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Rising Seas: Past, Present, Future
Rising Seas: Past, Present, Future
Rising Seas: Past, Present, Future
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Rising Seas: Past, Present, Future

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The Earth’s climate is already warming due to increased concentrations of human-produced greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the specter of rising sea level is one of global warming’s most far-reaching threats. Sea level will keep rising long after greenhouse gas emissions have ceased, because of the delay in penetration of surface warming to the ocean depths and because of the slow dissipation of excess atmospheric carbon dioxide. Adopting a long perspective that interprets sea level changes both underway and expected in the near future, Vivien Gornitz completes a highly relevant and necessary study of an unprecedented age in Earth’s history.

Gornitz consults past climate archives to help better anticipate future developments and prepare for them more effectively. She focuses on several understudied historical events, including the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Anomaly, the Messinian salinity crisis, the rapid filling of the Black Sea (which may have inspired the story of Noah’s flood), and the Storrega submarine slide, an incident possibly connected to a sea level occurrence roughly 8,000 years old. By examining dramatic variations in past sea level and climate, Gornitz concretizes the potential consequences of rapid, human-induced warming. She builds historical precedent for coastal hazards associated with a higher ocean level, such as increased damage from storm surge flooding, even if storm characteristics remain unchanged. Citing the examples of Rotterdam, London, New York City, and other forward-looking urban centers that are effectively preparing for higher sea level, Gornitz also delineates the difficult economic and political choices of curbing carbon emissions while underscoring, through past geological analysis, the urgent need to do so.
Release dateJan 8, 2013
Rising Seas: Past, Present, Future

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    Rising Seas - Vivien Gornitz




    Vivien Gornitz

    Columbia University Press

    New York

    Columbia University Press

    Publishers Since 1893

    New York Chichester, West Sussex

    Copyright © 2013 Columbia University Press

    All rights reserved

    ISBN 978-0-231-51920-5 (ebook)

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Gornitz, Vivien.

    Rising seas : past, present, future / Vivien Gornitz.

    p.   cm.

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    ISBN 978-0-231-14738-5 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-231-14739-2 (pbk. : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-231-51920-5 (e-book)

    1. Sea level—Climatic factors.   2. Floods.   3. Climatic changes.   I. Title.

    GC89.G67 2012



    COVER PHOTO: Marc Yankus

    COVER DESIGN: Shaina Andrews

    A Columbia University Press E-book.

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    1. The Ever-Changing Ocean


    Currents and Countercurrents



    Stormy Seas

    Quasi-Periodic Climate Variations: ENSO and the NAO

    The Dynamic Ocean

    2. The Causes and Detection of Sea Level Change

    Defining Mean Sea Level

    How Sea Level Changes

    Measuring Sea Level

    3. Piercing the Veil of Time: Sea Levels After the Dinosaurs

    The End of an Era

    A Slow Descent into the Icehouse World

    Why the World Cooled

    Ice Buildup in Antarctica and Falling Sea Level

    Intensification of the Icehouse World

    Bucking the Trend: Three Cenozoic Sea Level Aberrations

    Into the Ice Ages

    4. When the Mammoths Roamed: Sea Levels During the Ice Ages

    A Glimpse of the Ice Age World

    Reading the Book of Sea Levels Past

    Astronomical Cycles and the Ice Ages

    The Last Glacial Cycle

    A Last Glance Back at the Ice Ages

    5. The Great Ice Meltdown and Rising Seas

    The Twilight of the Ice Age

    Legends of the Flood

    Melting Ice and the Marine Incursion

    Lessons from the Great Meltdown

    6. The Modern Speedup of Sea Level Rise

    Vanishing Glaciers

    Signs of a Warming Planet

    The Greenhouse Effect

    Climate Change—The Last Millennium

    The Encroaching Seas

    The Beginnings of the Modern Sea Level Speedup

    A Look Ahead

    7. Sea Level Rise on a Warming Planet

    A Harbinger of Things to Come?

    Anticipating the Future

    Lessons from Past Episodes of Rapid Sea Level Rise

    Ice Sheets at Risk—Potential Instabilities

    Ocean Surprises—Sudden Shifts of the Great Conveyor Belt

    A Long-Term Climate Commitment

    The Coming Waterworld?

