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Supply and Demand Traders Black Book
Supply and Demand Traders Black Book
Supply and Demand Traders Black Book
Ebook186 pages2 hours

Supply and Demand Traders Black Book

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About this ebook

There is a certain progression of learning every new supply and demand trader must learn before going into the live market and working with real money. Trading is challenging for most people because they simply don't have the right information, tools or confidence to become successful. Supply and Demand Traders Black Book is important for self-directed beginners because it tells it like it is and gives an inside look at trading the financial markets giving you the reality on what the live market is really like, the way they are really run and tells you who runs them.

Let’s face it, it’s a well-known fact that 97% of brand new self-directed investors and traders fail and lose all of their money, why does this happen? It happens because brand new self-directed traders enter into this business with a bunch of misguided grandiose ideas of making a million dollars from trading and while you can surely make millions of dollars from trading you would need to be using hundreds of millions of dollars of capital to do so, no joke.

Supply and Demand Traders Black Book tells you what to learn first and foremost as a beginner so you can be successful and start making money right away. This book is an introduction for brand new supply and demand investors and traders who have zero or very limited knowledge about what to do or what to study to get started in trading in the financial markets. Supply and Demand Traders Black Book is specifically written for brand new self-directed traders to give them the very first basic knowledge they need to get started so they don’t have to do a lot of searching around and perhaps waste a lot of time and money, all the information you need is right here in one place in this short book.

When you are done reading this book you will have an excellent basic explanation of what and what not to do before you even study anything or do any kind of education. The information in Supply and Demand Traders Black Book will put you the brand new self-directed beginner trader on the fast track to becoming a successful self-directed investor and trader who can begin making money right away once you learn the methods.

Supply and Demand Traders Black Book gives you clear concise information it would take you years to find out on your own before you could begin to have any chance at making a real income from the live markets. The live markets are not for the weak minded or untrained and should you decide to go in there unprepared or under prepared as a beginner retail trader only one thing will happen, you’ll get FUBAR. Don’t be that trader!

Release dateJan 24, 2017
Supply and Demand Traders Black Book

J.R. Calcaterra

J.R. Calcaterra is a worldwide respected trading mentor and author who is from the Great Lakes State. A successful position trader J.R. likes the freedom that investing and trading gives him to pursue his other passions which are many. Being a firm believer of keeping it simple when investing and trading J.R. has developed a winning method with a rule based plan which allows him to swing trade and position trade and have zero stress zero drama and zero complications. J.R. took the capital he made from his former day trading business and parlayed that into starting a Nano hedge fund which he now runs. Having the hedge fund and only doing position and swing trading have given him even more free time. J.R. is a mentor to aspiring new traders who need extra help in understanding what it takes to become consistently profitable in the investment and trading business. J.R. loves to travel to exotic locations and takes full advantage of the freedom trading gives him. He can manage the fund from anywhere on the planet there is WIFI and takes full advantage of the fact that trading can be done from anywhere in the world. A car enthusiast J.R. likes very fast cars and drives an old German car that goes real fast.

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    Book preview

    Supply and Demand Traders Black Book - J.R. Calcaterra

    Supply and Demand Traders Black Book

    The Ultimate Trading Bible for Beginners

    By J.R. Calcaterra

    Copyright 2017

    Why you should read this entire book

    There are a lot of pre-education and pre-trading decisions you will need to make before you spend any money on trading or capitalizing an account to trade live with as a brand new self-directed trader. Supply and Demand Traders Black Book delivers a basic comprehensive guide to some of the tools and resources needed to help give you the best beginner information to make some of those hardest decisions. At the end it also gives some advanced methods and techniques you will only find in this book and would take you years to find out how to do on your own.

    Almost all the professional investors and traders I know do not even worry about the making money; they are much more concerned on managing their capital and risk in the live markets. It’s really not about making money it is about keeping the capital you already have.

    The reason you bought Supply and Demand Traders Black Book and why it is unique is that it is going to tell you about the who, what, where, when and how about what you need to know to be able to trade and invest in today's financial markets (or any tradable market) with confidence and zero fear and to be able to do it the right way from the start on as little as $500 capital to start with.

    When you are done reading this entire book you will have an excellent basic explanation of what and what not to do before you even study anything or do any kind of education. The information in this book will put you on the fast track to becoming a successful self-directed financial market investor and trader with very little money invested other than the cost of this book, and as I said, some of the methods in this book are things that are used by professional traders that they don’t want you to know about as a beginner.

