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Force Seven: Talisman
Force Seven: Talisman
Force Seven: Talisman
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Force Seven: Talisman

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Talisman is a sequel to Prophecy and is currently being written. I hope to have it finished before Christmas 2008.
Release dateApr 3, 2014
Force Seven: Talisman

M. R. Miller

It has been my dream to be an author for years.  When I published my first book, Force Seven: Prophecy, those who read it anxiously requested I finish the second one as soon as possible.  I am doing my best.  Maybe someday I can spend all my time writting and get my books done faster!

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    Force Seven - M. R. Miller

    © 2014 M. R. Miller. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/31/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-1878-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-6774-7 (e)

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    Chapter 1 Resurrection

    Chapter 2 Awareness

    Chapter 3 The Seven

    Chapter 4 Secrets

    Chapter 5 Departure

    Chapter 6 Escape

    Chapter 7 New Guinea

    Chapter 8 The Queen’s Territory

    Chapter 9 The Test

    Chapter 10 Pass or Fail

    Chapter 11 A Stone

    Chapter 12 Cursed

    Chapter 13 The Order

    Chapter 14 France

    Chapter 15 Izamore

    Chapter 16 Dead or Alive

    Chapter 17 The Fellowship

    Chapter 18 Prisoners

    Chapter 19 Rescue

    Chapter 20 Betrayal

    Chapter 21 Aftermath

    Chapter 22 Interruptions

    Chapter 23 The Azores

    Chapter 24 Answers

    Chapter 25 Information

    Chapter 26 South America

    Chapter 27 Rio de Janeiro

    Chapter 28 Decisions

    Chapter 29 World War

    Chapter 30 North America

    Chapter 31 Flagler

    Chapter 32 Asher

    Chapter 33 Denver

    Chapter 34 Loyalists

    Chapter 35 Losses

    Chapter 36 The Zoo

    Chapter 37 Himesh

    Chapter 38 The Palace

    Chapter 39 Sapphire

    Chapter 40 The Twins

    Chapter 41 The Stones

    Chapter 42 The Talisman

    Chapter 43 The End


    There are a few people I want to give my sincere thanks to for helping to complete this novel. But to even pick up the pen again, so to speak, and finish this book took the influence of one very special person. The first reader for this story is who kept me from quitting, and there were times I really just didn’t want to continue. It is to this person I dedicate the finale of the Force Seven saga. Joanna, you are one of God’s blessings to me and I thank you very much for your interest and encouragement.


    If it’s been a while since you read the first book, this should refresh your memory!

    A distant planet, Pinnerite, was destroyed by an evil force that came from space. The surviving Pinnerite race traveled to Earth seeking sanctuary and help to make a final stand against the evil that seemed to be chasing them. They brought with them a prophecy of hope:

    From seven lands will come seven,

    Strong, united, without fear.

    After many years of darkness,

    They will bring forth the light of freedom.

    The Pinnerite people colonized Antarctica and became known as the Arctics. They are a long lived race whose hair turns pure white when they reach 400 years old. Their light creamy skin and emerald green eyes make them easy to identify among humans.

    The evil did indeed follow the Pinnerites to Earth. It arrived in three stages, one for each of the three strange lights in the night sky. The first two stages were showers of light particles that were the essence of evil. They entered large animals first, causing them to morph into vicious human like beasts. Years later the second shower of light resulted in the particles entering humans linking them to the third light. These humans gained seemingly magical powers and a singular mission to take over the world.

    The people of Earth knew what was coming, prepared, and fought back. Eventually, however, it was too much and continents became all but totally isolated from one another. Governments and technology were destroyed. Warlords and Dictators took over.

    Centuries passed and the third light left the sky. It was a single entity who controlled the evil essences that had invaded Earth in the first two light showers. The entity could take human form or that of a dragon. Her name is Izamore and when she came to Earth, the seven of prophecy were already gathering.

    Elefkiarrabe Amir, Arra, is from Antarctica and princess of the Arctic royal family. At 201 years old, she was the first to be born and the one who would find the other six. Her hair is light golden blonde with the three green streaks that, for her race, signified a gift. She can heal and read minds. When Izamore came to Earth, black streaks appeared through the green and she gained the ability to use magic.

    Marvin Farrell, Moose, is from southwestern Australia. In his late teens, he’s a muscular farm boy who stands 6'6" tall. Moose is a natural born leader and an expert with the long sword and whip. When he talks, it’s with an accent similar to the ancient Australian. He travels with Arra after she helps save his family when their home is burned to the ground.

    Michiko Yashiro, Mich, is from Okinawa, Asia. Mich is a petite girl in her mid-teens with black hair and dark brown eyes. She is highly skilled in the martial arts as she comes from a family of masters in the art of Karate. After witnessing her brother’s brutal execution, Mich leaves with Moose to take a mortally wounded Arra back to Antarctica. In Michiko’s mind, Arra’s life is now hers to protect.