    8. Shorelines at Risk

    Endangered Coasts

    The Response of the Coast to a Rising Sea

    Storms and Other Coastal Hazards

    Living Dangerously

    9. Coping with the Rising Waters

    What’s at Stake—Impacts on Land and People

    Living with the Sea—Adapting to Higher Water

    Preparations Begin

    Reacting to the Rising Waters

    Looking Ahead: How the Past Informs the Future

    10. Charting a Future Course

    The Past as a Guide to the Future

    Back to the Pliocene?

    Sailing into Uncharted Waters

    Welcome to the Anthropocene

    Whither the Rising Seas?

    Appendix. Geologic Time Scale






    Growing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere generated by human activities are already affecting the Earth’s climate, more noticeably near the poles and on high mountains. The specter of rising sea level is of growing concern to the tens of millions of people living along the world’s shorelines and on small, low-elevation islands. However, ample evidence from the geologic past indicates that the average height of the world’s oceans has varied considerably. Within the last million years alone, the Earth’s climate has alternated dramatically at least eight times between glaciations, when vast ice sheets blanketed northern Europe and much of North America, and interglacials—warm periods much like today. During the last glaciation, which climaxed around 21,000 years ago, the global sea level lowered by approximately 120 meters as compared with today, and during the last interglacial ~125,000 years ago, it stood 4–6 meters (or more) above present levels. The vast ice masses blanketing North America and Scandinavia during the last Ice Age locked up the equivalent of 120 meters (394 feet) of ocean water. After the ice melted, the sea reached nearly its present height by 7,000 to 6,000 years ago, fluctuating at most by a few feet since then.

    However, the pace of sea level rise has quickened since the late nineteenth century and may be climbing even faster during the last 20 years, closely paralleling the rise in global temperature. Could future greenhouse gas–induced global warming push the Earth’s climate system into an unstable mode, triggering a catastrophic meltdown of the polar ice sheets? Would major coastal cities with millions of inhabitants, like New York City, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mumbai (Bombay), and Bangkok, to name just a few, be inundated?

    While a major destabilization of the polar ice sheets appears unlikely within the next 100–200 years, it cannot be ruled out entirely. Therefore, a certain sense of urgency motivates our need to gain a better understanding of the causes and consequences of sea level rise. Rising Seas: Past, Present, Future addresses these issues and provides the basic background for appreciating why sea level rise truly matters. The book begins with an introduction to the oceans—their physical properties and short-term surface fluctuations due to meteorological processes, the tides, storms, and currents. The introductory chapter sets the stage for chapter 2, which explores the multitude of longer-term oceanic, atmospheric, and geological processes that govern sea level over periods ranging from years to deep time—i.e., tens of millions of years or more.

    A much longer-term perspective, extending well beyond the 100–150-year-long period of instrumental records, provides a deeper understanding of the observed twentieth-century changes and those anticipated for the near future. Bounds on past sea level variability can be set by estimating ancient sea levels from natural archives such as ocean sediments, corals, and ice cores, and running computer models. Thus, by peering into the distant past, we improve our ability to anticipate potential scenarios of sea level change and thereby plan ahead more effectively. Through an examination of the paleoclimate record, chapters 3, 4, and 5 document sea level changes at several critical periods in the geologic past (for example, the mid-Pliocene warm period, the Eemian—the last interglacial, and after the last Ice Age) that can serve as possible analogs of a warmer future with higher sea levels. The major sea level incursion that followed the end of the last Ice Age occupies chapter 5. A closer look at periods of accelerated sea level rise, such as the meltwater pulses of the last deglaciation, provides glimpses of potential worst-case scenarios of ice sheet collapse.

