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The Revival Generation: . . . the Devil on the Run
The Revival Generation: . . . the Devil on the Run
The Revival Generation: . . . the Devil on the Run
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The Revival Generation: . . . the Devil on the Run

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About this ebook

The Bible declares that the Children/teenagers are the heritage of the Lord. [Psalm 127:3] They are special gifts to mankind from the Father of glory, the Almighty God. However, the world has presented them as Lost generation or Generation X. In this book you will know how the Word of God presents the Children/Teens as: REVIVAL GENERATION or VICTORY GENERATION.

Some of the exciting topics discussed in this book includes:






Release dateApr 29, 2005
The Revival Generation: . . . the Devil on the Run

Joseph Dele Tunji

Joseph Dele Tunji is the Founder and President of Spirit-life International Christian center, world-wide; Children Freedom Ministries, Africa; and RhemaWord Bible College, Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cultural Anthropology and a master’s degree in Journalism. Currently he is in the doctorate program in Ministry/Divinity in Covington, Georgia.                               He is an honorary member of the research board of advisors of the American Biographical Institute. A Bishop member of the International Communion of Charismatic churches, USA. Professional membership in Public relations and Advertising.   Joseph was trained in the Word of God from the prestigious Rhema Bible training center, Tulsa, Oklahoma and received ministerial credentials from Rhema Bible Church/Kenneth Hagin ministries, Oklahoma, USA.  

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    The Revival Generation - Joseph Dele Tunji

    The Revival


    …The Devil on the Run


    Joseph Dele Tunji

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    © 2005 Joseph Dele Tunji. All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 04/22/05

    ISBN: 1-4208-4788-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-9331-8 (ebk)

    Joseph Dele Tunji is the author of Best seller

    Simply Faith A companion for believers of faith.

    For further information, Please Write to P.O. Box 1910, Lilburn, GA 30048-1910, USA. [email protected]

    Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from the Authorized King James Version, The Living Bible- Self-help edition, The Message- The New Testament in contemporary language, and The Amplified Bible- Expanded edition.

    Spirit-Life International Christian center,

    PO BOX 1910, LILBURN, GA 30048-1910











    I dedicate this book to my wife,

    Bukola Dele-Tunji

    For her untold love and sacrifices; the finest helpmate any husband could be blessed with"


    Writing on this uncommon and not very popular topic The Revival Generation (The young ones) is something that really intrigued me. I have sought earnestly to learn and know why today many evil things such as occultism, drug addiction, alcoholism, armed robbery, illicit sex, obscenity, pornography and different kinds of devilish schemes happen to the young ones.

    However, I never found one satisfying answer or reason. From the variety of people I asked, not even from the many books I read, I found no answer. But going back to the manufacturer’s manual, The Bible, I found that all these things have actually been prophesized that they will happen. However, the Word of God admonish believers with these words of encouragement, let not your hearts be troubled.

    Therefore, I decided that I am not going to be discouraged or let my heart be troubled by the problems faced by children of this generation. They are the revival generation; God is entrusting everything on earth to them for the final and last day’s revival. The Bible says, If God be for us who can be against us.

    This book will explore different but relevant scriptures to reveal what Christ has completed as regards the victories in the lives of the young ones and what you are expected to do to fulfill all these gracious blessings as a church and a member of the family of God.

    Searching through the scriptures, and visiting some churches and Christian families in the USA, Europe and Africa, it seems that the devil knows that most Christians are not aware of their authority over him and are therefore not protecting their young ones as they should.

    Nevertheless, the devil is taking advantage of their ignorance. Many believers have not properly understood what the scriptures say about the upbringing and nurturing of the young ones in the fear and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    The few people that seem to understand quickly fall out of faith whenever their young ones are caught in the same challenges and trials that face the youth today. By so doing they are not standing firm on what they really believe. The devil is taking great advantage of the situation.

    The good news however, that is, no matter what the devil does, the young ones are in deed the Revival Generation they are God’s divine plan for the end-time. The Bible makes it clear that the children are the heritage of the Lord, Psalm 127:3.

    Children are very special gift from our heavenly Father to mankind. There is no human being on the face of the earth that does not pass through this rite of birth or childhood. Even our Lord Jesus Christ came to this world as a child to demonstrate to us what manner of love God has bestowed on His Children [mankind] that he is mindful of them.

    What do you think about this? Jesus did not come as a grown up man or a super hero, He came as a child. He was born in a manger, a place of filth and dirt. He went through persecution in the hand of Herod the king. As a young man, Jesus was rejected by his Jewish brothers. He suffered under Pontius Pilate and was crucified on the cross, He died a shameful death. And He rose up on the third day and gave the victory to mankind, the great salvation.

    The Bible declares through the psalmist,

    Out of the mouth of the children, God has ordained strength and praise to shame and silence the enemies (psalm8: 2).

    The devil is truly on the run; Jesus Christ shamed him when he rose from the dead on the third day. From his childhood had received the strength He needed to confront the trials and challenges on earth and so are you and your children.

    In this book you will be able to establish a sound doctrine based on scriptures on what Jesus Christ completed on the cross for all humanity, how He demonstrated his love towards the young ones. Jesus has set them free no matter what kind of pain, sorrow or discouragement the devil is inflicting on your little ones through his devilish schemes, and they have dominion over the kingdom of darkness. When you apply the word of faith, the hope in you (Christ in you, the hope of glory) will rise again for this generation.

    The devil is on the run. I am convinced beyond any shadow of doubt that his only method or strategy is to deceive the whole world [Revelation 12:9]. He does this through religious schemes and carnality. The devil uses deception through lies, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, but he is already defeated. Satan’s secret is revealed in entirety in the Word of God and you will see it as you read and meditate on the Word.

    Note that one of the main purposes of writing this book is to reveal the freedom the Lord has given unto the young ones from the biblical perspective. I will be applying the following words to mean and refer to the same group of the young ones. I will use the words interchangeably throughout this book. The words are children, seed, teenagers, little ones, young ones and young adult. They will be applied in this book to mean the same thing; do not be confused as you see these words

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