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What Is a People?
What Is a People?
What Is a People?
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What Is a People?

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These outspoken intellectuals seek to reclaim people” as an effective political concept by revisiting its uses and abuses over time. Alain Badiou surveys the idea of a people as a productive force of solidarity and emancipation and a negative tool of categorization and suppression. Pierre Bourdieu follows with a sociolinguistic analysis of popular” and its transformation of democracy, beliefs, songs, and even soups into phenomena with outsized importance. Judith Butler calls out those who use freedom of assembly to create an exclusionary we.” Georges Didi-Huberman addresses the problem of summing up a people with totalizing narratives. Sadri Khiari applies an activist’s perspective to the racial hierarchies inherent in ethnic and national categories, and Jacques Rancière comments on the futility of isolating theories of populism when, as these thinkers have shown, the idea of a people” is too diffuse to support them. By engaging this topic linguistically, ethnically, culturally, and ontologically, these scholars help separate people” from its fraught associations to pursue more vital formulations.
Release dateMay 3, 2016
What Is a People?

Alain Badiou

Alex Kirstukas has published and presented on Verne's work for both academic and popular audiences and is a trustee of the North American Jules Verne Society as well as the editor of its peer-reviewed publication Extraordinary Voyages. Kirstukas' first published translation was Robur the Conqueror by Jules Verne and published by the Wesleyan University Press in 2017.

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    What Is a People? - Alain Badiou




    Amy Allen, General Editor

    New Directions in Critical Theory presents outstanding classic and contemporary texts in the tradition of critical social theory, broadly construed. The series aims to renew and advance the program of critical social theory, with a particular focus on theorizing contemporary struggles around gender, race, sexuality, class, and globalization and their complex interconnections.

    For a complete list of the series see Series List


    Alain Badiou, Pierre Bourdieu, Judith Butler, Georges Didi-Huberman, Sadri Khiari, and Jacques Rancière

    Introduction by Bruno Bosteels and Conclusion by Kevin Olson

    Translated by Jody Gladding



    Publishers Since 1893

    New York    Chichester, West Sussex

    Qu’est-ce qu’un peuple? © 2013 La Fabrique-Éditions

    English translation © 2016 Columbia University Press

    All rights reserved

    E-ISBN 978-0-231-54171-8

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Badiou, Alain, author.

    Title: What is a people? / Alain Badiou, Pierre Bourdieu,

    Judith Butler, Georges Didi-Huberman, Sadri Khiari, and Jacques Rancière ;

    introduction by Bruno Bosteels and Conclusion by Kevin Olson ;

    translated by Jody Gladding.

    Other titles: Qu’est-ce qu’un peuple? English

    Description: New York : Columbia University Press,

    2016. | Series: New directions in critical theory |

    Translation of: Qu’est-ce qu’un peuple? |

    Includes bibliographical references and index.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2015042650 | ISBN 9780231168762

    (cloth : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780231541718 (e-book)

    Subjects: LCSH: Democracy. | Populism. | Group identity. | People

    (Constitutional law) | Political science—Philosophy. | Social

    classes—Political aspects. | Nation-state.

    Classification: LCC JC423 .Q46513 2016 | DDC 320.56/62—dc23

    LC record available at

    A Columbia University Press E-book.

    CUP would be pleased to hear about your reading experience with this e-book at [email protected].

    Cover design: David Drummond

    References to websites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. Neither the author nor Columbia University Press is responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed since the manuscript was prepared.



    Introduction: This People Which Is Not One


    1. Twenty-Four Notes on the Uses of the Word People


    2. You Said Popular?


    3. We, the People: Thoughts on Freedom of Assembly


    4. To Render Sensible


    5. The People and the Third People


    6. The Populism That Is Not to Be Found


    Conclusion: Fragile Collectivities, Imagined Sovereignties





    The child is the interpreter of the people. What am I saying? He is the people itself, in its native truth, before it is deformed, the people without vulgarity, without rudeness, without envy, inspiring neither defiance nor repulsion. Michelet’s words can make us smile, but when we speak of popular (language) or of populist (discourse), isn’t there a kind of defiance and repulsion there?

    The plan for this book grew out of our anxiety at seeing the word people hopelessly joined with the group of words like republic or secularism, whose meanings have evolved to serve to maintain the order. Despite their diversity, what the texts brought together here have in common is demonstrating that people remains solidly rooted on the side of emancipation.





