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The McBride Series 2: Eliot's Hue
The McBride Series 2: Eliot's Hue
The McBride Series 2: Eliot's Hue
Ebook138 pages2 hours

The McBride Series 2: Eliot's Hue

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The McBride series can be read as stand alone novels. Read at your own risk and get your spare panties fast!

Foggy forest? Check!
Raining bullets? Check!
Explosion? Check!
Kidnappings? Check!
Torture? Check
Terrorists? Check!
Blood? Check
Sex? BIG Check!
Love? Check! Check! Check!
Death? A lot of Checks!

These summed up Eliot Hue McBride's story as he found himself kidnapped in Afghanistan.

Desperate for freedom, Eli went with the woman who was captured with him and together, they made their escape. Only to find out that the woman he trusted was also a terrorist. A cold blooded killer. An assassin.
Eliot was able to escape the bandits. However, he's back to square one with the woman. Now, how will he escape this criminal when she had him in a death trap called LOVE? Because he's already thinking twice of going back home just to be with her forever.

PS :
Ain't gonna promise ya nothing, my friend. This tale still gonna be a romance, baby. Surely, when you wanna have some fast cars, guns and hot chicks, d'yo really think there ain't gonna be romance in 'em?

Release dateJan 26, 2018
The McBride Series 2: Eliot's Hue


√entrepreneur √networker √businesswoman √leader √achiever √dreamer √novelist √RICH R-esponsible I-mportant C-apable H-umble I'm a businesswoman day in and day out and a writer in between. (Very far of a leap, isn't it?) I love reading books, romance, comedy, fiction and real-life stories. I love my pillow and my bed. Hence, I love sleeping. I love my privacy and enjoy the moment imagining things, plot my personal novels. I love writing poetry but avoid sharing them to others because it'll be too much of an open book of my life. I love to study people from the distance (not a lurker nor a creeper), just enjoying their interaction is all. I love to travel. I love my family and friends. I don't have a pet. I secretly love to write. I love to hear comments from you if you've read my books. I love to explore. I love to mentally wander. I love loving. I'm just that girl. The world has been full of hate, let's go and spread love around the globe.

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    Book preview

    The McBride Series 2 - cLasP


    BOOK 2

    Eliot’s Hue


    Foggy forest? Check!

    Raining bullets? Check!

    Explosion? Check!

    Kidnappings? Check!

    Torture? Check

    Terrorists? Check!

    Blood? Check!

    Sex? BIG Check!

    Love? Check! Check! Check!

    Death? A lot of Checks!

    These summed up Eliot Hue McBride's story as he found himself kidnapped in Afghanistan.

    Desperate for freedom, Eli went with the woman who was captured with him and together, they made their escape. Only to find out that the woman he trusted was also a terrorist. A cold blooded killer. An assassin.

    Eliot was able to escape the bandits. However, he's back to square one with the woman. Now, how will he escape this criminal when she had him in a death trap called LOVE? Because he's already thinking twice of going back home just to be with her forever.

    Copyright 2017

    Claire Aspiras

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN:  9781370228454

    No parts of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected].

    Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

    Cover Designer: Yours truly, cLasP

    1. ELIOT

    Hunger, exhaustion and fear. That summed up what I felt for this long walk. My feet would eventually give up if these men won't give us time to rest.

    Me and my team travelled at the Eastern part of Asia to extend helping hands for the poorest people there who couldn't be reached by the support of their own government. My mother, Clarissa McBride, was the director of this foundation.

    It first started out small, helping street children to learn, watching over them while their parents were away. Plain babysitting in a literal sense. It blossomed into a huge charity institution with the help of my father's money and clout until it became renowned to have branched out to hundreds within and outside country.

    I was part of the security team, escorting this project in this hostile nation. We were extremely happy after our chopper safely landed on the clearing not far from the community we were about to extend our help.

    Security from this city we contacted should've been waiting for us the moment we arrived, but they didn't come. I didn’t want to assume or conclude but I couldn’t help but think that maybe we were double crossed, worse, sold out.

    It was during the time we were hauling the relief goods and medicine from the copter when armed and masked men appeared from the woods and surrounded us. They were fast and aggressive that my team didn't have the time to react.

    Reid, my trusted buddy, tried to reason with them but he was shot dead instantly in the blink of an eye. Shock was an understatement to explain my feelings. My heart spasm in panic. The women from the volunteer group screamed in terror, witnessing such cruel act.

    We were immediately stripped off our weapons, our wrists bound by thick cords behind our back before they forced us to go with them. We couldn't understand their language and reasoning was no longer an option so we obeyed their orders to follow them towards the darkened eerie woods.

    We've been walking for almost five hours now. Within that span of time, my men tried to fight them to my dismay. I chose not to talk because I knew then our captors would feel threatened if we speak.

    I'd given my team a warning, shaking my head not to attack. Yet they still did. All remaining five of them were dropped down to the ground as they were shot by the head. I felt like I was just dreaming. My heart and my mind both agreed this couldn't be reality.