    You will be able to make the first decisions as to what you want to study and how you plan to do your education in order for you to be able to make your own self-directed investment decisions with real money in the live currency, stock or futures markets.

    The road to success in investing and trading as I always say is paved with the smoking blown up accounts of investors and traders. It did not have to be a long hard and expensive road though, it can be a road paved with gold and be fairly easy if you just take time to learn this business the right way from the start on your first day, keep it simple and it will be.

    Once I tell you the basics to investing and day trading the live financial markets to make money every day with the smart money I encourage you use the links to some references in the book which I have made clickable for your ease of use, all you need to do is click on the link and it should take you directly to the information in the reference, all clickable links were live as of the writing of this book. I encourage you to do more research on your own after having read this entire book once or twice, you will not be able to digest all of the information this book provides in one reading as a beginner.

    Your core strategy can and should be very simple and really all you will need to make money with the smart money every day in the live financial markets or any liquid market for that matter. I use this method every time I initiate a position in the live market after doing my due diligence and research.

    Once you know what this method is you will find that is very practical and can be used it in the live financial markets in an intelligent and methodical way every day. When you have it down pat you will have a lethal double whammy method to make as much money as you want or need. The beauty of it is that it can be used in all liquid markets and all time frames making it a robust method that is easily repeatable across any asset.

    The professional advice I give you in this book will empower you to have confidence and zero fear of going in the live markets and accurately initiating a low risk high reward position with which you can have a high probability outcome from being a live market participant. Becoming a successful self-directed investor and trader is not nearly as difficult as one would think as long as they have the proper education and proper knowledge base right from day one, it takes a while but you can do it!

    I feel this book does an excellent job in explaining the very first things a new investor and trader needs to know before even doing anything. It is meant to be a spring board for the very first educational information that a new person needs for a baseline to get started from.

    Learning to change bad habits developed by having the wrong information to start off with are very hard to break. Listen to what it says to do in this book and don’t develop any bad habits to begin with and you could be cruising your money train down to the bank everyday consistently.

    Another reason you should read this whole book is so that you can avoid the mistakes that 97% of retail sheeple of the herd and retail traders make from day one. The books in my brand new investor and trader series talk about those reasons in detail so that you don't have to waste years finding it all out the hard way and expensive way on your own, you’re welcome!

    If you have zero experience and need to learn the trading business from the ground up Supply and Demand Traders Black Book is definitely a good starting point for you. I encourage you to read it as many times as it takes for it to become clear to you as to what you do and do not need to learn to be successful in this business from the start. There are no money back guarantees in the financial markets however you must know the right information from the start to have a chance of becoming consistently profitable and financially successful which is what you are getting into this business for right?

    The first section of the book deals with what and what not to do when starting out and talks about how great this business really is once you know what you are doing, then there is a section on what you need to study and a bit about the psychology of trading with the last section having some techniques and methods which can help you to become consistently profitable and making money pretty fast as long as you have everything down pat and are working from a rule based plan then there is some advice, extra links and a glossary of abbreviations for your convenience since I use a lot of them in the book.

    Once you are up and trading using supply and demand as your method if you find yourself struggling and wish to look into private mentoring to improve you’re trading and up your game you can find me here: and contact me here:


    Table of Contents

    Why you should read this entire book

    Brand new traders beware

    Section 1

    Know why you’re doing it – answer all of the "why" questions before you start

    It is important to know what not to do because mistake are expensive in this business

    Qualities of highly profitable traders

    Section 2

    Getting the right education and training from the start is mission critical

    Expert chart reading can be developed over time

    Do you like money? Do you like your money?

    Check your ego at the opening bell

    Develop a trading method the live market actually works on

    Trade by the rules or get your account devoured by sharks

    Section 3

    3 things that will help you win more trades – large PM, correlation, confluence in signals

    Develop a smart plan then implement it and for god sake stick to it

    Ways beginners can increase their winning percentage right away

    Front running the smart money

    Why you need to always look at the bigger picture

    Bonus Chapters

    How to overcome over trading as a beginner

    You must overcome the fear of pulling the trigger on a trade

    No fancy indicators needed to make lots of money in the markets

    How it will all come together

    The sheer brutality of trading as a beginner

    Best part of the trading lifestyle

    Bonus section

    Extra links



    Brand new traders beware

    It is huge step when you make the decision to become a trader. Most brand new traders are getting into this business because they think they can make quick money and become rich beyond their dreams. While that may be true, it is not as easy as one thinks and certainly will not happen as soon as one thinks. There are only two groups of people who are doing business in the markets, the professionals and the retail investors and traders

    What is that lyric in that one song? The lure of easy money has a very strong appeal. Maybe you decided to get into the day trading business of investing and/or investing and trading because you saw some late-night TV commercial about day trading with flashy offers. Perhaps you received a spam e-mail touting some day trading method or system that said you could make easy money in the markets; I suggest you reconsider if that’s the case.