    Chapter 6 continues with observations of twentieth-century trends from tide gauges, and more recently, satellite data, as well as atmospheric-ocean general circulation model (AOGCMs) projections for the coming century (chapter 7). Close connections exist between the greenhouse effect, evidence for a warming world, and rising sea level. Current sea level trends exceed those of past centuries. Comparison of the longer tide-gauge records with the latest satellite altimetry data suggests further recent sea level acceleration. This apparent speedup is worrisome and may portend even greater changes ahead. Some recent studies suggest that the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) sea level rise projections may already be too low. How much and how soon will the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets melt? The climate system is quite sensitive to minor perturbations, and computer models may miss important signals. Given the limited ability of current global climate models to describe dynamic ice sheet behavior, which could lead to large jumps in future sea level, paleoclimate analogs could offer some important insights. (However, analogs also have drawbacks. Because past and present climatic and environmental conditions cannot be exactly replicated, these differences may preclude completely accurate future projections.)

    Even today, coastal residents in low-lying areas face flood hazards from major storms. As sea level rises, the surges generated by large cyclones will reach higher and inundate more land area. Another risk is that the intensity and frequency of such extreme meteorological events could also increase in a warmer world. Chapter 8 investigates the impacts of changing storm patterns and sea level rise on coastal regions—areas and populations at risk and examples of vulnerable cities and regions.

    Chapter 9 tackles the larger and more difficult issue of adapting to sea level rise. Various ways of living with a rising sea are outlined, ranging from purely defensive hard engineering solutions to sensible land use planning, and as a last resort, inland migration. Ultimately, mitigating the effects of sea level rise will depend on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Chapter 10 briefly summarizes several means of limiting carbon emissions to round out the picture. It also ties together some of the main themes of the book—for example, the changes in sea level already under way, what the past teaches us about future outcomes, and what we can do to avert a watery future.

    As this book goes to press, New York City, Long Island, and New Jersey are recovering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy, which struck our shores late on October 29, 2012. This superstorm, with maximum wind gusts near 150 kilometers per hour (90 miles per hour) at landfall, 8 kilometers (5 miles) southwest of Atlantic City, NJ, caused extensive flooding in low-lying neighborhoods of lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island (New York City), neighboring Hoboken and Jersey City, as well as numerous seaside communities, including Atlantic City, Seaside Heights, and Point Pleasant, NJ. At the Battery tide gauge, lower Manhattan flood waters topped 13.88 feet, setting a historic record!¹ Sandy’s destructiveness resulted from a rare chain of events: the collision between a tropical cyclone and a winter storm, and a blocking pattern in the jet stream that pushed the storm westward toward the New Jersey coast. Extreme flood levels in New York Harbor were caused by strong winds on the right-hand side of the hurricane that pushed water landward at high tide and full moon, and the funneling effects of the sharp bend between the New Jersey and Long Island shorelines. Since sea level in New York City has climbed 43.2 centimeters (17 inches, or 1.4 feet) since 1856, a storm of the same intensity as Sandy, had it occurred over a century ago, would have caused much less flooding and associated damage.

    The global sea level trend between 1993 and 2012 now stands at 3.1 ± 0.4 millimeters/year, based on satellite altimetry (, in spite of a drop of 5 millimeters per year between 2010 and 2011, attributed to a very strong La Niña event that dumped heavy rains over Australia, northern South America, and southeast Asia. This temporarily lowered the ocean mass (Boening, C. et al., 2012. The 2011 La Niña: So strong, the oceans fell. Geophysical Research Letters 39(19), doi:10.1029/2012GL053055).

    Meanwhile, atmospheric CO2 levels are 391 parts per million and temperatures are 0.67°C (1.21°F) above the twentieth-century average, tying 2012 with 2005 for the warmest September since 1880 (, accessed Oct. 22, 2012). Nine of the 10 warmest years in the modern meteorological record have occurred since 2000 ( In September 2012, Arctic sea ice shrank to its lowest summer extent since 1979, when satellite observations of the region began. (In the Antarctic, by contrast, strong circumpolar winds pushed sea ice outward to a record high September extent). The Greenland ice sheet melted over 97 percent of its surface for several days in July, 2012 (; last updated July 24, 2012). Although the last such large-scale melting occurred in 1889, recent years have seen a growing number of summer surface melt days.

    These 2012 climate and sea level trends reinforce the conclusions presented in Rising Seas that we are moving toward an increasingly warmer and, quite likely, a more aquatic planet. We would do well to take heed and begin preparations to stem the oncoming tide.

