Me Addiction: Having It My Way Isn’T so Great After All
About this ebook
--From the forward by Phil and Heather Joel, founders of deliberate People and formerly of Newsboys
It's an addiction. The oldest one.
It has caused every human from the first person to now to navel gaze rather than God gaze. Its tagline is Whats in it for me?
It has caused families to break up, portfolios to bankrupt, and individuals to self-destruct. The addiction? The ME Addiction. Its that ingrained reaction to think of self first and others later. Sometimes much later. Its the idea that having it my way is the best way. Believing that has elevated our egos, sent us into hiding, broken our community, surfaced anxiety, and saturated us with stress.
But having it my way wasnt the original way. At the beginning, the first response was to look to God. The better question was, Whats in it for him?
ME Addiction will help you diagnose the human condition and take steps to a better life. A life that breaks free from the oldest addiction known to humans and begins to live a revolutionary life. The life for which you were created. Discover what a ME-free world looks like, starting here.Rick Brown
RICK BROWN is the lead pastor of ChristBridge Fellowship in Tomball, Texas, in the Houston area since 1999. His churchs mission to impact the community for eternity has led him and others to become involved in councils and boards and service groups to help make the city a better place for everyone. Rick is married to Karen and has two sons, Kristofer and Taylor, and one daughter-in-law, Jenn. REG COX has ministered in the Denver, Colorado, area since 2002. He has spoken extensively for teen and college-age groups and led spiritual renewal events throughout the world. He is married to Amy, and they have one son, Levi, and one daughter, Faith. JER VILLANUEVA has ministered in Seattle, Washington and Northern California since 1994. He enjoys teaching and seeing others transformed in Christ. He holds a MS in ministry and Master of Divinity from Pepperdine University. He is married to Lyn, and they have three children, Sydney, Elias, and Noelle. DR. GLEN VILLANUEVA is a family physician serving the underserved in Modesto, California, since 1997. As co-founder of Shoestring Ministries, he is able to fulfill his passion to help heal the sick and minister to the soul. Glen is married to Yvonne, and they have two daughters, Maya and Ani.
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Book preview
Me Addiction - Rick Brown
having it my way isn’t so great after all
Rick Brown, Reg Cox,
Jer Villanueva, Dr. Glen Villanueva
logoBlackwTN.aiCopyright © 2011 Rick Brown, Reg Cox, Jer Villanueva, Dr. Glen Villanueva.
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ISBN: 978-1-4497-3031-4 (hc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011919408
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WestBow Press rev. date: 11/10/2011
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
ME-Addiction Study Guide
About the ME Addiction Team
Also by Rick Brown and Reg Cox
The X-odus Files: Following God in an Alien Land
Need pampering? This isn’t the book. Ready for some healthy, balance-giving perspective? You’ll find it in these pages.
—Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author
This book shouts the solution to a troubled self serving nation of Me-addicts. They really need this book. Ok. Fine. WE really need this book!
—Your friend and mine, Bob Smiley, Comedian,
This powerful book serves as a mirror that Christians have long avoided gazing into. In its pages you will see your Me Addicted
reflection which has kept you from being all that God intended. As you read, you will be challenged to change your addiction, transform your faith, and revolutionize your impact on the world.
—Christie Love, Executive Director of LeadHer,
This book grabbed me in the first paragraph, and wouldn’t let go—even after I had turned the last page. It is crammed with humor. But it is deadly serious. Here Rick Brown hits the bull’s-eye of the human soul. No. ME Addiction is not a religious
book. Rather it’s about raw, red-blooded reality. Read on if you have the nerve.
—Lynn Anderson, author and founder of Mentor Network,
This is a sound, well thought through read that challenges the status quo of always thinking of myself first. It is both entertaining and thought provoking. Because no one is immune from self-focused thinking and behavior, this book pierces you in the heart. You will find yourself pondering this book’s message for a long time after finishing it.
—Phil Schubert, EdD, President,
Abilene Christian University
In ME Addiction, Rick Brown (and company) does the thing I fear the most… he made me look honestly at my pride and self-centeredness and call it what it is. Brown has a way of sucking me in with compelling stories, lightening the mood with his hilarious way of expressing himself, then socking it to me with brutal truthfulness. This is a great book that helped me actually do something about at least a few of my addictive ME-oriented habits.
—Shelley Leith, co-author, Character Makeover
and creator of 40 Days of Purpose Campaign
This book has ME written all over it! When I live by the positive principles outlined, it brings out the best in me. Additionally, as a general rule, it also brings out the best in others around me. However, sometimes the negative me gets in the way and I need to be reminded to live for a cause greater than myself. Thanks ME Addiction for that very authentic reminder and a biblically-grounded game plan to live by.
—Dr. Jimmy Sites,TV Producer & Host:
To the ME Addiction team,
whose meeting in Rio Vista
birthed the contents of this book.
May we all continue to be
Two years ago, I was introduced to Shoestring Ministries and Dr. Glen Villanueva by a mutual friend, comedian Bob Smiley. They invited me to perform in a four-city Northern California concert-type tour called the Me-addiction Tour. Tour? Sure! I’d be happy to, but… Me-addiction? What’s that all about?
After talking to Glen a time or two, I realized his passion and the message of Shoestring Ministries was fairly simple and clear: challenge and encourage people to be less self-focused and more Jesus focused. Whoa! I could get behind something like that. And so I did.