    Three women were already down, too, when they collapsed from exhaustion. Including the one Asian that was assigned to escort us in her own country. One man just shot them all the way to death after seeing them on their knees. After that, my heart was already tainted with their cruelty. I just wanted to fucking wake up from this nightmare.

    I tried to be strong. For the remaining women, I tried but I started feeling exhausted, aching, thirsty and hungry. I know they were, too. My eyes were already getting blurry with tears, sweat or hunger, I couldn't decide anymore.

    When I was about to go down my knees, one of them spoke, gesturing with his hands. I walked towards the nearest tree and leaned my body against it, trying to regain some energy I have left. With our condition, our brain couldn't function well including mine.

    I wasn't really prepared for this. I was a fucking half-baked security detail that I couldn't protect the people that were under my care. I should have listened to uncle Hex. I shouldn’t have come with them at all.

    I momentarily closed my eyes, listening to them talking again with their own dialect. While they’re still exchanging dialog, I opened my eyes again and scanned the entire place where we were standing. We were actually at the mouth of the forest.

    A steep and huge mountain was hanging overhead, with thicker trees and darker feature now with the setting sun. Our captors seemed to be planning something before they'd bring us up to the mountain top. At least, that's what I understood from their gestures and the obvious apprehension on their faces.

    They must've finally agreed on something when they turned their attention back to us, pushing us in front of them to resume the walk. Macy started to cry. Well, she didn't really stop crying from the very beginning of this capture but she suppressed her sound.

    Right now though, she was wailing and I could tell the bandits didn't like it. I hissed Macy’s name to catch her attention and stopped her from crying but one man beat me to it. He backhanded Macy across the face that she fell down the ground with the force.

    The man didn't stop there. He kicked Macy’s weak body repeatedly, blood spurted out of the poor girl’s nose and mouth. I fell down to my knees and cried as I watched my friend, begging them to stop already.

    I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to close my eyes, to deny what was happening before me. Maybe then I would wake up and realized this was all just a dream. But I knew it wasn't. All of this was actually real.

    I was raced by gentle parents whose love to one another was so pure and deep that they have formed a large family of eight children. My mom was so sweet and caring that she didn't like it when we skipped our meals.

    She literally fed us until we reached seven, making sure we could manage holding our own spoon. She just loved to take care of us that violence was only seen in TV and being read in fiction books. I even liked reading it to my little sister just to draw terror from her so she would cuddle closer to me.

    Right now though, violence was right in front of my eyes. Violence was about to defile me of my innocence of the world. Violence was going to rip my soul apart. Violence was about to take me away from my family. It was so damn painful to witness such cruelty.

    One of the captors hauled me up to my feet before punching me on the face that I dropped back down the ground on my ass. I didn't stop them. I didn't have the energy left after all. I waited for another blow but there wasn't anymore. I looked up to them and discovered they seemed to arguing about something.

    The man that hit me was obviously heated up but was pacified by his colleague. He grabbed me up by the collar and forced me to my feet to resume walking again even though I felt weaker and heavier from the beating I received.

    We stopped for a moment, taking in the appearance of what seemed like a cave in front of us that’s located at the mouth of the imposing mountain. We stumbled inside, hitting the narrow walls when they shoved us to the entrance.

    It was a large pit like an excess of a mining hole but with concrete walls and dimmed lighting provided by the torches propped up on the walls. The path inside was so narrow and low that it was actually difficult to breathe.

    Finally, we arrived at a larger and less darkened circular area. Our wrists and ankles were immediately tied to the walls with chains attached to it. It was a dungeon and I felt like I just entered Satan’s lair. Speaking of Satan, a huge man appeared from the corner with a bloodstained whip in his hand.

    What did you bring me now, Lucas? He said menacingly while studying us as if assessing our worth.

    He may have spoken in English but his accent was obviously different. Lucas, who had a bad temper, answered in his language which had the large man nodding in return. He gave the whip to his man before pacing the room, circling around us.

    Please sir, we don't mean anything harmful in your place. Macy interrupted in a begging voice. We are here to help the people.

    The man just grunted and jerked his head to the men around us. His minions automatically moved, dragging Macy towards him. Macy was then stripped out of her clothes while she cried loudly. My heart was thumping fast in my chest. What are they going to do? What should I do? I started tugging and jerking against my binds around my wrists.

    Please! Stop this already! Don't hurt her. I said hopelessly even if I know begging with them would mean nothing.

    The man whom I believed was their leader jerked his head again, this time to my direction. They proceeded to strip me naked as well. Shit!

    What are you doing! Please stop! Fuck you all. Stop this! I fought them, I tried to but it was pointless.

    Once they had me bare as the day I was born, they took Macy and pushed her down on her knees in front of me. The leader focused his eyes on me while he spoke for Macy.

    "I heard this from your filthy videos. You Americans like doing

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