    Vivien Gornitz

    November 12, 2012


    Rising Seas: Past, Present, Future represents the culmination of a long journey into research on global sea level change that initially began years ago at the suggestion of James Hansen, Head, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), New York City. Numerous colleagues have subsequently contributed many perceptive insights and much advice. In particular, my sincere thanks are extended to Nick Christie-Blick of the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) at Columbia University, Steven Pekar of LDEO, and Ken Miller and Jim Wright of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rutgers University for their help in elucidating sequence stratigraphy and backstripping. I also appreciate the contributions of Gavin Schmidt, GISS, for beneficial discussion on oxygen isotopes; Mark Chandler, GISS, for insightful conversations on mid-Pliocene climates and sea levels; Allegra LeGrande, GISS, and Anders Carlson, University of Wisconsin, for information on sea level change and the 8,200-year cold event; Robin Bell, LDEO, for useful discussion on ice sheet behavior; and David Rind, GISS, for clarifying phasing of Quaternary climate variability.

    I wish to thank Patrick Fitzgerald, Columbia University Press, for inviting me to write this book and for his many helpful comments along the way. Thanks are also extended to Bridget Flannery-McCoy, Assistant Editor, Columbia University Press, for her expert editorial support, as well as the helpful contributions of the CUP Art Department. Appreciation is also expressed to Mr. José Mendoza for drafting assistance and to Cynthia Rosenzweig, GISS and Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University, for her encouragement and understanding during this lengthy undertaking. I also thank the reviewers for their constructive suggestions that helped to improve this book.



    The Ever-Changing Ocean

    Not only do the tides advance and retreat in their eternal rhythms, but the level of the sea itself is never at rest. It rises or falls as the glaciers melt or grow, as the floor of the deep ocean basin shifts under its increasing load of sediments, or as the earth’s crust along the continental margins warps up or down in adjustment to strain and tension. Today a little more land belongs to the sea, tomorrow a little less. Always the edge of the sea remains an elusive and indefinable boundary.


    In the seemingly limitless extent of the ocean, the ancient sages envisioned a state of primeval formlessness out of which all life emerged. While the ancients had no concrete evidence for their intuitive insights, we now know from the geological record of sedimentary rocks that oceans have existed on Earth for at least 3.8 billion years, possibly more. Life has been present on Earth for almost as long. The first living cells most probably did originate in the ocean, although it has been debated whether this occurred in a shallow tidal pool or in the deep ocean at hydrothermal vents. Yet, in spite of the ocean’s antiquity on this planet, tiny changes in its shape, depth, and volume from one moment to another have led to major reconfigurations over geological eons. As the mean water level of the ocean varies over time, the boundary between land and sea shifts back and forth in an endless battle between rock, sand, and waves.

    Standing on the beach on a balmy, sunny day, as the tides gently roll in and out on their daily round with the Moon, today’s beachgoer is blissfully unaware of the subtle, almost imperceptible changes in the oceans’ average elevation that are currently taking place. But over longer periods of time, perhaps even within a person’s lifetime and even more evident over the course of several generations, the rising sea leaves a clearer mark. Small low-lying islands and some tidal marshes may become submerged. Barrier beaches may gradually migrate landward as sand is eroded from the seaward margin and redeposited on the bay side. Grassy tidal wetlands may also migrate farther inland, occupying higher ground. Inhabitants of coastal cities may notice that port facilities and shorefront neighborhoods are flooded more frequently during storms. Coastal aquifers may become more saline. Yet the sea displays a host of contrasting moods ranging from mirror-calm stillness to stormy towering waves that can sink large oceangoing vessels and pound fiercely against the shore, undercutting cliffs and washing away expensive ocean-view homes.