    Ajani, A.J., is from Africa near Lake Tanganyika. He was near death when they rescued him from the gator pit. A.J. almost constantly wears a smile to match his comedic personality. Like Moose, he is in his late teens. He has short black hair curled tightly to his scalp with dark brown eyes and skin that makes his white teeth stand out. At about 6' tall, A.J. can run long distances, throw knives with deadly accuracy, and has the strange ability to communicate with animals.

    Dominick Courtois, Dom, is from France, Europe. He is also in his late teens and the shortest man in the group at 5'8". The young man sports wavy red hair, faint freckles, and ice blue eyes. Dom is from a wealthy family that built their fortune on perfecting the art of thievery. The only son out of five children, he has carried on the family tradition with one major difference. Since the family’s wealth is established and there is no need to steal for money, Dom specializes in relieving criminals of their ill gotten wealth. The family is popular in the area for philanthropy and paying their servants well.

    LeeOra, Lora, is from Brazil, South America. She is a deaf mute who was captured by slavers and sold in the market of Nantes. Dom bought her and they were traveling back to his home when the others caught up with them. Lora has very long rich brown hair, green eyes, and bronze skin. This exotically beautiful girl is in her mid to late teens and about 5'7". She seems harmless but Lora is telepathic and has telekinetic abilities allowing her to strike silently from a distance.

    John Slater is from Colorado, North America. He is in his early 20s and the oldest human in the group. A loner since the tragic death of his parents, John was raised in the military culture of NORAD. He keeps his emotions locked up inside and suffers from debilitating migraines. He has an eidetic memory, can shoot any gun with deadly accuracy, and is an expert with computers.

    After these seven warriors joined forces, they freed Australia from the rule of a cruel Empress’s family and her wizard, Galien. We left them recovering from the battle in the underground city of Ayers.

    *     *     *

    Chapter 1


    Nothing but darkness existed, swirling around him like a whirlpool. Coldness and despair filled his senses. The passage of time was unmeasured. Had he been here for a moment or an eternity? What was he waiting for? Release from the dark void that surrounded him, which was him.

    *     *     *

    After the main battle with the Empress’s forces, minor skirmishes between the Freemen and soldiers still loyal to the now-deceased royal family continued. Word spread quickly across the continent that the Empire was defeated, and communities everywhere were ridding themselves of Imperial representatives in favor of local leadership. The larger cities where the Imperial families had resided, three in particular, were targeted by the Freemen and Arctic leadership as areas to set up a new democratic government patterned after the ancient government of the United States of America.

    The underground city of Ayers served as the military base for the battle between Freemen forces and those of the Empress. Now that the battle was over, the military base was no longer needed. The bases were organized above ground near communities, so the soldiers’ families could be close to them. The main headquarters and training base was set up at Mount Curie, which left the city of Ayers free for people to live their lives normally again without military protocols. The Arctics were aliens who colonized Antarctica centuries ago. They have never been part of Earth’s mainstream population and were always referred to as Arctics. Their King, Jerrick Minotai, requested that the city of Ayers be the place for his people to reside. They were unaccustomed to the hot temperatures and exposure to the sun that life on the surface provided. The Freemen agreed to the request on the condition that those who did not want to return to residence above ground were allowed to stay. Most families wanted to move back to lands once occupied by their ancestors; only a few of the shopkeepers and business men stayed.

    Life in the Land of Xanthus was changing. People began calling the continent Australia again and Freemen was now the name of the army that overthrew the ruling families. The people now referred to themselves as Australians, and they were proud of the name. Songwriters everywhere were composing national anthems, trying to write the one that people would like best. Finally, a computer technician in Ayers found the original anthem for Australia in the historical files the Arctics brought with them. Waltzing Matilda was soon heard every morning along with a flag raising; the flag’s design was also found in the ancient files.

    O’lahn Aratune, advisor to King Minotai, resigned as military advisor to work full time on reconstructing a government for Australia. O’lahn was pouring over descriptions of ancient governments for what seemed the hundredth time when he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Come in, he said absently. O’lahn hit a button on his desktop to shut off the vid-screen and turned to see who was interrupting him.

    King Minotai walked through the door, closing it behind him. I hope I am not disturbing you O’lahn, but I would like a word.

    By all means Sir. I am always available for you. O’lahn stood until his King sat in a chair opposite him, and then he sat again. He had a comfortable relationship with his uncle, but at work, he showed nothing but respect for the King.

    Jerrick smiled as he sat down and waited for his nephew to be seated before speaking. The Freemen are sending a group out to the Empress’s castle on Rottnest Island to see what can be done with the structure government wise. I am impressed with their desire to remove the mark of the Empire from Australia, but they do not seem to want to look beyond the shores of this continent. A defeated Empire and freedom for Australia is only a small victory in the overall battle against the evil that threatens Earth. If we don’t find and defeat Izamore, Australia will not remain free for long.

    O’lahn took advantage of the King’s pause to add his own thoughts. I agree with you Sir. Now that Arra is recovering, the Seven will be able to continue their work. His cousin was seriously injured in the final battle with the Empire. They were not sure she would survive, and the joy on the King’s face over his granddaughter’s recovery was unmistakable.

