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About this ebook

Stan, Reese's second must make life changing decisions. Will he challenge the evil alpha James? His fated mate Rachel isn't ready to mate him. If he ends up alpha of a pack, will that make her decide against him?
Rachel's life has changed recently and it looks like it will change again. Will she choose Stan whether he has a new pack or not? If she does, will that pack accept her and if she mates with him, will she change like her sister Megan did?
So many decisions and changes for both of them. Will they make the right choices and will they end up together? Right now, only the goddess knows...

PublisherCrystal Dawn
Release dateFeb 9, 2017

Crystal Dawn

When she’s not out hunting rogue vampires and werewolves, you can find Crystal Dawn out exploring the galaxy. She can do it all without ever leaving her computer. She kicks ass, takes names, and puts it all down for the enjoyment of her readers. At least that’s what I think she told me. Writing came as a natural outlet for her overly creative mind. She has always told stories and even written some but publishing books didn't start until 2012 with The Rebirth, was the first of the Planet Amazon books. Crystal has also been lucky to have some wonderful beta readers who keep her on track and help inspire her.Secretly, she crushes on all her sexy heroes because all her stories end happily. That is one of the things that makes writing such a joy. Knowing that it makes her reader's day a little brighter. Not that she doesn't read sad books sometimes. While still in school, she read Where the Red Fern Grows and cried like a baby. It was a wonderful book and sometimes a bit of sadness has to be put in books because that's part of life. While she reads all kinds of books at some time or another, PNR and SFR, which she writes is what she reads the most for pleasure.When she started writing, she decided on going Indie after the first two books because an author has more control. She believes Indie will compete well and continues to grow. The need to give pleasure to her readers keeps her going and she sees a long career ahead. Growing up mostly in the NW Arkansas area, it has given her a good place to set some stories and many of her characters come from there or nearby SW Missouri.The start of her stories is the easy part. Finishing them is a little harder when all the stories are in there trying to get out. She loves reading, chocolate, fine sweet wine, and traveling among a large list of pursuits. Her favorite people, after her family and close friends, are her readers who she says are some of the most wonderful people in this galaxy and the next.

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    Book preview

    Stanley - Crystal Dawn

    The Red Wolf

    Book 1


    He was the biggest badass around, but who knew he could fall for a human mate? Would meeting Megan, the pack alpha’s adopted daughter be his undoing? She was strong for a human, but then he found out she might have some of the strongest wolf bloodlines running through her.

    Megan was terrified when the overseer turned his attention to her. She did what any logical female would do, she hurried home. Her parents had her smuggled out where he would never find her, unfortunately someone else did. When faced with a greater danger, she sent him a message hoping he would rescue her.

    When they come face to face, will it be the winner take all or will they both win in the game of love?

    Book 2


    Stan, Reese's second, must make life changing decisions. Will he challenge the evil alpha James? His fated mate Rachel isn't ready to mate him. If he ends up alpha of a pack, will that make her decide against him?

    Rachel's life has changed recently, and it looks like it will change again. Will she choose Stan whether he has a new pack or not? If she does, will that pack accept her and if she mates with him, will she change like her sister Megan did?

    So many decisions and changes for both of them. Will they make the right choices, and will they end up together? Right now, only the goddess knows.


    Red wolves, like white wolves, had long been considered extinct by everyone. Thinking that they had also bred themselves into nonexistence just like the white wolves had seemed an unlikely possibility. When red wolves are discovered to exist after all, it brings out all kinds of claims. Magic is thrown into the mix making it hard to guess what will happen. Love can be a powerful ally in a game where you can lose everything in the blink of an eye.

    It had only been a couple weeks since Delane, the evil bastard, had been hauled off by Terrill the warden. A lot had changed and now the pack that was encompassed by the city run between the overseer and their alpha and the pack run by Alpha James both waited to see what would happen next.

    Chapter 1

    To Challenge or Not

    You don’t have to take on the alpha if you don’t want to, but I’ll support you and make sure the fight is fair should you decide to. Reese informed.

