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City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation
City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation
City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation
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City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation

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Many major American cities are defying the conventional wisdom that suburbs are the communities of the future. But as these urban centers prosper, they increasingly confront significant constraints. In City Bound, Gerald E. Frug and David J. Barron address these limits in a new way.

Based on a study of the differing legal structures of Boston, New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco, and Seattle, City Bound explores how state law determines what cities can and cannot do to raise revenue, control land use, and improve city schools. Frug and Barron show that state law can make it much easier for cities to pursue a global-city or a tourist-city agenda than to respond to the needs of middle-class residents or to pursue regional alliances. But they also explain that state law is often so outdated, and so rooted in an unjustified distrust of local decision making, that the legal process makes it hard for successful cities to develop and implement any coherent vision of their future. Their book calls not for local autonomy but for a new structure of state-local relations that would enable cities to take the lead in charting the future course of urban development. It should be of interest to everyone who cares about the future of American cities, whether political scientists, planners, architects, lawyers, or simply citizens.

Release dateMar 15, 2011
City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation

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    City Bound - Gerald E. Frug

    Part I


    Lewis Mumford used to ask a very basic question: What is a city?¹ The answer depends on one’s angle of vision. For many people, the word city is associated with images of density, so that only parts of the city seem citylike. Residents of Queens often talk about going to the city, meaning Manhattan, even though they already live in the City of New York. The entire metropolitan region can also be experienced as one big city. Many residents of Boston’s suburbs say they live in Boston even though they don’t.

    These differing definitions of a city work well for some purposes. But when one is considering the powers of city governments they won’t do. The residents of Manhattan can’t make policy for themselves any more than the residents of Queens. Only the City of New York is a city government. Only it can pass ordinances, deliver public services, levy taxes, enforce land use plans, or issue binding regulations. Moreover, the borders between cities matter. The mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts, cannot affect development in Boston except indirectly, just as the mayor of the City of New York does not formulate urban policy for Jersey City. Although some city governments do exercise a limited amount of extraterritorial governmental authority over neighboring areas, city power is largely limited to the area defined by the city’s own borders.

    When thinking about making urban policy in the United States, therefore, one should begin with the fact that American metropolitan areas are divided into a multitude, often dozens, of different local governments. These governments are the primary institutions in America that exercise power at the local level. It is also important to recognize that, even within their own territory, these local governments are not free to do whatever they want. The reason is not simply that their powers—like those of all levels of government in the United States—are limited by the federal Constitution and by federal statutes. Local power in the United States is derived from state law. Unless states authorize their local governments to do something, they have no power to do it. As John Dillon put the matter in the earliest, and most important, American treatise on the subject, the fact that local power depends on a delegation of authority from its state is "of transcendent importance, and lie[s] at the foundation of the law of municipal corporations"² (The italics are his.) In this book we take Dillon’s insight seriously: we outline an understanding of local power that takes as its starting point an analysis of the extent and limits of the state-defined power of American city governments.

    The importance of this starting point is regularly overlooked by analysts of city power, as well as by those who call for regional policies even though there is no regional authority empowered to adopt them. Many scholars treat cities more as markets than as governments. As a result, they give more attention to the activities of private actors than to the power of city governments to respond to what they are doing. Even those who have focused on cities as governments have tended to concentrate on the nonlegal constraints on urban policymaking. These constraints include the city’s internal political dynamics, the demands of interlocal competition for private investment, and the ways in which large-scale technological developments, such as the invention of the automobile, promote broad antiurban social trends such as suburbanization. Indeed, it is not uncommon for scholars simultaneously to assert that cities have considerable local autonomy as a legal matter and that, as a practical matter, they are limited in the kinds of policies that they can actually adopt.

    In what follows, we take a different path. We carefully examine the effect of local government law (our name for what Dillon calls the law of municipal corporations) on city power. Local government law does not include all of the legal rules that affect cities. It refers simply to the portion of state law that is specifically designed to define the powers of cities. Local government law determines whether city governments are elected or appointed. It dictates whether cities can act on their own initiative or only with express approval from the state legislature. It specifies which governmental services will be provided locally and which will be provided by others. It defines cities’ fiscal authority and their powers to regulate land use development within their boundaries. And it decides where those city boundaries are. Local government law, in short, determines the legal status of cities. And it is different in every state in the country.