    Yes, Arra is recovering, but it will be at least another month before she can travel. At Arra’s insistence, the others are slowly coming back together as a group under the leadership of Moose. But until she is ready, I need you to do some investigative groundwork for me. I want you to go to Rottnest Island with the Freemen group as my representative. They have already agreed, and will allow you to check out any areas of the island I wish. Jerrick stood and took an envelope from his pocket, handing it to O’lahn. These are the areas I want you to pay special attention to. We must find out more information about the Stygian Order and Izamore.

    Opening the envelope, O’lahn said, I will do as you ask Sir. When do I leave?

    This afternoon. The transport shuttle is ready to launch. You will have one week on the island. I will expect a full report the minute you get back. King Minotai headed for the door without another word. Even when they were alone, O’lahn insisted on formality at work. The King respected that about his nephew.

    He let the King leave in silence. Grinning inside, O’lahn knew what information King Minotai was looking for and was excited to go. He quickly read the contents of the envelope again before putting it into his briefcase. There wasn’t much time to pack, so he quickly locked up his office and headed for his living quarters. He wanted to share the news with his mother before he left.

    For years, O’lahn was Special Advisor to King Jerrick Minotai and teacher to the King’s granddaughter Arra, who is also his cousin. He watched her leave the Antarctic colony to find six others that would fulfill the ancient Prophecy of Hope:

    From Seven lands will come seven,

    Strong, united, without fear.

    After many years of darkness,

    They will bring forth the light of freedom.

    O’lahn had sat in offices and command centers, organizing and directing the evacuation of the Antarctic colony to Australia, and then the battle for freedom from Imperial rule while Arra traveled the world. She was gathering the group that is now referred to as Force Seven. O’lahn always wished he could travel and be part of the adventures with his cousin and help defeat the evil that was still growing on Earth. Now was his chance. The King was sending him to search through the rooms that belonged to the most powerful wizard in Australia. Galien was of course dead, but who knew what booby traps or magical things he may have left behind.

    O’lahn thought about everything the members of the Seven had told him about the Empress’ castle and the wizard’s rooms while the shuttle flew toward Rottnest Island. He was examining the floor plan when the shuttle landed in the castle’s front courtyard.

    The delegation of Australians disembarked ahead of O’lahn. They were met by a boy who, although tall, couldn’t have been more than 13 years old. His dark-blonde hair was flying in different directions and matched his patched dirty pants and shirt. He wore his clothes neatly with his shirt tucked in and his light-brown eyes hinted at intelligence.

    The boy was well spoken and formal. My name is Elio. Welcome to Rottnest Island gentlemen and lady. He bowed slightly toward the lone woman in the group.

    Maria Graiden was an Australian who had been tasked to check out the Empress’s quarters. She smiled back at the boy and he continued. I brought a small group of servants to take care of you while you’re in the castle. There are no others on the Island. It has been deserted for the last month since the animals started dying and the birds flew away.

    Why are the animals dying? Maria asked. She looked up at the castle’s tall walls and felt a chill on her skin.

    No one knows. Some people think it’s the spirit of the dead wizard taking revenge on all living things. He chuckled and shook his head as he spoke. I don’t believe that though. The boy began to walk toward the castle doors.

    O’lahn felt a spark of excitement at the mention of the dead wizard. He moved to the front of the group as they climbed the steps. What do you think… uh… what is your name again?

    Elio stopped and faced O’lahn. Elio. And I think there was some poison left behind after the battle for power on this island or the wizard may have cursed the land, but I don’t believe in ghosts. Elio grinned and turned toward the castle once again. The group followed.

    Once inside, Elio informed them of mealtimes and general directions to the dining hall as they followed him to the second floor of the south wing. You may choose any room in this hallway for your quarters. Numbers have been chalked on the doors. Give your number to one of the maids at dinner tonight, so your room will be kept up. Elio turned to go down stairs; his job was done and he wanted to get away from the dignitaries. He was no longer a street urchin looking for an easy mark, but people in authority still made him nervous. He hoped that John (one of the Seven that he worked for when everything in Perth became so chaotic) would be with the group, but he wasn’t. He was almost to the bottom of the stairs when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

    O’lahn put his things in the nearest room so he could hurry and catch up to Elio. He wanted to get some information from the boy about the island and castle. He thought a friendly conversation would be a good way to start. Excuse me, Elio. O’lahn startled the boy and quickly continued to try and diffuse his obvious discomfort. If this island was deserted, how is it that you are here and with these other people?

    Elio was instinctively defensive when he was touched, but he immediately changed his attitude. After all, this man is an Arctic, so he must know his friends. I was informed by John Slater of the delegation’s arrival, and he asked me to be here at the castle with help for your group. John contacted him through the underground radio that Elio’s uncle maintained, but he did not mention it even though he felt he could trust this man. It was a closely guarded secret because factions of Imperial sympathizers were continuing to make trouble in the city.

