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Educational and Ethical Leadership - Best Practice
Educational and Ethical Leadership - Best Practice
Educational and Ethical Leadership - Best Practice
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Educational and Ethical Leadership - Best Practice

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The foundational aspects of business ethics are predicated on how effectively a leader can enable significant change in their organizations while still retaining the most valuable aspects of its culture, people, processes and systems. The intent of this research is to analyze how leadership set the foundation for ongoing ethical compliance. In this study, a professional evaluation of top leaders and educators of local and international settings will be conducted to initiate the ground rules of successful leadership and to define the connection between ethical leadership and best practice. Moreover, the study will reveal how values and characters count in ethical-decision making. Finally, the research will spotlight on the impact culture and how successful leader can create and maintain an ethical environment to ensure best practice.
Release dateApr 1, 2014
Educational and Ethical Leadership - Best Practice


Sam Eldakak teaches “University Study Skills” Foundation in Education and “Professional Ethics in Abu Dhabi University in the United Arab Emirates. He is the Professional Ethics Course Coordinator in the University College. He attended Aspen University in Denver, Colorado, USA to obtain his doctorate degree in “Leadership and Learning”. He holds a master degree in education from American Intercontinental University in the United States of America and a Master degree in “Quality Assurance” from Southern Polytechnic State University in Georgia State, USA. He also holds a BA in Business Administration and an advanced management certificate from the University of West Georgia, USA. He has been in education, training and development field in America for over 25 years where he has taught students and professionals combined. He is a member of “American Association for Adult & Continuing Education” Bowie, MD. USA, Chartered Management Institute (CMI), American Educational Research Association (AERA), and Educational Research Information Center (ERIC). Sam Eldakak has a wide range of experience in teaching, training and developing programs in Management, Human Resources, English, Business administration, Psychology, and Customer Service.

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    Educational and Ethical Leadership - Best Practice - SAM ELDAKAK

    © 2014 Sam Eldakak. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/21/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9877-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9878-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014905603

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    CHAPTER 1:


    CHAPTER 2:


    CHAPTER 3:


    CHAPTER 4:


    CHAPTER 5:



    Appendix A

    Appendix B

    Appendix C


    I would like to extend my regards and appreciation to my research commettiee and supervisor. Their guidance and support were with me at every step. The chair of the committee, Dr. Donald Dunn, chair and members of the committee, Dr. Lorraine Cleeton and Professor, Saeed Askary. I also seek this opportunity to thank my beloved wife, Diane Monte for her support and encouragement. To my friends and collegues for their persistent support throughout my research. I am grateful for their believe in me. I also wish to thank them for their guidance without which accomplishing this study would never have been possible.


    Leadership and its concepts have been evolving since decades. There is a huge amount of extent literature defining and discussing the concepts and the traits associated with leaders and their effective leadership practices. In the contemporary world of today, the leaders and their practices are found to be influenced by the arising issues, evolving concepts, and formation of new values and principles in the current era. The current research study takes the task of exploring the challenges that organizational leaders face in the prescient world and how they cope with them to the best of their abilities. As this research adopts the Ethnography Primary Qualitative Research methodology therefore, ten organizational leaders were interviewed in order to gather their views about the characteristics of good leaders and their practices during ethical decision making. This research is an endeavor to contribute to the existing literature of leadership and its best practices.

    CHAPTER 1:


    In order to enhance the understanding of the current research this introductory chapter elucidates the background of the study first as well as to define the reasons that propel the researcher to conduct this study. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the readers of this study a brief overview about the research topic and to construct the main purpose and aim behind the research study. This chapter further comprises of the background of the research topic, statement of purpose, significance of the study, research aim, research objectives, research questions, and in the end an outline of the study. In the end, this chapter has outlined the dissertation structure enlightening the overall flow of each chapter and study. Also, key terms that have been used during the study have also been defined by the researcher precisely in this chapter.

    Background of the Research Study

    Leadership is a complex phenomenon. Fulmer and Conger (2004) illustrated that in the 21st century leadership is a focal area of research. The existing leadership research and literature tend to focus primarily on elucidating the behavior, characteristics and skills of effective and successful leaders. However, in the past decade, leadership has evolved into many forms and shapes. Leadership has been proffered for theoretical explanations throughout history. Kimbrough (2007) indicated that behavior of leaders is one facet of this change. Over the years a great number of definitions have been offered. Day (2000) stated that leadership is maintaining and creating a sense of culture, vision and interpersonal relationships. However, management is monitoring, supporting and coordinating the activities of an organization. In comparison to management leadership is a broader concept. The foundational aspects of business ethics are predicated on how effective a leader enables significant change in their organizations while retaining the most valuable aspects; culture, people, processes, and systems. Bolman, Crow, Goldring, Slater and Thurston (1994) reflected that people become leaders for the traits that they own such as appearance, intelligence and language ability etc. However, the recent approaches of Max Weber describe leadership trait as a focus on charisma and vision. Bolman and Deal (2003) categorized leadership into four frames as, political, human resource, symbolic and structural frames. However, effective leadership essence lies in knowing which frame to apply in particular situations that result in productive outcomes. Davis (1998) indicated that two significant elements of effective leadership are fostering positive interpersonal relationships and establishing a clear vision. A leader can foster positive interpersonal relationships and establish clear vision through effective leadership skills, attributes, and behavioral (Goldman, 1998). Decade over decade, leadership and leaders have been a significant concern of the research as well as literature in order to determine the key association of leaders and leadership to an organization success (Barnett, 2010). Therefore, the intent of the study is to ascertain how leadership sets the foundation for ongoing ethical compliance which become a catalyst for organizations to embrace ethnicity as a core value set, becoming part of its identity. In order to understand this and aspects of educational and ethical leadership leads it is indispensable to conduct this research.

    Problem Statement

    Leaders in an organization take the responsibility of gaining organization profit and meeting the ethical code of conduct. Bell (2005) noted that leaders have always been a source of motivation for employees as well as a catalyst for organization for better productivity, enhanced performance and profitability. Successful delivery of organization objectives and profits is dependent on the leaders’ ability to develop smooth and collaborative relations with followers (Chan and Chan, 2005). Decision making itself is a challenging task for leaders as well as individuals and when it comes to Often leaders find difficulty in practicing their ethical code of conduct for making decisions due to the rigid organizational rules and others factors like values and principles, making decisions based on ethical code, the challenge becomes even more crucial. Leaders have to take care that their decision making must satisfy all ethical requirements with respect to individuals as well as the organization (Fulmer, 2004). Therefore, a leader must foresee the influence of his decision and must make sure that the decision is stratifying framework of the ethical code. The researcher in this study intends to identify the best practices of educational and ethical leadership for best outcomes for the individual as well as for the organization.

    Research Aim and Objectives

    The aim of this study is to ascertain educational and ethical Leadership—best practice. However, following objectives has been set by the researcher to achieve the set research aim.

    1) To explore the characteristics of a good leader

    2) To determine which forms of leadership are associated with educational effectiveness

    3) To identify the difficulties faced by leaders during ethical decision making

    4) To divulge the psychological and the social aspects that can endanger individual principals

    Research Questions

    Research questions in a study work as a guiding tool in assisting the researcher determine the key findings of the study that result in best outcomes and justify the research questions or hypotheses. However, the research questions for this study are as following:

    1) What are the characteristics of good leaders?

    2) Which forms of leadership are associated with educational effectiveness?

    3) What are the difficulties faced by leaders during ethical decision making?

    4) What are the psychological and the social aspects

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