    By focusing on local government law, we are able to emphasize the importance of what we call city structures. These structures are the legal frameworks within which cities operate. They contain a mix of grants of, and restrictions on, local power that cities do not themselves define. And they have an important and largely unexamined impact on cities’ capacity to control their future. Sometimes they exert this influence directly by preventing a city from using specified economic development tools, barring it from levying particular kinds of taxes, or mandating that it provide services or offer its employees benefits. But city structures also influence the exercise of city power indirectly. The state definition of the city taxing authority, for example, does more than determine how much money cities have to spend. It also provides the city an incentive to pursue a particular kind of economic development—the one that best fits with the revenue stream the state has permitted it to tap. The rules that limit local fiscal authority thus influence, even distort, city land use planning. This dynamic between the formal legal rules of local government law and the city’s decision-making process operates in many contexts.

    As Dillon made clear in his treatise, local government law determines the legal powers of all local governments in the United States, not just those of major cities such as Boston and New York. Every municipality—whether a city or a suburb, a town or a village—operates within a structure that has been established by state law. Our focus in this book is more limited. We concentrate on the impact of city structures on the powers of large, successful central cities. These cities represent a small fraction of the more than nineteen thousand general-purpose local governments in the United States, but they nevertheless merit special consideration. There are an increasing number of them across the county. Central cities were once thought to be dying, but many are now emerging from the difficult years of the 1950s to become diverse, vital, and economically powerful governments. These days, many American central cities are more likely to be hailed as drivers of their regional economy—even as part of a worldwide system of global cities—than to be written off as relics of the past. The cities on which we focus are often the largest single municipality in their state, sometimes by orders of magnitude, and the future of the states in which they are located is bound up with their success. As a result, they not only have an influence on state policymaking but become the special targets of legislative interest. Indeed, because of their obvious importance, large central cities are often singled out by their states for special legal treatment in ways that both empower and restrict them.

    In recent years, many commentators have examined the emergence of large central cities as successful urban environments for people to live and work. But few have examined the ways that state law—through state constitutional provisions, statutes, administrative regulations, and judicial decisions—structures their powers. No one has done so in a detailed, comparative way across a number of cities in different states. As a result, there has been little consideration of the questions that are our principal concern: What state-imposed limits constrain the ability of large, relatively successful city governments to improve the lives of city residents, workers, and visitors? What are the differences in the ways that states have set up their legal structures for cities and how do these differences influence the ways cities make choices about their future? These questions are particularly urgent for large, successful cities. Because of their size and their growing market power, they potentially have the ability to make choices about their future to an extent that other municipalities do not. They therefore are more likely than smaller cities to feel the constraining impact of the kinds of legal rules that we describe in this book.

    In this book, we investigate the city structures that govern seven major American cities: Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, and Atlanta. The details about these cities, as well as about our approach to comparing them, are the topic of part II. By focusing on the importance of city structures for these seven cities, we seek to open up an area for inquiry as much as to provide definitive answers to its importance. Our goal is to identify key ways in which city structures matter. By examining state-defined city authority, we investigate who is responsible for any particular urban problem and, therefore, who can implement a proposed solution.

    The value of this way of thinking about urban issues is not limited to pinpointing the entity capable of carrying out reform. It also helps identify the need for revising the city structures now in place. Most states have not significantly altered their city structures for decades; for some cities, key features can be traced to decisions made nearly a century ago. Yet, as everyone knows, central cities operate in an economy—and serve a population—that has changed markedly in the past few decades. If entrenched legal structures were made more responsive to contemporary realities, cities’ ability to improve the delivery of traditional city services and to assert greater control over their development could be significantly enhanced. A proper understanding of the nature of city power can therefore change the way people think about solving urban problems. By exploring the importance of the legal power of local governments, one can generate new ideas about improving the delivery of city services by modifying city power through state legislation. States could increase it in some ways and decrease it in others, thereby altering what cities do and how well they do it.

