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About this ebook

Empower your dog to gain confidence and social skills

With BAT 2.0, trainer/author Grisha Stewart has completely overhauled Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) to create a new efficient and practical tool for dog reactivity. BAT 2.0 builds resilience and self-reliance by giving dogs safe opportunities to learn about people, dogs, or other “triggers.” Clear enough for all readers to follow, this book also includes technical tips and bonus chapters just for dog behavior professionals.

Learn how to:

Rehabilitate aggression, frustration, and fear.

Use survival skills to prevent reactivity on walks and at home.

Use a long line to safely maximize your dog’s freedom of movement.

Apply Grisha’s BAT philosophy to all dogs and puppies...and get your life back!

Release dateJan 1, 2016

Grisha Stewart

Grisha Stewart is a dog trainer and international speaker based in Alaska. Her dog training techniques, including Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT), use empowerment to build dogs' confidence, social skills, and manners. In addition to her rigorous travel schedule, Grisha teaches dog trainers and families worldwide in her online Animal Building Blocks Academy. She loves hiking with her dogs, reading, and rock climbing. Seminar info:


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    Behavior Adjustment Training 2.0

    New Practical Techniques for Fear, Frustration, and Aggression in Dogs

    Grisha Stewart, M.A., CPDT-KA

    Dogwise Publishing

    A Division of Direct Book Service, Inc.

    403 South Mission Street, Wenatchee, Washington 98801

    509-663-9115, 1-800-776-2665 / [email protected]

    © 2016 Grisha Stewart

    Graphic design: Lindsay Peternell

    Cover and interior illustrations: Lili Chin, Humane Hierarchy: Susan Friedman and James Fritzler.

    Interior photographs: Animals Plus, Company of Animals, Dan Catchpole, Simon Conner, Dennis Fehling, Katrien Lismont, Dana Litt, Carly Loyer, Marie Legain, Stevie Mathre, Melissa McDaniel, Midwest Metal, Premier Pet Products, J. Nichole Smith, Smart Animal Training Systems, Thundershirt, Risë VanFleet.

    Some text has appeared previously in: The Official Ahimsa Dog Training Manual: A Practical, Force-free Guide to Problem Solving and Manners by Grisha Stewart and Behavior Adjustment Training: BAT for Fear, Frustration, and Aggression in Dogs by Grisha Stewart.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty:

    The author and publisher shall not be liable in the event of incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of the instructions and suggestions contained in this book.

    ISBN: 978-1-61-781174-6

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data on file at

    Printed in the U.S.A.

    For my mother, who taught me that humans aren’t the only ones with feelings.

    For Peanut, the first BAT dog: my soulmate dog, teacher, and muse.

    I keep learning to pay even more attention to your choices.

    What will you and little Bean teach me next?




    1. Understanding BAT: Key Concepts

    2. BAT Dog Returns: Peanut’s Lessons for Me

    3. Quick Fixes: Safety and Management Essentials

    4. How to See Trouble Before It Starts

    5. Leash Skills for Freedom and Safety

    6. BAT Set-ups for Reactivity

    7. Mark and Move: Up Close and Tight Spaces

    8. Troubleshooting BAT Set-Ups

    9. Surprise: Sudden Environmental Contrast

    10. BAT on Everyday Walks

    11. Love Thy Neighbor: Fence Fighting

    12. Who Is It? Teaching Your Dog to Enjoy Guests

    13. BAT for Puppy Socialization

    14. For Trainers and Behavior Consultants: Using BAT with Clients


    Appendix 1—Clicker Training Foundations

    Appendix 2—Other Techniques that use Functional Reinforcers

    Appendix 3—For Trainers and Behaviorists: Geek Speak

    Appendix 4—Trainers and Clients Share Their Experiences with BAT


    About the Author




    I am grateful to many people in the creation of BAT in general and this book in particular. First, I have so much gratitude to Peanut and Boo Boo, for showing me that there is a wise dog underneath the bluster, and for being patient as I looked for what was under my nose.

    Thank you to:

    My husband, John, for understanding that sometimes I just have to go camping with Peanut in the wilds of Alaska to write.

    My amazingly empowering BAT support team, both in front of and behind the scenes: Ellen Naumann, Kristin Burke, Joey Iversen, Carly Loyer, Jo Laurens, Lisa Walker, Viviane Arouzoumanian, Jennie Murphy. I couldn’t do it all without your help.

