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Slow Cooker Favorites: Soups
Slow Cooker Favorites: Soups
Slow Cooker Favorites: Soups
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Slow Cooker Favorites: Soups

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About this ebook

In addition to producing great-tasting food, a slow cooker is one of the most effective time-management tools any cook can have. It allows you to be in the kitchen when it suits your schedule. If you do the prep work in advance, you can be away from the kitchen all day and return to a hot, delicious meal!

In this carefully curated collection, bestselling author Judith Finlayson shares 38 of her favorite slow cooker soup recipes. These include 34 recipes that can be made gluten-free and 21 that can be made vegan. Be sure to check out the other books in the series and prepare to discover your new slow cooker favorite.

PublisherRobert Rose
Release dateDec 11, 2017
Slow Cooker Favorites: Soups

Judith Finlayson

Judith Finlayson

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    Slow Cooker Favorites - Judith Finlayson


    Slow Cooker Favorites: Soups

    Text copyright © 2018 Judith Finlayson

    Photographs copyright © 2018 Robert Rose Inc.

    Cover and text design copyright © 2018 Robert Rose Inc.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher or a license from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright). For an Access Copyright license, visit or call toll-free: 1-800-893-5777.


    The recipes in this book have been carefully tested by our kitchen and our tasters. To the best of our knowledge, they are safe and nutritious for ordinary use and users. For those people with food or other allergies, or who have special food requirements or health issues, please read the suggested contents of each recipe carefully and determine whether or not they may create a problem for you. All recipes are used at the risk of the consumer. Consumers should always consult their slow cooker manufacturer’s manual for recommended procedures and cooking times.

    We cannot be responsible for any hazards, loss or damage that may occur as a result of any recipe use.

    For those with special needs, allergies, requirements or health problems, in the event of any doubt, please contact your medical adviser prior to the use of any recipe.

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Finlayson, Judith, author

    Soups : 38 recipes with 34 gluten-free and 21 vegan options / Judith Finlayson.

    (Slow cooker favorites)

    Versions of these recipes have appeared in previous books by author.

    ISBN 978-0-7788-0597-7 (EPUB).--ISBN 978-0-7788-0602-8 (Kindle).--ISBN 978-0-7788-0603-5 (PDF)

    1. Soups. 2. Gluten-free diet--Recipes. 3. Vegan cooking. 4. Electric cooking, Slow. 5. Cookbooks. I. Title.

    TX757.F55 2018 -- 641.81'3 -- C2017-908018-0

    Design and production: PageWave Graphics Inc.

    Editor: Judith Finlayson

    Proofreader: Gillian Watts

    Photographers: Colin Erricson and Mark T. Shapiro

    Associate Photographer: Matt Johannsson

    Food stylists: Kathryn Robertson and Kate Bush

    Prop stylist: Charlene Erricson

    Cover image: Zesty Seafood Chowder

    The publisher gratefully acknowledges the financial support of our publishing program by the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund.

    Published by Robert Rose Inc.

    120 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 800, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 1E2

    Tel: (416) 322-6552 Fax: (416) 322-6936



    I love using my slow cooker because, in addition to producing great-tasting food, a slow cooker is one of the most effective time-management tools any cook can have. Basically, it allows you to be in the kitchen when it suits your schedule. If you prefer, you can do most of the prep work in advance, when it’s most convenient for you, and once the appliance is turned on there is little or nothing left for you to do. The slow cooker performs unattended while you carry on with your workaday life. You can be away from the kitchen all day and return to a hot, delicious meal.

    Happy slow cooking,

    Judith Finlayson

    Using Your Slow Cooker


    Slow Cooker Basics

    A Low-Tech Appliance

    Slow cookers are amazingly low-tech. The appliance usually consists of a metal casing and a stoneware insert with a tight-fitting lid. For convenience, you should be able to remove the insert from the metal casing. This makes it easier to clean and increases its versatility, not only as a vessel for refrigerating dishes that have been prepared to the Make Ahead stage, but also as a serving dish. The casing contains the heat source, electrical coils that usually surround the stoneware insert. These coils do their work using the energy it takes to power a 100-watt light bulb. Because the slow cooker operates on such a small amount of electricity, you can safely leave it turned on while you are away from home.

    Shapes, Sizes and Configurations

    Slow cookers are generally round or oval in shape and range in size from 1 to 8.5 quarts. The small round ones are ideal for dips, as well as some soups, main courses and desserts. The smaller oval ones (approximately 1-1/2 to 4 quarts) are extremely versatile because they are small enough to work well with smaller quantities but also have enough volume to accommodate some full-batch recipes. The larger sizes (5 to 8.5 quarts), usually oval in shape, are necessary to cook big-batch dishes and those that need to be cooked in a dish or pan that can fit into the stoneware.

    I have recommended slow cooker sizes for all my recipes. However, please be aware that so many new models are coming onto the market that I have not been able to test all the configurations myself. Use your common sense. The stoneware should be about one-third to three-quarters full. Dishes that contain an abundance of vegetables and liquid will likely need a model that can accommodate greater volume.

    Some manufacturers sell a slow cooker that is actually a multi-cooker. These have a heating element at the bottom, and in my experience they cook faster than traditional slow cookers. Also, since the heat source is at the bottom, the food is likely to scorch unless it is stirred.

    Your slow cooker should come with a booklet that explains how to use the appliance. I recommend that you read this carefully and/or visit the manufacturer’s website for specific information on the model you purchased. There are now so many models, shapes and sizes of slow cookers on the market that it is impossible to give one-size-fits-all instructions for using them.

    Cooking Times

    Over the years I’ve cooked in a wide variety of slow cookers and have found that cooking times can vary substantially from one to another. This is true even among different models sold under the same brand. The quality control on some of the lower-priced models may not be as rigorous as it should be, which accounts for some of the difference. That said, I’ve also found that some of the newer slow cookers tend to cook much more quickly than those that are a few years old. Please bear these discrepancies in mind if you follow my recipes and find

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