    Our emphasis on the constraints imposed by the current rules of local government law should not be interpreted to suggest that cities should be allowed to do whatever they want. We are not advocates for what is often called city autonomy. On the contrary, as we stated in the preface and develop in chapter 2, we think that every state government will and should continue to control what its cities do. Our purpose is to describe the city structures that now determine the power of major American cities and illustrate possible alternatives. By framing city power in the right way, we argue, states can do more to address urban issues, both local and regional, than is currently thought possible.

    The impact of city structures can best be understood if one has some sense of the kinds of choices that a large American city might want to make about its future. The kind of powers that these cities might need over the next few decades can then become more apparent. So will the gap between their needs and their current legal authority under state law and the ways in which a state’s legal structure now push them to favor certain ideas about their future over others. In order to provide this kind of context for reexamining local government law, we offer four possible futures that successful cities could pursue. The detailed investigation of these four futures will be the subject of part III.

    The four futures we envision build on the work of other urban scholars. In recent years, many of them have sketched a number of alternative pathways for city development. The four city futures on which we will focus are a global city, a tourist city, a middle class city, and a regional city. A global city concentrates on developing connections to the global economy—through technology, finance, and innovative research—as the city’s primary strategy for growth. A tourist city seeks to attract visitors from around the world as its major emphasis—concentrating on cultural and sports facilities, convention centers, festival marketplaces, hotels, and restaurants. A middle class city treats the provision of services for residents, above all public education, as its most important function. A regional city focuses on surrounding cities and towns in the metropolitan area, and thus is more concerned with the city’s relationship to development in its suburbs than to its relationship with Shanghai. These four futures are not mutually exclusive. An effort to become a middle-class city by improving public education might also strengthen efforts to become a global one. A city focused on tourism might invest in neighborhood preservation in order to create an authentic urban feel for visitors, and, thereby, improve the fortunes of middle-class neighborhoods.

    Nevertheless, these four urban futures are not necessarily mutually reinforcing. A city that is focused on its connection to the global economy may pursue policies that make it inhospitable to middle-class families with small children. It might, for example, concentrate on the development of high-end housing for part-time residents who have no kids at all. A city that is dedicated to tourism might make building tourist attractions in the downtown area a high priority at the expense of investment in neighborhoods far from the city center. A city concerned primarily with its relationship to the region might adopt transportation policies designed to serve suburban commuters rather than those directed at renovating its airport, even though the airport might do more to make the city appealing to visitors and to investment from abroad.

    Not only might these futures not overlap but one can readily imagine other ideas of urban life—such as becoming an immigrant city—that we do not discuss. It is sufficient for us if these four futures represent plausible options that are sufficiently distinctive that a city that consciously chooses to focus on one of them might look and feel different from one that chooses to pursue another. It is also important to us that none of the options is obviously superior to the others. If these assumptions are right, it means successful cities have genuine alternatives from which to choose. If so, it is important to investigate whether the city structures in which they operate permit them to pursue all of the futures or, on the contrary, channel their decision making to favor some choices over others.

    Of necessity, our analysis of the relationship between city structures and city futures will be both speculative and incomplete. There is no sure way to promote any of these conceptions of a city’s future, let alone other goals that we do not consider. Besides, legal changes are only part of a strategy designed to further different conceptions of the city’s development. Despite these complexities, it seems to us helpful to take a closer look at each of these ways in which large successful cities might develop and the kind of legal structures that might help them do so. Moreover, although our focus will be on the power of the central cities to plan their own futures, it should be clear that none of the cities we examine can ignore the suburbs that surround them. Here, too, state law matters. A city’s ability to cooperate with nearby cities is a function of the legal powers that the state has given to (and withheld from) all of its localities. We will therefore highlight aspects of the legal structure that affect the ability of the seven cities to work with—or struggle against—neighboring cities and towns in their region.

