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Land Bridges: Ancient Environments, Plant Migrations, and New World Connections
Land Bridges: Ancient Environments, Plant Migrations, and New World Connections
Land Bridges: Ancient Environments, Plant Migrations, and New World Connections
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Land Bridges: Ancient Environments, Plant Migrations, and New World Connections

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Land bridges are the causeways of biodiversity. When they form, organisms are introduced into a new patchwork of species and habitats, forever altering the ecosystems into which they flow; and when land bridges disappear or fracture, organisms are separated into reproductively isolated populations that can evolve independently. More than this, land bridges play a role in determining global climates through changes to moisture and heat transport and are also essential factors in the development of biogeographic patterns across geographically remote regions.

In this book, paleobotanist Alan Graham traces the formation and disruption of key New World land bridges and describes the biotic, climatic, and biogeographic ramifications of these land masses’ changing formations over time. Looking at five land bridges, he explores their present geographic setting and climate, modern vegetation, indigenous peoples (with special attention to their impact on past and present vegetation), and geologic history. From the great Panamanian isthmus to the boreal connections across the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans that allowed exchange of organisms between North America, Europe, and Asia, Graham’s sweeping, one-hundred-million-year history offers new insight into the forces that shaped the life and land of the New World.
Release dateMar 30, 2018
Land Bridges: Ancient Environments, Plant Migrations, and New World Connections

Alan Graham

Alan Graham is the president, CEO, and founder of Mobile Loaves & Fishes, a social profit enterprise that delivers meals and provides homes to homeless people on the streets of Austin, San Antonio, New Orleans, Nashville, Minneapolis, Providence, and New Bedford.  Alan was born in Houston in 1955. He grew up in Alvin, Texas and attended the College of Mainland and later the University of Texas. In 1978 he left UT to begin a career in real estate. He was a partner in many of Central Texas’ most successful real estate development projects. In the mid-1990s, Alan co-founded the Lynxs Group, which built the air cargo facility at Austin’s new airport in 1997, and went on to build similar facilities at airports around the country.  Alan left the Lynxs Group in 1997 and managed Austin’s cargo port as the new airport was opening. At the same time, Alan had the seed of the idea for Mobile Loaves & Fishes. He and the other founders started by making sack lunches and serving them from the back of a green minivan. His focus now is the development and building of the Community First! Village, a 27-acre master-planned community that provides affordable, sustainable housing and a supportive community for the disabled and chronically homeless in Austin.  Visit:  

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    Land Bridges - Alan Graham

    Land Bridges

    Land Bridges

    Ancient Environments, Plant Migrations, and New World Connections

    Alan Graham

    The University of Chicago Press


    The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637

    The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London

    © 2018 by The University of Chicago

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews. For more information, contact the University of Chicago Press, 1427 E. 60th St., Chicago, IL 60637.

    Published 2018

    Printed in the United States of America

    27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18    1 2 3 4 5

    ISBN-13: 978-0-226-54415-1 (cloth)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-226-54429-8 (paper)

    ISBN-13: 978-0-226-54432-8 (e-book)


    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Graham, Alan, 1934– author.

    Title: Land bridges : ancient environments, plant migrations, and New World connections / Alan Graham.

    Description: Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

    Identifiers: LCCN 2017032723 | ISBN 9780226544151 (cloth : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780226544298 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780226544328 (e-book)

    Subjects: LCSH: Natural bridges—Western Hemisphere. | Landforms—Western Hemisphere. | Biogeography—Western Hemisphere. | Plant diversity—Western Hemisphere.

    Classification: LCC GB401.5.G73 2018 | DDC 551.41—dc23

    LC record available at

    This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper).

    To those who study the past and present biotas, climates, and geology of the New World and from those perspectives attempt to anticipate its future and plan its conservation

    A well-known environmental campaigner in Honduras, Lesbia Yaneth Urquia, was murdered. There was widespread international outrage after her body was found abandoned on a rubbish dump. She was the second opponent of a giant dam project to be killed in four months.

