know them.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I received an E-ARC from Edelweiss yesterday and wasn't able to put this down!

    It isn't for everyone- I found some parts a bit confusing, but I think that had more to do with the format of the E-ARC than the actual story line. However, it isn't a 'beach read'. I finished it in the early hours of this morning and I am still thinking about it. It will stick with you.

    I highly recommend pre-ordering this novel. You will not be disappointed!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A fascinating character study of two fathers and their daughters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Two families are as far apart on the abortion issue as is possible. In one family, a doctor-Dad who performs abortions in high-exposure clinics and a lawyer-Mom who focuses on reproductive rights. In the other family, a husband and wife who are on the far right, going to right-to-life rallies and picketing abortion clinics. Following an auto accident that leaves the second family's Down's Syndrome child dead, the father assassinates the doctor and his body guard one fateful morning in front of the abortion clinic. As trials drone on, as appeals are filed, as the death penalty is brought to bear, both families are left in the messy aftermath. Well-argued from both sides of the issue, The Great JCO does not disappoint. Astonishing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Because he'd seen, and not forgotten.Because there is so little we can do. Yet it is our duty, to do it.Because he had not lost faith and because I am hoping to learn what faith is.So Joyce Carol Oates has written a big, meaty novel about abortion. A Book of American Martyrs isn't what I had expected it to be, but does JCO ever cater to expectations? Here JCO tells the story of two men, and then of two families and finishes by focusing on the daughters of the two men. Gus Voorhees is a public health doctor working in women's clinics, vocal and visible enough to have worked his way onto the ten most wanted lists of the more radical right-to-life groups. Luther Dunphy is a carpenter who attends a fundamentalist church and who had once had dreams of becoming a minister himself. He's active in the right-to-life movement, often joining with those protesting at the clinic in his small Ohio city. The novel opens with Dunphy firing his shotgun, first at Voorhees and then at the clinic escort who had arrived at the clinic with the doctor. Oates then goes back and forth in time, showing the lives of both families before and after the murder. The trial forms the backbone of the book. But Oates's attention is less on abortion than on how the sudden removal of the father from a family can destroy it, and on mothers who are unable, for different reasons, to be mothers and what that does to children. Oates's writing style keeps the reader at a short distance from her characters and thank goodness for that, the book is emotionally exhausting as it is. I will call the author out for her classism, where the poor are not just lacking money, but also intelligence and curiosity. The novel might have been stronger for allowing the Dunphys to be more than they were.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The story of two families: the Dunphy's, poor, uneducated zealous evangelicals, and the Voorhees, educated and liberal. Augustus Voorhees is a doctor who performs abortions; Luther Dunphy believes he is called by God to protect the unborn. Both men have a families and both have daughters who are of high school age when Luther Dunphy assassinates Dr. Voorhees outside a women's clinic killing another man was well.The story seems to center more on the Dunphy family especially Dawn, the daughter. Unattractive, poor in school, harassed by many, Dawn's life is one of hardship and confusion which is not helped by a mother addicted to painkillers. Luther Dunphy is immediately arrested and after several years is tried. The first trial ends in a mistrial due to two pro-life people on the jury. After a second trial, Luther is sentenced to death and is eventually killed in a prolonged "legal" death.The Voorhees family is stricken first by the death of their father and then by the abandonment of their mother. Naomi Voorhees, the daughter is cared for by grandparents but seems never comfortable with herself. Smart, cynical, and not untethered by family she eventually meets her father's mother, a sophisticated, professional woman in New York City. Madelina Kein admits to Naomi that she had actually attempted an abortion when she was pregnant with Augustus. Now she is aged, but wealthy with another son suffering from MS.Dawn Dunphy eventually attains some reputation as a female boxer, "The Hammer of Jesus." Naomi becomes interested in this other woman whose life has been so entangled with her own. Under the guise of being a documentary filmmaker, Naomi and Dawn meet.I can't say that I held any particular liking for any of the characters in the book, but it is a credit to the skill of Oates that I was still interested in the story. I felt at times there was too much stereotyping of both families: poor and uneducated religious fanatics and smart, cynical educated liberals. However, it is the extreme differences in these families that make the story work. The abortion issue is the center of the book, and it is pretty clear that the author believes that the work of Voorhees was justified. On the other hand, the Dunphy family story is treated with respect and the character of Dawn is especially a product of her environment.I won't give the ending which I felt was a pretty far stretch.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    No one accuses JCO of shying away from controversial topics and this book is no exception. I'd be a little nervous about adding this selection to our neighborhood's free tiny library, but it is a powerful read and well worth the 736 pages.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Best Joyce Carol Oates book that I have read since "Mulvaney's". Great story line that is 'fiction' but so grounded in what really occurred in the whole Right-to-Life/Freedom-of- Choice arena. Characters became people that you cared about!. Oates definitely a courageous author. Highly recommended.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    A special thank you to Edelweiss and Ecco for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
    This was an incredible feat for both Joyce Carol Oates to write, and for me to finish. The book is a huge undertaking, both ambitious in length and subject matter, and it left me confused. I’m confused as to why it needed to be so long, and confused at some of the characters (more on that later). What Oates does exceptionally well is write, but that doesn’t mean that the book needs to be as robust to showcase her talent. It would have been more effective if it was trimmed because she loses readers in the minor events that don’t propel the story forward.

    The story opens with the reader inside the head of Luther Dunphy, a religious fanatic who thinks he is doing God’s work when he calls in late to work one day so that he can assassinate Dr. Gus Voorhees, an abortionist for the Broome County Women’s Center.

    Oates segues into Dunphy’s back story outlining his motivations and ideologies. The story bogs out here, but push through it before you bottom out and abandon the book. In his younger days, Dunphy is every bit the monster he is when he kills Voorhees–he sexually assaulted women, and exhibited extremely violent behaviour– only this later version of him thinks he is safe under the cloak of religion. The reader also learns that he is father wrought with guilt over the death of a child, a husband who cannot fix his wife’s depression, and a hard worker that battles chronic pain to support his family. The sadness and destitute Luther feels seeks solace in the righting of a wrong; it isn’t murder, he is the ‘chosen one’.

    In the later chapters, we see into Gus Voorhees’ life. He is equally as driven as Dunphy, convinced with rightness for his cause.

    We come to know both men’s families: the liberal, well-educated Voorheeses juxtaposed against the devout, poor Dunphys. The families are left devastated in the wake of tragedy, forever changed, yet leading similar lives. Both wives pull away from their families, both sets of siblings experience a wedge of grief that drives them apart. Speaking of wives, I mentioned earlier that I was confused by some of the characters, and Jenna (Voorhees’ widow) is one of them. Why did she abandon her children? Why did she disappear from the hotel after scattering her husband’s ashes? Was this just deliberate of Oates to draw another parallel between the two families? I felt that this wasn’t behaviour that was driven by grief, it was just plain out of character and was just there to inflict more pain and tragedy on the Voorhees children.