    Our conclusion, which we develop in this book, can be stated here at the outset. Current city structures frustrate cities’ efforts to exercise control over their future development whatever their goals are. But, as we shall develop at length in the third section of the book, current legal rules make it easier for large central cities to pursue some objectives—namely, the global city and the tourist city—than others. Indeed, the difficulties that cities face if they seek to pursue being a middle class city or regional cooperation themselves push cities in the direction of focusing instead on being a global city or a tourist city. The limitations on cities’ ability to pursue their objectives operate in different ways for different cities. Some are worse off than others. Boston offers a particularly glaring example of the impact of an outdated city structure on city decision making. Boston’s legal structure was largely prescribed in the late nineteenth century. The key changes since then took place in response to the challenges that Boston faced following World War II, when the city suffered dramatic population losses in connection with nationwide economic restructuring. Many of these changes resulted in the city’s ceding control over key parts of its infrastructure to entities run by the state. Although there may well have been good reasons at the time for that transfer of power, Boston is no longer a city in decline. It is now a thriving, successful city, in competition for residents and investment with other cities, such as New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, and Atlanta. Yet Boston has little capacity to chart its own future because its legal powers are unusually limited. These limitations should be of concern not only to city residents and officials but also to people who live outside the city, because Boston is the economic engine for its metropolitan area and the state as a whole.

    Boston is not unique. All of the cities we examine are structured by state controls—particularly over revenues and expenditures and land-use planning—that limit their choices about future development. A comparison of the different kinds of grants and denials of authority that govern cities will demonstrate the ways in which alternative structures of city power set different directions for a city’s development. Examining these different structures points the way to the kinds of changes in the legal system that can better enable cities, including many we do not discuss in this book, to develop in the twenty-first century. We hope that our focus on city structures will generate renewed interest in augmenting city power. People who live outside America’s major cities can easily dismiss concerns about limited city power because they do not appear to be connected to broader structural issues that concern the state as a whole. Demands for city power often seem to be veiled pleas by the mayor to meet a municipal payroll that many already believe to be excessive. Yet the central issue concerning city power is not about the city’s short-term budgetary needs, important as they are. Nor is it simply a matter of principle—that local self-government should not be unduly limited. The issue is that large central cities—even more than other municipalities in the state—now operate within a legal structure not of their own making, one that needs to be updated in light of new urban realities. As we describe in chapter 10, one of the goals of a revised city structure can be not only to promote the power of central cities but a regional approach to urban issues that is now itself frustrated by state law. A revision of city structures, in other words, can help rethink the organization of metropolitan areas as a whole.

    When we turn later in the book to an examination of the local government law that structures the power of our seven cities, we will describe in detail how a state’s grant of power affects specific cities. But our larger aim is to make clear how local government law affects the behavior of large central cities more generally, not just the effects of local government law on the seven cities. It thus seems important first to address the connection between law and city power at a more conceptual level. The urban studies literature has a rich tradition of investigating the exercise of city power. A useful way to understand our approach is to see how it builds on, yet deviates from, this existing literature. This requires situating our notion of city structures within urban theory, the task of the first two chapters.



    One important way that urban theorists analyze city power involves examining the relationship between structure and agency. By structure, we mean the external factors, those outside of the city’s control, that affect what cities can and cannot do. By agency, we mean a city’s power to make choices within that structure. H. V. Savitch and Paul Kantor provide a useful account of the conventional understanding of these terms:

    The idea of structure entails long-term, underlying, relatively fixed forces that configure decision making and make it quite difficult for human actions to overcome. Economic benefits that spring from geographic location is an example of a structural factor that cities can do little about. By contrast, the idea of agency conveys human volition, personal discretion, and freedom of action. The ability of elected leaders to adopt development strategies that solely satisfy popular preferences represents an instance of agency.¹

    Our focus on local government law’s influence on city power leads us to build on this distinction, but to alter it in two key respects.

    First, we break with the common assumption that nonlegal external constraints are the ones that really matter. Structural influences on city power have traditionally been understood, as Savitch and Kantor do, to take the form of long-term, underlying, relatively fixed forces…difficult for human actions to overcome. By suggesting that local government law represents an independent and significant structural constraint on city power, we focus on a limitation that is the product of contingent political choices rather than deeply rooted social, economic, or geographical conditions. The fact that this constraint results from political choices means that it is more amenable to human action than the more conventionally understood examples of structural forces. The differences among the city structures that we examine in this book underscore this point. Our view of local government law’s role is thus consistent with the recent scholarship that suggests that a city’s interest can be changed through politics.