    —Economist, 16 July 2016SN


    Abbreviations, Time Scale, and Conversions


    Protocols and Organization




    Additional References

    Part I: Boreal Land Bridges

    Bering Land Bridge




    Additional References

    ONE / West Beringia: Siberia and Kamchatka


    Geographic Setting and Climate


    Modern Vegetation

    Indigenous People


    Geographic Setting and Climate

    Modern Vegetation

    Indigenous People


    Additional References

    TWO / East Beringia: Alaska, Northwestern North America, and the Aleutian Connection

    Geographic Setting and Climate


    Modern Vegetation

    Indigenous People

    Utilization of the Bering Land Bridge

    Peopling of America (from the West)


    Additional References

    THREE / North Atlantic Land Bridge: Northeastern North America, Greenland, Iceland, Arctic Islands, Northwestern Europe

    Geographic Setting and Climate


    Modern Vegetation

    Utilization of the North Atlantic Land Bridge

    Modernization of the Flora

    Biodiversity and Vegetation Density

    Floristic Relationships between Eastern Asia and Eastern North America

    Geofloras and the Madrean-Tethyan Hypothesis

    Indigenous People

    Peopling of America (from the East)


    Additional References

    Part II: Equatorial Land Bridges

    FOUR / Antillean Land Bridge

    Stepping Stones or Lost Highway

    Geographic Setting and Climate


    Modern Vegetation

    Indigenous People

    Utilization of the Antillean Land Bridge


    Additional References

    FIVE / Central American Land Bridge

    South and North of the CALB

    Geographic Setting and Climate

    Forging the Final Link: Geology

    Modern Vegetation

    Indigenous People

    Utilization of the CALB


    Additional References

    Part III: Austral Land Bridge

    SIX / Magellan Land Bridge: Cono del Sur and Antarctica

    Cono del Sur

    Geographic Setting and Climate


    Modern Vegetation

    Indigenous People

    Peopling of South America (from the North)


    Geographic Setting and Climate


    Land Bridges and Island Biogeography

    Utilization of the Magellan Land Bridge

    Cono del Sur



    Additional References

    SEVEN / Case Studies

    Ferns and Allied Groups






    Additional References

    EIGHT / Summary and Conclusions

    Events, Processes, and Responses

    Bering Land Bridge

    North Atlantic Land Bridge

    Antillean Land Bridge

    Central American Land Bridge

    Magellan Land Bridge

    Conceptual Issues and Future Needs


    Additional References (Conservation)

    Additional References (Selected Classical Literature)



    Abbreviations, Time Scale, and Conversions


    Land bridges are the causeways of diversity. When they form, organisms are introduced into a new patchwork of environments and associations, and when they founder, these organisms are separated into reproductively isolated populations. Land bridges are a factor in determining global climates by configuring the routes of moisture transport by wind and heat transport by ocean currents. As the equatorial connections developed in the Miocene and Pliocene ca. 10 to 3.5 Ma, the Gulf Stream was strengthened, bringing greater warmth to the North Atlantic, and when the austral connection separated, it facilitated formation of an Antarctic Circum-Current (ACC) in the Oligocene ca. 34–29 Ma that reduced heat transfer to the southern continent. Land bridges are a factor in the development of biogeographic patterns between geographically remote regions. The boreal connections across the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans allowed exchange of organisms between North America, Europe, and Asia, and when these pathways were severed in the early Tertiary (North Atlantic Land Bridge) and fluctuated in the late Tertiary and Quaternary (Bering Land Bridge), biotic remnants were left disjunct in Eastern Asia and eastern North America. The aim of this book is to trace the formation and disruption of New World land bridges and describe the biotic, climatic, and biogeographic consequences.

    Protocols and Organization

    Nothing contributes so much . . . as a steady purpose—a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.