    The story shifts gears again and focuses on the men’s daughters: Naomi Voorhees and Dawn Dunphy. Naomi chronicles her dad’s life, fronted as a documentary, but really she is trying to make sense of the tragedy and how it has shaped who she is. Stemming from a vicious attack in school, Dawn becomes a professional boxer and this is how she exerts control of her life. The two meet when Naomi feigns interest in Dawn as the subject matter for a documentary about female boxers. This is where Oates shines–when she explores the complex relationships and facets of their lives, the last third of the book is the best part.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Oates is absolutely one of my all time favorite authors and I enjoyed this book very much. It told the story from the perspective of several of the characters, which really gave the reader some thought provoking points to ponder. One of the things I love most about Oates’ work is that it takes potentially real-life situations, and presents them to the reader in a manner that makes you realize that these characters could be your neighbors. I did find one aspect of this particular book very annoying. That is, some of the details do not match from chapter to chapter. For instance, at one point, Dawn was given a pink hairbrush; later it was referenced as a blue brush. One of the boxing characters was described as having a buzz cut and was referenced as having ringlet curls just 2 pages later. I really felt like these were things an editor should catch. All in all, the story was great. I didn’t see the ending coming at all; and the characters were so engaging, I really wanted the story to continue.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a challenging book, with lots of unlikable characters and ugliness. It's still a good book, but not an easy read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Liked it, recommend it, but can’t give it my highest rating.Starting with criticisms: First, the book is too long. The plot itself is straightforward; Evangelical Christian murders abortion doctor and his bodyguard and is subsequently sentenced to death; dramatic consequences ensue. So, clearly the narrative is intended to be character driven. I think JCO could have fleshed out these characters in fewer than 736 pages. Speaking of characters, what the heck happened to Melissa? She just sort of disappeared. What is the significance of Kinch? Or Madelena for that matter? Next, I was as bored by Dawn’s boxing career as the fictional fans attending her matches. Female boxing is just not interesting to me, so whatever character themes her career choice was supposed to evoke were lost on me. And then the ending. Yikes! Where did that come from? Did I miss something? Do I have to flip back? (Spoiler Alert) C’mon, 735 ½ pages devoted to acrimony and we end on a love fest? Did the author miss her deadline?Now the praise:OK, it’s Joyce Carol Oates, so you know the writing is solid throughout. She confronts a variety of controversial topics (abortion, death penalty, family dynamics), and while I think I can guess which side of these issues she herself on, she deals fairly with both sides.It is a character driven story in which none of the characters are very likeable. The reader can discern how the characters see themselves, but at the same time can recognize why their perception is so inaccurate. Luther’s motives can never be seen as pure because he lives in complete denial of his faults. Jenna can never be pitied because she abandons her own kids under the pretense of grief. Edna Mae is simply pitiable, and not in a good way. Finally, the intense scenes are really intense; Gus’s assassination, Luther’s execution, Dawn’s boxing matches. The reader is definitely going to get the picture.On the whole, a satisfying read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Mammoth Saga of Family, Grief, and Resolution

    In Joyce Carol Oates’ powerful new novel, the murder of a doctor devoted to providing women control over their reproductive lives, and thus whole lives, by a man devoted to his interpretation of Jesus’ will and with an emotional need to expiate his own real or imagined sin revolving around the intended or accidental death of his Down daughter launch readers on an intense and wide reaching psychological exploration of devotion (religious and secular), family resiliency, the independent woman, the impact of sudden, violent loss on the lives of children, and the consolation of aggrieved daughters. In short, abortion serves as the ignition but is hardly the sole, or even most important, object of Oates’ pen.

    In the early morning of November 2, 1999, Luther Dunphy, armed with a shotgun, confronts Dr. Gus Voorhees and his companion/bodyguard Tim Barron, retired military, in front of the Broome County Women’s Center in the town of Muskegee Falls, Ohio. He kills both men without a word. He then lays down his shotgun, prays, and awaits arrest by police, who arrive shortly after the event. From here on, Oates dives into the minds of the various characters, but none more so than Luther and Gus; Edna, Luther’s wife; D.D. (Dawn) his daughter and one of five; Jenna Matheson, Gus’ wife; Naomi, Gus’ Daughter; and Lena (Madelena), Gus’ mother, and more importantly in the novel, Naomi’s inspiring grandmother. The novel follows a linear course, from 1999 to 2012, covering Luther’s trials, his time in prison, the effect on Edna and his children, and the toll Gus’ murder takes his family, laced with frequent flashbacks.

    Certainly many readers will focus on abortion, the radical religious right’s terroristic opposition, and the reasons women seek medical help, all of which Oates addresses. But, really, her concerns bound far beyond abortion and can be best understood through a comparison of the main characters.

    Luther and Gus, you’ll discover, while at first apparently polar opposites, seem to meld into each other after you get to know them. Odd as that may sound, consider that both feature a passion, you might even call it obsession, for their opposing positions. Deep religious faith (as well what might be atonement for the death of his youngest child) drives Luther; unshakeable rationality motivates Gus (though he does prove to be quite a complex fellow). These things unite them, yes, but something else as well: both are perfectly willing to, and do, sacrifice their families to their beliefs. It’s not that they are indifferent to what will happen to their families, it’s that their missions take precedent over their families.

    Edna and Jenna, no two women could be further apart on the spectrum of motherhood than they. As the drama begins, Edna’s already an emotional and physical wreck over the death of her youngest daughter, but also from the burden of keeping her family together. That she’s addicted to a variety of medications doesn’t help matters. She’s a woman without a path to anywhere, until the end years later. Jenna, on the other hand, has ambitions. She’s more than a wife and mother. She’s a lawyer. She writes. And because Gus travels to other clinics (and perhaps for other reasons, as Naomi discovers) so much, she and Naomi and Darren (the son), pretty much live their own lives. Then one day Jenna decides she can no longer be their mother and abruptly leaves them with friends and family. In the sense of taking care of family, Edna and Jenna are somewhat similar. What drives each, though, is as vastly different as their roots.

    Lest you think Jenna’s behavior strange, you’ll find it runs in the family, as her mother Madelena did the same. It’s she who ultimately gives lost Naomi a home in New York City, where Naomi eventually finds direction in her life.

    Which leads to the relationship of D.D., Luther’s daughter, and Naomi. These daughters are the most hurt people, perhaps the greatest of the American Martyrs of the title. They are angry. They are directionless for a long time. D.D.’s anger stems from her physical appearance, from the dysfunction of her family, from where and how she lives. Her salvation materializes as boxing, a sport that allows her to rise above the muck of her life, to fulfill herself, and, oddly, to praise Jesus. Naomi’s anger has more focus, directed at Luther and more fiercely at D.D. Nobody can fully understand how the two suffer in their own worlds than they. Ultimately, these women find resolution and consolation in each other’s arms. How they do so comprises a good deal of Oates’ American Martyrs.

