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Mama Devow: The Devil's Concubine
Mama Devow: The Devil's Concubine
Mama Devow: The Devil's Concubine
Ebook198 pages3 hours

Mama Devow: The Devil's Concubine

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The Obeah Religion is one of the most ancient practices of worship studied by black people throughout the centuries. This demonic practice was brought from Africa to the Caribbean by slaves, and on some islands, used as the motivational tool that led to the abolishment of slavery. The Devow family was the most powerful practitioners of the black art form since it reached the West Indies. Every few generations a new heir was born to replace the incumbent Obeah Queen. However, because the child was taken away to a foreign country, the witch decided against permitting her reign and implemented a strategy to have the family's heir found and killed.

PublisherRhoan Flowers
Release dateNov 29, 2017
Mama Devow: The Devil's Concubine

Rhoan Flowers

I was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica before relocating to Canada at the age of twelve. I always wanted to become an author and hustled to acquire enough money to publish my first novel. In 2010 I released my first book titled Informer/The Wars of Men and have since then added four others to my small library. I look forward to one day transitioning over to film making, but until then I take pride in producing some of the best novel on today's circuit.

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    Book preview

    Mama Devow - Rhoan Flowers


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19


    Throughout the centuries, humans have visited practitioners of sorcery for a number of reasons. Some people had absolutely no trust in modern medicine and thus sought the assistance of Bush Doctors or Herbal Healers as alternatives to curing whatever ailments they suffered. For individuals interested in joining a demonic organization, there was none more powerful than Obeah, which was an ancient technique used to communicate with spirit forces from the Dark Realm. The practice originated in Africa and was used in the Caribbean for the first time by a slave girl who grew up to become the first Obeah Queen of Westmoreland. Members of the Obeah Religion lived by a strict code of conduct and sincerely worshiped the Lord of the Underworld, whose mission was to increase his congregation and capture more human souls.

    After discovering that her daughter was slated to become the next Obeah Queen of the West Indies, Daliah Devow began making preparations to smuggle away the child to a foreign land where she could live a normal life instead. Their slave ancestor had entered an everlasting binding contract with the Lord of the Underworld, who gained worshippers for his congregation in exchange for supernatural powers and wealth. Because of this unethical contract, an heir to the presiding Obeah Queen was born every hundred years before ascending to the throne at the age of 19.

    Madam Dion Devow who ruled over the estate had several aliases such as The West Witch, Mama Devow, Obeah Worker and Bush Doctor to name a few. Nothing that pertained to the Witch’s estate transpired without her consent, therefore she had ample knowledge of the plot to smuggle away her successor and allowed it to happen. However, in order for their family legacy to survive the heir to the Devow Estate had to be present at the time of Dion’s retirement to receive the transfer of power. Everyone assumed that the Obeah Queen was only interested in her successor as a replacement, but Dion was rather scrupulous and had other ideas on who should manage the Devow Estate. To bring her successor back to Jamaica the West Witch assembled a team and sent them to kidnap the female, but what surprises awaited the Witch or the members of her abduction team?

    Chapter 1

    The sounds of thunder rumbled across the night’s sky as raindrops smashed against the zinc rooftop, which had tiny holes throughout that caused drips of water to trickle into the house. The residents placed five cooking pots, a bucket, a clothes wash pan, a kettle, two large soup bowls and a juice jug all throughout the interior of their home to catch the intrusive rainwater. There were still a few unattended holes where rainwater fell to the floor, because they had nothing else with which to contain it. Daliah Devow and her boyfriend Tyliq Davis were submerged beneath their sheets cautiously engaged in coitus, inside their single room house. The overwhelming sexual stimulation caused the young stallion to groan continuously, against which his companion argued that their daughter was still sound asleep! Both partners were utterly captivated by each other as they clutched tightly and enjoyed the intimacy, until Tyliq climaxed and passed out in Daliah’s arms.

    The dwelling in which they lived was barely big enough for two and the mattress on which they slept was the only other seat apart from two chairs underneath a small table, therefore their young daughter had no choice but to sleep beside them on the bed. The couple lived in a wooden house built along the main road used by travelers commuting through the district of Mount Carey in the parish of St. James, Jamaica. The house originally belonged to Daliah’s father who passed away and left her the structure, hence she and her boyfriend made it their home. Throughout the community not many families had the luxury of electricity or interior plumbing, thus much of those who had light illegally bridged current from the city’s main power lines. There outhouse bathroom and toilet facilities were built approximately ten yards away from the house, but they had to travel to the standpipe up the hill to fetch clean water.