    The oceans are in constant motion on timescales ranging from minutes to millennia and eons, their heights rising and falling daily with the tides, with the waves and surge of a passing storm, more slowly with the changing seasons, and almost imperceptibly with gradual alterations of the Earth’s climate and configuration of the ocean basins. Currents, waves, and wind constantly reshape the shoreline, at the dynamic interface between land, sea, and air. The ephemeral changes of the ocean surface ride upon the longer-term trends in sea level, which are the main focus of this book. Although barely noticeable from day to day, even from one year to the next, these tiny shifts grow into major differences over extended periods of time. What drives these changes and how will they affect those who live near the sea, now and in the future? We need to place the 20th-to-21st-century transition that is already under way into a longer-term context extending well beyond the period of instrumental records. By reconstructing ancient sea levels using natural archives of environmental change recorded in ocean sediments, corals, and ice cores, and running computer models, scientists can place bounds on past sea level variability. Thus, a glance backward may teach us vital lessons that will help us anticipate coming trends and prepare better for the future. Placing today’s changes in sea level and climate into a much longer, geologic-scale time frame enables us to draw parallels between sea level during previous warm periods and possible future behavior of the ice sheets and oceans.

    As greenhouse gases accumulate in the Earth’s atmosphere and signs of global warming become increasingly apparent, hundreds of millions of people living near the coasts of the world and on small, low-lying islands face the prospect of rising sea level. Dramatic changes in sea level are nothing new in this planet’s history, however. Sea level fluctuated roughly 120 meters between glacial and interglacial periods, witheven greater differences further back in geologic time. Of great concern is the possibility that human-induced global warming could trigger a major meltdown of the polar ice sheets, submerging major coastal cities and low-lying islands.

    Our task will be to gain a closer understanding of the natural processes that govern variations in the seas’ average elevation and of why anthropogenic climate change may cause the elevation to increase in the future. Before embarking on this exploration of past sea levels and future prospects, we briefly review processes underlining shorter-term ocean variations, because they can locally magnify the effects of global sea level rise, affecting the safety and well-being of coastal residents.


    The oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth’s surface, or 362 million square kilometers (140 million square miles). Thus, our planet rightfully deserves to be called waterworld. Earth is the only planet in the solar system on which water can exist at the surface simultaneously as a liquid (water), a solid (ice), and a gas (atmospheric water vapor). The oceans contain an enormous quantity of water—1.34 billion cubic kilometers (0.32 billion cubic miles), or 96.5 percent of the total at or near the Earth’s surface (table 1.1).¹ The polar ice caps and glaciers constitute the second-largest reservoir (24 million cubic kilometers or 5.8 million cubic miles)—a mere 1.74 percent of the total. The transfer of large quantities of water from oceans to ice sheets and vice versa between past glacial and interglacial periods has led to major changes in global sea level. Chapter 7 explores the possibility that future warming could melt a significant volume of the Greenland and/or Antarctic Ice Sheets. Groundwater stores an amount of water roughly comparable to that in ice—23.4 million cubic kilometers or 5.6 million cubic miles. Remaining freshwater sources hold a vital (in terms of our needs) yet tiny residual fraction of the total (table 1.1). Among the freshwater reservoirs, 68.7 percent are locked up in ice sheets and glaciers, 30.1 percent occur in groundwater, and the remaining 1.2 percent are distributed in lakes, rivers, soils, and swamps.²

    Table 1.1 Distribution of the Earth’s Water

    Sources: Gleick, 1996; Shiklomanov, 1997.

    Figure 1.1 The water cycle, illustrating major water reservoirs and movement of water between reservoirs. (After USGS.)

    Figure 1.1 schematically illustrates the major reservoirs of water and their movements around the Earth. These movements constitute the hydrological cycle. Water evaporates from the oceans and land and rises into the atmosphere. The moisture condenses into tiny water droplets or ice crystals as it cools. These coalesce into clouds. The atmosphere becomes saturated, holding all the water vapor it can at a given temperature. Eventually, when water droplets or ice crystals grow large and heavy enough, they will fall back to the ground as precipitation. Of the total moisture evaporated, close to 80 percent is precipitated over the oceans while the balance falls over land. While most water evaporated at sea precipitates over the ocean, around 10 percent is transported landward by wind. Over land, water is also evaporated from the soils, lakes, and reservoirs or evapotranspired by plants. This water falls back on land as rain, snow, and hail, and also runs off in rivers, returning to the ocean. A substantial fraction percolates downward beneath the surface, forming groundwater that is often confined for long periods in underground aquifers but eventually flows back to the ocean, thereby completing the cycle.