    I see. O’lahn saw the boy’s tension relax and pushed on. My name is O’lahn Aratune. I am Special Advisor to King Jerrick Minotai. I know John very well, along with the other six members of Force Seven. As I am sure you noticed by my eyes, I am an Arctic. Arra is my cousin. He hoped that by letting Elio know of his close association with the Seven, the boy would be more comfortable and not just talk with him, but show him around as well.

    You are a friend of the boss? Elio smiled and spoke with the excitement of a boy his age.

    The boss? O’lahn had not heard that reference before.

    John. Elio spoke with a hint of impatience. The boss.

    Why do you call John the boss?

    I worked for him when he was here in Perth. I helped him get on this island. Now he grinned in pride.

    O’lahn thought the boy was warming up to him. Yes, I remember him telling me how helpful a young man was to him. The story he was told hadn’t lead him to believe the boy was so young. Despite his age, the actions Elio took during that dangerous mission made him a young man. Well, I am here to check out the wizard’s rooms. Can you help me? And maybe while we are looking around, you can tell me all about this castle and the island.

    Elio planned on returning to the kitchen where his grandmother was cooking dinner to continue with his lessons. He’d been working on reading and writing to impress John the next time he saw him. O’lahn was a friend of John’s though, and helping him look around the wizard’s quarters sounded like a lot more fun. That would be great. What room do you want to start in?

    Why don’t we start with a general tour of the castle and grounds, and then you can tell me some of the history of this place as we walk. O’lahn followed Elio around the castle and listened intently to all he had to say. Much of the information was all new to him, and he asked many questions. By the time they were done, dinner was ready.

    My grandmother has prepared a wonderful fish dinner; we can begin with the wizard’s rooms in the morning. Elio led the way to the dining room and continued to regale O’lahn with descriptions of his grandmother’s cooking talents.

    O’lahn found the dinner to be very good, and was surprised at how much he enjoyed Maria’s company. She sat next to him at the table and they talked about the history he learned from Elio. Maria was a historian herself and found the topic very interesting. He found himself looking into her eyes as often as he could. When he realized she was looking into his as well, he began to feel nervous. O’lahn had never taken the time to develop a relationship with a woman before. As an Arctic, he will live for hundreds of years, so he never felt a need to hurry that part of his life. The food was wonderful, but its taste was lost to his senses, as the beautiful dark-brown eyes and flowing hair were all his brain wanted to focus on.

    After dinner, O’lahn and Maria walked back to the guest hallway together and parted at her door. He wanted to hold her hand, give her a hug, and even a small kiss. She had completely overwhelmed him with her intelligence and charm.

    I will see you at breakfast in the morning Maria. O’lahn bowed and forced himself to walk away. He also managed to keep his goodbye formal.

    Morning came and a quick, quiet knock at O’lahn’s door awoke him from a dream of Maria. He climbed out of the very comfortable bed and opened his door to find Elio bright-eyed and ready to explore.

    Sir, I thought you might like to see the sunrise from the wizard’s tower. We have about two hours before breakfast.

    O’lahn was about to say no, but then thought better of it. He was here to do a job for the King, and it would not do to linger around the dining room waiting for Maria to show up for breakfast when he could be examining the wizard’s tower. I would indeed; just give me a minute to dress. He closed the door and went to find some clothes.

    Elio led him to the west wing of the castle and up a flight of stairs. At the far end of the hall, the boy pointed at the door to the wizard’s tower. O’lahn remembered it from the general tour the day before.

    As he reached for the door knob, Elio grabbed his arm and stopped him. This tower and the dungeon below have not been opened since the night the great eagle, Talon, defeated Galien. We should be careful of magical traps.

    O’lahn paused a moment before he reached for the door. He took note of the boy moving a few steps back. If there were magic traps, they couldn’t detect them anyway, and he had to go into the room to do his job. He found himself holding his breath as the knob turned and he pushed open the door. Nothing happened, however, and they walked slowly up a stairwell that curved in a spiral ending at another door. O’lahn did not hesitate this time. He was too excited about what was behind the door to care if it was locked or booby trapped. What he found inside was more than he could have hoped for. The sunrise through the window of the room was beautiful, but he didn’t notice.

    The room was full of books in cases along the walls. A large desk was on the far side of the room with a black velvet curtain behind it. O’lahn walked inside and started looking at the books on the shelves to his left. Some were very old—their age was made evident by the worn bindings. A layer of dust covered everything in the room, making it hard to read the titles. As O’lahn dusted off books, Elio wandered over to the desk and looked at the objects on it.

    O’lahn, the books on this desk are probably the ones the wizard was using before his death. Elio reached for one. Maybe they have information in them that you need. Before the boy could pick up one of the books, O’lahn was at the desk grabbing the first one.

    Excellent observation! O’lahn said excitedly, a little embarrassed at his greedy behavior. I will take these to my quarters and read through them.

    The two spent another hour going through the drawers in the desk, finding different objects and papers that O’lahn put aside for later study. After checking every stone in the wall for a false panel, Elio turned to O’lahn and announced that it was time to leave and go to breakfast.