    Jill Olkoski, for your patience during the development of BAT 1.0, for trusting me to train your dog (who’s featured on the cover), and for invaluable help getting me to focus on the essentials.

    Artist extraordinaire, Lili Chin for her lovely illustrations throughout this book and her efficient, friendly attitude during the process.

    All of the people who developed the many methods using functional reinforcers from which I drew inspiration for BAT plus Leslie McDevitt (for Control Unleashed) and Karen Pryor and all the great clicker trainers.

    Guild Certified TTouch Practitioner Lori Stevens for engaging conversation and idea-bouncing during my initial brainstorm on BAT 1.0.

    Alta Tawzer of Tawzer Dog for her unbelievable support. You helped me get BAT off the ground, and I will never forget that.

    Trainers Kathy Sdao and Joey Iversen for your training wisdom and insight—with Peanut and in general. And now we can say, We’ll always have Paris.

    Susan Friedman, for bringing scientific information to the dog community about many things, including the importance of empowerment for our learners. I’d also like to thank Susan for helping me keep my chin up and focus on the people who are ready to learn.

    Certified BAT Instructors (CBATIs) around the world who have put time and energy into fully learning BAT and demonstrating their skill. Your effort makes the world a better place!

    My seminar hosts around the world. I have learned from every experience and that information is all folded into BAT 2.0. Thank you for graciously welcoming me to your area and sharing BAT with the people there. You are part of the reason so many people have learned to do BAT.

    From the first book: The trainers and dog lovers in the FunctionalRewards Yahoo! group around the world (including Sarah Owings, Jude Azaren, Donna Savoie, Irith Bloom, Dani Weinberg, David Smelzer, Barrie Lynn, Susan Mitchell, Danielle Theule, Rachel Bowman, Dennis Fehling, and many others), for your great ideas and for bringing BAT to the dogs in their lives. There are now about 10,000 people discussing BAT in various online discussion groups, so I’m afraid I can’t begin to mention you all. There are 46 moderators of different BAT groups on Facebook alone! That said, I will highlight Liz Wyant and Chelsea Johnson for moderating the big high-traffic official Facebook group and Jude Azaren in Yahoo. Thank you!

    The many helper dogs and people that have helped BAT dogs learn and change.

    The volunteer proofreaders for this book, including Susan Friedman, Jo Laurens, Carly Loyer, Bree Mize, Kristen Thomas, and Matt White. Any remaining errors are still my own.

    The lovely folks who submitted write-ups on their experiences with BAT: Your stories help people see the power of choice.

    Dogwise for publishing this book, especially Charlene Woodward for contacting me to publish the first BAT book. Thanks to Larry Woodward, Lindsay Peternell, Jon Luke, and Nate Woodward for helping me pull everything together.


    I’m passionate about the emotional well-being of dogs. This book will teach you how to use the latest version of Behavior Adjustment Training, a tool that I developed to help dogs and people live better lives together. For those who read my original BAT book, released in 2011, you might remember that I called BAT a work in progress. I have continually strived to fine-tune the protocols I use. I’ve made so many changes that I no longer feel comfortable having clients read the older book. That meant it was time to write a new one! The way I teach and use BAT now has simplified many of the procedures and makes them less stressful and more pleasant for the dogs.

    You can use BAT to rehabilitate fear, aggression, and frustration in dogs and also to keep reactivity problems from developing in puppies. While BAT is not the only tool in my training toolbox, it is the foundation of how I relate to all dogs and help clients with puppy socialization and dog reactivity. I’m simply amazed at how much faster the dogs are progressing than they were before BAT, and even compared to BAT 1.0. Trainers around the world are seeing this with their clients, too.

    If you have trained a dog before, you probably have techniques in your training toolbox that you really like. Most modern, force-free training is compatible with BAT in some way. That said, the BAT philosophy is less trainer-driven than you may be used to; it gives dogs maximal control of their desensitization experience. On the other hand, if you have trained by being the ‘pack leader,’ given corrections with a leash or electronic collar, or alpha rolled your dog, then reading about BAT is going feel sort of like switching from a flip phone to a smart phone. It may seem very different (or even uncomfortable) at first. The science of behavior change, called behavior analysis, is decades ahead of what is being shown on television, so you are not alone. It’s very common for people to use correction-based techniques, even though we now have better alternatives. You may not be ready to get rid of that flip phone yet, and that’s okay. Like the smart phone versus a flip phone, this style of training has very powerful possibilities that the old way does not have, but there is also a lot to learn, and it can be frustrating to switch technologies. I encourage you to put that old phone up on a shelf somewhere and try something new for a few months.