    Like most houses on the hillside the couple’s single room dwelling was anchored by a pair of 8 foot, 8x8 wooden planks; with the entrance located to the rear to avoid the additional lumber needed to construct a step. There was a single window built with wooden panes instead of glass at the front of the house, which overlooked the main road approximately thirty yards down the steep hill. The paint on the outside of the residence had all but vanished, exposing the bare wood’s cracks and flaws. Despite the physical appearance of the house the structure was sound and had endured many thunder storms and hurricanes, but the impoverished young dwellers were simply happy to have a place of their own. The community pathway that led from the base of the road up to the top of the hill ran close by the couple’s door, therefore someone was often strolling by despite the hour of the day.

    At 2:54 A.M. the six-months-old baby started fussing and awoke the young mother who quickly attended to the child to avoid disturbing her partner who had to wake early for work. The little baby, who had made significant strides that resulted in her sleeping through the night, was very irritated and refused to calm down even after her mother changed her nappy and soothingly cuddled her. While breast feeding the infant, the child’s father who was sound asleep sat up and rose from the bed, then proceeded to walk over to the front door, unlatched it and opened it with his eyes still firmly shut as if he expected company.

    Tyliq what you doing? jokingly asked the young mother who had never before observed her boyfriend sleepwalking.

    The young father who was still sound asleep neglected her questioning and stood holding the door ajar for some twenty seconds before an old woman walked into the residence. The breast-feeding mother, who had grown concerned for her boyfriend’s health and their safety, placed the baby on the bed and was moving towards Tyliq when the unexpected intruder entered. There were two lazy mongrel dogs living in the adjacent yard that seldom barked at anyone who passed, thus Dahlia wondered how it was that she got by without exciting them. The presence and sight of the intruder sent a bone-chilling sensation through the already nervous female, hence she pretended as if she wasn’t intimidated and became vociferous.

    Is who you and why you walking into people’s house at this hour? Old lady you better get your ass out my house before I get vex you hear me! said the young mother.

    Shut your mouth child! stated the old woman as she waved her staff before the female’s face.

    Instantly Daliah froze and could only manage to rotate her eyes to see what was transpiring inside their home, as if she had been drugged with some sort of crippling concoction. Tyliq had closed the door and stood like a centurion sound asleep, so she feared for their lives and wondered what were the intruder’s intentions? The audacious old woman who was dressed like a native African wearing a long black robe, a black turban cloth that wrapped her dreadlocks and black sandal on her feet, walked past the female and went over to the infant laying on the bed. With what only could be determined as malice, the unwelcomed female grabbed the adorable infant by the left leg, brought her to the center of the room and tossed her on her back on the wooden floor. There were white markings all over the intruder’s face like an African Warrior who wore face paint into battle and hand paintings like those on an Indian bridge. The old woman also carried a black pouch from which she proceeded to remove several artifacts then placed them beside the baby, used a white chalk to draw a circle around the child, lit candles and laid an ancient medallion directly on the child’s forehead. Without any direct instruction, the old lady snapped her fingers at which Tyliq walked over to the lamp on the table and extinguished the light, before returning to his prior position. Daliah frantically looked on through the corners of her eyes as the intruder finally withdrew a pointed dagger and placed it in front of her and then began some sort of demonic ceremony.

    The immobilized female watched and listened as the old woman chanted in another language for several minutes, before she said a prayer to the one she worshiped and swayed from side to side with both eyes firmly closed. Daliah could not believe what she was witnessing as the woman drifted off into a trance. The intruder, after a few tranquil minutes, suddenly stopped and started trembling during which her eyes popped open glistening red like blood, as she ripped off the infant’s clothing, grabbed for the dagger and started carving an exact replica of the symbol featured on the medallion in the center of the girl’s chest. The tormented mother could hear herself screaming for help at the top of her lungs but not a single word uttered from her mouth, hence she fell unconscious under the overwhelming duress.