    O’lahn did not want to leave. He told Elio to go on without him and send his regrets to Miss Maria for not joining her for breakfast this morning. Elio reluctantly left O’lahn alone in the wizard’s office, promising to return directly after breakfast. O’lahn made sounds of agreement, but never looked up from the book he was reading.

    Elio had been gone for about 30 minutes when O’lahn finally took a break from the materials on the desk to rub his eyes. The movement of a spider caught his attention and he watched it crawl from under the desk toward the wall behind him. The spider disappeared under the black curtain. O’lahn reached out to pull the curtain aside and kill the insect before it could get away. To his surprise, he found a small arched entrance to another room.

    He pushed the curtain to the side and stepped slowly into the hidden room. O’lahn chastised himself for not remembering that Arra and John had gone through two rooms, and then through a trap door to the top of the tower. The books and papers in the other room had overwhelmed him so much that he completely forgot. The large fireplace set into the far wall sat cold and dormant. A large bed was undisturbed and a layer of dust muted the dark-red comforter. He realized it was the wizard’s bedroom, and then the spiral staircase in the far corner caught his eye and invited him upward. He took the invitation without a second thought and was soon opening the trap door in the ceiling.

    Once outside on the top of the tower, O’lahn took a few moments to breathe in the fresh air. The wizard’s rooms had been dusty and stale, but the air blowing over the tower from the ocean smelled wonderful. He walked across the stone room, through an archway, and out onto the balcony to look down. How could Arra have so easily sat on the back of that eagle and not die of fright when it jumped off, plunging downward to the rocks and surf below? O’lahn imagined it was he who had fought the wizard and climbed on Talon’s back. He visualized the great eagle pushing off the stone parapet with wind blowing his hair back and pinning his eyes open. O’lahn smiled to himself, thinking he would have been able make the flight.

    *     *     *

    Something had changed. The cold darkness swirling around him, which was him, had begun to swirl faster. What he had been waiting for was coming.

    *     *     *

    O’lahn went back through an archway into the tower room. He paced around the interior wall looking through each arch before crossing to the middle to look at the pedestal in the center. The pedestal itself was carved from one piece of marble and chiseled with ornate curves and designs. On the top was a smaller stand draped in a shiny dark-blue material. Sitting in the center of the material was a glass ball that appeared to have dark-green and blue liquid swirling around in it. The swirling motion had a hypnotizing effect on O’lahn. He wasn’t aware of what he was doing as he bent closer to the ball. Slowly, his arm rose and his hand reached toward the object. It was as if he were watching himself from inside the ball now. He saw his hand move closer to the ball. He saw himself touch the ball and felt the smooth surface of the glass at the same time, and then everything went black.

    When O’lahn opened his eyes, he felt a sudden rush of air fill his lungs and he gasped in pain. He was laying flat on his back looking up into the faces of Maria and Elio hovering above him. What happened? he gasped.

    We were hoping you would tell us, Maria replied. O’lahn tried to sit, but could not do it without help.

    Maria and I came up to bring you some bread and jam from breakfast and we found you here unconscious. Elio handed O’lahn a glass of water and began looking around nervously. I think we should leave this place and return to safer areas of the castle. Can you walk?

    Of course I can walk. O’lahn yanked his arm away from Elio and stood. A brief moment of dizziness made him regret standing up so fast, but it passed and he looked at Maria. I’m sorry for missing breakfast; I lost track of time. While O’lahn made an excuse to apologize to Maria, he glanced at the glass ball on the pedestal. The object drew his attention away from her.

    Maria followed O’lahn’s gaze to the clear glass ball. That must be the wizard’s glass ball. I heard that he used one to communicate with other wizards. She walked toward the ball and picked it up. It’s a simple glass ball, highly polished, no evident flaws in the glass. I wonder how it works? She handed it to O’lahn and he looked into the crystal-clear orb.

    I will have to put it in a box to take back to headquarters for study. Carefully, O’lahn wrapped the ball in the blue material it had been sitting on and carried it downstairs, through the bedroom, and back into the office. He placed it gingerly in the box of books, papers, and other objects he wanted. He then took the box and followed Elio and Maria out of the wizard’s tower.

    Chapter 2


    Darkness no longer surrounded him. He could feel his heartbeat again, pushing blood through veins and arteries. Thoughts seeped into his mind, giving him a sense of surroundings and time. He was weak though, and needed energy to become fully aware and gain control. What had happened to him was clear now and so was what he needed to do. He would wait for the time to come for him to feed; he would be ready.

    *     *     *

    O’lahn continued to make trips back up to the wizard’s tower during the next two days, so he could search through all of the books. Elio and Maria became his constant companions when they weren’t attending to their own responsibilities. Maria purposely spent more and more time with O’lahn and he had become very fond of her. Brief moments when their hands touched sent tingling sensations through his skin. By the blush in her cheeks, he was sure she felt something for him as well.