    Mark your calendar. For the next three months, be consistent about sticking to the philosophy in this book. Change is hard. You may have some setbacks along the way that make you want to revert back to what is more comfortable for you. If you get stuck or aren’t sure whether a particular training habit you have fits with the philosophy, ask me questions through the Animal Building Blocks Academy, my online school. When your three months have passed, take a look to compare what you did before to what you are doing now, and assess what style of training you prefer.

    I am pretty sure that if you have picked up this book, you may be ready for change. You might be relieved to find that BAT is very different from a lot of other ways to work with aggression, frustration, and fear. BAT doesn’t involve leash corrections, nor does it involve constantly feeding your dog. We use treats when needed, because treats are effective and better for the dog and our relationship than leash corrections. But in my experience, lessons on how to socially interact are best learned through actual social interactions. We don’t need to choose between actively reinforcing or punishing. Dogs have minds of their own, and we can use that to create behavior change. With BAT, we set the stage, then step back and get out of the way so the dog can learn from interactions within a safe environment.

    I wrote this book to help both people with their own dogs and for professional trainers who work with clients. Experienced trainers and shelter staff should be able to readily understand this book and use it to help dogs with reactivity issues. I highly recommend that trainers try BAT first with friends’ or neighbors’ dogs so you can experiment with the techniques more freely than you can with paying clients. For extra help along the way, join one of the discussion groups (see I also have a section at the end of this book for getting additional support.

    If you are not well versed in training, but still want to work with a puppy or a dog with fear or aggression issues, this book, including the four appendices and the glossary, should be very helpful to you. However, getting personal support from someone who has experience is better than going it alone. In particular, if you have any safety concerns or any difficulty understanding your dog or predicting what your dog will do, I recommend reading this book and then hiring a Certified BAT Instructor (abbreviated as CBATI and pronounced sea-batty). I have a CBATI directory on If no CBATIs live near you, that’s not necessarily a showstopper: many of them do private consultations by video. If working with a CBATI is not feasible, a professional dog trainer or behavior consultant familiar with the latest version of BAT can also help you learn how to apply these techniques to your dog. I also teach online courses on BAT and there is a thriving online community for people using BAT (see So support is out there!

    If you can’t find a trainer experienced with BAT in your area, look for a positive or force-free dog trainer who already works with dog reactivity and encourage your trainer to read this book. There are a lot of further resources for you or your trainer to learn more about BAT, including my online courses. Another option is that your trainer could hire a CBATI as a mentor to further improve specific BAT skills. When your trainer is willing to learn new techniques, that’s a good sign. It speaks well for the trainer’s intellectual curiosity, problem solving skills, and professionalism.

    What this book contains

    This book covers all of the essentials of the BAT technique, from basic body language to the tiny subtleties of BAT. For my readers who are already familiar with BAT, some sections of the new book contain the same material as was in the original, but most of the book has been revised significantly. Where needed I have included comparisons between the two so you can see how my thinking on the subject has evolved. But don’t worry; you don’t need any prior experience with BAT to understand the book in front of you.

    If you have used BAT before, you may be hesitant to learn a whole new way to do it. I assure you, if you really learn BAT 2.0, you will like it better. Think of it as a Stage 4, building on the tools that you already have. I’ve been eager to write a new book about BAT because I have made many improvements to BAT in the last few years. BAT will always be a work in progress, and I will undoubtedly make even more changes as time goes on. The changes I made in this book focus on reducing stress, saving time, simplifying instructions, and making the process more natural. By more natural, I mean that we arrange the environment so the learner has more control over his outcomes. When specifically comparing the new version to the older one, I will call it BAT 2.0; if something relates only to the original version, I will call it BAT 1.0. When I just mention BAT without a number, know that I am referring to BAT 2.0.

    I will describe more of the process and inspiration of changing from BAT 1.0 to 2.0 in the main chapters of this book. Three main principles of the original BAT still form the cornerstone of the techniques and protocols you will read about in this book:

    1.     Give the dog a chance to move around and learn about the trigger.

    2.     Continually assess stress and strive to reduce it.

    3.     Use management tools to lower stress outside of training to reduce setbacks.

    I now interpret those three points in a different way than I did when I wrote the original book. Over the years, BAT has increasingly shifted toward empowering dogs (and other animals) and emphasizing the need for a more natural way of learning. This book goes into the details of that evolution.