    We also treat the concept of agency differently. We agree that legal constraints limit cities’ agency only if, in their absence, cities would have the capacity to act differently. We also agree with the growing body of work that emphasizes the substantial degree of agency that cities possess. Our interest in how local government law restricts a city’s range of choices, however, suggests that city agency may be both broader and narrower than others imagine. The increase in agency stems from our conviction that many of the conventional ways of framing the choices attributable to cities are too abstract to be useful. A city’s options are often presented as a choice between promoting development or redistribution, exchange values or use values, growth or no growth. Viewed through the perspective of the four futures we develop in part III, it becomes apparent that these terms have a variety of possible meanings and, in fact, that many city choices cannot easily be categorized as belonging on only one side of these stark dichotomies. Our focus on local government law’s impact on the four futures offers a better way of seeing the choices that the cities confront and the substantial degree of agency that they possess. But our focus on these four futures also provides a cautionary note about the extent of city agency. Cities may have more agency than some urban theorists suggest, but they are subject to state-imposed restrictions that limit their ability to take advantage of the discretion afforded them by prevailing economic and social conditions.

    Although we adopt the structure/agency vocabulary in this chapter, we recognize, along with many others, that the sharp dichotomy often drawn between the two concepts is untenable. Agency can never be isolated from the structure in which it operates. And the constraining structure, in part, can be self-imposed: the agent can be constrained by a structure of its own imagination. As we shall see when we discuss the concept of home rule in chapter 3, some of the limits on city power are the product of the cities’ internalized lack of confidence in their ability to act. The conceptual interpenetration between structure and agency raises theoretical complexities that we do not explore in this book. Even the way we have used the two terms in this paragraph is problematic: we continue to distinguish them even though we say they cannot be disentangled. Instead of pursuing these perplexities, we treat the theoretical debate as helping us to demonstrate that city power is constituted by the circular relationship between state-imposed legal rules and the cities’ own actions. Despite the objections that might be made about the two terms, we invoke them as a shorthand: they allow us to compare our approach to the extensive urban literature that analyzes the ingredients that define city power.

    Local Government Law and the Role of External Structure

    To explore the relationship between our approach and other ways of conceptualizing structural influences on city power, we turn to a brief analysis of the important debates about city politics that have been generated by the foundational question Robert Dahl asked in his celebrated study of New Haven: Who governs?² The controversy over how this question should be answered, and whether it is even the right question to be asking, has generated a rich investigation of the relationship between structure and agency in the exercise of city power. The debate has not directly examined the role that local government law plays in shaping city policy. To be sure, on occasion, some scholars have suggested that changes in the legal structure might enable cities to expand their capacity to respond to the economic and societal forces that otherwise constrict their politics to a narrow band of options. But those who have made these suggestions have not developed them in a systematic fashion, and they have almost always focused on the need for changing federal rather than state law. It is not surprising that the legal structure has not figured more prominently in previous studies of structural constraints on urban power. The urban theorists who have been trained as economists, political scientists, historians, planners, geographers, and sociologists have been aware that law shapes the forces on which they have focused, but their primary interests have quite naturally led them to place law well in the background of their analysis. Even urban scholars who are legally trained, however, have often downplayed local government law’s constraining influence. Many have argued that cities now have local legal autonomy and, therefore, that states should increase the legal restrictions on local power in order to protect central cities from ruinous suburban competition. We examine this position in detail in the next chapter.

    The Community Power Debate

    The issue that Dahl raised required analyzing who exercised policy-making authority within the city. Is the local population as a whole, or only an unaccountable minority of wealthy and connected people within it, in charge of city decision making? The debate that pursued this question—one that has come to be known as the community power debate—dominated urban political science in the decades following World War II. One group of analysts, the elite theorists, tended to portray cities as exclusive clubs, run by a small and relatively unaccountable oligarchy that persistently exercised local power. Another—the pluralists—responded that shifting interest groups within the city exercised power on an issue-by-issue basis. Although the pluralists did not argue that every citizen of the city had an equal voice, they rejected the view that a single power elite consistently dominated.³

    The divide between those who viewed city politics as elitist and those who viewed it as pluralist was fundamental. Depending on whom one believed, cities were either legitimate democratic institutions in which the electorate had a fair chance of having its voice heard or unaccountable handmaidens to a small, elite group of wealthy residents. Of particular interest for present purposes is the fact that, at least on the surface, both sides of the debate assumed that cities possessed a great deal of agency. The disagreement over who governed a city mattered precisely because cities were thought to have the power to make a wide range of important decisions of interest to their residents. If cities lacked this authority, the attention devoted to determining who governed them would have been badly misplaced.