    On O’lahn’s fourth day, when he ran out of things to examine in the tower, he asked Elio to show him the wizard’s dungeon. O’lahn, Elio, and Maria eagerly went down the long, dark stairwell. Nothing had been said about O’lahn’s strange fainting incident on top of the tower. It was as if the event was somehow forgotten.

    The smell in the dungeon was almost unbearable; if they had not all been so excited, the odor would have made them turn around. A giant rotting spider was lying on the cold, damp floor in the far corner of the room. That would be the spider that attacked John when he and Arra were down here, O’lahn exclaimed, not hiding his glee at being in the dungeon where his cousin discovered her ability to perform magic. They all tied handkerchiefs around their faces to help reduce the odor and began to explore the room.

    O’lahn’s eyes sparkled as he took them away from the spider and looked at the immense shelves that made up the walls of the room. Books, jars, bags, and boxes covered every inch of space. He would never have enough time to go through everything. He decided to go through the desk first, and then the books he had time for second. Opening bags and boxes, however, could release unwanted magical consequences, which would cause him to be taken back to Ayers for examination in a controlled environment.

    All three stayed in the room through lunch, finally stopping when hunger got the better of them. Elio mentioned they could still make dinner if they hurried. Each carried a box full of items as they labored up the stairwell, knowing that they would not be able to return. The shuttle was heading back to Ayers in the morning.

    At the dinner table, before dessert was served, O’lahn took a chance to further his relationship with Maria before he returned to Ayers. He invited her out for an after-dinner walk. This had become a habit over the last several days and she readily agreed.

    They walked outside, through the castle gardens, and sat on a bench in the moonlight. O’lahn was thankful that on this night, the weather was warm and a soft breeze blew the ocean air through Maria’s rich brown hair. I have really enjoyed your company this week Maria. O’lahn leaned forward and took her hand in his. I am hoping that when we return to Ayers, you will agree to have dinner with me once in a while.

    I would like that. Maria replied with a smile and a squeeze to his hand.

    O’lahn was visualizing a kiss in his mind, but thought better of it. If she wasn’t ready, he didn’t want to scare her away. He stood, gently pulling Maria up beside him. We should get some sleep; I believe the others want an early departure in the morning. Still holding her hand, O’lahn walked Maria back to her room and said goodnight.

    Maria watched O’lahn walk down the corridor to his room, as he turned the knob on his door she waved another goodnight. To her surprise, O’lahn closed the door before taking a step forward and walked back to her.

    Let’s go up to the tower one more time and look out over the ocean in the moonlight. Without waiting for a response, he grabbed her hand and almost ran up the stairs to the second level. By the time they reached the wizard’s tower door, Maria was out of breath. The behavior was new and strangely aggressive for O’lahn, but she liked it.

    Please O’lahn, slow down for me. She smiled at him when he stopped to look down at her. She saw something sparkle in his eyes that had never been there before: dark flecks in the glowing emerald-green color unique to the Arctics. Her heart skipped a beat as she interpreted the look to mean he was in love with her.

    Maria followed him up the stairs, through the rooms, and all the way to the edge of the balcony on top of the tower. The ocean breeze was stronger up here, and Maria’s long brown hair blew wildly around her face. O’lahn was standing very close, staring out over the ocean. She had never felt this way—it had to be love, and the thought of it made her whole body shiver. He put his arms around her. She snuggled against his chest, giggling to herself. He used the excuse of her shiver, thinking she was cold, to hold her. It could not have been better if she had planned it.

    I have waited for what seems like an eternity to reach this point.

    Maria closed her eyes and listened to him; his words were soothing and she relaxed completely in his arms. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought this was going too fast and something was wrong, but she ignored it. He continued to talk, and his words became confusing, but she wasn’t really listening anymore. She could follow a rhythm and meaning had become unnecessary. Part of her wondered what was happening and another part wanted nothing more than to stay there with him forever. Time had stopped for Maria; she didn’t even notice the wind becoming stronger as a distant storm rolled closer and closer to the island. Lightning began to light up the sky and thunder cracked so loud that Maria felt it in the stones under her feet.

    She felt as if she was dreaming, and then O’lahn’s hands took hold of her shoulders. She pushed away from him so that she could see his face looking down on hers. Once again, Maria noticed how different his eyes were with those strange black flecks. His mouth moved, but she no longer heard what he was saying. Somehow, sound had vanished, and the wind and thunder were silenced. Maria’s only focus, only desire was for him to kiss her. As his face bent closer, Maria closed her eyes in anticipation, waiting for his lips to meet hers.

    The kiss lasted for a moment and forever. Maria felt ecstasy like never before, and then she felt nothing at all. Her eyes opened but she saw nothing. Her body was limp in his arms as he picked her up and threw her over the wall to the surf below. Taking what he needed had left her body cold and lifeless.