    What’s new in BAT 2.0:

    •     The techniques are easier to understand and explain.

    •     The dog directs when to approach the trigger and move on, as long as it’s safe (under threshold). By contrast, in BAT 1.0, the handler led more, both on approach and retreat, and sometimes had a goal in mind of how close to get to the trigger.

    •     You will learn specific leash skills.

    •     The caregiver is not specifically reinforcing behavior in most set-ups—but will do so in certain situations.

    •     The protocol reduces stress even more than in the original version.

    •     The focus is on arranging the environment (antecedent arrangements) for the learner’s emotional safety so that desired behavior can occur and be reinforced naturally.

    With this new simplified version, BAT takes the core philosophy of empowerment and antecedent arrangements to the next level. I know change is hard, and some of you are worried about the existence of BAT 2.0 because you really liked the old version of BAT.

    What some of you may have learned about BAT 1.0 has not disappeared. I have reframed techniques you learned as Stages 1, 2, and 3 into Mark and Move, which is easier to understand. BAT set-ups are now carefully arranged so that behavior is reinforced by naturally occurring consequences, without us needing to mark, but we do use Mark and Move when the dogs need that level of help. Remember my standard BAT 1.0 advice to always use the highest stage the animal can do? Well, what I talk about in this book is kind of like a Stage 4, and it’s how you do BAT whenever possible. Mark and Move is used in situations where the free-flowing advice to follow your dog in BAT 2.0 isn’t a good fit (that will make more sense later). Be sure to read through the Mark and Move chapter. There are some critical, subtle differences to pay attention to relating to stress reduction, including the very important point of not leading your dog toward the trigger.

    BAT for broader uses and for professionals

    While I focus on a dog’s reactivity to other dogs or to people, almost all of what I teach can be generalized to other objects of reactivity. In other words, pretty much all of the concepts or techniques also applies to dogs who are reactive to objects in their environment and can even be used with reactive animals of different species. If my example is about dogs who are reactive to humans and your dog is only reactive to dogs, please understand that the concepts are the same. Be creative and don’t skip over a section thinking that it doesn’t apply to your issue! For example, when I write something like, let your dog go in to sniff the person you can translate that into let your dog go in to sniff the helper dog.

    This book is meant for anyone who needs help with dog reactivity and puppy socialization, but it also has several features that are especially helpful for professional dog trainers and behavior consultants. These are included in Tip for Pros sidebars throughout the book with extra information on ‘BATting’ with clients. Chapter 14 is specifically designed to help professionals use BAT with clients. Appendix 2 is a history of other methods that rely on functional reinforcers (i.e., they use consequences that maintain the reactivity to reinforce better behavior), including BAT 1.0. Appendix 3 is a discussion of all things geeky, like which learning theory quadrants apply to BAT. Both of those appendices are aimed at dog reactivity specialists. My goal is to help you put BAT into context, in order to differentiate it from and integrate with other techniques and integrate it with your preferred training methods.

    Once again, recognize that BAT is a constantly evolving process. Please enjoy this book for what it is: the most current version of BAT at the time it was written. Practice the techniques in this book, discuss what you’ve learned with other people, attend seminars, share videos for discussion online, and combine BAT with other training methods to fit the needs of the animals in your life. Above all, always set up situations where animals have the ability to make choices and learn from them, without fear, pain, or aversive force.

    A couple of notes on style

    Throughout this book, I swap dog genders back and forth, to avoid the awkward s/he, he or she, or referring to a dog impersonally as that or it. Also, terms that may be unfamiliar to some readers are printed in bold type the first time they appear in the text and are fully defined in the Glossary at the end of the book. Italics are used for emphasis. Select black and white illustrations in the book are shown at page 150 in color.

    For more help

    To give you more support as you do BAT 2.0, I created a special free coupon code for my online school. Use the code BATBOOK at:


    Understanding BAT: Key Concepts

    My mission is to help dogs have a voice in their care. Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) reduces reactivity by giving dogs more control over their own safety. I know that can sound like crazy-talk, because it seems like that means the dog is in control of us. Entire television shows are devoted to creative ways to gain dominance, based on the idea that the only way to get control is to take it away from the dog. Decades of science tell us that dominating your dog is not necessary. It’s actually a lot more useful and healthy to let dogs have some control over their safety. Dogs need effective ways to meet their needs.

