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The Roswell of the Pines: Retracing the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO Incident
The Roswell of the Pines: Retracing the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO Incident
The Roswell of the Pines: Retracing the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO Incident
Ebook68 pages59 minutes

The Roswell of the Pines: Retracing the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO Incident

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What if I told you that the New Jersey Pine Barrens have their own UFO incident that rivals Roswell in the mystery factor? On the night of January 18, 1978, an extraterrestrial being was allegedy shot and killed at the Fort Dix-McGuire military bases. Retrace the origins of this little-known UFO incident and learn the details and evidence of the events of that night like never before. The truth is out there...

PublisherM.J. McCann
Release dateNov 16, 2017
The Roswell of the Pines: Retracing the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO Incident

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    The Roswell of the Pines - M.J. McCann

    The Roswell of the Pines

    Retracing the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO Incident


    Mention the Roswell incident to a group of strangers and chances are high that the words UFO and alien will surely follow. The incident dates back to July of 1947, when a newspaper printed an article stating that a flying saucer had crash landed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico and had been recovered by the Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF). Witnesses claimed the crashed saucer pieces were made of a strange metal that would revert back to its original shape when bent and had strange, hieroglyphic-type writing on it. According to UFO lore, several dead alien bodies were also found at the crash site. The saucer wreckage and the bodies were then allegedly sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and disappeared from prying eyes, other than those with the highest levels of top-secret government security clearance.

    The RAAF quickly redacted the statements in the newspaper and claimed that the saucer was simply a crashed weather balloon, but the incident has been scrutinized for decades with countless theories of what really happened. Perhaps the most famous and pop culture infused UFO related event of all time, the Roswell incident has become forever linked to aliens like peanut butter is linked to jelly. However, mention the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO incident to a group of strangers, and chances are high that the words, What’s that? will surely follow. Other than UFO aficionados, relatively few people know that the Garden State has its own UFO and alien mystery in the Pine Barrens that is in ways more shocking and unbelievable than Roswell. While tales of the Jersey Devil are well-known in the Pine Barrens, the story of the Fort Dix-McGuire UFO incident has been quietly lurking in the shadows, waiting to be told. This book reveals the details of this fascinating case in an attempt to unravel this unsolved mystery. Did it really happen? Was it all a hoax? You’ll have to decide for yourself. Like any good mystery, the first step is to enter the rabbit hole...

    Chapter 1:  The Letters

    The initial details of the Fort Dix-McGuire incident come from a man named Leonard H. Stringfield, a renowned Ufologist and former public relations adviser of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). On September 23, 1980, Stringfield received a letter in the mail typed in military format on stationery with official letterhead. The letter, dated September 16, 1980, came from a sergeant in the U.S. Air Force who recounted an unbelievable story that occurred on January 18, 1978 while he was on routine patrol guarding a gate at McGuire Air Force Base in Browns Mills, New Jersey. The sergeant, whose name was changed to Jeffrey Morse by Stringfield in order to protect his identity, claims that several UFOs were spotted that night and an alien entity was shot by a military policeman (MP) at the adjacent Fort Dix Army Base. The wounded alien fled over the fence separating Fort Dix from McGuire and subsequently died on one of the runways at McGuire.

    THE LETTER READS (SPELLING and grammatical errors left as they appeared):

    1.   In January of 1978, I was station at McGuire AFB, N.J.. One evening , during the time frame of 0300 hrs. and O500 hrs., there were a number of UFO sightins in the area over the air field and Ft. DIX Army camp. I am a security policeman and was on routine patrol at the time. N.J. State Police, and Ft. Dix MP's were running code in the direction of Brownsville, N.J.. A

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