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Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Ebook630 pages4 hours

Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

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About this ebook

Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology provides a concise overview of the principles of dental radiology, emphasizing their application to clinical practice.  

  • Distills foundational knowledge on oral radiology in an accessible guide
  • Uses a succinct, easy-to-follow approach
  • Focuses on practical applications for radiology information and techniques
  • Presents summaries of the most common osseous pathologic lesions and dental anomalies
  • Includes companion website with figures from the book in PowerPoint and x-ray puzzles


Release dateMay 5, 2017
Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

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    Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology - J. Sean Hubar

    Part One




    The objective of this textbook is to offer the reader a concise summary of the fundamentals and principles of dental radiology. In addition, brief synopses are included of the more common osseous pathologic lesions and dental anomalies. This book is intended to be a handy resource for the student, the dental auxiliary and the practicing clinician.

    What is dental radiology?

    Dental radiology is both an art and a science. An art is a skill acquired by experience, study or observation and a science is a technique that is tested through scientific method. Scientific principles of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology are integral to dental radiology. Capturing and viewing a digital dental image requires sophisticated technology, while the operator’s proper physical positioning of the intraoral receptor requires a skill that is based upon scientific principles. The art of dental radiology involves the interpretation of black and white images that often resemble ink blots. Deriving a differential diagnosis involves the application of the clinician’s knowledge, cognitive skills and accumulated experience. The term radiograph originally applied to an x‐ray image made visible on a processed piece of x‐ray film. A photograph is similar to a radiograph except it is taken with a light‐sensitive camera and printed on photographic paper. Today the term radiograph is used to describe an image whether it was acquired with x‐ray film or with a digital receptor. It is more accurate to use the term x‐ray image when viewing it on a monitor and digital radiograph when a hardcopy is viewed. In the future, radiograph should be updated to a more appropriate term.

    What are x rays?

    X rays are a form of energy belonging to the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Some of the members of the EM family include radio waves, microwave radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, x‐ray radiation and gamma radiation. These examples are differentiated by their wavelength and frequency. A wavelength is defined as the distance between two identical points on consecutive waves (e.g. distance from one crest to the next crest) (Fig. A1). Longer wavelengths have lower frequencies and are considered to be less damaging to living tissues. Conversely, shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies and are considered to be more damaging to living tissues. One end of the EM spectrum includes the long wavelengths used for radio signal communications while at the short wavelength end of the spectrum is gamma radiation. The EM spectrum covers wavelengths, ranging from nanometers to kilometers in length (Fig. A2). Dental x rays are 0.1 to 0.001 nanometers (nm) in length. For comparison purposes, dental x rays may be the size of a single atom while some radio waves are equivalent to the height of a tall building. As with all types of EM radiation, x rays are pure energy. They do not have any mass and because they have very short wavelengths, x rays can easily penetrate and potentially damage living tissues. All forms of EM radiation must not be confused with particulate radiation , such as alpha and beta radiation . Particulate radiation is not discussed in this textbook.

    Fig. A1 Diagrams showing wave pattern of electromagnetic radiation. A. High frequency equals short wavelength. B. Low frequency equals long wavelength.

    Fig. A2 Electromagnetic (EM) spectrum.

    The EM spectrum is divided into the non‐ionizing forms and the ionizing forms of radiation. The boundary between non‐ionizing and ionizing radiation is not sharply delineated. Ionizing radiation is considered to begin with the shorter wavelength ultraviolet rays and the increasingly shorter wavelengths which include x rays and gamma rays. The longer wavelengths of ultraviolet rays and beyond which include microwaves, radio waves, etc. are all considered to be non‐ionizing forms of radiation. The difference is that ionizing radiation is powerful enough to knock an electron out of its atomic orbit, while non‐ionizing radiation is not powerful enough to remove an electron. The removal of an electron from an atom is referred to as ionization. Exposure to ionizing radiation is recognized as being more hazardous to living tissue than non‐ionizing radiation.

    Note: "X ray" is actually a noun composed of two separate words and it should only be hyphenated when it is used as an adjective, e.g. x‐ray tube. In addition, each individual unit of electromagnetic radiation is referred to as a photon . Consequently, the correct term for x ray is x‐ray photon. In published literature, x‐ray photons are often incorrectly referred to as "x‐rays."