    Readers, especially those of Oates’ considerable oeuvre, will find A Book of American Martyrs among her best efforts.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Complicated yet still stereotypical in some ways.The characters are complex, unlikeable, and real. The scenario is not only plausible but has happened. The writing was exemplary. Yet it still bought into stereotypes of the poor and it had some very unrealistic moments. Fetuses were never found in dumpsters. There are rules about the disposal of 'medical waste'. Also, carpenters are not generally poor. It's very skilled labor, and the pay is, while not doctor pay, certainly well above poverty wages. It is, in fact, ~20K over the median income.Overall it was good, but the author's class biases were evident.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    I'll be honest: in all my years of selling books, I had never read anything by Joyce Carol Oates. As I sit here in my sublime book-hangover, I can't believe I waited this long to find my way to reading what Oates has given to the literary world. I'm not sure I can write a review worthy enough to express how this raw and striking tale of two families is told.
    An exquisite portrait of one most provocative topics of our time told with unexpected and deep intimacy.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Fact: There are some people in the world who make their ideology into a crusade. They believe they are right, even if they're presented with information that they are wrong. They stop at nothing to force their way of life onto others. They will resort to extreme measures if necessary.Fiction: Everyone who shares that same belief or ideology also shares in the crusade. They all believe they are always right no matter the evidence against them. Everyone of a particular ideology charges ahead in the quest to convert the world to their way of thinking.Joyce Carol Oates presents this “fiction” as a fact in her most recent novel, A Book of American Martyrs and it's troubling. The promise to present both sides of the abortion debate with empathy and an unbiased perspective is complete rot. On one side of the debate we have Augustus Voorhees, an abortion provider who is a community leader and a loving family man who is brilliant and well-spoken, a man who provides free abortions to women who cannot pay and does so because he is truly kind-hearted. Then there's Luther Dunphy. Dunphy is a Christian man who believes God is telling him to murder abortion doctors. Dunphy is ignorant. Dunphy is a common man who contributes nothing to society. Dunphy is a hypocrite who cheats on his wife and abuses his children. The Dunphys are against radio, television, movies, sex education, contraception, vaccinations, Tampax, alcohol, carbonated beverages, chewing gum, sugar, sugar substitutes, games like Monopoly, and a slew of other things. (No, I'm not making any of this up.) And all that is fine. There are men out there like Voorhees and there are men out there like Dunphy. The fact is, there are some people in the world who make their ideology into a crusade.The problem comes in the blanketing stereotype of everyone. Every single pro-choice character is intelligent and wonderful, a model citizen. Every single pro-life character is a hypocritical and ignorant extremist. This is fiction. How is it that we open-minded individuals who have opposed these kind of blanketing statements now embrace them? Merely because the shoe is on the other foot? Come on, I expect more of us. If this book were making such statements about a marginalized group we've become accustomed to defending, we'd be up in arms about it. We'd call the author a bigot and demand a boycott. But simply because the group she attacks “deserves it,” we turn away and smile indignantly. I, for one, choose not to smile.For the most part, A Book of American Martyrs fails for this very reason. It is fiction with an agenda. And it's not even masked in the slightest.Luckily, the book gets away from Luther Dunphy and Augustus Voorhees. It becomes a novel about their children. And fortunately, for the sake of this story, Naomi and D.D. are much more rounded characters than their parents. They do not blindly follow the path that has been made for them. It's a much better and balanced novel in the last couple hundred pages, but that does not diminish the hatred of the first several hundred. The whole novel is well written and very Oatesian in all ways, but in the end, propaganda is propaganda, no matter how beautifully it is dressed.This novel made me angry, but that can be a good thing: we need to talk about this. What worries me however is the direction we're going. Hatred and prejudice are wrong regardless of the recipient. Let's not lose sight of the truth.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "What terrorism means—the end of grief. The wound is just too great. One limb you might mourn, but all of your limbs torn from you—it is just too much."A Book of American Martyrs is astonishing. This is a painful, difficult book; Oates' subject matter provocative, her characters so incredibly poignant and uncomfortable. I'll admit I was beginning to sour on this story by the last 150 pages of this 750-page beast, but then Oates knocked me on my ass with that ending.A family saga, A Book of American Martyrs follows two families over the course of nearly twenty years. The story weaves itself throughout both the Dunphy and the Vorhees clans, following the murder of abortion provider Augustus Voorhees by zealous Evangelical Luther Dunphy, but the narrative most closely follows the experiences of Dawn and Naomi, the daughters of Luther and Gus, respectively.Oates' latest is a monumental portrait of tragedy, grief, violence, and family dynamics. A Book of American Martyrs offers a perspective on one of the most politically and emotionally charged topics in modern American culture and does so with unequivocal grace and empathy.

Book preview

A Book of American Martyrs - Joyce Carol Oates



NOVEMBER 2, 1999


Only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

The Lord commanded me. In all that befell, it was His hand that did not waver.

Cries rang out—Stand back!

It was Voorhees at whom the shotgun was first aimed. The abortion doctor in a hoarse voice sternly saying, Stand back! Put down that gun!

And others crying, No! No!

So swiftly the Lord executed my movements, there was not time in the eyes of the enemy to register fear or alarm. There was no terror but only raw surprise. As I strode into the driveway in the wake of the abortion providers’ Dodge minivan with the shotgun to my shoulder and barrels uplifted there were many who stared at me in astonishment and awe for protesters had been forbidden by law to assemble in the driveway as for several years we had been forbidden to assemble with our picket signs or even in prayer in the grassless yard in front of the Broome County Women’s Center and yet here was one of these, of the Army of God, who some of them knew to be Luther Dunphy, disobeying this law boldly striding past the barrier and following the abortion providers’ minivan up the driveway faster than you would expect a man of his size to move, and without hesitation.

God guide my hand! God do not allow me to fail.

The one of the enemy known as Augustus Voorhees had just climbed out of the van. It was 7:26 A.M. The Women’s Center did not open to admit the clientele (that is, pregnant girls and women who believed they did not wish to become mothers) until 8:00 A.M. The abortion doctor (of my height almost exactly which is six foot one inch and his disheveled graying hair resembling my own) had thought to arrive early to avoid protesters and to enter at the rear of the Center but in his shrewdness there was folly, for the Muskegee Falls police security did not usually arrive until 7:30 A.M. (and sometimes later) and by the time police were summoned on this morning, his life would bleed away like the life of a gut-shot hog. Nor had Voorhees seen me less than six feet close behind him and rapidly overtaking him until a look in his companion’s face roused him to turn with an expression of utter surprise and shock.

No! Stand back! Don’t—

Already in this instant the trigger was being pulled, the barrels aimed at the abortion doctor at above the level of his chest, and the blast of the first barrel knocked Augustus Voorhees backward and tore into his lower jaw and throat in a way terrible to behold as if the Lord had dealt His wrath with a single smote of a great claw; for shrewdly I had aimed high, not knowing if the abortion murderer was wearing a bulletproof vest. (Later it was revealed that Voorhees was not so protected—in defiance of the fate that would befall him.) Yet even so, in the midst of this deafening explosion, the Lord steadied my hands as calmly I turned the barrels onto the accomplice escort close by now screaming, No! No! Don’t shoot! in clumsy desperation trying to back away and with arms and hands feebly shielding his body but these words came belated, and were no more heeded than the cries of the black-feathered birds flocking in the winter sky overhead as the second shot blasted away the face and much of the throat of the accomplice propelling the now-lifeless body backward as the lifeless body of Voorhees had been propelled, and these bodies crumpled together on the asphalt driveway in front of the van freely gushing blood—within seconds, as the Lord had willed.

In the ecstasy of the Lord coursing through my arms and hands like electricity I scarcely felt the recoil of the blast as it struck my shoulder like the kick of a mule, only the numbness that came after, and an ache deep in the bone.

God have mercy! God forgive you. . . .

These words, I had prepared to murmur as I crouched above the fallen sinner (for I believed that Voorhees would die unrepentant) but at the time of utterance it may have been that I spoke too softly to be heard above the scattered cries and screams behind me.

Few had witnessed the execution. For it was early in the day, and less than a dozen protesters had gathered in front of the Center.

So slowly, these seconds were passing. For it was as if Luther Dunphy stood a little to the side, observing. What he saw and what he heard came mutedly to him from that distance.

Calmly too, for all this the Lord had set out before me like a geological map, that has not the confusion of place-names of an ordinary map but only the sculpted contours of the land, I laid the Mossberg twelve-gauge double-barrel shotgun carefully on the driveway on a little rise of asphalt with cracks perpendicular to each other, that suggested to the eye—(to my eye)—the Cross.

Some twelve feet from the fallen men, and from the weapon (laid against the Cross), and at a perpendicular to the weapon, I knelt.

Between the fallen men and the weapon, and between the weapon and Luther Dunphy, and between Luther Dunphy and the fallen men, in a line might be drawn establishing a triangle of (uneven) sides and at its peak the Cross of Crucifixion you would want to say was accidental in the asphalt and would never have been detected by any human eye, except for the intervention of the Lord guiding my hand.

I am a big man and I am (no longer) a limber man. My knee joints often ache, it is said with the onset of arthritis. The bones of my hips and the muscles of my lower back often ache but in defiance of such pain I never complain to my employer nor to my fellow roofers nor do I suggest any sensation of pain on the job or at home (except if my dear wife notices, and it is not possible to dissemble to her who knows me so well through sixteen years of marriage) and in the aftermath now of the assassination of the abortion provider and his accomplice I took care to kneel with my arms uplifted (though now heavy-seeming, tremulous and numb) to await the arrival of the Muskegee police.

Dear God I commend my soul to You. If it is Your will, I will be joined with you in Heaven this very hour.