    Letter from R. Walton to Mrs. Saville, 11 December 17__, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)

    The vegetation history of North America and Latin America is discussed in Graham (1999, 2010, and 2011). To reduce repetitious citation, these are referenced throughout this book as I, II, and III. Each contains illustrations of community types and plant fossils, and the North American book (I, chaps. 2–4) further includes discussions of cause and effect, context, and methods, principles, strengths, and limitations, which may be consulted as needed for background to the present work. After those summaries were completed, it was clear that another topic needed further consideration: namely, the land bridges that joined the New World to and separated it from adjacent regions during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic. The intent of the previous books was to outline the development of New World vegetation within the context of geologic and climatic change. The steady purpose here is a focus on land bridges.

    Five connections are recognized (see Fig. 0.1): (1) the Bering Land Bridge (BLB) between Eurasia and northwestern North America; (2) the North Atlantic Land Bridge (NALB) across eastern North America, Greenland, Iceland, the Arctic Islands, and into Western Europe; (3) the Antillean Land Bridge (ALB, including the Bahamas) partially connecting eastern South America with the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico (and the southeastern United States); (4) the Central American Land Bridge (CALB) between western South America and Central and North America; and (5) the Magellan Land Bridge (MLB) extending from southern South America through the Magellan Strait and Drake Passage to Antarctica and Australasia. Summaries are presented of the present geographic setting and climate, modern vegetation, indigenous people (with special attention to their impact on past and present vegetation), geologic history, and utilization, as reflected in appendices listing representative fossil plants for each region.

    0.1. Diagram of the core location of the 5 New World land bridges; extended location as described in the text (chapters 1–6).

    The appendices and tables that accompany this book can be found online: The appendices are intended as a list of representative plants utilizing the land bridges at different points in time. Limitations are, first, that in most instances fossils (particularly fossil pollen) of some families, like the Cyperaceae, Poaceae (except Zea), Asteraceae, Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae (except Iresine), and Ericaceae, cannot be identified to genus because of limited variation relative to the size of the group; and, second, that pollen of the important tropical family Lauraceae does not preserve. The appendices mostly do not include specimens identified only to family, those placed in incertae sedis, or nomenclatorial vagaries like Polypodites, Celastrophyllum (?), Compositiphyllum, Dicotylophyllum type, Juglandiphyllites, cf. Laurophyllum sp., and "Lindera." Appendices for the Boreal Land Bridges contain some works not summarized in I (1999), and an extensive list of references is provided in the legends. Appendices for the Equatorial and Austral Land Bridges are based on many studies cited in II (2010), so fewer and primarily recent publications are given in the legends. As far as possible, recent monographs, taxonomic revisions, and summaries of the geologic range of the fossils are used. Where such studies are not available, older records from Takhtajan et al. (1974 et seq., Magnoliophyta Fossilia URSS) and LaMotte (1952, Catalogue of the Cenozoic Plants of North America through 1950) are mentioned. An asterisk (*) indicates the plant has been reported as a fossil from North America (I, tables and index) or Latin America (II, appendices; Catalog and Literature Guide for Cretaceous and Cenozoic Vascular Plants of the New World online at; Graham, 2012), or in other sources (as cited in II, prologue, p. xiii), including SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences (SCES; [email protected]) and the extensive databases now maintained by Carlos Jaramillo at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama.

    The geologic age and the spelling of plant names are according to the original author unless otherwise stated. Family assignments and the names of extant plants are cited according to TROPICOS as used at the Missouri Botanical Garden based on the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) III (2009) system. The APG website (Stevens, 2001 et seq.) includes additional information and references on the historical biogeography of the various clades. The distinction between crown groups (derived) and stem groups (basal) is important phylogenetically and, as used here, carries a temporal connotation. Crown group implies reference to the recent taxa of a clade with particular interest in estimates of when and where they first appear. Stem group implies older/more ancient taxa. Some crown groups important specifically in the history of Amazonian vegetation are given in Hoorn et al. (2010, table S1).

    Lists of widely used common names for extant plants of Europe are provided in Ozenda (1979); for those of Siberia, in Ukraintseva (1992, vii); of North America, in Oreme (2002, 276–77); and of Eurasia, in Shahgedanova (2008, 545–51). (These have been combined and augmented in online appendix 1 to include the equatorial and austral regions.)