    Given the time period in which the community debate took place, it is not hard to understand why such a strong assumption of city agency took hold. The debate began in earnest at the height of the urban renewal movement when cities were using their powers to remake themselves. Whole neighborhoods were condemned, cleared, and rebuilt at the city’s command. It was not unthinkable that a city could bring about great changes in its environment because that was precisely what many cities were doing. Although it seemed clear that they had the power to make important decisions, it was not clear whether the decisions they were making were the right ones. There were sure to be winners and losers. This raised the question of whether city politics was systematically biased against some people, and, in particular, against the low-income residents who were bearing the brunt of redevelopment efforts. The community power debate was thus not just an abstract academic dispute—it had direct implications for the legitimacy of urban renewal.

    Even though the community power debate rested on a strong assumption of city agency, it was not unconcerned with the potential impact of external structures. Significant economic and social forces provided the frame within which city politics took place, and urban renewal was clearly responsive to these forces. The influences that received the most consideration did not concern state-granted legal authority. They focused instead on factors such as the decline of manufacturing, the rise of suburbia, and the creation of the federal highway system. Still, there was some recognition that the rules of local government law mattered as well. Because cities were engaged in creative policymaking, they were stretching conventional understandings of the scope of their legal authority. Although Dahl’s focus was on the political dynamics within New Haven, he noted that the city’s vigorous pursuit of urban renewal was aided by changes in state law. To permit New Haven to take aim against blight, he explained, state law had been altered through generous interpretations of the state-conferred power of eminent domain—interpretations that the state courts were initially very reluctant to accept. He also noted that Connecticut’s decision to delegate to the city the right to establish a redevelopment authority was responsive to a requirement attached to the federal funding on which New Haven relied for most of its urban renewal projects. He concluded his study of New Haven by offering various models of pluralist urban politics—ranging from an executive-centered coalition to a more managerial model—that were clearly linked to the state legal rules that defined the city’s governmental structure.

    Nevertheless, the discussion of the impact of state law on city politics was a minor ingredient in the community power debate. In fact, the role that state law played in limiting city power—either by directly prohibiting the exercise of city power or by giving the city an incentive to pursue particular policies by making them reliant on property taxes—was hardly considered. The debate downplayed the importance of economic and social constraints as well. The real focus was on who exercised power within the city, a focus that subsequent commentators sharply challenged. As they did, the legal structure’s role in shaping city power came to figure more prominently in the analysis.

    City Limits

    The community power debate’s focus on the city’s internal political dynamics was the target of an important critique by Paul Peterson in his 1980 book, City Limits.⁴ Other critics had already complained that the debate had proceeded on the basis of a far too narrow concept of what constituted local political choices. Even if multiple constituencies had been given a say in the policies that cities actually adopted, they argued, cities also made policy by deciding to keep many matters off the agenda. Nondecisions were decisions too. Thus it was entirely possible—perhaps even likely—that the urban agenda consistently reflected the influence of elites despite the fact that a broad range of interest groups were involved in making the city decisions that were in fact implemented.

    Peterson’s critique cut deeper. It applied equally to elite and pluralist theorists. Writing shortly after New York City’s near bankruptcy in the 1970s, Peterson argued that the community power debate was fundamentally misconceived because it focused on internal political struggles and thus gave undue weight to the significance of local agency. The community power scholarship wrongly assumed that city politics was just like national politics—that cities were fundamentally autonomous governments. True, community power theorists often noted that cities faced constraints on their powers—including those imposed by higher levels of government. But their focus on the internal dynamics of city politics suggested that they did not quite believe their own qualifications. They wrote as if the decisions that cities made were the products of the local political decision-making process. Peterson contended that, unlike higher levels of government, cities were fundamentally limited as to what they could do. These external limitations on their authority exerted a powerful influence on the kinds of decisions that cities made.

    It seems likely that this skepticism about city agency was

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