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The National Council for Higher Education and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002�2012
The National Council for Higher Education and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002�2012
The National Council for Higher Education and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002�2012
Ebook303 pages7 hours

The National Council for Higher Education and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002�2012

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The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002-2012, narrates the experience of the Ugandan NCHE in the establishment, development and regulation of higher education institutions in Uganda from 2002 to 2012. In this period, student numbers in higher education institutions increased from about 65,000 to some 200,000 and university institutions from about ten to more than triple the number. The book discusses the role of a regulatory agency in the delivery of higher education, the relations of universities and colleges with such an agency, its impact on developing university capacities, and leadership in creating and refining higher education ideas. The experience of Uganda s regulatory agency, the NCHE, in those ten years should help both the Ugandan and other African countries higher education stakeholders in sharing lessons learned from this one case study. The author sees the roles of regulatory agencies as vital in the initial stages of building a higher education sub-sector and in periods of system transitions such as the current journey from elite to mass systems but is of the view that the university remains the home of knowledge creation, dissemination, and its application in society.
Release dateDec 29, 2016
The National Council for Higher Education and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002�2012

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    The National Council for Higher Education and the Growth of the University Sub-sector in Uganda, 2002�2012 - A.B.K. Kasozi

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