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Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow!: Simple Science Experiments for Young Children
Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow!: Simple Science Experiments for Young Children
Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow!: Simple Science Experiments for Young Children
Ebook226 pages1 hour

Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow!: Simple Science Experiments for Young Children

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About this ebook

Excite young learners with this collection of more than 80 simple science experiments. Each activity promotes learning and requires materials that are likely already in your classroom or kitchen. Each fun activity includes simple instructions and a clear explanation of the experimentand many include variations and helpful hints.
PublisherRedleaf Press
Release dateOct 1, 2014
Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow!: Simple Science Experiments for Young Children

Lisa Murphy

Lisa Murphy is a writer and avid blogger. She is a stay-at-home mom and independent sales distributor for Juice Plus+® nutritional products. Lisa resides in Delray Beach, Florida, with her husband, Jim, and their two children. Marilyn Murray Willison is an accomplished author of five nonfiction books and has worked as a respected international journalist in both the US and the UK. As an adoptee, author, and mother, With an Open Heart spoke to her on a variety of levels.

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    Book preview

    Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow! - Lisa Murphy

    IF you want to do something GOOD for a child,

    give him an ENVIRONMENT

    where he can TOUCH things

    as much as he wants.

    Buckminster Fuller


    As with any creative project there are many folks to thank – kudos to Nili Miller for gathering new ideas, typing them up and trying them out wherever counter space allowed, Zoe Somebody and the creative artistic folks at [i] motion design, Diana and Sue who got the ball rolling and have passed their baby onto us… I hope we do you proud! And, as always, to Tom for his never ending supply of patience with my never ending ability to miss every single deadline.

    My love to you all.

    Published by Ooey Gooey, Inc.

    1115 E. Main St.

    Box 48

    Rochester, NY 14609


    Original © 1992, 1995 by

    Diana McGregor, Sue Corsiglia, and Donna Willy.

    Current © 2003

    Lisa Murphy, Ooey Gooey, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without expressed permission.

    ISBN 978-1-6055437-8-9

    Cover and inside text design and layout by [ i ] motion design


    The Beginning Stuff

    Introduction from the Original Edition

    A Story for You from Lisa

    Your Fizzle Bubble Shopping List

    The Experiments

    Air Is Everywhere

    Balloon Blowup

    Balloon Vibrations

    Bendable Bones

    Best Bubble Solution

    Better Butter

    The Big Fizz

    The Blob

    Bubbling Eruption

    Cabbage Clues

    Clear Blue Sea

    Coat Hanger Chime

    Coffee Filter Science

    Cold Water Insulation

    Colored Carrot

    Colored Celery

    Cork Lift Off

    Dancing Noodles

    Egg in the Glass

    Eggshell Power

    Egg in the Bottle

    Exploding Colors

    Exploding Soda

    Film Canister Pop

    Flame Flattener

    Flame-Resistant Balloon

    Floating Cork

    Floating Eggs


    Frozen Balloon Blow Up

    Heat Rises


    Ice Mountain

    Jumping Spices

    Lava Light

    Lifting Ice

    Magic Drawing

    Magic Touch Bags

    Magnifying Bucket

    Make a Cloud

    Marble Racing

    Metal Chimes

    Mini Balloon Pump

    Mini Magnifier

    Mixing Colors

    Moving Toothpicks

    Musical Bottles

    No Pop Balloon Pop

    Noisy Peas

    Oil and Water Art

    Ooblick - A Sensational Suspension

    Over the Brim

    Oxygen Deprived Candle

    Paper Holds Water

    Peppy Paprika

    Rainbow Layers

    Raining Color

    Rising Balls

    Rising Water

    Rolling Penny

    Rubber Egg

    Secret Solution

    Seeing Sound

    Shiny Pennies

    Shrinking Letters

    Silly Sippers

    Silly Sound Makers

    Slime Test

    Soap Boat

    Sound Makers

    Spinning Eggs

    Strength Test

    T-Shirt Science


    Temperature Confusion

    Temperature Mixing

    Time Warp Hose

    Water Magic

    Yeast Inflated Balloon

    Zoom Zoom Balloon

    The End Stuff



    Contact Information

    The Beginning Stuff

    Introduction from the Original Edition

    This book is a collection of science experiments that will excite any young learner. It has been developed at the urging of teachers who wanted easy reference to successful science activities. The result is a practical resource that can be effectively utilized with children ages three through twelve. All of these experiments have been tried a number of times. They have been adult tested, kid tested, and will work successfully for you. If sometimes you do not arrive at the expected outcome, try again. This approach is part of being a scientist. The experiments are not our own creation. They have existed for many years and have been drawn from various sources. Primarily, they are ideas that have been shared by other early childhood teachers. When we began our program, our goal was to excite the children in our preschool about the notion of science. Initially, having an educational background in Liberal Art as do many of our colleagues we felt unqualified to teach science to anyone. When we looked at the children, however, our feelings of inadequacies were soon dispelled. We understood that having a positive attitude about science was far more important than having extensive knowledge. Young children don’t require detailed explanations of scientific principles. They need the same opportunity we offer in all other areas of learning: the chance to experience it first hand. Simply put, they need to do science.

    With that in mind, we set out to develop a program in which the children could be active participants. Through our research and practical experimentation we discovered, much to our delight, that anyone can create an exciting and successful science component. Simple materials and basic ingredients of water, air, candles, vinegar, baking soda, salt, eggs, and balloons are readily available at low cost. As you look through our book, you will see that some of the activities are those that the adults demonstrate; but most are those in which the children take part. Through their involvement they learn basic concepts about gravity, air, fire, and water. But at this early level many of the activities simply appear to be like magic to them. Mostly what we want our children to learn is that science is fun. The philosopher Le Rochefoucauld said, People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it. We wish you fun and success in developing or expanding your science program for young children.

    Diana, Sue and Donna


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