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Should I Restore a Collector Car?
Should I Restore a Collector Car?
Should I Restore a Collector Car?
Ebook15 pages12 minutes

Should I Restore a Collector Car?

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About this ebook

Have you ever thought about restoring a collector car? This is a guide to the decision process with practical advice to consider before undertaking a project that will require investment, tools, time, location and above all -- patience. Many of us do it for our personal enjoyment, sometimes accumulating reasonable collections worth more than we would have expected over time. Done correctly, home car restoration can be enjoyable, but it must be done carefully to protect your investment.

PublisherFrank Perry
Release dateNov 30, 2017
Should I Restore a Collector Car?

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    Book preview

    Should I Restore a Collector Car? - Frank Perry

    Whether to Restore This Old Car?

    The Decision Process

    By Frank Perry

    Should I Restore an Old Car?

    Why do some men (and women) want to restore run-out, often rusting hulks, backyard junker cars to like-new condition? It isn’t for money. Anyone who’s honestly undertaken a true restoration knows that there is basically no way to profit from the effort. It’s hard to explain why we do it, and I would venture to say no two people would justify it the same way.

    Maybe it’s men of a certain age. Those of us who grew up in the mid-century era of social revolution, civil disobedience and anti-war hysteria remember the big men on campus who had the hot cars and hotter girls. At least that’s the way I remember it after all these years. It was the era when muscle cars were invented by Detroit.


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