    Reference lists are given in each chapter with the primary purpose of updating those in my earlier works (I, II, III). About 1600 publications are listed, with about 750 from the post-2000 literature. In the references all authors are cited up to 5, after which et al. is used.

    A choice of words: The term ecosystem is used in preference to biome because it better conveys the intended interaction between organisms, climate, and landscape. Geologists might object that biome implies that undue emphasis is placed on the living component, just as the use of geome might suggest to biologists that the primary concern is with geology. If either is the case, then use of biome or geome is appropriate; if not, ecosystem is considered the more inclusisve term.

    The geologic epoch selected for beginning the survey is the Late Cretaceous, ca. 100 Ma. That is the time used in the other summaries, and it is when the angiosperms became dominant in most of the world’s ecosystems (Friis et al., 2011; Rothwell and Stockey, 2016; Soltis et al., 2008). A time scale, based on the International Stratigraphic Chart of the International Commission on Stratigraphy, is given in the front matter. In the literature mention is occasionally made of magnetic anomalies and numbered chrons (Berggren et al., 1995). These are local variations in the Earth’s magnetic field expressed as differences in the chemistry or magnetic polarities of the rocks and are used to correlate geologic events with vegetation history (see, for example, the section on Kamchatka in chapter 1, below). Paleogene refers to the Paleocene through the Oligocene, Neogene to the Miocene and Pliocene, and Cainozoic is the equivalent of Cenozoic. Plate tectonics and the drift of continents played a major role in the formation and dismantling of land bridges. In addition to other websites mentioned in the text, these movements can be followed on the Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Biointeractive website: go to and click on the subject of interest (the opening one allows viewing continental positions at different points in time; see also Explore Extinctions, Earth and Environments, etc.). The global paleotemperature and sea-level curves presented in chapters 2–6 are discussed in I (chap. 3, Context) and are based on Zachos et al. (2001; see also Rohling et al., 2014; and Snyder, 2016).

    The fullest account of the biology of the northern New World land bridges covers the Cretaceous and Paleogene of Beringia, through the works of Alexei Herman and Robert Spicer (see references to online appendix 2). Their treatment for Siberia, Kamchatka, and Alaska is augmented here by works on the Neogene and on the Aleutian Islands, Yukon Territory, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories of Canada. Elsewhere, when material relevant to times and places is meager for the core areas (for example, the northeastern US portion of the NALB; see Fig. 0.1), the scope is also extended (for example, to include the Early to Middle Cretaceous of the mid-Atlantic states of North America). For the CALB, coverage encompasses northern South America to the southernmost states of Mexico, and for the MLB, it is from the Cono del Sur of Argentina, southern Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay southward to Antarctica.

    Extant plants and communities of plants are the analogs used for interpreting fossil assemblages. Land bridges have been augmented throughout the Anthropogene by the early voyages of exploration, old and modern shipping lanes that follow the Earth’s principal wind and ocean currents, widely used aviation corridors, and recent human-made barriers and connections (removal of vegetation, construction of canals and bridges; see II, fig. 3.94 and cover illustration; see also the discussion of the ALB in chapter 4, below). Thus, current conditions and past and present conservation and restoration efforts that modify the range and composition of vegetation, sometimes undetectably, in the vicinity of the land bridges are relevant (Martínez-Ramos et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2016; Spera et al., 2016; Graham, 2015; Harris et al., 2009; also chapter 4, below; for reviews see Duane, 2016; and Gaworecki, 2016a,b). Studies on the early potential human modification of local vegetation in the Old World, peopling of the New World, and the beginning of trade and sedentary agriculture include Clottes (2016) and Meltzer (2015). Others and those involving reclamation activities are listed at the end of each chapter under the heading Additional References.