    Galien looked down at the waters below only for a moment. She had been a beautiful woman and he had enjoyed the kiss, but her life force was what he was after—not her. He looked up into the storm, raised his arms in the wind, and screamed, I am free! Turning, he left the balcony and went back to the quarters that belonged to his host. The spell he had used to preserve himself in the glass ball provided the ability upon his release to absorb the life energy of any living creature he touched. Feeding on Maria’s energy gave him enough strength to take permanent residence in O’lahn’s mind. He could not yet draw on his other magical abilities, but he would now be able to gain control when he chose. What a perfect host too. Through O’lahn, Galien was in a position to know all of the most secret information concerning the Seven and their plans. He could not have done better if he chose his host himself. And a young Arctic body, still under 400 years of age, gave him many more years than he’d had left in his original body.

    As Galien stepped into O’lahn’s room, he relinquished control of the man’s mind and body.

    *     *     *

    O’lahn awoke to urgent knocking at his door. He was not dismayed, as his dreams over the last few days had been unpleasant and he didn’t mind being awakened from another one. He called out to the person on the other side of the door and reached for his clothes. The knocking started again before he could open the door.

    O’lahn! O’lahn! Come quick, there has been a terrible accident!

    O’lahn opened his door to see a very distraught Elio preparing to bang on the door again. The boy’s face was pale, which gave O’lahn a feeling of dread. What is it Elio? What happened?

    Come quick, it’s Miss Maria. Elio took off running toward the stairs. O’lahn followed, not even taking time to put on shoes.

    When they arrived on top of the wizard’s tower, O’lahn slowed as acidic fluids began to swirl in his stomach. He felt sick. The group from Ayers was already standing by the wall, and he knew before he joined them that what they were looking at was something he didn’t want to see. If he looked over the side, he knew he would see Maria’s body lying on the jagged rocks below.

    Jason Campbell, a tall, well-built man, was in charge of the group. He normally had a carefree yet confident look about him. As he walked over to O’lahn, his expression was serious and he began to ask him questions. I understand that you and Miss Graiden have been spending a lot of time together the last few days. I noticed that you left dinner together last night. Can you tell me where you went and when you saw her last?

    O’lahn backed away from the wall, forcing himself not to look down at the broken body of the woman he had been falling in love with. He could not believe she was dead, and his mind was not registering the fact that he was being interrogated and that Campbell considered him a possible suspect in what might be a murder. He tried to focus but responded haltingly. I… uh, he shook his head, physically trying to compose his thoughts. That is we, went for a walk in the gardens after dinner, and then went back to the guest wing. I walked her to her door, and then went to my own room. I’m not sure what time it was.

    Did you see anyone else in the garden or in the hall while you were with Miss Graiden?

    O’lahn was beginning to focus on the man who was asking him questions, and he noticed the others on the balcony looking at him. We saw no one else. Do you know how this happened? He looked at the others standing around. How are we going to recover her body? O’lahn turned again moving forward to look over the wall. He watched as a wave pushed the body against a rock and then let it fall back again. He began to cry.

    Mr. Campbell watched O’lahn and saw a man who was grieving. He believed the emotion was genuine and determined that O’lahn could not have been involved in her death. We think she came up here to watch the storm last night, and in the dark, fell over the wall. If the storm had not bypassed the island, I wouldn’t have discovered the body this morning. Mr. Campbell lowered his voice and spoke directly to O’lahn. This was the only place I wanted to view before we left, and when I went to look at how close the castle was to the ocean, I saw Miss Graiden. We have servants retrieving the body now. She will be taken back to Ayers where her family will take care of the burial rights. Mr. Campbell turned to the others and ushered them off the tower to leave the grieving man in peace.

    Elio stayed with O’lahn, keeping a respectful distance while the man knelt by the wall crying quietly to himself.

    *     *     *

    The retrieval of Maria’s body took the entire morning, and preparing the body for travel went into the afternoon. O’lahn felt weak and sat in his room, staring out the window.

    Elio arrived after lunch with a tray of food. You must eat something Sir. Getting sick will not help you. He put the tray down and started packing O’lahn’s belongings.

    Suddenly, O’lahn stopped sulking, stood, and walked toward Elio. He put his hands on the boy’s shoulders, No, I have other uses for you. He let go when the boy stopped packing.

    Elio looked at O’lahn. An expression of concern crossed his face. What did you say? The man was standing up straight and no longer looked sad even though his eyes were red and puffy from crying. Something had changed, but Elio didn’t know what. He became wary and tried to hide any signs of confusion.

    I have other uses for you. I was hoping that you would consider being my apprentice? Galien had surfaced, cutting off O’lahn’s control. At first, he had wanted to use Elio’s life force to make him stronger. The young man contained even more life force than the woman, but two murders so close together would be too suspicious. And he couldn’t risk his host being imprisoned for murder. It would be good to have a servant who was trusted by the Arctics and, according to his host’s memories, acquainted with the Seven. The boy’s eagerness to reunite with the troublesome group from the Prophecy made it easy to convince him.

    An apprentice? Elio backed away from O’lahn. The man didn’t sound quite the same—maybe his grief had caused him to snap.

    Galien, in O’lahn’s body, gave a disarming chuckle, shaking his head, No, I mean a personal assistant. I would like you to come back to Ayers with me and be my assistant.