    To raise the question What is a people? always means at the same time to make some statement, even if only implicitly, about who or what is not a people. The six interventions collected in this slender volume are no exception in this regard: while they all to a greater or lesser extent plead in favor of the people as a political category that is still valid today, they also at the same time draw a negative profile—like a chalk outline at the scene of a crime—of whoever does not constitute a people.

    This negative delimitation in turn can be said to take two fundamental forms. On one hand, the category of the people is always overtly or covertly opposed to a series of other categories in political thought that by the same token we are invited to discard, criticize, or overcome. Among such alternative options, we could mention not only nation, state, or civil society but also races, masses, and classes, as well as a whole slew of other terms more typically associated with the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, and so-called group or mass psychology, such as horde, tribe, clan, pack, crowd, commune, or community. To be sure, many of these concepts can and do enter into systematic combinations and historical articulations, most notably around the racialized triad of people, nation, and state so central in the constitution of the modern world-system. But even in such cases where the term becomes part of a larger configuration, any strategic privilege given to the concept of the people immediately causes a chain reaction in the political evaluation of its alternatives. Already the use of the indefinite article in the question "What is a people? invites us to abandon the essentialist presuppositions behind the people and opens up the possibility of talking about peoples" in the plural. This may be linguistically awkward in English but in other languages, such as Spanish, helps draw critical attention to the indigenous presence that continues to resist the colonial framing of the capitalist world-system dominated by the West—with los pueblos originarios, for example, constituting key political actors throughout much of Latin America today. On the other hand, no sooner is the term chosen than the people also begins to function as an exclusionary category in its own right, always in need of being internally demarcated from that which is not yet or no longer part thereof and which for this same reason tends to be relegated more or less violently to the pre-political or nonpolitical realm indicated by the pejorative use of terms such as plebs, populace, mob, or rabble.

    Whichever way we designate those who are either not the people or other than the people, there is no way of circumnavigating the fact that, both historically and conceptually speaking, this category is constituted on the basis of a necessary exclusion. Specifically, the political logic of the people can be said to operate according to the principle of a constitutive outside in at least a double sense: by choosing the people, or a people, as a privileged term for articulating the sphere of modern politics, contemporary thought inevitably marginalizes or bans from the discussion a number of other terms, while raising the even more troubling issue of how to name and take stock of whoever falls outside of the political realm so designated and often as a result no longer even appears as a who deserving of calling itself a subject but ends up being targeted as a mere object of denigration and exploitation. The fundamental decision to be made in this context, however, is whether or not we take this logic of exclusion to be capable of erecting insurmountable obstacles on the path to the continued use of the people as a political category today.

    For example, not everyone in today’s world of war-and-oil-driven globalization will so readily identify with the seemingly egalitarian and emancipatory invocation of We, the people, taken up here by Judith Butler as the starting point for a wide-ranging reflection on the self-constitution of political subjects, with a special eye on the new era of protests and uprisings announced in the movements in Tahrir Square in Egypt or Puerta del Sol in Spain. To the contrary, as the opening words of the preamble to the constitution of one country in particular, this expression—at least in English—will strike many as being all too deeply ensnared in the history of the United States of America, from the early days of its independence to its unbridled economic expansionism and military interventionism today. However, does this mean that the subjective self-assertion of any people whatsoever, as the embodiment of a plural we emancipating itself from the instituted powers that be, should cease to be prescriptive in general? And should the role of political theory thenceforth be limited to the extreme vigilance with which one points out, stands guard over, and endlessly deconstructs the inevitable hierarchies and exceptions without which no people has ever been capable of constituting itself? Or else, without unduly generalizing one nation’s particular history as our universal model, whether that of the United States or France, can the category of the people be salvaged from the combined wreckage of national chauvinism and imperialist expansionism so as to be rescued for genuinely emancipatory purposes? And, in that case, whether it takes place in philosophy or sociology, in political science or the study of language and art, can the work of theory actually contribute to the sharpening of this political potential, rather than shielding itself in the irrefutable radicalism reserved for those rare ones who—standing on the sidelines or tracking down one crisis after the other as so many ambulance chasers—are uniquely capable of seeing through all the blind spots of contemporary politics, whether on the left or on the right?