    The Vikings early crossed the North Atlantic Ocean, Vitus Bering navigated the shoals and cloud-shrouded islands of the North Pacific, Vasco Nuñez de Balboa discovered for Europeans the vast and previously unknown Pacific Ocean, Ferdinand Magellan traversed the strait between the southern islands of South America (the surviving crew were the first to circumnavigate the Earth), and Ernest Shackleton’s quest was to be the first to walk across the Antarctic continent. Their motivations were mixed, their success in achieving the goals of the expeditions varied, and the ultimate results were often tragic, but there is no doubt their discoveries clarified the extent, geography, habitability, conditions, and preparations needed to survive exploration of the New World land bridges and vicinity. These efforts are briefly recounted in chapters 1–6.

    Measurements are in the metric system and in United States Customary Units where that seems useful. Electronic conversion tables are available at several websites, such as, including those for changing longitude and latitude from degrees and minutes to decimals, consistent with current usage. Conversions for commonly used measurements are given in the front matter. A list of abbreviations is also provided in the front matter, and specific abbreviations are explained the first time they are used in the text. Photographs are by Shirley A. Graham and the author unless otherwise credited. Sources and copyright holders granting permissions to use other materials are listed in the captions. In a few instances it proved impossible to reach a publisher, author, or estate after best-intent efforts. The source of such material is indicated in the captions.

    A matter of style: Generalizing syntheses typically follow one of three approaches: an edited volume with topics addressed separately by specialists, a multiauthor treatment, or a single-author work. All have advantages and disadvantages. The previous texts (I, II, III) have been used in courses and seminars at several universities, and for that reason I have chosen to continue the single-author approach, which more readily allows for continuity between topics and facilitates an integrated presentation. In addition, it provides a consistent picture of New World vegetation and environmental history that can be augmented by discussions and other readings to provide alternative viewpoints. As an aid for students and the general reader, a number of websites, review articles, and programs from the public media are included in the Additional References sections at the end of each chapter. In commenting on a previous book (III, A Natural History of the New World), one reviewer said: I found the numerous historical asides and personal anecdotes distracting (although to be fair I should acknowledge here that my graduate students had the reverse reaction and really enjoyed these parts) (Fine, 2011, 51), and another (Waller, 2011, 357) noted: The many asides and anecdotes might be annoying if they were any less amusing. The point is taken, and their numbers have been reduced in the present text. Nonetheless, it is my style, and the general reader and students are among the intended audience (see Graham, 2014, for a discussion of motivations and background influencing how topics are presented). Enlightening notes on use of the passive voice and other trends in scientific writing have recently appeared in The Economist (2016) and Nature (2016), also Hyland and Jiang (2017).


    Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2009. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 161: 105–21.

    Berggren, W. A., D. V. Kent, M.-P. Aubry, and J. Hardenbol (eds.). 1995. Geochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Special Publication 54. Tulsa.

    Clottes, J. 2016. What Is Paleolithic Art? Cave Paintings and the Dawn of Human Creativity. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

    Duane, D. 2016. The unnatural kingdom: If technology helps us save the wilderness, will the wilderness still be wild? New York Times, 13 March.

    The Economist. 2016. Passive panic, in partial defense of an unloved grammatical tool. Johnson column. 2 July.

    Fine, P. V. A. 2011. Book review: A 100 million year love affair with American plants: A Natural History of the New World, by Alan Graham. Frontiers of Biogeography 3: 50–51.

    Friis, E. M., P. R. Crane, and K. R. Pedersen. 2011. Early Flowers and Angiosperm Evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    Gaworecki, M. 2016a. Brazil’s cerrado region: A new tropical deforestation hotspot.

    ———. 2016b. Human disturbances outside rainforests can jeopardize tropical biodiversity, study confirms. [Study by Martínez-Ramos et al., 2016.]

    Graham, A. 1999. Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic History of North American Vegetation. Oxford University Press, Oxford. [Cited throughout this book as I.]

    ———. 2010. Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic History of Latin American Vegetation and Terrestrial Environments. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. [Cited throughout this book as II.]

    ———. 2011. A Natural History of the New World. University of Chicago Press, Chicago. [Cited throughout this book as III.]