    Elio smiled slightly; the offer made him overlook his previous concerns about O’lahn’s sanity. He would work for O’lahn, a man he had come to like and admire during their investigation of the castle. He would also be closer to the Seven. Ever since the adventure on the island, he wanted to go on another mission with them. I will speak with my grandmother, but I’m sure she won’t stop me from going with you. He ran from the room in his excitement, leaving O’lahn standing by the window.

    Galien would have to be careful how he went about gathering enough energy to completely take over O’lahn’s body and regain the ability to use his magic. He could feel his hold weakening as his energy level dropped. He would need to feed again soon, but not here.

    *     *     *

    O’lahn found himself standing in front of the window. Elio was no longer in the room. His clothing bag was open and half packed, and the food tray still sat on the bedside table. He felt like he had missed something, but didn’t know what. The grief over Maria’s loss was really taking a toll on him. He had only known her for a short time, but she had become very special to him. Elio was right—he needed to eat. Maria’s death was an accident and he could not bring her back; life had to go on and he had important things to do.

    Elio came in through the open door just as O’lahn was finishing his lunch. Sir, my grandmother will miss me, but she said I should go with you.

    O’lahn stared in confusion, Go with me?

    Yes… Elio replied tentatively. You said you wanted a personal assistant? He now noticed that O’lahn’s shoulders were slouched again and the sadness had reappeared on his face.

    O’lahn did not recall talking or thinking about having a personal assistant, but it did sound like a good idea now that the subject was brought up. He will need help with all the items he is taking back to Ayers, and Elio is a wealth of historical information. He forced a smile, That sounds like a great idea. I would like to have you as a personal assistant.

    Elio felt a little confused. O’lahn made it sound like it was Elio’s idea and not his. This didn’t matter though. He was going to Ayers and John would be there. Elio finished packing O’lahn’s bag and they started taking boxes to the shuttle.

    Chapter 3

    The Seven

    How ya doin? Moose said to Arra as they sat in her kitchen having some coffee and cakes. When the Arctic girl was in a coma, Moose visited her daily after the healers allowed him to enter her room. For at least an hour every day, Moose discussed his life as a child and training with his father with a whip and sword. He also told her stories of how his homeland, Australia, was recovering from the centuries of oppression under the rule of the Xanthus family. Sometimes he talked about different members of the group and what they were doing in the underground city. Now that Arra had enough energy, they discussed what happened and what should be the next step. Her recovery had been slow, but now that she was feeling better, it was time for the Seven to get back to work.

    I’m fine. I have a lot more energy today, and I think that I’m finally ready to get back to training. Arra sipped her coffee and smiled at Moose. Did you schedule the meeting?

    Yeah. Everyone seems to be ready. Moose took the last swallow of his coffee and stood. Gonna go and let ya get ready. See ya latah. He gave Arra a hug, and let her walk him to the door.

    Arra paused for a moment before opening the door. Are you sure everyone is coming?

    Moose knew that Arra meant John, as he was the only member of the Seven who hadn’t visited her since they returned to Uluru on John’s eagle friend. Yeah, spoke with ’em yesterday and they’ll be here. Latah. Moose gave her a smile as he closed the door behind him.

    Arra was excited about the meeting and getting together with everyone, which is why she ended up in the conference room alone. She arrived 30 minutes early, so she decided to practice some of her mental skills. Since her recovery from the coma, Arra studied the books she took from the wizard’s basement. Apparently, she had abilities that were unknown to her people such as the fireball that destroyed the spider that almost killed John, the energy field that protected her from the wizard during battle, and the lightning that eventually consumed that wizard. These were all forms of magic that Arra had never used before. Through need and concentration, Arra learned that her mind could create those things. Today at the meeting, Arra was going to inform the rest of the group what she discovered about herself. She wanted to know if the group thought it should be discussed with anyone else, or if they should keep it a secret.

    Arra sensed the door opening before it actually did, and she put her books away just in time to greet Dominick and LeeOra as they came in. She gave the Brazilian girl a hug and the Frenchman a big grin. Hi! You two look great. What have you been up to? Dominick was dressed in a light-green shirt with dark-brown pants—his two favorite colors. LeeOra wore her hair down but pulled back from her face, and her dark-pink dress accentuated her bronze skin.

    Lora taught me how to communicate with her using hand gestures and body language. I can translate anything now. Dominick motioned for LeeOra to sit first; he held the chair for her, and then sat down in the adjacent chair.

    Hello Arra. LeeOra used telepathy to communicate with Arra. She smiled and gave a side glance at Dominick as she spoke. I’m so glad to see you up and about. Dom and I have been spending a lot of time together volunteering at the school, working out, and learning to communicate. I think he likes me, but I know I like him.

    Arra smiled as she received LeeOra’s message. I think he likes you too. Don’t you two talk about how you feel? Everyone can see it.

    I wanted to speak with you first. I didn’t know if it would create a problem for the team if Dom and I became a couple. I’m afraid that we might start to care about each other more than we care about the mission. LeeOra’s expression became concerned.

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