Eating dinner late one night after one of the concerts, we talked about writing books and producing music. As I explained that night, I’ve written music meant for a small number of folks, like a boutique album, and I have also made other albums intended for popular consumption, for the masses, like much of the music I did when I was with the Newsboys. The same is true for books, and this one definitely falls into the latter category. This book is not for just a few people. It is a powerful read meant for the masses. And that includes you!
This is a book we’ve all been wanting but didn’t know we needed. It helps us answer a question we didn’t even know we were being asked:
Where are we?
It’s the first question God asked Adam, who was hiding in the bushes after eating the forbidden fruit. Well, I’m guessing when Adam heard God walking through the garden calling, Where are you, Adam?
(Genesis 3:9), he knew he was in a bad spot. He’d been deceived so greatly that when faced with the reality of his situation, all he could do was make weak excuses and lie.
The fact is, God knew exactly where Adam was and what he had been a part of. All God wanted was for Adam to be still and take stock of the situation and give an honest account. It’s the same for us today. God knows exactly where we are and how we got here.
Many of us claim to be followers of Jesus, yet we still find ourselves with an insatiable appetite and thirst for more. We fill our time, minds and stomachs with more, more, and still more. Yet we find ourselves unsatisfied. Why? Because we’ve become a ME-centric people and we don’t even know how it happened.
One of Shoestring Ministries t-shirts says in big letters: Help Stop the ME Addiction
across the chest. It’s a shirt so bold you can’t ignore it. Since the tour, I’ve worn this t-shirt while running errands, shopping, doing everyday-life stuff. This shirt has been met with confusion—and stares!—followed by the hesitant question, Umm, excuse me, what’s your shirt mean?
My answer starts out superficial but then it often dives into deeper conversation.
It gives me a chance to unravel the movement started in California by a small band of Christ followers called to challenge people to be different, to move the center of the universe off of me and on to Christ, where it belongs. The message allows an opening for personal testimony and to ask people, Aren’t you tired of being like the rest of the world?
After all, it really isn’t about me or us, is it? It’s about HIM!
In the high speed, media-centered, consumer-driven society in which we live, God calls us to slow down long enough to bring clarity to our minds and bring satisfaction to our souls. This book helps clear our heads and cut through the malaise of the cultural and personal deception of ME first!
This book is really cool and we know you’re going to be blown away by it! You, your motives, and priorities will be challenged to the core of your being, straight to your heart, so be ready.
Let the revolution of change continue!
Phil & Heather Joel
Founders of deliberatePeople,
Writing a book is a monumental task, and it has taken the effort and influence of many to get to the finish line. Our gratitude runs deep.
Rick would like to thank:
Glen Villanueva for inviting me into the ME Addiction team and for this opportunity to write.
Reg, Jer, and Paul for their input in how this book would take shape.
Denny Boultinghouse for his editorial skill and helpful suggestions that made this a better book.
ChristBridge Fellowship for being Jesus together in our community.
Lynn Anderson for a lifetime of mentoring and for his encouragement to rewrite the last chapter.
My sons Kristofer and Taylor who have become young men that make their father proud.
Jenn, our first daughter-in-law, for bringing more beauty into our family.
And to Karen my wife: the Borghese has Bernini but God gave me his masterpiece of you. Let’s go another twenty-five.
Reg would like to thank:
I’m indebted to friends and family who have put up with my lifelong me addiction
and have invested in my heart.
My wife Amy, my kids Levi and Faith Ann, my parents, friends the Villanuevas, Maldonados, Browns, Roberts, and the many others who loved me as God transformed my character.
Jer would like to thank:
Glen Villanueva for unwavering dedication and energy that helped complete this project along with the What’s in it for Him ministry team of Yvonne, Paul, and Sarah.
Reg Cox and Rick Brown for insight, humor, and feedback.
Milton Jones for sharing a passion for the gospel of Jesus and training me in my early ministry and your continuing influence to this day.
Mom and Dad for modeling God’s faithfulness, charity, and grace.
My children, Sydney, Elias, and Noelle. You are God’s precious gifts and I am blessed to be your father. And for my wife Lyn—the journey is not always easy, but you keep me grounded, inspire me to think deeper, and support me unconditionally. There’s no one else I would rather share this adventure with.
Glen would like to thank:
Mom and Dad for showing me committed lifelong faith and service to God.
Bella and Jerry Maldonado for loving me not as a son-in-law, but a son.
Rick Brown for leading the charge on this project and my brother Jer for writing the initial manuscript that laid the foundation for this book.
Reg Cox and Kevin Roberts for a kinship and brotherhood that extends past the ordinary into the life-changing.
Paul and Sarah Sale for jumping in with both feet to birth, develop, and grow Shoestring Ministries, as together we follow God’s lead.
The Shoestring crew of core volunteers and consultants (Monica Baker, Chris and Cindy Fox, Bill Kuenzinger, Maxine Louis, Wayne and Sheila Smith, Ginger and Alan Stark) for all your behind-the-scenes work.
My brothers at Pinnacle Forum, especially Chuck Bryant, for your prayers, understanding, and wisdom.
Randy Zachary for encouragement, friendship and vision to impact the Kingdom via radio and our collective influence.
My daughters Maya and Ani for being patient with me all those evenings as I worked on this project. I love you both so much I can’t even put a number on it!
And to my beautiful wife and constant support, Yvonne. You had no idea what you were getting into when you said yes, but I’m sure glad you did. Much love to you for laughing, sharing and walking beside me in this unpredictable life of ours.
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend in the world (and yes, even in churches!) over the last few years. Maybe you have, too? You can see