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The Power of Shakti: 18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman
The Power of Shakti: 18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman
The Power of Shakti: 18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman
Ebook335 pages5 hours

The Power of Shakti: 18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman

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Transformational wisdom designed for both women and men to access and enhance the inner power of the Divine

• Reveals how to activate your sacred sexual self and find your soul mission

• Shows how to access the wisdom of the Galactic Center

• Explains why men need the Shakti Circuit to connect with the Divine Masculine

Shakti is the Divine life force that ceaselessly manifests, creates, and activates. Igniting this living power within is the key for both men and women to transform themselves and attain union, harmony, and peace. The fluid intelligence of Shakti enflames, empowers, and awakens, igniting life force, joy, and organic wisdom within.

Uniting the forms of Tantra Yoga found in Indian, Tibetan, and Aramaic sacred traditions, Padma Aon Prakasha reveals how to activate the power of Shakti by opening the 18 energetic pathways of the Shakti Circuit. The Circuit begins with galactic energy entering the body at the Alta Major chakra, located at the back of the head. Traveling down the pillar of the spine through the root chakra, the Circuit passes through the Seven Gates of the Womb-Grail to link the sacred sexual center and the heart center. From the heart, the energy completes the Circuit by traveling to the third eye and back to the Alta Major starting point to reveal the All-seeing eye.

Centered on the womb in women and the hara in men, the Shakti Circuit links the soul, body-mind, emotions, and chakras to the power and loving wisdom of the Galactic Center. The Power of Shakti includes the insights and experiences of both men and women as they activate the power of Shakti and shows that clearing all 18 pathways of the Shakti Circuit enables us to activate our sacred sexual self and find our soul mission.
Release dateJul 24, 2009
The Power of Shakti: 18 Pathways to Ignite the Energy of the Divine Woman

Padma Aon Prakasha

Padma Aon Prakasha, a child prodigy who read the Bhagavad Gita at age 4 and the Koran and Bible by age 7, is an Initiate in Saivite Tantra, the Sama Veda, and the Tibetan Buddhist Lineage of Tsongkhapa and Maitreya. He teaches worldwide and has led initiatory pilgrimages to sacred sites in 15 countries since 1998. He lives in Spain.

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    The Power of Shakti - Padma Aon Prakasha


    IN HINDUISM, SHAKTI IS THE creative power of life-force energy—the flow that connects your body, mind, and soul. The Shakti Circuit is a way of establishing an ideal flow of this life-force energy via eighteen pathways that we can access in our bodies.

    The Shakti Circuit is based on multiple forms of Tantra yoga found in the Indian, Tibetan, and Hebrew sacred traditions. These forms of Tantra were originally part of the one teaching or original Tantra practiced thousands of years ago, before they were separated piece by piece into different traditions to preserve their sanctity and the transformative power that they hold.

    Tantra in this sense is the science of weaving all the aspects of your self into a unified tapestry, circulating sound, light, breath, and loving sexual power throughout the universe of your bodymind and soul. This is achieved through the medium of the Shakti Circuit, a technology held within us that connects and unifies our bodymind and soul with all of creation. The purpose of practicing the Shakti Circuit is to reveal the living experience within yourself of loving wisdom and blissful power: primordial creative unity.

    I have been Initiated over the last thirteen years to bring the pieces of the eighteen pathways of the Shakti Circuit back together again. My journey has taken me to over sixty countries, to hundreds of sacred sites known and unknown, and to various teachers, most of whom are not known, some of whom don’t even have a name, and all of whom have no wish to be known in the world at large. It has been my role to be Initiated into multiple lineages, to meditate in Samadhi to receive the wisdom of these lineages, and then to share it in a form that is accessible and understandable for you today.

    Lineage transmissions are not linear. After an authentic Initiation one’s life changes drastically, and one can receive, through the four stages of the science of sound, all the wisdom the lineage has accumulated over thousands of years. This transmission is authorized by the elders of a given tradition, many of whom may have passed on from their bodies into the spirit world.

    Being an initiate of multiple sacred traditions allows one to experience the interconnections of all traditions, rather than just see it from an intellectual perspective. In India, the ability to learn is known as smriti and sruti: learning through tradition, and receiving wisdom through revelation after certain aspects of the tradition have been mastered.

    Once an Initiate is clear and beginning to teach the tradition, the mainstay of his or her material comes through authentic revelation in meditation. This is the basis of the Awakened sacred traditions. The more one teaches, the more the lineage gives to be shared. This is especially true today, as all the mystical traditions are opening doors to their secrets in order to accelerate transformation in those who genuinely desire it, and who are committed to doing the deep inner work required to accomplish this noble goal.