    Three of us sat there deep in a discussion that would decide the future of our pack and the one run by Alpha James. Reese had never looked happier in his life and I, as his best friend, was happy for him. I had my own shit to sort out and I hoped things would work out as well for me.

    What do you see yourself doing, Stan? Alpha Roberts asked.

    I think it’s time to take a stand. My belief is that I’m the only one we can be sure will treat those females right. I admitted. I knew they would never force me to make an alpha challenge, but I was going to anyway.

    Just think, a few weeks ago we never would have seen this coming. Reese observed. A few weeks ago, was before it was brought to our attention that females and the weaker wolves were being mistreated.

    If we’d known, Reese or I would have been honor bound to challenge and add their pack to ours. That’s not what we want to do, but we still could. An alpha challenge is a serious decision. Roberts counseled.

    I know that’s true, but I am an alpha who is only third to the two of you. Most alphas that run packs don’t have anywhere near your strength. My faith in myself includes being able to kick James’ ass all the way to Sunday. In the future, I have always seen myself in a higher position. I thought I’d have to leave my friends behind, but this way I’ll be right next door. It’ll be downright cozy between the three of us. No one would disagree with that. I’d never had the problems with Roberts that Reese had because he never saw me as a competitor.

    As long as you’re doing it for the right reasons, son. Roberts approved.

    I’ll be honest, had I not seen and heard what those three females told you about the way they’d been treated by their pack and their alpha, I’d never have considered this. I don’t want to uproot or disgrace a leader that’s doing right by their people. What those females described as going on in their pack is unconscionable and can’t be allowed to continue. Females being basically pimped out, weak members being used like slaves and beaten anytime the higher-ranking members feel like it, that is evil. Then add the mistreatment of children. Making them fight for food, those doing that are monsters. I explained.

    I can’t agree with you more. Reese said. We wouldn’t allow it to continue either. To be honest, since you’re being that way, you are a perfect solution except I’m a selfish bastard. Win or lose, I’ll lose you as my second and I hate that. I love that you’ll be in a position you deserve and that you’ll still be close by, but damn I’ll miss seeing your ugly mug every day.

    I feel the same way, Boss. That’s why I kept putting off what I knew I’d eventually have to do. Maybe it was all the fates aligning for the perfect outcome. Hell, I don’t know. I only know I have to do this and soon. Every day we wait, someone else suffers. I explained.

    Don’t be so sure of that. They know three of their females came here and they know they can’t take us. I bet they behave until they think things have calmed down. We just need to make sure that we act in the next week or so. I’ll agree sooner is better. Roberts admitted.

    It felt good to have the support of Reese and Roberts. I figured they would support me and if I won, it would help our area to be more stable. Southern Arkansas wasn’t like the northern end of the state that was divided by two major packs with few exceptions. There were places there a few packs weren’t fully defined by the human divisions like Blake’s pack that pushed into Arkansas a little way. Otherwise, there was just the Northeast Arkansas pack and the Northwest Arkansas Pack.

    Down in southern Arkansas there were several pack towns like ours. This part of the state had a lot of small packs like the James’ pack. This was unusual because most states were divided in large sections. We had been like that down here once, but the two large packs that had claimed the southeast and the southwest had dwindled until they’d fragmented, and small packs had moved into areas that weren’t covered by the packs that used to claim them. Those not strong enough to hold the land they claimed, no longer owned it.

    My hope was that James was no longer strong enough to hold his pack. Even if he won, he would be investigated by the wardens and probably lose his pack before long. If he lost, I hoped I wouldn’t have to kill him. Killing was a last resort, funny coming from a trained killer, wasn’t it?

    Roberts left, reassured that everything was about to be as it should. You okay? Reese asked.

    Yeah, I’m peachy.

    Shit don’t use that on me. I know it means mind your own business in Stan speak. We both laughed. The male knew me too well. That was okay though because he would help me in any way he could. I would take over a broken pack if I won. If I lost, I would be dead, James never left a challenger alive to come back and challenge again. It was an old school rule that had served him well.