    In lay terms, x‐ray images reveal the different parts of our bodies or other matter in varying shades of black and white. Why? This is because skin, bone, teeth, fat and air absorb different quantities of radiation. Within the human body, the calcium in bones and teeth absorbs the most x rays. Tooth enamel is the most mineralized substance in the human body (over 90% mineralized). Consequently, mineralized structures such as teeth and bones appear as varying shades of white (i.e. radiopaque ) on dental images. Fat and other soft tissues absorb less radiation, and consequently they will look darker (i.e. radiolucent ) in comparison to bone. Air absorbs the least amount of x rays, so airways and sinuses typically look black in comparison to mineralized substances. The denser or thicker the material, the more x‐ray photons are absorbed by it. This results in a more radiopaque appearance on an x‐ray image. The thinner or less dense an object is, the fewer the number of x‐ray photons absorbed or blocked by it. Thus more x‐ray photons are able to penetrate through the object to expose the image recording receptor. This results in a more radiolucent appearance.

    What’s the big deal about x‐ray images?

    Just as the early pioneers in radiology were astonished to see the previously unknown in their first x‐ray images, modern day clinicians may be astonished to see osseous and dental pathology, anatomic variations, effects of trauma, etc. on their x‐ray images. Consequently, the benefits of x‐ray images are immense. The combination of both clinical and x‐ray images provides vital information to the dentist for preparing comprehensive dental treatment plans. The end result is a continual improvement in oral healthcare today.



    Discovery of x rays

    On November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen (alternately spelled Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen), a professor of physics and the director of the Physical Institute of the Julius Maximilian University at Würzburg in Germany, while working in his laboratory discovered what we commonly call x rays (Fig. B1). On that day in his darkened laboratory, he noticed light emanating on a table located across the room, far from the experiment that he was conducting. Professor Röntgen was researching the effects of electrical discharge using a Crookes–Hittorf tube . The glowing object was a fluorescent screen used in another experiment. This perplexed him because electrons emanating from his electric discharge tube were known to only travel short distances in air. His fluorescing screen was too far away for these electrons to produce the fluorescence. In addition, his lab was completely darkened and the Crookes–Hittorf tube was completely covered with black cardboard to prevent light leakage. Light leakage otherwise could have caused the screen to fluoresce. It was obvious to Professor Röntgen that he was dealing with an unknown invisible phenomenon. Professor Röntgen called this new phenomenon x rays. X because that is the universal symbol for the unknown and ray because it traveled in a straight line. He was a modest gentleman and did not wish to call these new rays Röntgen rays after himself which is standard protocol for new discoveries. Following his discovery of x rays, he was determined to learn what were the properties and characteristics of these mysterious invisible rays. He secretly tested this phenomenon for weeks and did not divulge any information about his new discovery to anyone. At first he experimented by placing objects in the path of the x rays between the tube and the fluorescent screen. Ultimately, he decided to place his own hand in front of the x‐ray beam and he was amazed at what he saw on the fluorescent screen. He observed shadows of his skin and underlying bones. For the first recorded image, he asked his wife, Bertha, to place her hand on a photographic plate while he operated the experimental apparatus. Professor Röntgen was able to produce an x‐ray image of her bones and soft tissue. This x‐ray image, which includes the wedding ring on her finger, is recognized as the first x‐ray image of the human body (Fig. B2).

    Fig. B1 Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen: credited with being the first person to discover x rays.

    Fig. B2 First x‐ray image of the human body: Bertha Röntgen’s hand.

    On December 28, 1895, Professor Röntgen delivered his first of three manuscripts on x rays to the president of the Physical Medical Society of Würzburg. The first manuscript was entitled On a New Kind of Rays, A Preliminary Communication. The unedited manuscript went to press immediately and was published in the Annals of the Society. Immediately afterwards, announcements were published in newspapers and in scientific journals around the world. In the United States, the announcement of Professor Röntgen's discovery was on January 7, 1896 in the New York Herald newspaper. The English translations of the original paper were printed in Nature, a London publication, on January 23, 1896 and in Science, a New York publication, on February 14, 1896. Professor Röntgen did not seek nor enjoy public acclaim and as a result he would make only a single presentation on the topic of x rays. This presentation was given to the Physical Medical Society of Würzburg on January 23, 1896.

    The prevalence of Ruhmkorff coils and Crookes–Hittorf tubes in nearly every physics laboratory at the time permitted x‐ray research to be conducted globally without much delay. These two ingredients were the primary components necessary for producing x rays. Consequently, prior to Professor Röntgen’s discovery anyone who was studying high voltage electricity was unknowingly generating x rays. But no one prior to Professor Röntgen recognized this phenomenon, nor understood the value of it even if they did suspect something unusual. Sir William Crookes, whose collaboration produced the Crookes–Hittorf tubes, had outright complained to the manufacturer that unopened boxes of photographic plates were arriving at his lab already exposed. Sir Crookes surmised the problem was simply due to the manufacturer’s poor quality control. It was not until after Professor Röntgen’s discovery was announced that Sir Crookes and other scientists finally understood that x rays were the cause of some of their photographic plate problems.