Bowed my head with shut eyes, and eyes rimmed with tears. For I understood that my (mortal) life as Luther Dunphy had ended, in the asphalt driveway of the Women’s Center on this second day of November 1999. My life as a loving Christian husband and father and a private citizen of Muskegee Falls, Ohio. That I was born in Sandusky, Ohio, on March 6, 1960, and would die now, in this place, seemed to me clear for I had read this inscription on a grave marker but the night before. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.

In deep prayer they would find me with my arms upraised in the posture of surrender and my hands visible, holding no weapon. Deep-immersed in prayer as if entranced but cooperative (as it would be reported) as Broome County police officers approached with drawn weapons.

And in my heart I pleaded with the Lord to give me sanctuary with Him in this hour. Pleaded with the Lord, let me make an end of this now. For I will be their captive, and I will be tried in their socialist atheist court of law, that has forsaken You. And I will be jeered at and ridiculed and in the end, in their atheist court I will be sentenced to death. But it will be their way of death which will not be speedy. Truly I understand it will be protracted and shameful and it may be, I will not be strong enough to withstand despair. For a sentence of Death Row will wear away at my soul, in the way that a great abyss is worn out of rock. Pleaded with the Lord in His mercy to allow me to make some threatening gesture to the police upon their arrival, that they would shoot me down where I knelt. That they would execute me in a barrage of bullets that there would be three of us laid lifeless on the asphalt driveway on that morning as a sign to all the world, the abortion butchery must stop.

But the Lord did not give this permission to me, in His inscrutable wisdom. Though the Lord had been close to me as the heart beating in my rib cage now the Lord had withdrawn from me to His mountain, to observe His servant and His soldier in the aftermath of His mission.

And so, I did not die that morning. Instead, the Lord caused a numbness to pass into me, of utter submission. I was handcuffed and taken into the custody of the State of Ohio from which, in my lifetime, I will never be released.


A life is a matter of turns. As I call them.

A turn is a sudden surprise. As if your shoulders are gripped from behind and you are forcibly turned to see something hidden to you, until that moment.

A turn, and you are never the same again. The scales fell from my eyes. Though all who know you will swear that it is but you whom (they believe) they know.

Ten days before the execution of Voorhees it was pure chance that I’d arrived at the Women’s Center several minutes earlier than my usual time of arrival, which is approximately between 7:45 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. But this day, there was less traffic on the highway than usual, it seemed, and so when I arrived and parked in the street, there was but one other protester in front of the Center, who was a familiar face to me, a man of about ten years older than me (I was soon to become thirty-nine), but I did not know his full name only Stockard—which might have been his first name, or his surname. There was a look about this man of dignity and determination that made you think he was a man of God but (maybe) a Catholic priest not wearing his priest clothes. Or, as it happens sometimes, a former priest. As I am, not a former minister but a former lay minister in the St. Paul Missionary Church of Jesus. And we greeted each other like friends, but cautious friends, for I am not one to shake hands and am wary of the glad-handed (as they are called), and we fell to talking quietly (as others were arriving, singly and in pairs—we stood a little apart) and he told me that the abortion doctor Voorhees was already inside the Center. Voorhees had arrived before 7:30 A.M. being driven in a van by the escort (to his shame, this volunteer at the Broome County Women’s Center was retired U.S. Army Major Timothy Barron, fifty-eight years old) and taken to the rear of the building to park out of sight of the street. The staff (all of them women of whom several are registered nurses) employed or volunteering at the Center will arrive before 8:00 A.M. and it is at 8:00 A.M. when the first of the mothers begin to arrive and by then, the police security have arrived, usually between 7:30 A.M. and 7:45 A.M. But this day, the police security (which consists of two Muskegee Falls officers who remain in or near their vehicle unless there is cause for them to approach the Center) did not arrive until 7:51 A.M.

Carefully I asked of my comrade, Did he mean that the abortion doctor will arrive here sometimes so many minutes before the police guards?—and Stockard said yes, he believed that was more so lately than it had been.

He said, Voorhees gets here early so that he can be safe inside before the doors open.

There was a quiet sort of fury in his uttering of Voorhees.

Voorhees was the (new) director of the Center who had come here in July 1999 from his work as an abortion provider in Michigan. We knew of him that he had long been associated with Planned Parenthood and that he was a medical doctor whose specialty was obstetrics and gynecology. He had come to Muskegee Falls following the resignation of the previous (female) director who had headed the Center for just seven months.

For a brief while, it had seemed possible that the Broome County Women’s Center would be closed down. Our campaign was to discourage and discredit all who were associated with the Center. Some had suggested burning down the Center—(but I was not one of these, at the time). But there came Augustus Voorhees whose reputation was such, his name was prominent on the WANTED: BABY KILLERS AMONG US list posted in newsletters including the ARMY OF GOD Sentinel.

At this time in October 1999, Voorhees was number three on the list. Until the assassination of the abortion provider Paul Erich, in Livingston, Kentucky, by Shaun Harris, six weeks before, Voorhees had been number four.

As murderers are removed from the list, others move up.

Currently there are nineteen names on the WANTED list of which all are (male) medical doctors who have betrayed their mission to do no harm.

There has been much agitation in the (socialist, atheist) media to censor the ARMY OF GOD website. Demands that the WANTED: BABY KILLERS AMONG US list be taken down. But it is our First Amendment right under the U.S. Constitution—freedom of speech.

As it is our right as U.S. citizens to bear arms.

The Army of God understands that each abortion murderer who is assassinated means the saving of infants’ lives. If Voorhees could be struck down, the babies that were to be murdered by his hand and by other abortion doctors in emulation of him would have another chance at life.

For each day there were between fifteen and twenty infants slain in the Muskegee Center alone by the abortionist’s instruments (by our estimate). These terrible numbers you could multiply by the many abortion providers through the United States—on some days, there are hundreds of deaths!

It is sickening that a single infant should die in such a way, and indeed, if there were but one single death, any Christian would be compelled to rise up in protest.

In the way that my comrade uttered the name Voorhees, all this disgust and outrage was communicated.

That morning, I did not inquire further about the arrival time of the abortion doctor Voorhees. I did not betray to my comrade any special interest or concern. I am not a man for whom speech comes readily and my instinct is to protect another, it is my habit as a husband and father. In the event that I acted upon the information that Stockard provided, I did not want this innocent man to be arrested by police as an accessory to any action of my own, for it is well known, as our leaders have warned us, not to involve others in our actions in any way for the police will cast a wide net to accuse, vilify, and punish the innocent, beginning with our families and extending to other protesters. Instead, I took up my picket sign as if this were any other morning in my life though there was a powerful buzzing in my head, for very joy I could not think clearly.

God had sent me a personal message, which it was not possible to ignore or misinterpret—The murderer is not protected! He is vulnerable.

TO MY SHAME, I had not (yet) the strength to confront this turn. By the end of the morning, when I left the vigil at the Women’s Center, to drive to my workplace, the sensation of joy had vanished and I was left agitated, and jumpy—I was trying not to think of that.

For some days, it was that. Like something floating in my eye, that was not real and yet distracting. So that, when you stare at something, it is the miniature floating rod that you are trying not to see, yet cannot not-see.

That. The possibility that the Lord God, Who has spoken to others and has shown the way in which His will might be fulfilled in the world of humankind, might have spoken at last to me—this was terrifying to me, for it could not be shared with anyone, even my dear wife.

Yet whenever I was alone, or drifted away in my thoughts from others (including even my younger children pulling at my sleeves or nudging their heads against me, in their way of pleading Dad-dee look! that tore at my heart) it was of that I was made aware.

Lately he’s been arriving early. Before the police guard.

How many minutes?—could be ten minutes, twelve . . .

He is a murderer, and also a coward. Hiding himself inside among women whom he victimizes—butchers.

Voorhees. One of those on the List.

Had Stockard uttered these words to me? Or had Stockard communicated these words, without speaking?

