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A Child's Garden of Verses
A Child's Garden of Verses
A Child's Garden of Verses
Ebook47 pages26 minutes

A Child's Garden of Verses

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A Child's Garden of Verses is a collection of poetry for children by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. The collection first appeared in 1885 under the title Penny Whistles, but has been reprinted many times, often in illustrated versions. It contains about 65 poems including the cherished classics "Foreign Children," "The Lamplighter," "The Land of Counterpane," "Bed in Summer," "My Shadow" and "The Swing."
PublisherQasim Idrees
Release dateDec 7, 2017

Robert Louis Stevenson

<p>Robert Louis Stevenson nació en Edimburgo en 1850, hijo de un próspero ingeniero de una familia de constructores de faros. Aunque de él se esperaba que siguiera la profesión familiar, se le permitió estudiar Derecho; pero, al terminar la carrera en 1875, tenía ya muy clara su vocación de escritor. Aquejado ya por entonces de una enfermedad respiratoria de la que nunca se desprendería, viajó por Francia y conoció el mundo literario y artístico. Sus primeros libros fueron precisamente crónicas de viaje: <i>An Inland Voyage</i> (1876) y <i>Viajes con una burra</i> (1879). Enamorado de la norteamericana Fanny Osborne, cruzó el Atlántico y todo el continente hasta California para casarse con ella, según dejaría constancia en <i>El emigrante por gusto</i> (1894) y su continuación, <i>Across the Plains</i> (1894). Sin embargo, fue el universo de sus ficciones el que cautivó a su siglo y, desde entonces, a la posteridad: entre sus inolvidables creaciones cabe mencionar los relatos recogidos en <i>Las nuevas mil y una noches</i> (1882), las novelas <i>La isla del tesoro</i> (1883), <i>La flecha negra</i> (1883) o <i>Secuestrado</i> (1886), y la novela corta <i>El doctor Jekyll y el señor Hyde</i> (1886). Constante viajero, a la vez por espíritu de aventura y por motivos de salud, se instalaría en 1889 en Upolu, una isla de los Mares del Sur. De esa época son <i>Los traficantes de naufragios</i> (1892), <i>Bajamar</i> (1894) y los ensayos de <i>En los mares del Sur</i> (1894). Murió en 1894 y fue enterrado en la cima del monte Vaea.</p>

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    Book preview

    A Child's Garden of Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson

    A Child’s Garden of Verses

    Robert Louis Stevenson



    Bed in Summer

    In winter I get up at night

    And dress by yellow candle-light.

    In summer quite the other way,

    I have to go to bed by day.

    I have to go to bed and see

    The birds still hopping on the tree,

    Or hear the grown-up people's feet

    Still going past me in the street.

    And does it not seem hard to you,

    When all the sky is clear and blue,

    And I should like so much to play,

    To have to go to bed by day?


    A Thought

    It is very nice to think

    The world is full of meat and drink,

    With little children saying grace

    In every Christian kind of place.


    At the Sea-Side

    When I was down beside the sea

    A wooden spade they gave to me

    To dig the sandy shore.

    My holes were empty like a cup.

    In every hole the sea came up,

    Till it could come no more.


    Young Night-Thought

    All night long and every night,

    When my mama puts out the light,

    I see the people marching by,

    As plain as day before my eye.

    Armies and emperor and kings,

    All carrying different kinds of things,

    And marching in so grand a way,

    You never saw the like by day.

    So fine a show was never seen

    At the great circus on the green;

    For every kind of beast and man

    Is marching in that caravan.

    As first they move a little slow,

    But still the faster on they go,

    And still beside me close I keep

    Until we reach the town of Sleep.


    Whole Duty of Children

    A child should always say what's true

    And speak when he is spoken to,

    And behave mannerly at table;

    At least as far as he is able.



    The rain is falling all around,

    It falls on field and tree,

    It rains on the umbrellas here,

    And on the ships at sea.


    Pirate Story

    Three of us afloat in the meadow by the swing,

    Three of us abroad in the basket on the lea.

    Winds are in the air, they are blowing

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