    If you’re reading this book, then you’re here for some reason. Maybe your dog is barking, lunging, or running away. Maybe you are a professional who wants more strategies to help clients with reactivity. Perhaps you’d like to learn how to use BAT to socialize puppies or rescue dogs in your care, because you know how isolating and scary it can be to have a dog with reactivity.

    Whatever your reason for reading, you probably have at least one connection to reactivity, as I did when I first developed Behavior Adjustment Training. My professional connection to reactivity was that I wanted a better way to help my clients. More importantly, I needed a way to help the dog under my own roof. You’ll learn more about Peanut later, after I give you a quick overview of BAT, so that his story makes more sense.

    With BAT, you create opportunities for your dog to interact with his environment in emotionally and physically safe ways. It is especially useful when the triggers for frustration, aggression, or fear are living beings, like other dogs or people. Whatever the trigger is:

    •     BAT gives dogs maximum control over their own safety and other significant events in their lives.

    •     BAT arranges safe scenarios where dogs can socialize naturally and interact with triggers in socially acceptable ways.

    There are a number of other key concepts to grasp in BAT. This chapter will serve as a brief introduction to these concepts. The rest of the book will provide more details and examples, including the next chapter about how I began to use them when working with Peanut.

    Control and empowerment

    If your dog is exhibiting some behavior you don’t want, you may have wondered, Why is he doing it? Does he not love you? Is he trying to dominate you? If he knows you don’t like whatever it is he is doing, then why does he keep doing it? Is he not your best friend, after all?

    Behavior exists to have some effect on a given situation faced by an animal. The applied behavior analysis (ABA) term for those situations is setting events: context clues from the internal and external physical environment that predict possible consequences of behavior. Your dog behaves the way he does simply because he has some goal that the behavior helps him meet, not that he doesn’t love you. That’s the whole point of behavior. He may not even find the behavior particularly fun to do, as is the case with most reactivity. But if your dog has learned that a given behavior provides a way to get what he wants or needs then he is likely to repeat it. You may think it’s a problem behavior. Your dog just thinks, It works. Well, he probably doesn’t think that, in so many words. But on some level, he gets the contingency, the relationship between behavior and outcomes.

    My muse, Peanut.

    Controllability is how much effect the dog’s behavior has on outcomes, especially the degree of behavioral control over stressors. Having one’s behavior influence external events is a basic need of all living beings. That’s the whole point of behavior.

    Empowerment-based training maximizes controllability by creating opportunities for the animal to meet his own goals. There’s a balance, of course; we can’t just let our dogs run around doing whatever they want. We have to make sure our dogs and families are safe. Whenever possible, however, we must empower animals to control their own outcomes.

    Unfortunately, most training, even training without pain, emphasizes the caregiver’s control of the dog’s behavior. Exerting too much control disempowers the learner, whether it is done via threats or treats. It makes sense that we do it: we are animals, too, and control is a basic need for us! We just have to be careful not to get that control at our dogs’ expense. When I need to stop specific behavior, I prefer to manage the environment from behind the scenes, rather than stepping in to micromanage each behavior. This helps teach them to make good choices independent of human intervention. For example, you could start by having only appropriate chew items in the room. Over time, add items that are inappropriate for chewing, but make them less desirable for the dog to chew on: harder to reach, bitter taste, etc. On the other hand, you could follow the puppy around to take precious items out of his mouth. With the first option, he is empowered and has a high degree of controllability (albeit within a controlled environment). The puppy develops a habit of chewing the toys that are available for him to chew and learns from the consequences of his behavior. Chewing appropriate toys becomes his default behavior.

    In the second option, his behavior is thwarted at every turn as you follow him around taking inappropriate things away from him. Your items are equally safe, but the dog’s controllability is low. Even using positive reinforcement drop toy to earn treats.

    Reinforcement of a behavior is any consequence that makes that behavior more likely in the future. Reinforcers can include treats, toys, or relief from something unpleasant, like social pressure.

    Behavior change using BAT

    A behavior you want to change the frequency of through behavior modification is called the target behavior. In particular, the target behavior is behavior that you can measure, that you want to build up, to happen more frequently so that you can replace the behavior you are seeing now. For example, instead of barking and growling, you might like to see sniffing, turning away, etc. Those are target behaviors. They are our goals.