His eyes shone with feeling behind rimless glasses, octagonal in shape. He had no need to say—The murderer must be stopped! One of us must stop him.

At work, laying shingles for the roof of a house overlooking a ravine in a residential neighborhood of Muskegee Falls (a new colonial of a size that could contain two houses of the size of my own as the lot itself was three acres, six times the size of my property), as I hammered nails each blow of the hammer was a strike to the heart—A baby is being hammered to death, a baby is being sucked out of its mother’s womb, a baby is denied birth, a baby will die. And a woman’s or a girl’s body has been violated by the abortionist’s instrument as her soul has been violated. For those who are meant by the Lord to be mothers are often brainwashed, and have no idea to what they are consenting.

A woman does not know her own mind. Especially a woman who has become pregnant, whose mental state has been thrown into disruption by what are called hormones.

All of the women of my acquaintance, my mother, my sister, and my dear wife Edna Mae, have acknowledged this. And troubled women whom it was my task to comfort, when I was a lay minister in our church. Often a woman will say, she did not mean what she’d said when she was angry or upset, a kind of madness had come over her. It is that time of month. Or it is hot flashes. As Satan speaks through the female mouth that becomes ugly and contorted. And there is a feeling of Satan in her thoughts. The weakness of a woman or a girl in giving in to a man is not the worst sin, but one to be forgiven as Jesus forgave Mary Magdalene. But it is a fact—A woman must be protected from the most terrible mistake of her life.

The thought that our own precious children might have died by the abortionist’s hand, if circumstances had been different. For there is a blindness to fate, that cannot be comprehended.

A child is yourself. And yet, of course a child is not yourself, and unknowable.

We are here on earth to protect and love one another and it is to the least of these, the children and infants, we are most responsible.

On the roofs of strangers’ houses such thoughts came to me often. All my worklife it has been such, beginning at age fourteen in Sandusky where my father was a carpenter and roofer and first brought me to work-sites with him. My father was not a man easy in his speech and it was rare for him to touch me (or any of my brothers or sisters) except at such a time when he might grab my hand to secure me as I stepped onto a roof—Got you!

Like a blessing it seemed, Dad gripping my hand tight.

It is distressing to me, there is not so much roofing and carpentry work now available to a boy so young. It is not likely that I can bring Luke to a work-site with me and expect Fischer Construction to take him on.

Nor is it clear that Luke wants to work as I do. Or that he would be so capable with his hands as I was at that age.

When you climb onto the roof of any building, you are elevated above your natural state. There are thoughts that come to you only on the roofs of such buildings because the first fact is, when you straighten your back, and lift your eyes, the sky will open above you in a way that is different from when you are on the ground. Trees are not above you, some trees are beneath you or you are on a level with them. At fourteen such climbs onto the roofs of houses were exciting to me, it was thrilling to take up a hammer and to work beside my father and to know that my father was damn proud of me as he would say (if not to me, to others), and to see the envy in the eyes of the other men, that my father had such a son as Luther, and such a good worker, and never complaining or bored like other boys. I was not yet prepared for the wisdom of the Lord (for there was coarseness in my soul at that age) yet from the start the opening of the sky made a strong impression on me. It is hard to explain what this was except I knew myself filled with the unease of knowing that no act of mine would be unobserved and unjudged.

This is the first fact, the openness of the sky, and the second is, the (usual) roof will be at a slant beneath your feet and so this is different from your standing on the ground flat-footed. You do not take any roof for granted, for it is likely to be at a slant and you must be alert at all times. This is not true for standing on the ground. Even a drunken man will take for granted, the evenness of the ground. For the roof, you require work-boots with grip-soles. You require a cap to shade your eyes from the sun. You require gloves. In a bad dream you are on a (steep-slanted) roof exposed, and you do not have a hat or gloves or sturdy work-boots and when you search for the ladder you see that the ladder has been removed and there is no way down.

Sweat breaks out everywhere on your body, when you see that the ladder has been removed.

If you jump from the roof you may break both legs. You may break your back, your neck. You make your way around the roof, weak-kneed, squatting on your heels, searching for the ladder that is not there; and it is strange, no one is around. Never in actual life are you alone on a roof with a hammer in your hand, not once in memory since the age of fourteen, yet in the dream, the ladder has been taken away, and the other men are gone including the foreman, and the sky overhead is—open.

In the early years the excitement was, each morning, what new thoughts would come to me that day!—for always there are new thoughts, that press from the sky.

It was then, the Lord often spoke to me. Jesus spoke to me, to console me in a time of trouble but also, to rejoice with me in a time of happiness.

For you do not always know that you are happy, unless it is revealed to you.

That you are blessed, as with children and a loving and devoted Christian wife, and a (mostly) steady job even in times of recession—this, you may need to be informed by one whose knowledge is greater than your own.

Except since Daphne, the thoughts are not new. Like flypaper, where the flies are caught and buzzing. And no fly that is caught on the sticky paper will ever be free of it though more flies will appear, trapped and buzzing.

These are buzzing thoughts.

In the hot months especially this was so. The stink of tar paper softening in the sun, that is a smell like mice, mice-carcasses, in a cellar. From a distance I could hear the others talking together. And there was the noise of hammering. But the buzzing thoughts intervened.

My heels dug into the (slanted) planks, and my breath came thick and with effort. Sweat trickling down my sides. The stink of my body oozing sweat like tears.

But since Stockard had spoken to me, and an understanding had passed between us, it was a new time. The sky was pearl-colored, and bright. You could not see the sun but still, the air was bright. There were clouds of such astonishing forms, it was a temptation to stare at them for long minutes. It was a temptation to observe the clouds passing. And now the summer was gone, it had come to be late October and a white light seemed to reflect upward from the tar paper.

The light of Heaven. Your eyes are open now.

My hammer-blows were forceful, precise. Driving three-inch nails into the shingles, securing them in descending rows. With each blow of my hammer came the questions—who would be next? Who would be the next to step forward? To strike against the enemy? As my comrades have bravely stepped forward in Florida, in Kentucky, in Michigan, in New York, and in Ohio.

Defending the unborn. Justifiable homicide.

It had tugged at my conscience, that a comrade in the Army of God, James Kopp, known to me only by name, had assassinated the abortion doctor Barnett Slepian in Buffalo, New York, nearly one year ago, on Veterans Day (November 11) 1998, and was now sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Many of us are praying for him, that he will not sink into despair. Some years earlier, the martyr Michael Griffin had stepped forward to assassinate the notorious abortion doctor David Gunn at a women’s clinic in Pensacola, Florida, and had traded his life for his. And there was Terence Mitchell in Traverse City, Michigan—whom we prayed for last year—found guilty of homicide and sentenced to life in prison.

In Livingston, Kentucky, there was Shaun Harris who’d shot down the abortionist Paul Erich, and had not yet come to trial . . .

Now the Lord had turned His eye upon Luther Dunphy and I could not hide. On the roof of the house overlooking the ravine, the rich man’s house, in the eye of the sun pounding on my head through the cloth cap, into my brain. As if it were a problem in geometry in my son Luke’s textbook I was made to realize that there is a next person to act and that this person would be—me.

Only say the word. My soul shall be healed.

There had been other sharp turns in my life. These turns that had altered the course of my life, usually without my realizing at the time, but only later. But never a turn so clear as the Lord’s mission for me.

For the remainder of that day I worked harder than anyone else in our crew. Harder than the younger men who spend too much time talking and laughing together, uttering profanities, telling dirty jokes. As if your own lips are not polluted, in the telling of dirty jokes. And such laughter, over-loud, like hyenas braying, wears away the soul.

You, Luther Dunphy. You are the chosen one.

You, to bring down the abortion murderer Voorhees that your Christian brethren may rejoice.