    Professor Röntgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901 for his discovery of x rays even though some tried to discredit his claim to the discovery. Sadly, Professor Röntgen became reclusive and very bitter in his later years as a result of this controversy concerning the discovery of x rays. He even stipulated in his will that all of his correspondences written regarding the discovery of x rays be destroyed at his death. He died on February 10, 1923. Unbeknownst to Professor Röntgen, his recognition of x rays is considered by many today to be the greatest scientific discovery of all time. X rays have truly revolutionized modern healthcare practices.

    Who took the world's first dental radiograph?

    Poor records make it difficult to say conclusively who took the first dental radiograph. However, Professor Walter König in Frankfurt, Germany, Dr. Otto Walkoff, a dentist in Brunschweig, Germany and Dr. Frank Harrison, a dentist in Sheffield, England have all been reported to have taken dental radiographs within a month of Röntgen 's reported discovery. Dr. Walkoff on January 14, 1896 used a glass photographic plate. The glass plate was wrapped in black paper to block out light and it was covered with rubber dam to keep out saliva. He inserted this glass plate into his own mouth and subjected himself to a 25 min exposure to radiation (Fig. B3). If not the first dental radiograph, it certainly was one of the earliest dental radiographs. Most people claim that Dr. C. Edmund Kells, Jr. took the first dental radiograph of a living person in the United States. It should be emphasized that this was on a living person because it had been reported earlier in a Dental Cosmos publication that Dr. Wm. J. Morton, a physician, presented his research work before the New York Odontological Society and it included four dental x‐ray radiographs. But his dental radiographs were taken on dried laboratory skulls and not on a living person. According to Dr. Kells, Just when I took my first dental radiograph, I cannot say, because I have no record of it, but in the transactions of the Southern Dental Association, there is reported my x‐ray clinic given in Asheville in July 1896, and I remember full well that I had had the apparatus several months before giving this clinic and had developed a method of taking dental radiographs. Thus I must have begun work in April or May 1896. Regardless of who was first to expose a dental radiograph, the value of dental radiography was recognized almost immediately after Professor Röntgen’s discovery of x rays.

    Fig. B3 First dental radiograph (unconfirmed). In January 1896, Dr. Otto Walkoff, a German dentist, covered a small glass photographic plate and wrapped it in a rubber sheath. He then positioned it in his mouth and subsequently exposed himself to 25 min of radiation.

    Dr. C. E. Kells, Jr., a New Orleans dentist and the early days of dental radiography

    Shortly after the announcement of Professor Röntgen’s discovery, Professor Brown Ayres of Tulane University in New Orleans gave a public demonstration of x rays using a crude apparatus set‐up. Since the general public marveled at the thought of being able to stand next to a piece of equipment and shortly thereafter see a photograph of the inside of the body, he devoted a portion of his demonstration to expose a volunteer's hand. Although it required a lengthy 20 min exposure, the crowd was patient, including one curious soul, Dr. C. Edmund Kells, Jr. (Fig. B4). It immediately occurred to him that x rays would be an invaluable tool for observing inside the jaws and teeth. Dr. Kells met Professor Ayres and they discussed the idea of taking pictures of teeth. Professor Ayres became instrumental in assisting Kells to acquire the necessary equipment for building an x‐ray laboratory to conduct his own research.

    Fig. B4 Dr. C. Edmund Kells, Jr.: New Orleans dentist, inventor and author.

    It was a crude and difficult procedure for taking x rays in the early days. For example, one of the original problems encountered was the variability in output of the x‐ray tube. The few molecules of air that were inside the tube were vital for producing x rays. To do so, some of these air molecules would have to be bombarded into the walls of the tube, which would convert their energy into x rays. The air molecules received that energy when a very high voltage was supplied to the tube. In doing this, however, these molecules of air would gradually adhere to the inner walls of the tube and without any free air molecules present floating inside the tube, x rays could not be produced. To reverse this situation, the x‐ray tube would have to be heated by means of an alcohol lamp. The heat would drive the air molecules off the walls, allowing x rays to be produced once again. The constantly changing conditions within the tube meant that the apparatus had to be reset for each and every patient. Otherwise, there was no way of determining how long a photographic plate would need to be exposed to get a good image.

    To complicate matters further, meters were not available in the early days to measure exactly how much radiation was being produced by the x‐ray apparatus. The accepted method of choice was for a clinician, such as Dr. Kells, to pick up a fluoroscope and place one hand in front of it. The radiation output would be adjusted until the bones of the hand were visible in the fluoroscope. An equally hazardous technique would be for the operator to place a hand in front of the beam and adjust the radiation output until the skin began to turn red. This is referred to as the erythema dose . The patient would then be positioned in front of the x‐ray beam and the exposure taken. The absence of any immediate accompanying sensation by the patient frequently led to radiation overexposure. Furthermore, the clinician was in close proximity to the patient during the entire exposure and was completely unshielded.

