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Steve's Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ 1st and 2nd Nephi
Steve's Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ 1st and 2nd Nephi
Steve's Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ 1st and 2nd Nephi
Ebook139 pages2 hours

Steve's Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ 1st and 2nd Nephi

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The Testimony of the Prophet Steve Howard

These words be from the Prophet Steve Howard about how he came upon The Book of Mormon:
“I was standing on a mountain beholding the wonders of the Almighty God...
“Behold, before me did appear the Lord Jesus Christ unto me, floating in the sky.
“Obviously he had a white robe. In fact it was whiter than white. It was so white that I marveled at its whiteness failing to marvel at what I first thought was Jesus Christ floating there not heeding the law of gravity. He had pretty impressive pectoral muscles. I noticed that too. Keeping fit.
“He said, ‘Stevie, my man, you got some work to do for me. God said.
“Who are you,’ I asked him.
“I didn’t want to tell him I’d never heard of him, floating there like he was Jesus himself. So I smiled.
“Moroni told me about the gold plates, where they were, what was on them and that Jesus Christ had been personally involved so it wasn’t one of those pondering kind of things.
“Of course I needed special breast plates to translate the secret language used on the buried gold plates. A special stone, stones, Urim and Thummim. It was sounding a little far fetched.
“But he was serious. And I was to tell no one until it was time and he said. Or he would kill me. And while contemplating that he made it clear in my mind where the plates were and how to get there.
“Then he flew off into heaven and I watched as he went.
“Okay. That was crazy. I thought.
“And holy fish soup. It was suddenly very bright again and there he was again before me.
“He told me what he told me the first time. With that being retold, he went on the end of the world stuff. Drought, war, guns, bombs, terror, television and cat videos. But that I must have misheard. He did have a thick accent, Moroni. Then off he went again.
“By the time I had refocused on what and where and other details to remind me of things, Moron zooms in again. He told me Satan would try to explain how much several hundred gold plates were worth.
“No fooling, I thought. And watched his last serious look before he flew off again.
“I heard a bird.
“I went down from my rock, confused and ecstatic. Attempting to continue my journey as if nothing major had happened, I came upon a spot in the sun and lay down to rest.
“Then Moroni was there again telling me to tell my father what had happened to me.
“So I did, where upon he said if God wants you to do something then there is no point in even contemplating not doing it because God don’t fool around with giving jobs to people. So went we to the place where I knew the stories to be.
“It was conveniently up cottage country way in Ontario. On a hill, by a tree, under a big rock, in a big box, made of Italian pink marble, just under the earth. It took us half the day to get the thing unearthed and up out of the hole. We had to use levers made from a tree.
“And there inside, behold, the gold plates, the Urim and Thummim, and the breastplate, like Moroni said.
“That’s some box, my father said. And it was.
“I wanted to have a look at the plates and the magic translating things. But Moroni said I had to wait. Until 35 years later. I didn’t ask why. Not something you do with God’s private crew.
“So I went back every year to see Moroni who smiled and told me to come back in a year.
“Finally in the spring of two-thousand-seventeen, I got the box of goodies. And Moroni helped me transport them, which was great since the whole deal was even too much for a tough pick-up truck.
“Beholding them in my dwelling, I understood the precaution. The wisdom of God on gold. There were, are many who would kill their own family to get their evil grimy hands on the plates. But the words on the plates had a value that could not be bought with any worldly wealth.
“Moroni told me that those calling themselves Mormon may contest my having the plates and thus would take them from me

PublisherSteve Howard
Release dateAug 8, 2017
Steve's Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ 1st and 2nd Nephi

Steve Howard

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 1960. Moved to London, Ontario, Canada in 1967. Started playing hockey and piano. Went to Sir Wilfred Laurier High School and played the trumpet. Studied Architectural Technology at Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Sciences. Started playing guitar and writing a little. On a trip to the mountains in 1982 with a friend I decided, or was awakened to the knowledge that I was going to pursue writing. Graduated 1984 and moved to Toronto. Moved to Saarbrücken, Germany in 1993. Have traveled many places in North, Middle and South America and Europe. Besides reading and writing also work on photography and music.

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Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Very immature and not funny. The author here is trying to be funny but is really just embarassing and cringy.

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Steve's Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ 1st and 2nd Nephi - Steve Howard



Book 1

Steve Howard


Steve Howard on Smashwords



Copyright © 2017 by Steve Howard 773U5

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This is a story about the people of Nephi. And it’s gonna include the Lamanites, to them, and they are leftovers from the house of Israel. So this is to Jew and Gentile, so everyone. It’s the next round of prophecy. And it comes from then but was hidden on god plates by Moroni. And he stuck it in a hole so no one finds it till later. A special Gentile.

Not to forget also a bit about The Book of Ether, as well. That’s about the Jared people. They got lost when the big tower project was called to a halt by the big guy. He’s the boss. This book is important because we made a deal with the Lord and we don’t want him getting upset and throwing us all in the brink.

So Israel, the Jews, the Gentiles, everyone needs to know that Jesus is the Christ, the forever GOD. Who is gonna come to everyone everywhere. And everyone is gonna understand how come they are gonna believe what the story manifests.

