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Intelligence And Giftedness
Intelligence And Giftedness
Intelligence And Giftedness
Ebook71 pages35 minutes

Intelligence And Giftedness

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What is intelligence? How do we know that a child displays giftedness? In this book, we explore the roots of intelligence and our understanding of it. Also what sort of traits do we expect gifted learners to display? Intelligence and Giftedness explores how intelligence is built in a learner, how mindsets affect learning and models of schooling, A brief reference book.

PublisherEsther Chen
Release dateSep 9, 2017
Intelligence And Giftedness

Esther Chen

Esther Chen lives in Singapore, a South East Asian country with one of the World's highest cost of living. She also major in Science and has taught in Singapore schools.She is interested in Life and Science, and also life planning and management.She works in the day and writes in the nights.Her focus is on education and study guides.Occasionally, she writes about teaching and other miscellaneous works including poetry, short stories, and children's books so enjoy her writing as it teleports you into another World.

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    Intelligence And Giftedness - Esther Chen

    Intelligence And Giftedness

    Esther Chen

    Copyright 2017 by Esther Chen

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    ONE – Theories of Intelligence

    TWO – Concept of intelligence as a process within the brain

    THREE - Of Crystallised intelligence and Fluid intelligence

    FOUR - Crystallised intelligence Versus Achievement

    FIVE - Fixed and Growth Mindset

    SIX - Conceptions of Giftedness

    SEVEN - School Based Conception of Giftedness

    EIGHT - Models of Schooling

    NINE - Traits characteristics and needs of gifted, talented, highly able


    About the Author

    One - Theories of Intelligence

    Intelligence is one of the most prized assets of a country. The potential for rapid and sustained development depends on the ability of people to capitalise on knowledge for value creation.

    So what is intelligence ad how does one nurture it?

    To understand what intelligence is, we must first go through the thoughts of various learned individuals in history.

    From the earliest thought of the mind as the seat of understanding by Alcmean of Croton; to Greek philospher, Anaxagoras; to Victorian Era Charles Darwin, we explore what intelligence is and how people view its development.

    In the beginning, after the idea of thought and the mind was conceived. Intelligence was thought to be observed in the behaviours of men. This gave rise to behavioural intelligence and its branches of fixed intelligence, interactive intelligence and expanded views of intelligence.

    Charles Darwin, the famous English naturalist thought that intelligence is fixed and is inherited from parent to child. His supporters include Sir Francis Galton, G.Stanley Hall, and Arnold Gesell. Sir Francis Galton, also happens to be a half-cousin of Charles Darwin, both sharing the same grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, so it could be support strengthen by familial ties.

    Another school of thought, led by Alfred Binet, believed that intelligence is educable, and a person’s mental age can be different from one’s chronological age. He is supported by Lewis Terman, the man who is behind the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale, otherwise also known as the Intelligence Quotient test. Of course, this is all relative to the cohort of people in the same learning environment and the

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