    This book is experiential: it is based on real transformative experiences that people have each time they delve into the Shakti Circuit. Each pathway works, and together they create the experience of spanda—the whole bodymind and soul vibrating in complete resonance with the wave of life. This is perhaps the simplest, yet most transformative experience we can have of the nature of life itself.

    I have used few esoteric terms or spiritual jargon in this book. What is needed now is the return of the power of Woman, as simple as it is profound, and this is the reason this book and teachings on the eighteen pathways are being shared, taught, and released again on Earth.

    I have used the word womb many times, and have sometimes included the word hara for men. Men, please do not feel left out: I have seen many a man who begins to refer to his hara as his womb, and is transformed in the process. If we choose to harness the tremendous power of the womb we can use it to birth ourselves regardless of gender.

    The eighteen pathways of the Shakti Circuit are nothing new. They are ancient yet timeless, and apply to all human beings, regardless of caste, color, race, or religion. They have been practiced before and are held in many lineages, and thus have support from many lineages in their resurfacing again in the world. They are universal in nature, as they go to the core of creation and the human experience: Shakti, the feminine flow of life force, free, wild, without border or boundary, free of concept, ideation, and ideal. Simple and unique to each person, Shakti can free you of need by allowing you to give. This is perhaps the greatest gift of all.


    SHAKTI IS THE LIVING POWER of the Goddess, the creative force that manifests. It is the complement of Shiva, pure consciousness that does not create or manifest. Shakti is the energy that puts into action the higher thoughts of Shiva, for Shiva cannot create without Shakti. Shakti does not know what to manifest without the principles of Shiva guiding her. These principles of yin and yang are constantly working within us, and need each other in order for us to be in balance and harmony.

    Shiva without Shakti is ideas without passion, thought without the ability to manifest or flow. Shakti without Shiva is life force with no direction or form to go into: chaos. In the living dance between the two, we (and our world) are created. In recent times, the power of Shakti has been forgotten as more masculine ideas and structures have taken precedence.

    In India, Shakti is the wife of Shiva. Known by many names such as Kali, Parvati, and Durga, Shakti is worshipped by hundreds of millions of people, and for many of them she has more importance than Shiva. Her grace and ability to manifest anything draws people to her, as does her willingness to love and care for the human side of life. She is very much on Earth as an embodied Presence; she does not leave the creation nor is she seen as transcendent, separate from nature, or up in heaven somewhere. She is right here, in us, now.

    Shakti is the essence of sexuality, which manifests and creates both form and life. She is also the passion for life and the engagement with life. As the creative force that births and regenerates, Shakti connects each of us to our essence, even as she weaves her way through the web of life and connects us all.

    Shakti is sensual, rich, and overflowing. She is the Mother, Lover, Creator, and Destroyer. She manifests in order to play, and destroys in order to play; her dance is one of delight. When we are in delight, free-flowing, following our heart’s desires and living them fully in every way, we are in the flow of Shakti. This is your innate, original self, living who you are passionately, and accomplishing your soul’s purpose through the flow of Shakti.

    The main barriers to Shakti are our culture and upbringing, which include many expectations about how we are to act and behave. The straitjacketing of free expression, the distortion and manipulation around sexuality and love, and the definitions of what is considered acceptable in polite society or in politically and spiritually correct circles, is what keeps people’s Shakti under wraps.

    To express Shakti is to freely be who you are, and all that you can be in your highest potential. The greatest achievements and greatest happiness come to those who are not stopped by what others think about them. Rather, they follow their hearts first and foremost, even if they feel judged for it.

    In the past, women abused the power of Shakti, an abuse that lead to the domination, manipulation, and exclusion of men from the realms of power. Our current patriarchal age is a reaction against that separation and domination. Many powerful women from that time are still suffering from this experience, and lie partially disempowered in today’s age. Only by men and women coming together can Shakti resurrect in a new way for this age—a way that includes and understands both polarities.

    Women are gathering together now to support truth and compassionate means to peace, joy, and equality, not to segregate or judge the masculine, or each other. Such sisterhoods are here to challenge our egos, and to nurture and support our soul’s flowering into nonduality, not reinforce the sense of separation from the masculine part of ourselves that we see in reflection in our partners, fathers, and lovers.

    Sisterhoods are here to generate Shakti, and in this generation to transmute suffering in both women and men. They can bring forth a new paradigm of giving fully in relationship, of being whole in oneself, of having the soft enduring strength to be patient and deeply compassionate without hunger to get for oneself. Sisterhoods are here to support the flowering of a new consciousness based in equality, a new society based on loving wisdom and harmony between men and women.