There is an agitation in hammering nails but it is a controlled agitation. All carpentry is a controlled action, to a purpose. One nail, and another nail. A sequence of nails, in the construction of a house. How many nails, how many blows of the hammer!—the Lord God looks upon Luther Dunphy in wonder, in whom He is well pleased.

Luther? Hey—

Voices from below lifting in my direction which I heard (of course I heard) but at a distance, through the distraction of the more urgent voice whispering in my ears.

The foreman Ed Fischer was calling to me. And another, calling my name. But in the shock of realizing that Luther Dunphy had been singled out by the Lord, and that Luther Dunphy was me, I could not seem to reply but stared down at them dumbly.

SURE LUTHER DUNPHY was an excellent roofer. Luther was a super employee in every way. Responsible, reliable, never hurried, never did a careless or half-assed job, never drank on the job, never got into a fight with anybody, worked with us for eleven years and only took time off, maybe six weeks, recovering from an accident that almost killed him. And even then, he came back as soon as he could, and you could see the pain in his face sometimes but he never complained.

It was rare for Luther to lose his temper unlike most of these guys we work with. Nor did he use profanities or obscenities unlike these guys who it’s fuck this, fuck that, every fucking thing, that’s all they can say . . . It wasn’t such a surprise to learn in the news, he’d studied to be a minister in some Bible school in Toledo, before he moved here.

Except, it was obvious Luther took care what he said. He wouldn’t talk behind anybody’s back, for sure. He never got angry—that you could see.

With this recession we’re not building as much as we used to. Some guys I had to lay off, but I tried to use Luther Dunphy as much as I could. He had the experience, and the skill, and this family with young kids, so sure, there was worry there, he’d have a worried look in his face if I told him his workhours were cut back. But he never got angry.

Sometimes, Luther would go off—he would look at you, if you spoke to him, but he wouldn’t see you—in his eyes there was a kind of blank, like in eyes that are open when a person is asleep . . .

This terrible accident he had last year out on the highway—one of his young children was killed, and Luther was driving. Nobody ever talked to him about that—how the hell would you know what to say . . .

We knew that Luther was a member of that evangelical church—what’s it called—St. Paul Missionary Church of Jesus. We knew that he was active in the anti-abortion picketing at the Women’s Center, that they call a vigil. But nobody would’ve guessed it would go so far—that Luther Dunphy of all people would shoot down two individuals in cold blood, even if they were baby-murderers themselves, Jesus nobody could have foreseen that.


The first time I knew of the Little Hand was stunning to me.

It was a time when Edna Mae had newly come into my life. And the St. Paul Missionary Church of Jesus had come into my life. It was a time of great happiness but a time when often I would feel a choking sensation in my throat, that made it very difficult to breathe, and I could not speak, and tears brimmed in my eyes, of the kind of tears that come into your eyes in dry heat, and not in sorrow; for I was not sorrowful or backward-looking, but joyous, that I would soon be married, and my dear Edna Mae and I would begin our family.

At the church there were pamphlets for us to take, and to pass to friends and neighbors, and to leave in selected places, and one of these had on its cover a picture of a little hand you could see had to be the hand of an infant so small it had only just been born; or had not yet been born.

The Miracle of the Little Hand

In the midst of an abortion as the abortion doctor was about to forcibly remove with his bloody instruments the (living) infant from its mother’s womb suddenly the doctor saw a movement at the mouth of the womb, and felt a touch—as he stared in astonishment the little hand of the infant closed about the finger of the doctor and squeezed as if to cry

I am alive! I am alive! Don’t kill me, I am alive!

And so it came to pass, the abortion was halted. For neither the doctor nor the nurse in attendance (who had witnessed the Little Hand) could proceed. From that hour onward, the doctor did not perform another abortion but came to be a defender of the unborn, organizing other doctors in the crusade against abortion. The nurse did not ever assist with any abortion again, and helped to organize other medical workers in the crusade against abortion. The young mother too experienced a change of heart and chose to keep the baby, who came to full term and was born after a normal delivery at a healthy weight of — pounds.

So it is, the Little Hand clutches at the hearts of all.

Edna Mae had given me the pamphlet to read. Quietly then Edna Mae approached me, and touched my arm with her hand, and saw that my face was ashen, and that the love and the terror of the Lord were in my heart, and silently she embraced me.


There are two victims in every abortion: a dead baby, and a dead conscience."

These were the words of Mother Teresa. A Roman Catholic saint she was, of whom we had not heard. Her words uttered in the voice of Professor Willard Wohlman.

The question was, What is your own conscience? What is God telling you?

How do you know when you have been chosen by God to behave in a way of disobedience to the state?

How do you know when it is God’s wish that you should take the life of another, by your own hand?

In June 1998 we drove two hundred miles from Muskegee Falls which is on the Muskegee River (forty miles north of Marion, Ohio) across the width of the state to Huntington, West Virginia, to hear the renowned Professor Willard Wohlman speak on Christian pro-life issues. The title of the evening was Defending the Defenseless: Life Advocacy in the Age of Abortion.

Soon after Daphne this had been, in the fifth month of grieving, and so Edna Mae had accompanied me, for my dear wife had difficulty remaining alone in the house without me, with just the children and not their father, for a reason so strange to me I cannot speak of it here for it is of the renowned Professor I wish to speak.

Edna Mae saying to me You have to watch me, Luther. You have to be in the next room at least. It is not enough just to think of me and to pray for me, that is not enough, Luther.

At home, the older children would look after the younger. And there was Edna Mae’s sister Noreen to come by each day to oversee.

He is Professor Willard Wohlman of a distinguished New England university. He has written many scholarly books and has served as an adviser to the President on issues of morality and ethics. He has appeared on television. He has debated abortion, contraception, planned parenthood and same-sex marriage. His most renowned book is The Sacred Vision in the Secular World which was a best seller for many months. Of his essays it is One Man, One Woman: Christian Marriage and The Conscience of a Christian that Edna Mae and I have read and discussed together.

Sometimes now I think it is Professor Wohlman’s voice which I hear in my head in the way that the words of the Lord are communicated to me, and the two come together in a single voice like rolling thunder.

A dead baby. A dead conscience.

What is God telling you?

At St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Huntington, in a hall beside the church Professor Wohlman spoke. The event was sponsored by the American Coalition of Life Activists. Some eighteen of us, from our church in Muskegee Falls, who belonged to the Army of God of Broome County, and some others (like our pastor who did not wish to officially ally himself with the Army) drove to Huntington in several vehicles to attend this meeting.

The Coalition is made up of Protestant and Catholic organizations that have united in common opposition to the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade of 1973. There is a distrust of the (atheist/socialist) state and federal governments interfering with individuals. It is a fact, abortion is murder—this belief is shared by all of us.

It does not matter if a woman’s pregnancy was caused by rape or incest or any mitigating factor. For how could it matter, to the infant in the womb, or to God who is the father of all? Of course, it could not.

Our wives do not argue in these matters. But they listen closely to us, and it is rare for them to disagree.

Edna Mae does not know that her husband is a member of the Army of God and has made certain vows. There is no need to speak of this as there is no need to speak of such things aloud, that are never questioned.

Many times in our church our young pastor Reverend Dennis had spoken of Williard Wohlman. It had been Reverend Dennis’s idea that we drive from Muskegee Falls to Huntington, West Virginia, in a little caravan.

There was excitement in this! Reverend Dennis said how like pilgrims we were, in making this journey. I had not felt such a flurry of hope and expectation since years ago when I had first driven to Toledo, to begin studies at the Toledo School of Ministry when I was a young man still.

I had discovered online that Willard Wohlman had studied in a Jesuit seminary in Chicago as a young man but left without taking his vows to become a priest. He had been a staunch Democrat for all of his life until the Democrat party threw its support behind abortion on request, at which point he broke from the party to take an independent position as he called it.

Oh! So many . . .