    The world’s oceans are separated by continents and physiographic basins and are conventionally divided into the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern. The Pacific Ocean—the largest—covers an area of 181 million square kilometers, followed by the Atlantic Ocean (94 million square kilometers), the Indian Ocean (74 million square kilometers), and the Arctic Ocean (12 million square kilometers). The average depth of the oceans is 3,700 meters (12,100 feet). The continental shelves surrounding the continents are the shallowest portions of the oceans, with a depth of less than 130–135 meters (430–443 feet)³ (fig. 1.2). These actually represent submerged extensions of the continents. Typically, continental shelves vary in width from hundreds of meters to more than 1,000 kilometers. The continental shelf is bounded by a much steeper continental slope that grades seaward into a more gently sloping continental rise, and ultimately the smooth, relatively featureless abyssal plains (fig. 1.2).

    The deep ocean is intersected by a nearly continuous submerged mountain chain that is 65,000 kilometers (40,000 miles) long, known as the mid-ocean ridge, rising 2–3 kilometers (1.2–1.9 miles) above the adjacent ocean floor and encircling the seafloor like the seams on a baseball. A narrow rift valley at its crest is the locus of active volcanism and seismicity. Fresh lavas emerge from the mid-ocean ridges along fissures, as the ocean gradually separates over millions of years, in a process called seafloor spreading. North America pulls away from Europe at an average rate of around 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) per year, roughly the rate at which fingernails grow.⁴ Other mid-ocean ridges spread faster, such as the East Pacific Rise, which is moving at 8–13 centimeters (3–5 inches) per year.

    Figure 1.2 Major physical features of the ocean. Also illustrated are the processes of sea-floor spreading and subduction of oceanic lithosphere. (Adapted from Thurman, 1997.)

    The deepest parts of the ocean lie in the deep-sea trenches that encircle the Pacific Ocean, parts of the Caribbean Sea, and the eastern Indian Ocean. The Mariana Trench in the Pacific is the deepest, reaching 11,000 meters (36,000 feet)⁵ beneath the ocean surface. Oceanic crust is dragged down into the Earth’s mantle at the deep-sea trenches, in a process known as subduction. Subduction zones are sites of active volcanism and earthquakes (see chapter 2).

    Seafloor spreading and subduction lead to fragmentation and movement of large segments of the lithosphere (or plates), according to the unifying concept of plate tectonics.⁶ Gradually over tens of millions of years or more, these geologic forces ultimately reconfigure the ocean basins and continents, change the mean ocean depth, uplift mountains, and even alter the Earth’s climate. The relationship between these internal geological processes and changes in climate and sea level will be examined further in subsequent chapters.


    As the dominant reservoir of water on the Earth’s surface, the oceans play an important role in influencing the climate. They accomplish this both by physically transporting warm water toward the poles and by transferring vast quantities of heat energy via large-scale ocean currents. Winds blowing across the water surface create basin-wide ocean circulation systems. The Earth’s rotation deflects air in motion to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This process is called the Coriolis effect, after its discoverer, Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis (1792–1843).⁷ Wind-driven ocean currents are deflected in an analogous manner, generating quasi-circular patterns called gyres (fig. 1.3). Set into motion by the Sun’s heat and the prevailing winds, the currents flow around a pile of elevated water toward the center of the gyre. The Coriolis effect causes the surface currents to veer toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere. The inward-directed Coriolis force is balanced by an outward-directed force created by the elevated water and gravity. The balance of these two opposing forces creates a geostrophic current that flows around the gyre.

    In the Atlantic Ocean, the North Equatorial Current, driven by the easterly trade winds, pushes warm tropical water toward the Caribbean and then turns north. Warm water from the Gulf of Mexico flows through the Florida Straits between Cuba and the Florida Keys, merges with warm Caribbean water and flows north into the Gulf. The Gulf Stream is a mighty ocean river that transports some 55 million cubic meters of water (1.9 billion cubic feet) per second,⁸ equivalent to more than 500 times the flow of the Amazon River. It extends farther northeast as the North Atlantic and Norwegian Currents, which help maintain a relatively balmy climate in the British Isles and northwestern Europe. The Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Currents, however, may provide only a part of the warmth.⁹ Since the British Isles and Scandinavia are surrounded by the sea, they already experience a fairly mild maritime climate. Furthermore, the southwesterly winds blowing across a warmer part of the Atlantic Ocean also bring considerable heat toward Europe.