    New people most of the time have not done their research and have no idea they are entering a business where there are people in the live market who will walk over dead bodies to make money. They are entering a business where the smart money in the business are looking to drain your trading capital account on a daily basis and most of the time they do because new people come into the business unprepared or at best under prepared as well as underfunded and have not developed a trading edge before they enter the market with real money.

    New traders have no clue who is in control of the markets and when they are in control. The people who are in control of the market take advantage of the sheeple of herd as I call them on a daily basis day in day out in the live markets.

    The smart money is looking to drain the new traders account and transfer it from the new traders account to the smart money’s account. They don’t care if you lose all your money to them, it is nothing personal really, they don’t know you, and they certainly don’t care if you are having a bad day in the market. It is just business as usual; the business of making money with money, and most of the time it is your money. They are counting on you to make mistakes so they can fuel up their Ferrari’s and G650’s on your dime, you feeling me yet?

    The sheeple of the herd traders who focus on the prize tend to lose money and never achieve their goal are the ones who provide income and revenue for the smart money and the professional traders who have done the proper amount of education and training and are able to spot the sheeple of the herd traders making their same mistakes in the live markets over and over and over again.

    It is beautiful because there is a never ending supply of these new sheeple coming into the markets on a daily basis. It is a never ending supply of new money coming into the market to transfer into the account of the professionals and the smart money. It is the best business in the world to be in as far as I am concerned, a never ending supply of money to make? I mean who doesn’t want to be in that kind of business right?

    By buying Supply and Demand Traders Black Book you have taken the first step needed to end up in the group that achieves consistent low risk profits on a daily basis, the professionals and the smart money. If you are not ready to take that step yet then you may be a part of the group called the sheeple of the herd that provides those profits. While that may seem like a harsh statement, I think it's important to point out the a few of the harshest realities of how the markets work right up front, so you know what’s at stake when your hard-earned money is at risk in the live market, it is the sole purpose of this book, you’re welcome!

    A great amount of the information put out by the trading industry education wise is not only taught wrong most of the time it is taught unrealistically which also gets brand new traders into trouble from the start. It is most unfortunate for brand new traders coming into the business that they are learning information that can cause them to make a lot of the mistakes detailed in this book and have an unrealistic outlook of the live markets, and as I said, I have even heard industry people say that it is done intentionally so that the smart money can continue to profit.

    Trust me when I say there are many junkware selling locusts in the trading/investing education industry trying to sell you a bill of goods that will not do you any good in a live market situation with the top traders in the world. I’m certainly not one of those junkware selling locusts as I am not trying to sell you any fancy indicators, methods, systems or secrets of the financial markets. I’m not trying to shove any red or green hopium pills down your throat. What I do have though is a lot of knowledge about what it takes to be consistently profitable as a self-taught and self-directed investor and trader. While I don’t share all of my trading edge I can guide in how to get yours fairly quickly if you pay attention to what is written in this book.

    Now with the advent of YouTube anyone with a freakin video camera can record a video, plop it up on the internet and brand new unknowledgeable traders who are looking for information and seeing this and going oh this must be right. Beware of this type of marketing as it can and will get you and your account into a lot of trouble very quickly.

    I spent days, nights, weekends and holidays watching videos and studying the aspects of trading that I thought were right, and that all the educational books tell you will make a better trader, I can’t disagree more now with most of that information.

    I love to learn and it was a lot of fun for me however I will say that 95% of what I learned does not help in any way in the way that I trade and invest today. I hope to be able to help you to not waste any valuable education time so that you can be on your way to making money every day faster than I did.

    New traders seem to think that faster is better in the markets for whatever reason; it is precisely the opposite actually. The trading industry touts day trading on short term chart time frames such as the five minute charts or the two minute charts for scalpers. I will let you in on a secret here; smart money trades and invests on daily and longer term charts. They

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