    Dr. Kells immediately could foresee several problems with incorporating x rays into a dental practice. His primary concern was the exposure time. If it took 20 min for a hand to be exposed, it theoretically might require hours to expose a tooth because a tooth is a much denser object. How could a patient hold a dental x‐ray film motionless for that length of time? Dr. Kells’ early trials showed that it would require up to 15 min to expose a molar tooth, which was much better than he anticipated, but it still was a monumental problem to overcome. If dental x rays were to be routinely taken by the dental practitioner, technical improvements to reduce time exposures were crucial. Within three years of Professor Röntgen's discovery rapid improvements in the design of the x‐ray tube dramatically reduced that 15 min exposure down to 1–2 min. Then there was a major alteration in the tube design on May 12, 1913. This was the patent application date for the Coolidge tube and this ushered in the golden age of radiology. W. O. Coolidge, the director of research at the General Electric Company, found that using a coil of tungsten in a low vacuum tube could generate significantly more x rays than the old gas style tubes could ever produce. As a result, in the 1920s x‐ray exposures were dramatically reduced to 4–10 s in duration.

    There were also electrical dangers. An uninsulated and unprotected wire carried a high voltage current to the discharge tube which led to injuries to both patients and clinicians. In 1917, Henry Fuller Waite, Jr. patented the design for an x‐ray unit that eliminated the exposed high voltage wire. General Electric introduced the Victor CDX shockproof dental x‐ray unit about a year later.

    All x‐ray demonstrations on human patients initially used large glass plates for recording the images. It was not until 1919 that the first machine‐wrapped dental x‐ray film packet became commercially available. It was called regular film and was manufactured by the Eastman Kodak Company. Now that x‐ray film was small enough to place inside a patient's mouth, how were patients supposed to hold it in place and keep it steady? To overcome both these problems, Dr. Kells produced his own rubber film holder with a pocket in it for holding the film. The side of the film holder was made of an aluminum plate and the wrapped film was placed in the pocket. With the patient's mouth closed, the film holder was held in place by the opposing teeth. He selected one of his dental assistants to be his subject. This person is regarded as being the first living person in the United States to have experienced a dental x‐ray exposure. She sat in a dental chair with the film holder in place with her face placed up against the side of a thin board. In this manner, she was able to hold perfectly still for the required time. Unbeknownst to Dr. Kells at the time, using the thin board acted as an x‐ray filter that helped to prevent his assistant from receiving a radiation burn to her face from the prolonged exposure. Filters eventually would become a standard feature in all modern x‐ray units.

    Just as there were extravagant claims made for using x rays for the eradication of facial blemishes such as birth‐marks and moles, removal of unwanted hair and curing cancer, early advocates met with considerable opposition to the diagnostic use of x rays and it often came from within the profession. Not only did they oppose the use of x rays, they openly condemned it. Dr. John S. Marshall in June of 1897 told the members of the Section on Stomatology of the American Medical Association that he had intended to use the rays in his practice, but had been deterred by the danger. Tragically, many early pioneers eventually developed fatal cancers from exposure to tremendous amounts of accumulated radiation received in monitoring and operating the x‐ray apparatus. Dr. Kells himself developed cancer that was attributed to radiation exposure. Even so, he stated in the last article he wrote Do I murmur at the rough deal the fates have dealt me? No, I can't do that. When I think of the thousands of suffering patients who are benefited every day by the use of x rays, I cannot complain. That a few suffer for the benefits of the millions is a law of nature. Sadly, after years of suffering and failed medical treatments, he committed suicide in his dental office in 1928.


    Generation of X Rays

    X rays occur in nature (e.g. solar x rays) but dental x rays are strictly a man‐made entity. Dental x‐ray equipment is manufactured by multiple companies, each offering varying styles, sizes, features and prices for their own particular units. The physical dental x‐ray unit primarily consists of two components. There is a control panel with a circuit board to control the kilovoltage (kV) , milliamperage (mA) and time. In addition, there is a tubehead that physically houses the x‐ray tube, filter, collimator and transformers (Fig. C1). The tubehead and control panel may be physically separate (e.g. wall‐mounted x‐ray unit) or they may be combined (e.g. hand‐held x‐ray unit). Individual mA and kV controls are features that vary from one unit to another. Higher quality x‐ray units tend to have independent controls to modify the kV, mA and exposure time while basic intraoral units may have fixed or a very limited number of mA and kV settings that an operator may alter. All intraoral x‐ray units allow the operator to modify the exposure time. Extraoral x‐ray units (eg. panoramic) generate x rays in a similar way to intraoral x‐ray units but are physically very

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