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The Lost Colony
The Lost Colony
The Lost Colony
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The Lost Colony

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As soon as Mark breaks free of his cocoon, he is ready to explore the world around him. Together, with the newest members of his colony, he begins to discover what life is like for an ant as he becomes familiar with his roles and responsibilities. He is making friends and training for his new life when a sudden encounter with a feathered creature is going to change everything.

Carried away from his colony by a bird who drops him into her nest, Mark gets away and tumbles to the ground. He is soon discovered by two strange ants who attempt to help him find his way back to the Morrie Colony. As Mark begins his desperate journey to return to the only home he knows, he must learn to rely on himself and the other creatures he meets along the way to survive the elements, impending danger, and his own navet. Unsure of how to protect himself against anything, Mark struggles to stay alive in the face of a myriad of adventures and risks.

In this fantasy tale, a tiny ant must learn to be independent, strong, and overcome his fears as he faces the impossible and discovers his true destiny.

Release dateMar 30, 2012
The Lost Colony

Jet Black

Ocas Eniam attended the University of Phoenix. He worked at Sylvania for thirteen years and served in the US Army for eight years. He is a proud father of his son, Jesse and his daughter, Kati. Now devoted to writing the LIFEOFA series, Ocas currently lives in Topsfield, Massachusetts, with his wife, Diane, and her daughter, Hannah.

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    Book preview

    The Lost Colony - Jet Black




    Chapter 1 – The New Life

    Chapter 2 – In-processing

    Chapter 3 – Training

    Chapter 4 – Bert’s Squad

    Chapter 5 – The Ustauga

    Chapter 6 – The Outside Adventure

    Chapter 7 – Distant Colony

    Chapter 8 – Discovery

    Chapter 9 – Rain Bombs

    Chapter 10 – Territory of Vehige

    Chapter 11 – Melanite-epidote

    Chapter 12 – Imus

    Chapter 13 – Hienze

    Chapter 14 – The Dew Gang

    Chapter 15 – Assembling

    Chapter 16 – The First Hike

    Chapter 17 – Tiffany

    Chapter 18 – Retreat

    Chapter 19 – Brandy

    Chapter 20 – The Battle

    Chapter 21 – Morbid Ants

    Chapter 22 – Painful Knowledge

    Chapter 23 – Gretel

    Chapter 24 – Ginger

    Chapter 25 – Tunnel Unknown

    Chapter 26 – The Secret Ingredient

    Chapter 27 – Shift of Plan

    Chapter 28 – The Gully

    Chapter 29 – Ant Mill

    Chapter 30 – Oh Yeah!

    Chapter 31 – Flight

    Chapter 32 – Double Dilemma

    Chapter 33 – The Search

    Chapter 34 – Decision Time

    Chapter 35 – The Rescue

    Chapter 36 – Auburn

    Chapter 37 – The Interrogation

    Chapter 38 – The Last Lie

    Chapter 39 – New Leader

    Chapter 40 – Taking Over

    Chapter 41 – Confer

    Chapter 42 – Freedom

    Chapter 43 – Rise and Shine

    Chapter 44 – Joined Forces

    Chapter 45 – Death Trap

    Chapter 46 – Homeward Bound

    Chapter 47 – ZOE

    Chapter 48 – Down Hill

    Chapter 49 – Familiar Land

    Chapter 50 – Resolution


    A special thanks to my wife, my mother and my entire family for their support throughout this entire process. Time for a Skinny Captain!

    Important Anatomy of the Ant

    Below is a diagram of some important parts of the ant. All of these parts are discussed throughout the book, and this illustration is to help the reader understand where these parts are located as their functions and characteristics are discussed. With this diagram located at the front of the book, the reader is able to quickly refer to it when the need arises.



    The Small World Series

    The Lost Colony

    All living things have found unique ways of coexisting in the world in which they reside. Through defense mechanisms, hiding tactics, poisons and living quarters, each living thing has its own enemies, as well as threats and concerns to remember that may exist. The depiction in this biting adventure entwines ants with other living things, and shows what they do to protect them, build their homes and provide for their colonies.