    ———. 2012. Catalog and literature guide for Cretaceous and Cenozoic vascular plants of the New World. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 98: 539–41.

    ———. 2014. Academic Tapestries: Fashioning Teachers and Researchers Out of Events and Experiences. Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis. [For a related discussion of background and status in the presentation and acceptance of opinions, in this case the early presence of humans in the New World, see Meltzer, 2015, 14.]

    ———. 2015. Past ecosystem dynamics in fashioning views on conserving extant New World vegetation. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 100: 150–58.

    Harris, G., S. Thirgood, J. G. C. Hopcraft, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, and J. Berger. 2009. Global decline in aggregated migrations of large terrestrial mammals. Endangered Species Research 7: 55–76.

    Hoorn, C., et al. (+ 17 authors). 2010. Amazonia through time: Andean uplift, climate change, landscape evolution, and biodiversity. Science 330: 927–31 (plus supporting online material).

    Hyland, K., and F. Jiang. 2017. Is academic writing becoming more informal? English for Specific Purposes 45: 40–51.

    LaMotte, R. S. 1952. Catalogue of the Cenozoic Plants of North America through 1950. Geological Society of America Memoir 51. Geological Society of America, Boulder.

    Martínez-Ramos, M., I. A. Ortiz-Rodríguez, D. Piñero, R. Dirzo, and J. Sarukhán. 2016. Anthropogenic disturbances jeopardize biodiversity conservation within tropical rainforest reserves. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113: 5323–28.

    Meltzer, D. J. 2015. The Great Paleolithic War. How Science Forged an Understanding of America’s Ice Age Past. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

    Nature. 2016. Editorial: Scientific language is becoming more informal. 539: 140. doi: 10.1038/539140a.

    Orme, A. R. (ed.). 2002. The Physical Geography of North America. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

    Ozenda, P. 1979. Vegetation Map of the Council of Europe Member States. European Committee for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Strasbourg. [Scale 1:3,000,000.]

    Rohling, E. J., et al. (+ 6 authors). 2014. Sea-level and deep-sea-temperature variability over the past 5.3 million years. Nature 508: 477–82 (plus supplementary information).

    Rothwell, G. W., and R. A. Stockey. 2016. Phylogenetic diversification of Early Cretaceous seed plants: The compound seed cone of Doylea tetrahedrasperma. American Journal of Botany 103: 923–37.

    Shahgedanova, M. (ed.). 2008. The Physical Geography of Northern Eurasia. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

    Smith, A. B., Q. G. Long, and M. A. Albrecht. 2016. Shifting targets: Spatial priorities for ex situ plant conservation depend on interactions between current threats, climate change, and uncertainty. Biodiversity and Conservation 25, 5: 905–22. doi: 10.1007/s10531-016-1097-7.

    Snyder, C. W. 2016. Evolution of global temperature over the past two million years. Nature 538: 226–28.

    Soltis, D. E., C. D. Bell, S. Kim, and P. S. Soltis. 2008. Origin and early evolution of angiosperms. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1133: 3–25.

    Spera, S. A., G. L. Galford, M. T. Coe, M. N. Macedo, and J. F. Mustard. 2016. Land-use change affects water recycling in Brazil’s last agricultural frontier. Global Change Biology 22: 3405–13.

    Stevens, P. F. 2001 et seq. Angiosperm Phylogeny website. http://www/

    Takhtajan, A., et al. (eds.). 1974 et seq. Magnoliophyta Fossilia URSS. Vol. 1. Magnoliaceae-Eucommiaceae. Nauka, Leningrad.

    Ukraintseva, V. V. (ed. L. D. Agenbroad, J. I. Mead, and R. H. Hevly). 1992. Vegetation Cover and Environment of the Mammoth Epoch in Siberia. The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, South Dakota.

    Waller, D. M. 2011. Review: A Natural History of the New World: The Ecology and Evolution of Plants in the Americas, by Alan Graham, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Quarterly Review of Biology 86: 357.