    This is what true and noble sisterhoods live for, and create. This is what the noblest and most dignified women have created in the past, from the priestesses of Isis to the European Orders of the Black Madonna, to the Tantric priestesses of Asia. This is women’s birthright, to reawaken the feminine spirit that is the same in all ages, bringing this spirit into the present and expressing it in joyful and appropriate ways, with power and sanctity.

    Shakti is a transformative power that is much needed on the planet at this time, individually, collectively, and by Gaia herself. Shakti harnesses the intelligence and creative power of instinctual sexuality—the flow of vital dynamic life force—with love.

    The nature of Shakti cannot be fully defined as it is ever-evolving, ever-expanding, and unique in the way that it flows through each person. This book is merely a guide to Shakti and its flows, and ways to ignite it more fully by actually opening the Shakti Circuit. For each person it will grow, develop, and deepen in unique ways according to your soul’s deepest desires. In this ever-expanding universe of our self, change happens all the time.


    Pathways to the Womb

    The Shakti Circuit

    Opening to the Essence of Shakti

    THE SHAKTI CIRCUIT HAS BEEN practiced and taught in the Isis Mystery School for thousands of years, and is being revealed now to ignite the renaissance of the Divine Feminine on Earth. As the Shakti Circuit helps to redress the fundamental imbalance between male and female, this renaissance will enable men to step into their Divine Masculine selves even as it enables women to reclaim the loving power of the Divine Feminine.


    The eighteen pathways of the Shakti Circuit are pathways of love, power, and wisdom flowing through the body, connecting each human being in the physical world through many dimensions of consciousness to the Galactic Womb, or Galactic Center. The eighteen pathways are how Shakti flows through us. Each woman’s womb, and each man’s hara, is a gateway to the Galactic Womb. Each of us holds this gateway within us.

    Each of the eighteen pathways is a physical point in the body that acts as a bridge, a connector, between your soul, your bodymind, and your emotions. When all eighteen pathways are cleared and merged together in one flow, you experience the essence of deep, feminine meditation in your body. The full expression of loving life force is allowed, as we fully utilize the body to go into the formless, rather than trying to escape the body.

    These pathways are how we can transform energy. Each individual pathway leads to certain states of consciousness that you can directly experience for yourself. Each pathway has to be met and mastered; then you surrender, and allow it to master you. In the process of encountering, mastering, and being mastered by all eighteen pathways, Shakti will be fully embodied within you, and the pathways will merge to activate the womb of the Galactic Center, transforming you forever.

    Any potential for transformation occurs through awareness, through being aware that there is duality present in the moment. This can lead to a choice to dissolve that duality through a remembrance and expression of unity, by using any of the eighteen pathways. You have the power, in the moment, to do this at any time.

    Duality is an artful reminder of how we can be whole. When we are reminded of duality in our own life, thoughts, actions, and relationships, we are reminded also of our own innate nature of unity. Duality becomes our greatest ally, our greatest friend, in serving to show us the moments when we are not aligned to love. We then have the wonderful opportunity to realign ourselves by correcting our mind and our energy flow. Duality becomes the ultimate tool for remembering who we really are, and what we can be, by becoming aware of these moments, these gateways, where any of the eighteen pathways can open the door to love, empowerment, and wisdom.

    Each of the eighteen pathways is a guardian that we encounter and master along the Way to fully embodying Shakti. The eighteen pathways lead to this experience: recognizing that the womb of God lies within you. The Grail and all the secrets of creation lie right within your belly. Contemplate this for a moment. Heaven on Earth is a perception, a perception unveiled when we realize what lies right inside of us, not just as a metaphysical platitude, but as an experiential fact we can feel every day. This is an amazing and wondrous reality that we take for granted.

    Shakti and its flow—the eighteen pathways

    Each time a Circuit completes I stand in awe of the majesty with which God has created us, and marvel at the irony in the simplicity of it all: the cosmic joke in the ways we seek outside of our own temple body to find answers. If we truly knew that the universe lies within us in these eighteen pathways flowing as one, there would be an end to much seeking and striving, and the beginning of an awakened relationship between man and woman.

    A woman who knows her power has in her hands the key to her own happiness and success. The source of this power lies within the flowering and ignition of the Shakti Circuit within the body, which is revealed through these eighteen doors, or pathways. These pathways are like a series of portals lying inside you that reveal the universe within.

    Close your eyes and imagine this for a moment. Go within the core of your womb/hara, and feel the spaciousness, the vastness there. Now see all the stars, all the planets revolving in this space. Take a moment and feel into your womb: can you visualize this?

    Each time you do a Circuit the intensity of the constellations within you increases. You open up to the universe within, and as you do so, the universe outside opens as well. The eighteen pathways reawaken your direct communication and communion with Mother Earth and Galactic Center, something we enjoyed for thousands of years, until this knowledge was lost.