Translated By Steve Howard


Nephi Book I

Table of Content

chapter 01

chapter 02

chapter 03

chapter 04

chapter 05

chapter 06

chapter 07

chapter 08

chapter 09

chapter 10

chapter 11

chapter 12

chapter 13

chapter 14

chapter 15

chapter 16

chapter 17

chapter 18

chapter 19

chapter 20

chapter 21

chapter 22

Nephi Book II

Table of Content

chapter 01

chapter 02

chapter 03

chapter 04

chapter 05

chapter 06

chapter 07

chapter 08

chapter 09

chapter 10

chapter 11

chapter 12

chapter 13

chapter 14

chapter 15

chapter 16

chapter 17

chapter 18

chapter 19

chapter 20

chapter 21

chapter 22

chapter 23

chapter 24

chapter 25

chapter 26

chapter 27

chapter 28

chapter 29

chapter 30

chapter 31

chapter 32

chapter 33



Okay, so you don’t get worried, The Book of Mormon is pretty much part of the Bible that couldn’t be in it because it wasn’t discovered soon enough. But it is important.

Important and at the time famous prophets had revelations to write on gold plates. That was Mormon. He wrote about two great civilizations. One from Jerusalem in 600 BC. They split into two. The Nephites and the Lamanites. The other, other one, was from before back in the Tower of Babble, where everyone was confused. Those were the Jaredites. They all got wiped out eventually, not including the Lamanites, they turned into American Indians.

The big deal with The Book of Mormon is Jesus Christ, the one and only, after he was dead and then not dead a couple days later, he went straight to the Nephites and told them a more precise way to get saved and have peace and be in eternity happy with all the frills.

Now, after Mormon got the story written, he gave it to his son Moroni, he wrote a few words and then hid the plates near a lake by a tree under a rock. Then, on May 15, 1982, Moroni wasn’t dead and was like an angel who came and said: This gotta be put in clear English so you gotta do it.

So, since the message was the one added truth to the truth that was the best of all the truths, Steve Howard took the job. And he spoke saying, The Book of Mormon is the best book ever written. The one book to make one true religion. The religion that God would have told Moses to make if Moses had been ready. But he wasn’t.

Obviously, no one would believe just Steve Howard so he showed the plates to 11 other very important people who were known for only speaking the truth. They are the witnesses.

Everyone everywhere will want to read Steve’s Book of Mormon and get right with the One True God and see and understand the truth.

The reason is divine and holy spirit and powerful Jesus Christ and God Almighty. Salvation for the world. And Steve Howard is the one true prophet who is gonna establish on earth, and any space stations or space ships, the Church of Jesus Christ of Better-day Saints. Jesus is still thinking of coming.

The Testimony of the Three Witnesses

Let the world know, that through the grace of God and our Lord Jesus Christ, we have seen the plates. The plates with the story about the Nephi, and the Lamanite. And the Jared, the tower folk.

Angels came down and told us what was happening. They explained how Steve Howard saw the light on a mountains by a tree on a rock and Lord Jesus Christ what a holy thing it was to see and we were happy and honoured to be three who first saw the whole thing after Steve Howard had seen the plates and translated them in their full trueness which we knew because we both saw it, understood it and the angels explained how it all worked. Jesus Christ is our Lord and witness forever, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Jose Wombat

Aaron Levi

Barbara Alba

The Other Eight Witnesses

Everyone knows all over the world and places beyond that will soon be peopled, Steve Howard, the guy who had the most recent and righteous go at the plates and did thus translate them most properly, let us inspect and wonder about these ancient plates. Astounding intricacy and beauty. Not to mention gold and holy cow, how much would they be worth. But no. Truth can not be bought with gold. So God and his son Jesus Christ are our witness that we did witness one of the most amazing things ever. The gold plates with the story.

Bill Chase Susie Wong

John Rahman Guss Ryder

Alexandria Washington Peter Lunick

Joanna Dixon Franciska Noya

The Testimony of the Prophet Steve Howard

These words be from the Prophet Steve Howard about how he came upon The Book of Mormon:

"I was standing on a mountain beholding the wonders of the Almighty God…

"Behold, before me did appear the Lord Jesus Christ unto me, floating in the sky.

"Obviously he had a white robe. In fact it was whiter than white. It was so white that I marveled at its whiteness failing to marvel at what I first thought was Jesus Christ floating there not heeding the law of gravity. He had pretty impressive pectoral muscles. I noticed that too. Keeping fit.

"He said, ‘Stevie, my man, you got some work to do for me. God said.

"Who are you,’ I asked him.


"I didn’t want to tell him I’d never heard of him, floating there like he was Jesus himself. So I smiled.

"Moroni told me about the gold plates, where they were, what was on them and that Jesus Christ had been personally involved so it wasn’t one of those pondering kind of things.

"Of course I needed special breast plates to translate the secret language used on the buried gold plates. A special stone, stones, Urim and Thummim. It was sounding a little far fetched.

"But he was serious. And I was to tell no one until it was time and he said. Or he would kill me. And while contemplating that he made it clear in my mind where the plates were and how to get there.

"Then he flew off into heaven and I watched as he went.

"Okay. That was crazy. I thought.

"And holy fish soup. It was suddenly very bright again and there he was again before me.

"He told me what he told me the first time. With that being retold, he went on the end of the world stuff. Drought, war, guns, bombs, terror, television and cat videos. But that I must have misheard. He did have a thick accent, Moroni. Then off he went again.

"By the time I had refocused on what and where and other details to remind me of things, Moron zooms in again. He told me Satan would try to explain how much several hundred gold plates were worth.

"No fooling, I thought. And watched his last serious look before he flew off again.

"I heard a bird.

"I went down from my rock, confused and ecstatic. Attempting to

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