    Zachos, J., M. Pagani, L. Sloan, E. Thomas, and K. Billups. 2001. Trends, rhythms and aberrations in global climate 65 Ma to present. Science 292: 686–93.


    In Barclay’s 1509 A Ship of Fools is the adage, there is tume and place for euery thynge. The beginning of the present book was a symposium Floristics and Paleofloristics of Asia and Eastern North America, organized for the XI International Botanical Congress in Seattle (1969), and another for the American Institute of Biological Sciences in Bloomington, Indiana (1970), Vegetation and Vegetational History of Northern Latin America (Graham, 1972, 1973a). Before that, a project had been undertaken by the author to study Late Cretaceous and Tertiary vegetation in the northern neotropics under the title, Studies in Neotropical Paleobotany (for references, see Stevens et al., 2014, xxv–xxvi). Such studies had waned since the pioneering efforts of E. W. Berry, Arthur Hollick, and others in the early 1900s (literature in LaMotte, 1952; Graham, 1973b, 1979, 1982, 1986; http://www/; Burnham and Graham, 1999, app. 1; Graham, 2012; and Jaramillo et al., 2014, table 4). Numerous misconceptions prevailed, especially about the stability of tropical environments and biotas through long intervals of geologic time, and it was clear that impressions (as of the 1970s) about the history of plant communities had to be reconsidered as a prelude to new initiatives. Researchers were invited to present summaries on the modern vegetation of the New World (Howard, 1973, Antilles; Rzedowski, 1973, Mexican dry regions; Gómez-Pompa, 1973, Veracruz, Mexico; Breedlove, 1973, Chiapas, Mexico; Porter, 1973, Panama) and adjacent territories (Yurtsev, 1972, Siberia). Integrated with reviews of the extant vegetation were papers on its history (Dilcher, 1973, southeastern US; Leopold and MacGinitie, 1972, Rocky Mountains; Wolfe, 1972, Alaska; Tanai, 1972, Japan; and Bartlett and Barghoorn, 1973, Panama).

    To further the paleobotanical efforts and to secure support for future investigations, some predictability was needed for acquiring the data, given the time and expense of field studies in the tropics. Initial collections were made from localities with lenses of highly organic lignite, which often contains abundant, well-preserved plant microfossils and for which the geology and location are frequently well known because of its importance as a low-cost source of fuel. Some of the sites contained fruits, seeds, and leaves described earlier in the century (e.g., the Oligocene San Sebastian flora of Puerto Rico, Hollick, 1928), and the localities are still accessible. This was mentioned as an incentive for further study of the macrofossils. Recently, Paola Hernandez Gonzalez, an undergraduate at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, working with Hernán Santos, has undertaken a reexamination of the San Sebastian flora (pers. comm., 2015). Fossil floras have long been known from the boreal region, and new investigations extending from Mexico and the Antilles to Argentina and Antarctica by numerous authors are now reducing the earlier void in equatorial and austral areas.

    In this discussion three basic assumptions are made. One is that patterns of distribution and diversity evident among modern plants and animals are residuals of history. Another is that efforts to understand these patterns without due attention to the fossil record will yield results that are equivocal. This is recognized in a body of recent literature advocating incorporation of past events and processes to better understand the nature and functioning of extant biotas. Drummond et al. (2006, 456) refer to the inevitable geohistorical circumstances prevailing at any particular point in time and space; Fukami (2015, 1) notes a historical contingency in the structure and function of communities; Uribe-Convers and Tank (2015, 1854) mention that upticks in diversification are attributable in part to colonization of new geographic environments via dispersification (dispersal + diversification; Moore and Donoghue, 2007). Land bridges enable this colonization to happen more readily. Gillson (2015) advocates using a long-term perspective in conservation efforts to develop multifunctional landscapes that can maintain biodiversity over time. The perspective emphasized in that book is the Holocene (11,500 yr ago) to the present. Here and elsewhere (Graham, 2015) the perspective is extended back to the Late Cretaceous and Tertiary. Siegel et al. (2015) recognize the fossil record as a valuable adjunct to archaeological studies concerned with the migration of early humans and their impact on the environment:

    Paleoenvironmental reconstruction is proving to be a more reliable method of identifying small-scale colonization events than archaeological data alone. (275)

    The third assumption is that land bridges are important in facilitating the radiation, diversification, community assembly, and human influence on New World biotas. This history has not been fully explored, and it warrants further consideration.