    A portion of the North Atlantic Current splits and flows south into the Canary Current off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, and northwest Africa. This finally joins the North Equatorial Current, thus closing the loop. A similar gyre circulates in the opposite direction in the South Atlantic Ocean. In the Pacific Ocean, the Pacific North Equatorial Current flows west, then turns north, joining the Kuroshio Current. The Kuroshio flows northeast into the North Pacific Current, which subsequently turns southward and becomes the California Current, ultimately rejoining the North Equatorial Current. A gyre analogous to the one in the South Atlantic rotates counterclockwise in the southern Pacific Ocean. A smaller gyre is also present in the Indian Ocean.

    The overall north-south distribution of the continents influences ocean circulation by diverting the eastward-flowing warm equatorial currents toward the north and south along the western boundaries of the ocean basins (fig. 1.3). Two such boundary currents have already been mentioned, namely the Gulf Stream off the Atlantic coast of North America and the Kuroshio Current off eastern Asia. In general, western boundary currents tend to move faster than those along eastern ocean basin margins for several reasons, including the Coriolis effect, which increases toward higher latitudes, the general circulation of the atmosphere, and friction between continental edges and the ocean currents. However, no continents obstruct the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which flows from west to east around Antarctica, driven by the prevailing westerly winds.

    In addition to the wind-driven surface currents, the contrasts in ocean temperature and salinity between tropics and poles set into motion a deep ocean circulation that is triggered by density variations. As water warms, its density decreases. On the other hand, as it becomes colder and saltier, the density increases. Therefore, at higher temperatures and lower salinity, water becomes less dense, more buoyant, and rises to the surface; at lower temperatures and high salinity, it sinks.

    Figure 1.3 Major wind-driven surface currents of the world’s oceans. (Modified from Thurman, 1997.)

    The salinity of the ocean can vary for a number of different reasons. Near hot, arid desert regions, such as off the coast of northern Chile, southern Peru, or northwest Africa, high rates of evaporation leave saltier water behind. Not surprisingly, the areas of highest marine salinity closely correspond to oceans adjacent to the world’s desert belts. By contrast, in areas of high precipitation near the equator, or near river deltas such as that of the Amazon that carry large volumes of freshwater, the ocean is diluted, becoming less salty. At high latitudes, water freezes during the long, frigid winters, forming a layer of sea ice. Salt is squeezed out as the ice crystallizes, making the remaining surface water much saltier. This cold and dense water tends to sink. In summer, the sea ice melts and freshwater runoff from melting snow and ice near the shore dilutes the ocean water, forming a freshwater lid or layer.

    These ocean density variations initiate a worldwide pattern of deep ocean currents often referred to as the thermohaline circulation (or the global ocean conveyor system, or the oceanic conveyor belt) (fig. 1.4).¹⁰ (The more comprehensive term Meridional Overturning Circulation, or MOC, includes other factors such as winds and tides, which are often difficult to separate from the density-driven currents). The coldest, densest water occurs at high latitudes. For example, as the North Atlantic and Norwegian Currents reach the Norwegian-Greenland Seas, the ocean water cools down from 10–12°C to only 2–4°C with a salinity of 3.48 to 3.51 percent¹¹ and becomes dense enough to sink as North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). This deep, dense submarine current is joined by additional cold sinking water off southeastern Greenland and the Labrador Sea. The NADW, with a volume equivalent to 100 Amazon Rivers,¹² flows south and can be traced all the way toward the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, where part of it mingles with an even colder, denser layer of water (the Antarctic Bottom Water) and joins the currents that flow around Antarctica. The deepwater flow then branches into the Indian Ocean and wraps around southern Australia into the Pacific Ocean. A return flow of warmer, less salty water travels at shallow to medium depths from the western Pacific and Indian Oceans around the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, back into the Atlantic Ocean, eventually joins the Gulf Stream–North Atlantic Current and finally the NADW, completing the circuit. (The Gulf Stream is predominantly a wind-driven current, as described above, but around one-fifth can be attributed to the thermohaline circulation). Unlike the North Atlantic where the Gulf Stream carries saltier water north that sinks as it is chilled, surface salinity remains lower in the North Pacific, inhibiting deepwater formation there.¹³