    With the possible exception of Pierre Bourdieu’s intervention, which was first published more than three decades ago and questions the supposed univocity of the political valence attributed to what sociolinguists define as popular, the unifying wager behind the texts collected in this volume holds that, far from raising insuperable obstacles that should render the category practically inoperative if not unavailable altogether, the divisions and exclusions that keep the people from ever being one are very much part and parcel of the category’s uncanny political efficacy. In spite of certain quibbles between them, no doubt due more to the narcissism of petty differences than to fundamental philosophical disagreements, most contributors to the present volume in this sense could be said to fall in line with the arguments of the late Ernesto Laclau, when in On Populist Reason he posits that the political operation par excellence is always going to be the construction of a ‘people.’¹

    Let us briefly consider, for example, what may well be the founding text for understanding the people as a central political category in the modern age: Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s 1762 treatise The Social Contract. Rousseau is the eighteenth-century philosopher who, no doubt more than anyone, has given center stage to the coming into being of a people as the modern political act par excellence. For him this means above all to forego the search for the origins of political power in a transcendent source such as the divine right bestowed on a king or dynasty, to whom the people would then have no choice but to devote itself in a blind pledge of allegiance: Thus, before examining the act whereby a people chooses a king, it would be well to examine the act whereby a people is a people. For since this act is necessarily prior to the other, it is the true foundation of society.² Such would be the riddle of the people’s foundational act that Rousseau seeks to solve in The Social Contract. In reality, despite the apparent tautology of its formulation, this act is riven with paradoxical tensions.

    If an act is involved to begin with, then clearly we are not dealing with the evidence of an already given identity. Instead of referring us back to the self-sameness of an essential being, the people is only ever the result of a process of political becoming. More so than a single punctual act, situated at the mythic origin of a people, such a political process involves a prolonged act or series of acts in which a substantial yet immanent transformation takes hold of a collective body. This is the strange magic whereby the whole becomes more than the sum of its parts. Thus, in the distance between the first and the second mention of a people in Rousseau’s formula, we must assume the occurrence of a true metamorphosis—nothing less than a change in human nature itself, as the young Marx was fond of recalling in his reading of The Social Contract: He who dares to undertake the establishment of a people should feel that he is, so to speak, in a position to change human nature, to transform each individual (who by himself is a perfect and solitary whole), into a part of a larger whole from which this individual receives, in a sense, his life and his being.³ But this momentous change risks becoming obfuscated behind the use of the copula in the act by which a people is a people, as if we were dealing not with a momentous transformation but with a seamless tautology between subject and predicate.

    The same tension also lies in wait, phrased differently but likewise ready to explode, in the well-known solution offered in The Social Contract to the fundamental problem of knowing how to describe what constitutes a people, namely the sealing of an originary compact or contract: If, therefore, one eliminates from the social compact whatever is not essential to it, one will find that it is reducible to the following terms. Each of us places his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will; and as one we receive each member as an indivisible part of the whole.⁴ The fact that Rousseau couches his solution in these terms, borrowed from the juridical ideology of contract law, only highlights the tension all the more. Indeed, as Louis Althusser has shown in a painstaking analysis of the theoretical contradictions that run through The Social Contract, the model of the contract is inadequate and fails to correspond to the terms of the problem for which it is meant as the solution. This is because, even as a philosophical fiction, a contractual exchange supposes a reciprocal relation of giveand-take between two formally equal partners. In Rousseau’s formulations, however, a barely disguised contradiction obtains between the many parts (each of us) that enter into the bargain on one end of the exchange and the indivisible whole (we as one) that emerges on the opposite end.

    Indeed, if, following Althusser’s lead, we ask ourselves who are the recipient parties (RPs) in Rousseau’s formula of contractual exchange, we can say: On the one hand they are the individuals taken one by one, and on the other, the ‘community.’ Hence RP1 = the individual, and RP2 = the ‘community.’⁵ In The Social Contract, though, this second party—the community or collective body that Rousseau proposes we may also call the city, the body politic, or the republic—does not even exist before the act of association itself. Here, Rousseau’s use of the contract model shows up its inadequacy for describing this originary association, as it cannot conceal the profound imbalance or inequality between the two contracting parties. Althusser describes this inequality as the first décalage, or discrepancy, that begins to tear apart the entire conceptual scaffolding in The Social Contract, the one from which, by an inevitable chain effect, a whole series of further discrepancies will follow in Rousseau’s treatise. Althusser describes the problem as follows:

    In a word, here is the difficulty: in every contract the two Recipient Parties exist prior to and externally to the act of the contract. In Rousseau’s Social Contract, only the RP1 conforms to these conditions.

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