    The audacious intruder drained the sprinkled blood from her dagger into a small tube, then placed them both gently into her pouch. Suddenly as if shocked with a jolt of lightening the mystical old woman’s fingers extended fully, wherein she slowly passed both hands over the baby’s wounds and instantly healed them. The intrusive old woman picked up the child and returned her to bed, then collected the rest of her belongings and telepathically transferred some instructions to the man of the house. Tyliq remained sound asleep throughout the entire ordeal, as he showed the intruder out and closed the door behind her, then transferred Daliah to her bed. Before laying back down, Tyliq also cleaned up the mess left by the Obeah woman, and ensured that there was no evidence of her being there.

    After such an eventful night the female was awakened a few hours later by her boyfriend’s rumblings as he prepared to leave for work. The young mother awoke in a state of shock and franticly looked around the room as if there was some sort of demonic presence inside the dwelling, before she grabbed for her baby daughter who was sound asleep and held her tight.

    You look like you had a bad dream! stated Tyliq as he shoved his feet into his shoes.

    Are you sick or something, you don’t remember the old creepy woman last night!? argued Daliah.

    Ha-ha-ha-ha, you mean that I had you seeing old people last night? That’s a new one! responded Tyliq, as he grabbed his groin and did some provocative antics.

    I’m not joking, is you open the door and let her in! said Daliah.

    Sounds more like you drop off the bed and hit your head last night. Anyways I have to go so I see you later! answered Tyliq.

    Daliah reached for her cellular phone and dialed a long-distance number at which she discovered that she hadn’t enough credits available to make the call. The baby’s nappy was wet and the young mother sought to change her before she ran out to the local shop to purchase the items she needed. As soon as she unfastened the child’s sleeper Daliah froze with astonishment at the sight of the strange symbol carved into her daughter’s chest, moreover she was even far more fascinated with the healing process used. To ensure that the baby sustained no further injuries the mother checked her thoroughly, before they both dressed and left the house.

    On her way down to the main road Daliah passed the elderly woman next door stooped over a huge pan of laundry, which was a chore she did twice weekly by thoroughly hand washing each piece of clothing and placing them on a clothesline in the sun. The night’s rain had caused the pathway to become slippery and muddy, therefore the young mother had to be extremely careful going down. The Old Woman noticeably watched Daliah walk down the slippery pathway, then immediately used her cellular and made a phone call.

    The local shop was within a five-minute walk down the main road and as soon as Daliah got to the base of the hill, she ran into a neighbor known as Helen who was heading in the same direction. There was a single road lane heading in either direction that was separated by only the center marking; and without constructed sidewalks so the ladies had to walk in the bushes and rubbles along the roadside to avoid getting struck by passing motorists. Regardless of the treacherous and narrow winding roads, cars, motorcycles, buses, trucks and trailers sped along as if they were competing in the Indy 500 race. Both ladies had recently given birth to baby girls and thus immediately started chatting about the trials of motherhood, during which Daliah revealed the incident that occurred the night prior.

    To prove her point Daliah securely held her baby across her arm and unbuttoned two of her sleeper’s top buttons to show the carved symbol, but there was absolutely nothing for Helen to see. The female neighbor thought that the pressures of motherhood and being alone throughout the day was beginning to affect Daliah and excused her delusional claims. The symbol’s disappearance caused Daliah to become more adamant about the situation, to which she argued that someone was trying to play tricks on her. While approaching the wooden shop Daliah who was by then suspicious of everything and everyone noticed a motorist cruising by in a Nissan Sunny who blatantly stared at her.

    After acquiring their merchandise, both ladies were walking back home when, two minutes into their stroll, the same vehicle that passed before crept up behind them and started cruising slowly at a distance. The disturbance in the flow of traffic caused irate drivers to honk their horns in protest, before shouting various sorts of profanity at the driver once they were able to pass his car, yet still he cruised at a snail’s pace behind the young mothers. Both ladies soon observed the stalking vehicle and walked faster to safety reach their destination. As soon as Daliah reached the pathway that led up to her home the pursuing vehicle sped up and flew by, however both ladies were able to get a proper view of the driver’s face as he stared at them. Daliah exchanged parting sentiments with her neighbor and scurried up the hill to her home, where she was overwhelmingly nervous that someone might follow her.

    The instant she got home Daliah bolted the latch on the door, placed the baby on the bed, turned on their small television and pressed play on her favorite Barney DVD. The young mother then tapped up the credits on her cellular phone and placed the call she originally intended. The intrusion that transpired terrified the young female, thus she telephoned the only person she knew capable of helping. Dahlia felt afraid in her own house for the first time

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