    Physically, the eighteen pathways purge, refine, and regenerate you, dissolving old cellular memories and debris, recalibrating your physical body into deeper communion with the other aspects of your being to allow for more thorough embodiment of your soul. Emotionally, the eighteen pathways deepen the excavation and the inquiry, opening the doorways that have been sealed for a long time in the shadows of the dark subconscious to leave no stone unturned.

    Mentally, the eighteen pathways bring you into the present moment, deleting old patterns, rewiring the mental body, and relocating your center of gravity away from the mind into its natural place: the womb and heart united, with the mind a servant and ally. The eighteen pathways take the linear mind and shake it up, taking it out of the context of past stories and future hopes or expectations, to dissolve into the present, now, moment. The stories that you hold onto can dissolve, and be recontextualized outside of the pattern of need and mindless chatter. Spiritually, the eighteen pathways are the opening to the map of consciousness, and the container of it.


    The first movement of creation is Shakti manifesting as pure joy. As you begin to explore the Shakti Circuit by clearing the individual pathways, you will find yourself learning firsthand what Shakti is. This pure flow of Shakti will remind you that your natural state is bliss.

    The most powerful creative pulse of the universe is the wave of energy constantly humming behind all life, the throb and tremor that gives rise to all beings. This field of aliveness and transparency is a joy we feel spontaneously undulating throughout all parts of us. It is a bliss that has no reason to be blissful—it just IS.

    Shakti has no belief, dogma, or teaching to it, as it is feminine and unique for each person. When we live in the stream of our Shakti, we listen to our body’s natural rhythms as they harmonize with the earth, with our loved ones, with the cycles of time and rhythm, and with life itself.

    Living in a way that keeps us connected to this core leads to joy. When we allow filters and conditioning to get in the way of this joy bubbling up from deep within us, we lose our creative spark, and become disconnected from our own vitality, our unique expression of the pulse in all life. Connecting with our bliss is the first step toward living our heart’s desires. Feeling the pulse of joy in our own bodies, we align effortlessly with the synchronicity and spontaneity that create nature’s processes.

    The life spark within all of us becomes conscious when our emotional state is agile and we can easily express our feelings, for emotion = energy in motion. For us to align to this wave requires that we become fluid, and able to experience any feeling whatsoever at any time.

    Thus if we can, at will, produce equanimity, delight, love, even anger or tears without charge or attachment to them, then we can be moved from within by the Spirit that is always fluid and open. The less we can summon feelings, the more we are frightened of them, and the more we are at their mercy. Conversely, the more we allow ourselves to experience feelings, the less we can be enslaved by them. If we allow them to pass through us, we become transparent, without charge, not holding on to anything, or anybody.

    In this fluid individuality, we learn to move the body, feelings, and mind, so that spirit can move us. We can be any aspect of consciousness at any time, for we are able to feel and express whatever we are needed to be in any given moment, to express all parts of Spirit.

    Have you ever had the experience of asking for something and it magically appears within a day or an hour? This is living in the flow of Shakti, for it is already happening; it is manifesting through us.

    Shakti is the ultimate transformative force, the movement of the spiral. It flows best with no mind, no hope for the future, no reference to the past. It is the energy of the moment in dynamic, joyful expression. Shakti lives in all eighteen pathways, and when you have connected to each pathway, Shakti wakes up; she ignites. When Shakti flows fully, she dissolves the attachment we have to ideas about who we should be, or who we want to be, or who we might not be, all of which create a constant distraction for the mind. Shakti dissolves these ideas and reveals who we really are.


    Deeper meanings of Shakti are revealed when we break the word into its Sanskrit seed syllables. Sh, sh, and sha are the seed sounds of the three spirals of creation, known as the three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas, or light, passionate action, and inertia. All three of these sounds are contained in the first syllable of Shakti, so even the word Shakti itself is a Sutra, a code holding within it all that it is. This is why it is important to refer to this power by its proper name, Shakti, rather than saying life force or flow. Power and meaning is held in the utterance of the word itself, especially if you know what it means! This triple spiral is seen in many of the world’s sacred traditions, carved on temples generally dedicated to the Goddess. The three spirals symbolize illumination, action, and stability—the action of Shakti as She creates us, the world, and the universe.

    The triple spiral

    The next seed syllable in the word Shakti is ka. Ka, as found in the original Sanskrit primer of The Maheshwara Sutra, means Prakriti, a word that refers to the underlying principle of all motion and creation as being action, desire, the spiraling life force, the innate impulse to grow, birth, and create. Prakriti puts the ideas of the universe into action: it is experience, and the information for experience. Prakriti contains in embryonic form everything that can

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