    Think creatively about what your dog gets as a result of his current behavior. In other words, what is the functional reinforcer for his baseline response? Think of the functional reinforcer as a ‘real life’ consequence that is the purpose of your dog’s reactive behavior. Has your dog learned that barking at strangers makes them move away? He may see strangers as a threat and increasing the distance creates a safety buffer. That is the functional reinforcer for his barking (I called this the functional reward in most of the first BAT book). When you ask the question, Why is my dog doing this? the most helpful thing to do is to look for functional reinforcers instead of looking for what’s ‘wrong’ with your dog. He’s not sick. He’s doing this for a reason. Why are functional reinforcers so important? They are the key to changing behavior.

    What is the function of your dog’s barking? What is he trying to achieve?

    Once you know the functional reinforcer(s) for your dog’s current behavior, the next step is to find target behaviors that your dog can do that would reasonably lead to that same reinforcer for him. This is also called a replacement behavior. In other words, how can the dog earn that same reinforcer using behavior you can live with? What do you want to see more of instead of the reactivity? For example, you can reinforce your dog’s choice to turn his head away from approaching strangers instead of barking at them. The reinforcer you’d use for head turns would be the same reinforcer as for the barking, i.e., increasing distance from the strangers. It’s a win-win, because the dog gets what he needs and so do you.

    Sniffing the ground, yawning, sitting, or looking at you are also appropriate possible replacement behaviors for reactivity. With BAT 1.0, we would reinforce the replacement behavior(s) by using the same functional reinforcer that the dog earned from his reactivity. For example, when he looks away (a replacement behavior), happily walk your dog away from the stranger, thereby increasing the distance between dog and stranger (the functional reinforcer). Any arbitrary consequences that the dog will work for can reinforce alternative behavior, but I prefer to use the functional reinforcer. Instead of feeding a treat when the dog does an alternative behavior, you can provide the functional reinforcer that’s maintaining the behavior you’re trying to reduce. That way, the dog can still achieve his goals. The functional reinforcer concept is one of the fundamental techniques of ABA and can be applied to a wide variety of behavior issues. For more details, please check out my general training book, The Official Ahimsa Dog Training Manual (see Resources).

    But here’s an important change in BAT 2.0: we don’t have to provide the reinforcer ourselves in order to strengthen behavior. In fact, sometimes it’s better when it doesn’t come from you. In BAT 2.0, we still use the concept of functional assessment that was presented in the original version of BAT, but now the functional reinforcer is usually a naturally occurring reinforcer. A naturally occurring reinforcer comes from the environment; it isn’t delivered by the trainer as a consequence for behavior. In most of BAT 2.0, the reinforcer for the dog’s polite behavior doesn’t come from the handler marking or prompting the dog to move away. The reinforcer is a natural consequence of the dog’s own movement. Not being the provider of all information and reinforcement can be tough for most people at first. It feels like we should be helping more, doing more. But that turns out to be distracting and not as helpful as you’d think. It’s better to set the situation up so that the dog can be comfortable and the ‘right’ behavior just happens.

    With BAT 2.0, we provide a reinforcer only in certain situations, which I’ll go into detail about when I discuss Mark and Move in Chapter 7. BAT is now a behind-the-scenes approach, focusing on naturally occurring reinforcement and systematic desensitization. I know this sounds a bit technical, but it’s actually pretty simple. By letting the dog investigate from a safe distance, he is empowered to choose appropriate behavior and observe the natural outcome. This helps him gradually get used to situations that normally would have brought out reactivity. BAT 2.0 lets dogs learn much faster and more thoroughly than 1.0 or other techniques, plus it has made people better at observing behavior and keeping stress low.

    Let’s pause to visualize what a BAT session looks like. Someone watching from the outside would see a dog just wandering around sniffing bushes and such with his caregiver, who is skillfully using a long leash for freedom and safety. In the example of a dog with a history of barking at strangers, we get a helper to play the role of the stranger. (Also called a ‘decoy’ or ‘stooge.’ I use the term ‘helper’ when referring to a human, otherwise I add the species, as in ‘helper dog’). We work at a distance from the helper where the dog will sniff around the area, show some interest in the helper, but then move on to whatever interests him next, providing his own functional reinforcer. Over time, he will work his way closer and closer, but you do not lead him to the stranger, nor would you usually need to cue him to go away. In BAT 2.0, you give the dog freedom to learn and are mostly there to save him in an emergency,

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