    Changes in the thermohaline circulation have been implicated in past (and perhaps future) abrupt climate changes (see also chapters 4 and 5). Many scientists believe that massive influxes of freshwater from glacial lakes and calving icebergs disrupted the NADW and initiated the Younger Dryas, a sudden cold spell between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago, toward the end of the last ice age. The reduced North Atlantic salinity prevented cold, dense water from sinking, thus weakening the great conveyor belt system and temporarily plunging the entire region back into near ice age conditions. The cold lasted decades to centuries before the conveyor system restarted.

    Could such a process recur in the future, as the buildup of atmospheric greenhouse gases warms up the Earth? A warmer Earth would strengthen the hydrological cycle, producing greater amounts of rainfall and river runoff, thereby freshening the North Atlantic Ocean. Increased melting of glaciers and ice caps would enhance the freshening. Computer climate models reinforce this view, suggesting that ocean freshening and decreased surface water density would slow down the thermohaline circulation and cool the North Atlantic and northwestern Europe, even as the rest of the world continues to warm. However, recent observations of ocean density and sea surface heights yield conflicting results.¹⁴

    Figure 1.4 A simplified representation of the global ocean conveyor belt. (After W. Broecker, used with permission.)

    As the thermohaline circulation changes, so do ocean surface height and sea level. At present, sea level in the North Atlantic is nearly one meter lower than in the North Pacific because of the formation of deep water in the former ocean, but not the latter.¹⁵ While the ocean surface would quickly readjust to a shift in currents without permanently changing global mean sea level, any resulting longer-lasting climate trend could alter mean ocean height (see chapter 2).

    Since the early 1990s, orbiting space satellites have been monitoring the seasonal and multi-year variations in ocean surface heights. TOPEX/Poseidon, a joint U.S.-French National Aeronautics Space Administration–Centre National d’Études Spatiales mission, which operated between 1992 and 2005, was followed by the U.S.-French Jason-1, launched on December 7, 2001 (fig. 1.5). Variations in ocean topography are mapped by precisely tracking the satellite’s position along its orbital path and measuring its height relative to the center of the Earth with several independent instruments. In practice, the height of the satellite is determined with respect to a fixed reference frame, such as the reference ellipsoid. The reference ellipsoid is an idealized mathematical surface that closely approximates the shape of the Earth, taking into account the fact that the Earth bulges slightly at the equator and is flattened at the poles, due to the rotation on its axis. On-board radar altimeters measure the precise distance between the spacecraft and the top of the ocean by recording the time needed for a microwave pulse to travel from the orbiting craft to the sea surface and back. The elevation above the ocean can be readily calculated, by knowing the time and the speed of light, then correcting for atmospheric and instrumental effects. By subtracting the spacecraft’s elevation above the ocean from its distance to the Earth’s center, the sea surface height relative to the center of the Earth can be determined to within 4–5 centimeters (around 2 inches).

    The ocean height at a given location as measured by the spacecraft reflects the continually evolving ocean circulation and much slower gravity variations. Repeated observations of the same area over many satellite cycles (the orbit of TOPEX/Poseidon, for example, repeated every 10 days) eliminates features linked to underwater bathymetry, leaving others that vary over time due to a dynamic ocean. In this manner, radar altimetry has become an important tool in providing a continuous view of an ever-changing sea surface topography, and in conjunction with other measurements has greatly improved our understanding of ocean circulation and climate phenomena such as the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). By averaging the observed variations in sea surface height over all the oceans since 1992, year to year changes can be detected. These measurements show that global mean sea level is now increasing by 3.4 millimeters per year.¹⁶ This recent satellite trend is greater than that calculated from the much longer record provided by tide gauges. Is this an early warning sign

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