    Among organisms utilizing land bridges, plants have received comparatively little attention. Their role is essential for three principal reasons:

    First, plants are the conspicuous, conveniently stationary component of the Earth’s ecosystems and are most often used to name or characterize the systems (boreal forest, mangroves, savanna). Second, plant fossils are abundant and have been used extensively to reveal the history of lineages and communities—their origin, evolution, migration, and the time relationships between them—and to reconstruct the Earth’s paleoenvironments. Last, much of the literature and many natural history presentations intended for general audiences understandably feature charismatic, exotic, dangerous, attacking animals harassed by film crews and wannabe celebrity naturalists. This makes for good theater and it admirably focuses attention on selected treasures of the biological kingdom, but on another level, it gives only a partial picture of the Earth’s ecosystems, and it is not a broad enough basis for a meaningful consideration of their structure, function, importance, conservation, and sustained management. For those seeking a fuller understanding of the Earth’s web of life and a rational agenda for ensuring its continuation, this should be emphasized. (I, x)

    NatureServe (2016) has announced a new, ecology-based classification for the extant US vegetation. The system used here was devised to accommodate both extant communities and their past analogs (I, 3) and it can be modified to incorporate regional variations along the New World land bridges:


    Shrubland/chaparral-woodland-savanna (including thorn forest, thorn scrub, cerrado, steppe on cold slopes)

    Grassland (pampas)



    Freshwater herbaceous bog/marsh/swamp


    Lowland tropical rain forest

    Lower to upper montane broad-leaved forest (deciduous forest)

    Coniferous forest


    Western montane




    Alpine (páramo)

    To fully assess the role of time, place, and environment in the construction and use of New World connections, the fossil record and morphological and molecular profiles are central. However, it would be presumptuous to assume that any single approach will provide a full and accurate account of their use. This includes study of the incomplete fossil record; time-unconstrained or poorly constrained estimates of events derived from morphologically based taxonomies; statistical modeling necessitated by the lack of adequate field data and the rapid disappearance and extensive modification of the present biota; and relationships and explanations for distributions based on molecular evidence from extant organisms (Pyron, 2015). The fossil record alone is too fragmentary, and scenarios based solely on extant taxa through either a morphological, molecular, or statistical approach are insufficiently grounded in historical fact to be precise, dependable, and verifiable (Bell, 2015).

    In the case of plants, an adequate fossil record does not exist (Boulter et al., 1972, quoted in Sanderson, 2015); molecular clocks are like Santa Claus: everyone wants to believe in them, but no one really does (Shaffer, pers. comm., in Sanderson, 2015; see Magallón, 2004, and Doyle et al., 2004, for the alternative viewpoint); and statistical significance is a measure of probabilities; practical significance is a measure of effect (Moore and McCade, 2003, 463). In other words, undue preoccupation with probabilities and the model can strip experience of its meaning and diminish the importance of reality. The approach must be multidisciplinary, and this is becoming standard in studies dealing with vegetation and lineage histories. Some of the more theoretical aspects of this history are explored in Beller et al. (2017), Burrows et al. (2014), Lamsdell et al. (2017), Marshall (2017), and Meyers (2017).

    In addition to climate and physiography, there is an almost ethereal overlay of additional factors suspected to be important but insufficiently known and difficult to quantify. These include the distribution potential of each taxon at the time and under the conditions prevailing at that time (see, e.g., Clobert et al., 2012), the underestimated role of ocean currents (De Queiroz, 2005), and the possibility that an organism might outdistance or outlast its pollinator or seed-dispersal agent and encounter local predators or pathogens (Fuller et al., 2012) that halt, impede, or temporarily alter the pace and

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