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Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors
Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors
Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors
Ebook900 pages8 hours

Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors

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Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors establishes and maintains a system of data classification for all of the applications of stress and strain analysis and expedites their synthesis into CAD applications. Substantially revised and completely updated, this book presents stress concentration factors both graphically and with formulas. It also employs computer-generated art in its portrayal of the various relationships between the stress factors affecting machines or structures. These charts provide a visual representation of the machine or structure under consideration as well as graphs of the various stress concentration factors at work. They can be easily accessed via an illustrated table of contents that permits identification based on the geometry and loading of the location of a factor.

For the new third edition, new material will be added covering finite element analyses of stress concentrations, as well as effective computational design. The book explains how to optimize shape to circumvent stress concentration problems and how to achieve a well-balanced design of structures and machines that will result in reduced costs, lighter products, and improved performance.

Release dateNov 6, 2017
Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors

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    Book preview

    Peterson's Stress Concentration Factors - Walter D. Pilkey


    Computational methods, primarily the finite element method, continue to be used to calculate stress concentration factors in practice. Improvements in software, such as automated mesh generation and refinement, ease the task of these calculations. Many computational solutions have been used to check the accuracy of traditional stress concentration factors in recent years. Results of these comparisons have been incorporated throughout this third edition.

    Since the previous edition, new stress concentration factors have become available such as for orthotropic panels and cylinders, thick members, and for geometric discontinuities in tubes and hollow structures with crossbores. Recently developed stress concentration factors for countersunk holes are included in this edition. These can be useful in the study of riveted structural components.

    The results of several studies of the minimum length of an element for which the stress concentration factors are valid have been incorporated in the text. These computational investigations have shown that stress concentration factors applied to very short elements can be alarmingly inaccurate.

    We appreciate the support for the preparation of this new addition by the University of Virginia Center for Applied Biomechanics. The figures and charts for this edition were skillfully prepared by Wei Wei Ding. The third edition owes much to Yasmina Abdelilah, who keyed in the new material, as well as Viv Bellur and Joel Grasmeyer, who helped update the index.

    The continued professional advice of our Wiley editor, Bob Argentieri, is much appreciated. Critical to this work has been the assistance of Barbara Pilkey.

    The errors identified in the previous edition have been corrected. Although this edition has been carefully checked for typographic problems, it is difficult to eliminate all of them. An errata list and discussion forum is available through our web site: Readers can contact Deborah Pilkey through that site. Please inform her of errors you find in this volume. Suggestions for changes and stress concentration factors for future editions are

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