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Shaolin Qi Gong: Energy in Motion
Shaolin Qi Gong: Energy in Motion
Shaolin Qi Gong: Energy in Motion
Ebook200 pages1 hour

Shaolin Qi Gong: Energy in Motion

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About this ebook

Authentic qi gong as practiced in the Shaolin Temple where this discipline originated centuries ago

• Reveals the fundamental spiritual principles and includes both a short and long form of the daily exercises

• Explains the benefits of mastering energy in the body, such as organ strengthening

The great teacher Bodhidharma is credited with the creation of Shaolin Temple qi gong and kung fu in the 6th century CE. Motivated by the terrible physical condition of the monks who spent all their time meditating or copying scrolls, his two-part system promoted physical as well as spiritual fitness and became the basis for all the martial and meditative arts taught in the Shaolin Temple. These ancient practices increase physical health and vitality, enhance creativity, and can be practiced well into old age.

Author Shi Xinggui, a Shaolin monk, explains the fundamental principle of qi gong--the art of mastering energy (qi) and moving it through the body--and provides clear demonstrations of all the positions and movements. In order to develop qi attentively, it is necessary to cultivate the art of slowness in both movement and breathwork. Shi Xinggui provides both a short form and a long form of the daily exercises, with lessons on heart centering, organ strengthening, and balancing the energy using the three dantians--the three energy centers of the body.
Release dateNov 18, 2008
Shaolin Qi Gong: Energy in Motion

Shi Xinggui

Shi Xinggui became a student at the Shaolin Monastery at the age of eight. His teachers there included Masters Shi De Shin, Shi Xu Xi, Shi De Su, and Shi De Duzan. In 1988 the author won the National Championship title for kung fu (70 kg class) in Shaolin and again in 1993 and 1994 in Zheng Zou. He received his Shaolin diploma in 1989 from Master Shi De Yuan. He now lives and teaches in Goldegg, Austria.

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    Shaolin Qi Gong - Shi Xinggui



    Eleonore Vogl

    In the summer of 1995, I was feeling discontented with my life, and I decided to do something about it immediately. Ready to look just about anywhere for a hint that might help answer my questions, I was leafing through the daily paper. My glance fell upon an ad for a trip to China. In that very instant, I knew I was going to go. There was no doubt about it. No sooner had I thought of it, than I booked it. I was ready to let events take me by surprise, and made contact only with a Qi Gong teacher in Beijing. A friend of mine decided she would join me, and in late fall we set off.

    Even at the Vienna airport, there was a surprise waiting for us. A group of Chinese Shaolin monks, who had been touring Austria for some time, were standing in the hall. We were going to fly to Beijing with them! The trip was beginning under good auspices. Now we just had to get into a conversation with them. We purposely sat down on a long row of seats in full view of the entrance, but I couldn’t manage to catch the eye of any of the monks who passed. Just as we had given up hope, the last monk entered the waiting room. Now, here’s the one, I said. He took a seat directly across from me. But how were we to understand each other? We didn’t know a word of Chinese, and he didn’t speak English. We used words like Qi Gong and t’ai chi and talked with our hands. Before we boarded the plane, Shi Xinggui had given us his card and invited us to pay a visit to his world-famous monastery.

    The next morning in Beijing, as we waited, dead tired, for our luggage, I picked out the monk in the crowd. He smiled at us. I went over to him spontaneously and gave him one of my Austrian mountain crystals. He was overjoyed, and in his turn he gave me a Buddhist amulet. We bowed to each other. It was a brief moment of mutual recognition, and the beginning of a friendship.

    For the first week in Beijing, we joined a tour group and contacted our Qi Gong teacher. The first meeting with him was like an exam. Mr. Zhong evaluated us critically, questioned us in detail as to our motives and intent, and finally accepted us as students. The main teaching was done by a doctor; she worked with us for four hours every day, and our master came in once a day to observe our progress and then meditate with us for half an hour. People were hospitable to us and invited us here and there, and we visited hospitals and institutions where Qi Gong is an established part of therapy.

    Our most wonderful Qi Gong hour was in the inner courtyard of the Imperial Granaries on the south side of Beijing. In a few parts of the building, they still stored grain, which was said to be three hundred years old and still capable of sprouting, thanks to sophisticated feng shui planning. As we practiced, we could sense the harmonic energies of this ancient building.

    Our Beijing teacher was not enthusiastic about our wish to travel on to Shaolin and did everything he could to dissuade us from it. We postponed the visit, flew home, and took a second trip five months later.

    This time, we were determined to visit Shi Xinggui in Shaolin. We took the overnight train and arrived in the imperial city of Luoyang in the early morning. For three hours, we rode a small bus over potholed roads to the mountain village of Shaolin. Our first impression was disappointing. All over the place, youths were practicing loud, screaming martial arts, attacking garden fences, posts, and trees. In front of every kung fu school there were loudspeakers—music was blaring from every corner. Approaching the monastery area, we came to the large, newly built Wushu center (a martial arts school affiliated with the monastery). Here we showed our visiting cards from Shi Xinggui. Everyone knew him, but no one knew exactly where he could be found. As we were making our way to a food stall, an impulse seized me, and I turned around. At the same moment, a young man who had been running up the steps to the Wushu center also turned around. It was Shi Xinggui. He recognized us immediately and ran over to us. We went to eat together, and Shi Xinggui, again overjoyed, ordered vast amounts of food for us. In China, esteem is conveyed in this manner. The more dishes brought out, the greater the friendship!

    Shi Xinggui wanted to show us the monastery right away. On the street leading to the monastery, countless vendors were selling mementos, and also drinks, mostly canned soda. The empty cans littered the streets and sidewalks. Car drivers, weaving their way between the many pedestrians, were honking like crazy. Each day, several thousand visitors made their way along the streets in the direction of the monastery. Only at 5:00 p.m. were the gates of the monastery closed to tourists, whereupon peace reigned until early the next morning.


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