    I’m calling Terrill in, and we’ll issue the challenge as soon as we know when he can get here. How’s that other thing going?

    Oh, shit! He just had to bring that up. His lovely mate had a sister who was just as lovely, but she had a dirty mouth. That didn’t bother me nearly as much as the fact that she was a witch. I don’t know. That woman is impossible to read. She’s also sweating Abs coming around again. Abs was what Reese called some asshole male witch that had decided to imprison other witches into magical and sexual servitude. The witches’ council was offering one hundred thousand dollars for him if he was turned in alive. No bounty for his dead body, what a shame.

    She’s not alone in that concern. Remember, he added my mate to his wish list. I suspect he’ll try to find them when they aren’t together and take them one at a time. He can’t overcome their combined powers, but if one is alone, hell, who knows what would happen.

    Reese picked up the phone and I kept quiet. He was calling Terrill the warden. He would probably want to talk to both of us so I was sure Reese would put it on speaker.

    Hello? Terrill? I’m putting this on speaker because Stan is the reason I’m calling. Reese explained.

    Why, did he go rogue? Terrill asked with a chuckle to show it was a joke.

    No, but there is a real problem with our neighbors. I offered.

    Yes, I’m aware there is a problem, but anytime I go to investigate, everyone’s mouth is shut. Terrill confirmed.

    I think you’ll find that has changed. We need you here as soon as possible. Reese requested.

    What’s going on? Terrill wondered.

    I’m challenging James for alpha. Stan admitted.

    How? You’re not a member of his pack.

    No, but he has committed atrocities to three females that have asked us for protection and justice. Reese confirmed.

    How does that involve Stan? Terrill asked.

    I’ve volunteered to be the instrument of their attempt to seek justice. I informed.

    Are you sure you know what you’re getting into? Terrill asked.

    I am fully aware. I am Reese’s second and I fill in when he’s not here. I also know the pack is broken and needs a firm but fair hand. I answered.

    I had to ask, Stan. Everything sounds right and I can be there tomorrow. I’ll speak to the ladies first, but you can go ahead and make the challenge for the afternoon. I’ll be bringing some help just in case. Terrill promised.

    Thank you. We look forward to seeing you. Reese said.

    Thanks for being so quick. I added.

    Bye, guys. Terrill said as he hung up.

    That had gone amazingly fast and now it hit me hard. Tomorrow I would have the fight of my life. I didn’t think I would have any problem beating him or any of his current pack members. Since this was also a matter of justice, according to the rules he could call on a champion, but who could he get in less than a day and who would he trust to give their all to fight for his life? There was no one I could think of which meant I’d be facing James himself. The older wolf wasn’t old enough for it to cause problems normally, but he lived a lazy life. Even shifters who normally had muscles without any work, lost some when they did nothing at all for days on end.

    None of us knew what he ate, but somehow, he’d managed to develop a bit of a gut. It was something I would have said was impossible, but maybe the goddess had cursed him for his lifestyle and the way he treated his pack. that was a puzzle I had no time to figure out now, but his poor condition was a point in my favor. My extremely good physical condition was another point for me. I was also an exceptional fighter and I practiced with Reese and lately, a few times with Alpha Roberts, they were the two top fighters in the area. I gave them a challenge, at least for a while before they took me out.

    It was gratifying that Reese and Roberts both seemed to believe I’d win. That boosted my confidence and that was an important factor too. Trusting in myself and not overthinking would be crucial in what I hoped would be a quick victory. One thing that would have helped settle my wolf was if Rachel would have agreed to be my mate. Unfortunately, she was having a hard time deciding what she wanted. If she didn’t decide soon, I would be an unmated alpha. I knew that wasn’t good.

    Some might point out that Reese had been single for many years, but he hadn’t been in sole control of our town and the pack alpha had been mated. It would be hard on me without the support of a mate. I would also be the target of all the unmated females in the pack.

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