Edna Mae gripped my hand tight meaning to murmur So many people but her voice faltered as we entered the church hall in Huntington. It was not common in Edna Mae’s life now to enter any place where faces were unfamiliar, and so many faces!—she did not attend any church services except our services at our church where everyone is known to everyone else and is like a family, where you do not need even to look at another person to register his identity.

It was painful for me to see my dear wife’s face at this time for her youthful features had aged with the ravages of grief, and the spirit of the Lord that had shone so bright in her eyes since she’d been a girl seemed to have vanished like a lighted wick that has been turned so low, the flame has died out.

There was a slackness to her skin, and a puffiness beneath her eyes, that had to do with the medications she was prescribed. I did not like my dear wife to take these medications, but the doctor assured us, they were necessary for Edna Mae at this time.

Edna Mae pulled at me, as a child might tug at an adult’s hand. There was an unusual eagerness about her conjoined with dread, that showed itself in her curious posture, in which her shoulders hunched forward like the shoulders of one bracing herself against a strong wind. It made me uneasy, Edna Mae was wearing a badly rumpled raincoat of a dark purple material thin as vinyl and on her feet flimsy shoes like house slippers that exposed much of her white feet that appeared to be bare as her legs were bare and very white.

I did not want to think what Edna Mae might be wearing beneath the raincoat which hurriedly she had taken from a closet. It was a fear of mine, my dear wife would not be properly dressed beneath the coat, in a public place, yet I had not thought to inspect her, in our hurry at leaving at the prepared time.

"Luther! Hurry. Here."

I am not so bold, as to wish to sit in the very first row of any gathering. I am a tall man, with a wide frame, and it is very easy for me to become exposed, as the eyes of strangers move upon me without sympathy or recognition; my cheeks grow ruddy with the slightest provocation and especially a birthmark shaped like a spade, of a coarse red sandpaper skin-texture, on my left cheek. And Edna Mae too, until recently, had been a shy person, but no longer, for a wild sort of sorrow gripped her like an invisible creature that had her in its coils causing her sometimes to laugh shrilly for no evident reason.

From our seats at the very front of the hall, but far to one side, Edna Mae craned her neck to stare up at the stage. Her thin white hands she clasped before her at the level of her chest in a prayerful way that would seem show-offy to one who did not know my dear unhappy wife.

It is a new thing for some of us, to be at ease in the presence of Roman Catholics. It has long been known that the Roman Catholic Church considers itself the only true Christian church, which is unacceptable and historically inaccurate, but the Coalition (which was formed in the late 1970s) is based upon opposition to our common enemy and takes precedence over the divisions between us. Protestants and Catholics alike are drawn together in the service of the unborn who are threatened by the abortion providers, for nothing is more important than defending the unborn who cannot defend themselves.

There is a disapproval of birth control as well—the ugly word is contraceptives—to support and encourage a promiscuous lifestyle to which teenagers are particularly susceptible, influenced by TV, crude popular music, movies and sex education classes in the public schools.

Edna Mae and I had never talked of such things before our loss of Daphne. For the babies born to us had seemed to come from the Lord God with ease, with only His blessing. (At least, Edna Mae did not ever complain of physical discomfort in pregnancy or childbirth or child rearing or being flooded in her mind as she did now.) But lately it seemed Edna Mae wished to speak of certain things that were embarrassing to me, having to do not only with Daphne but also with the other children, and with female troubles, as she would speak of them within the hearing of the children as well, as if she did not quite comprehend what she was saying; and this was deeply embarrassing to our eleven-year-old Dawn especially, who was becoming disrespectful to her mother. There were some other issues, not known to me, between Edna Mae and her family—her mother, her sisters. And it was becoming obvious, Edna Mae would neglect her housekeeping to watch Christian TV during the day, that left her excited and restless and quick to weep, by the time I returned home.

I would prepare the meal, if needed. The older daughters and me.

Operation Rescue had been much publicized on Christian TV and radio, and in churches and community centers through Ohio. At our church our minister had been speaking of it for months. It was thrilling to see so many people entering the hall and to know that these strangers were our allies. By my estimate—(my mind will add numbers and multiply of its own volition, as in this case twenty-two seats in a row, and thirty rows of seats)—there were 660 persons in the hall by ten minutes after seven o’clock when the program began.

The pastor of St. Joseph’s Church greeted us. Then, the head of the Coalition, who is a minister in the Gallipolis Baptist Church (Ohio), came out onto the platform to introduce Professor Willard Wohlman.

By this time there was much excitement in the hall. There was no mistaking—The spirit of the Lord is with us.

Professor Willard Wohlman was not an imposing man. Very like a professor—or a teacher—he looked, in his fifties, or slightly older, of only medium height, with a slight stoop, thinning gray hair brushed back from his high forehead and a narrow waxy-seeming nose. He wore a dark brown suit that looked to be of good quality, and a white dress shirt and tie. But his eyes!—these were alight with feeling behind rimless glasses that seemed to catch fire as he spoke. And a voice of velvety softness like a radio voice that could turn sharp suddenly.

In this voice that was fascinating to hear, for you had to listen to each word, Professor Wohlman would speak for sixty-five minutes. He did not speak like the preachers to whom we were accustomed but in a quieter voice like one who is addressing you. He spoke of the moral rot of the secular state—the barbaric brutality of Roe v. Wade which he made us smile sadly to hear as "Woe v. Wade.That has sanctioned the State to murder the innocents."

Then, the Professor began to speak more forcefully of the need for a Christian army to counter the abortion forces. From his lips I heard a word I had never heard before—feticide—that was terrible to comprehend for it meant, as Professor Wohlman explained, the murder of a fetus.

At this point, Edna Mae began to weep. Almost silently my dear wife pressed a tissue against her eyes with bowed head and her shoulders quivering, as if she might shrink from anyone who tried to comfort her. And so I did not touch her, sitting with my face warm, and my blood beating hard, scarcely hearing the Professor’s words though I did not turn my eyes away from his face as he stood at the podium above me, speaking with the calmness of rectitude.

Much of what the Professor said was difficult to follow. In our church, it is not in the nature of our ministers to reason in such ways. And so it was clear, the difference between the Roman Catholic professor and the others of us lay in such reasoning, that you could follow, to an extent, as the Professor spoke; but you could never recall what he said afterward, still less repeat it to another person. For the Professor took up natural law as a way of refuting those who argued for abortion—"It is their error to claim that the fetus, which is formed of the female egg and the male sperm conjoined, and is thus an entirely new entity, is not a human being, in embryonic form; and then, when this claim is answered, they argue that, yes, a fetus is a human being, but it is not yet a person in a legal sense."

Professor Wohlman paused, to allow his audience to register the outrage of such a statement; then he continued, "Such an argument would allow society to dispose of human beings who are not deemed fully ‘persons’—children born with physical and mental disabilities, adults who have suffered strokes and other impairments, the elderly who can no longer fend for themselves but must depend upon others. Once you argue that one class of human beings has the right to pass judgment upon all other human beings, to declare which are, and which are not, ‘persons,’ you have opened the door to the Nazi Holocaust—to genocide—to the power of the State to determine our lives. This must not be allowed to happen. The butchery of each innocent infant must not go unacknowledged—unmourned."

Trying to follow the Professor was like making your way through a marshy area where suddenly your foot might sink. For it seemed, the Professor quoted Latin—(or so it seemed, these foreign-sounding words had to be Latin); he spoke of a Church father—(a name pronounced as "Au-gus-tin)—and to a Catholic theologian of the medieval era—(Thomas A-qui-nus"). Both of these were, the Professor said, saints.

Saints! In the New Testament, all Christians are saints.

This is a strange idea to us, that some human beings are claimed to be saints in a way not taken from the New Testament. For in the New Testament it is clear, there is only one way to God, and that is Jesus Christ who is our Savior, but who is not a saint.

It was a new thought to me, that the approach to God might not be so easy as we had been taught. Even in the ministry school in Toledo, you would take your subject from the Bible, that would be the center of your sermon so that you would read these familiar verses to the congregation, and talk about the story in the verses, and even that had been a challenge to me for I did not have any original ideas about any sermons, but could only imitate sermons that I had heard, or that were given to me to study as good examples of sermons, and sometimes even then I would not know what to say, my tongue seemed to swell inside my mouth and my mind would be blank. But Professor Wohlman did not read a single verse from the Bible!

Professor Wohlman did not have a Bible with him at the podium, it appeared. How strange this was, I did not have time to consider at the time.

Across the aisle from Edna Mae and me, in the first row of seats, sat an older woman whom I had reason to believe was Professor Wohlman’s wife. Mrs. Wohlman was a heavyset woman with a white skin that looked glazed, as with tiny wrinkles. She was stern-faced, somber. Her thin lips were pursed tight as she gazed upward at her husband standing at the podium, bathed in light. I wondered—was Mrs. Wohlman proud of the Professor? Could she understand him?

In the Coalition newsletter I’d learned that the Wohlmans had been married for forty-six years. They had had seven children of whom two had died prematurely—one, of childhood leukemia; the other, in a transportation accident involving fellow American soldiers, in Vietnam.

I wondered if the Professor had a way of reasoning, with his special insight, that might better explain the death of a young person, than the ways in which a Protestant might reason.

In the Coalition newsletter I had learned that Willard Wohlman was the preeminent Christian conservative philosopher of our time. At an Ivy League university (as it was called) the Professor taught courses in moral philosophy, political theory, and jurisprudence—(which I had to suppose dealt with juries and the law). One of his former Jesuit instructors at Loyola of Chicago had said of Willard Wohlman that he was the most brilliant student he’d ever encountered.

In an interview, Wohlman was asked why he had left the seminary without becoming a priest. His reply was a humble one—I was made to realize that God had another plan for my life.

The Order of Jesus was the most exacting of all Catholic orders, Wohlman had said. Poverty, chastity, obedience—he had wished to pledge himself to these. Yet, he had been given to know, by an intervention of God, that his life outside the Order would be more challenging.

Professor Wohlman shifted tone now to speak of persons well known to us—Michael Griffin. Lionel Greene. Terence Mitchell. Pictures of these men were projected onto a screen behind the Professor and caused much surprise and comment in the audience. For the men were acclaimed soldiers of (the secret organization) Operation Rescue who had shot abortion providers and who had been imprisoned by the government as a consequence.

Michael Griffin and Lionel Greene had been tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison in Pensacola, Florida, and in Waynesboro, Indiana, in 1994 and 1995 respectively. Terence Mitchell had been arrested in March 1998 for slaying an abortion provider in Traverse City, Michigan, and was awaiting trial at this time.

Professor Wohlman spoke of how these men had dared to step forward to take extreme action; in defense of the unborn, they had committed justifiable homicide.

Terence Mitchell, who was twenty-nine, a former U.S. Marine and a member of the Catholic right-to-life organization The Lambs of Christ, had spent many hours in prayer before driving to the abortion clinic in Traverse City with a double-barreled shotgun; after the shooting of the abortion doctor he made no attempt to escape from police but surrendered his weapon and made a full confession to authorities. And what did Terence Mitchell say?—‘I had no choice. If I had not stopped the abortion doctor, he would have killed more babies that day.’

Professor Wohlman gazed up at the projected pictures of Griffin, Greene, Mitchell. These faces were familiar to us for we had seen them many times online. Yet, they were powerful to behold at this time.

I felt a clutch in my heart, Terence Mitchell looked very young. Even with his beard he was young enough to be my son it almost seemed.

The young ex-Marine’s troubled eyes, fixed upon us. We were made to feel shame for our safe and selfish lives, that Jesus would look upon with scorn if he were not our Savior who loves us and does not judge harshly.

In a grave voice Professor Wohlman continued: "In some quarters these courageous men are considered ‘criminals’—‘murderers.’ But we know better. I have argued that such acts are ‘morally justifiable homicide.’ There is no ‘homicide’ in a war, for instance—a soldier is not a criminal or a murderer for engaging with the enemy. It is the same situation here. Any act of civil disobedience, in opposition to state-sanctioned murder, is ‘justified.’ For consider, would you have any choice except to interfere, if a child were being assaulted and murdered before your eyes? If, here, on this platform, at this very moment, a young child were being violently stabbed to death, hacked to death with a butcher knife, screaming in terror and in pain . . . If you could stop the pervert-murderer from killing the child, of course you would. If such a horrible sight happened before your eyes, not one of you could stand by helplessly and do nothing. You could not."

The Professor spoke quietly but his voice quavered with feeling. His fingers clenched and unclenched. Light flashed in his eyeglasses. I saw that he wore black-polished shoes, leather dress shoes, with flat thin soles, that would not grip a surface at a slant, and would be dangerous on any slippery surface.

There was quiet in the hall—the hush of indrawn breaths. Only beside me Edna Mae continued to sob.

I was blinking back tears of rage, not sorrow. My hands, that were bigger than the Professor’s, were also clenching and unclenching. Like one who steps backward carelessly at the edge of a roof I felt the danger of a sudden plunge.

That sickening sensation of losing balance.

For some seconds as if in prayer the Professor stood in silence, his head bowed, as we in the audience gazed at him, in the shared horror of an innocent child murdered before our eyes.

I was not unfamiliar with photographs of aborted babies. These piteous and gruesome pictures on picket signs we are supplied by the Coalition, to bear aloft in front of the abortion clinic and sometimes in the roadway, to force individuals to see what it is, they are not wishing to see. And there is the Little Hand, you will see everywhere. Such pictures always tear at my insides, as they are meant to do. But Professor Wohlman was able to make us see a living child on the platform, murdered before our eyes.

And always, and forever, unless we stop them, the abortion murderers will be destroying and dismembering babies in their mothers’ wombs, with the consent of the godless government. Unless we stop them.

Through the hall there were murmurs of assent. My hands were clenched in fists now, pressing on my knees.

Next, Professor Wohlman told us that he was drawing up a revolutionary petition that would be available to us from our church leaders, or from the Coalition newsletter, and he hoped we would take it into our hearts, and tell others about it. He hoped that we would sign this petition and mail copies to a list of individuals which would be posted online and which included our elected officials, our congressmen, and the President of the United States.

"Here is what the petition will say:

"‘We, the undersigned, declare a State of War in the struggle to defend innocent human life.

"‘We declare our allegiance to the Word of Jesus, and not the Law of Man.

"‘We declare that we will not shrink from taking all earthly action required to defend innocent human life—including the use of force.

"‘We declare that whatever force is necessary to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.

‘We declare that the martyrs Michael Griffin, Lionel Greene, Terence Mitchell, though they may have broken the law of the state, have not broken the law of God; though they have shot abortion providers who were about to commit the terrible act of feticide, they are not guilty of murder but of intervening in premeditated murder. That is to say, these courageous men committed acts of defense against murderers not to save their own lives but the lives of unborn children. Therefore, their use of lethal force was justified. We will pray that the court will comprehend this in the case of Terence Mitchell, and acquit him of the charges brought against him by the State of Michigan.

Professor Wohlman gazed out into the audience as if he were gazing into our hearts. His eyes searched us out row upon row. His eyes moved upon me.

To me, Luther Dunphy, the Professor seemed now to speak with special earnestness as he concluded his speech:

"Know you this, my sisters and brothers in Christ: there are martyrs for every cause that speaks to the heart of mankind. It may be that Terence Mitchell will be acquitted—(and will live out his days knowing that he had been forced to shed blood)—or it may be that Terence Mitchell will not be acquitted, like his comrades, and will be incarcerated by the state. Like Michael Griffin and Lionel Greene, he may be sentenced to life in prison. These fates, no one can predict. Yet God observes, and God will reward. There have been martyrs for our cause,

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