    As you read this story, there are a few things to keep in mind. An ant will meet thousands of other ants throughout its life. You will witness just how many as you continue reading. Though it may seem difficult at times to keep up with the many ants, remember, that is the life of an ant. Knowing this beforehand, may help you keep up with the pace and changes that take place throughout the story.

    This is the first book of a fifty-two book series, and each book will have its own pace and its own plot, but they will all take place at the same time, and in the same area. Although all the stories are fiction, they will be based on many facts that allow the reader to understand the many processes different creatures are engaged in with each other.

    The last thing to keep in mind, are two important tools that are available that will assist the reader in understanding some of the terminology used throughout the chapters. At the beginning of the book, you will find a diagram of an ant that shows many body parts that are introduced and discussed throughout the story. Another useful resource is the glossary which is in the back of the book. Any word that may be new to most readers will be italicized, indicating it is listed in the glossary.

    Now that you understand the premise of what you are going to read, try to relax, clear your mind and let yourself slide into the story and become part of the excitement that is sure to take you to another world. There are fifty-two sides to every story; this is the ant’s side.


    Have you ever wondered what our souls do after we die? Maybe you’ve wondered what your soul would return as in the next life or what your soul has lived as in previous existences? Have you ever felt as if you have lived as something else? Maybe you’ve hoped that you would return as something specific? If you’ve wondered, felt or thought about any of those things, you’re not alone.

    Although there is much research to show how other living things function through life in eating, fighting, reproducing and coexisting with all other living things, no one can really be sure of what life is really like living as something else. Well, except for me.

    I am about to start a life of soul jumping. As I jump from soul to soul, I will embark on a new life surrounded by new family and friends. I will learn how to live as they do, speak their language, eat their food, fight their battles, and hear exciting stories from the experienced family members and friends. I will experience even more through others that I meet, fight, capture and even kill, while I build experience on each new adventure I embark on, and share them all with you.

    My perspectives will be shared as I encounter other living things. I will live life to the fullest in each life I am in, not knowing exactly when it will be that I will take flight into a new life, leaving the old one behind, but certainly not forgotten. While I learn tricks of the trade, levels of prey and enemies to hide from, there are also objectives, planted in my subconscious, which I must accomplish.



    Everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs whether religious or personal in nature, of how things are or were created, and what happens exactly after our final step on Earth. These thoughts and beliefs, which are sometimes personally derived, are typically passed along from one being to another. Who’s right and who’s wrong? Does it even matter? Will we ever know the truth; probably not. The depiction painted by this series of books only portrays the dealings of souls and is a simple allegory to help connect each book to another.

    Whether or not there is a higher power involved in our creation, life path and ultimate demise, makes no difference in this series of books. The higher power in this series is portrayed by Shaleen, and her powers only consist of dealing with souls. Her main goal is to assign individual life tasks to each soul as they pass through her for assignment. She has a staff that assists her with these dealings, each with their own job and responsibilities.

    Shaleen is easygoing and delightful to deal with, but no one dares to cross her, for she is powerful, knowledgeable and stern in her ways. She knows how to resolve every question, problem or situation that arises. Although she takes the time to seek advice from those around her, she makes the decisions on her own and once they’re made, they are final.

    She has countless decisions to make as the souls proceed through her departments. To assist her in making sure everyone does their job in a timely manner, she has Henry. Henry is the Number Two. He does his best to resolve all issues that arise, but those issues he cannot resolve, he addresses to Shaleen to deal with directly. He watches over everyone in all the departments, and is responsible for all actions that occur, or lack thereof.

    Henry is clever, witty, compassionate and loyal. He carries out every task that is passed down to him from Shaleen without question, and with the utmost belief that it is the only task to be carried out at that time. He doesn’t need to be told how to complete a task, which is what makes Henry special. He knows the best way to complete any given task assigned to him, no matter how difficult or complex it may be.

    There are also several others that work closely with Shaleen and Henry to ensure that each soul that passes through their departments are assigned, deployed or dealt with appropriately. These are broken down into several teams. They are Soul Catcher, Auto Souling, Direct Souling, Soul Holder, Special Souling, Soul Issues and Soul Dropper.

    Each time a living being dies, its soul is caught by the Soul Catcher. The Soul Catcher forwards the soul to a team for replacement assignment. The status of the soul will determine which team it will be forwarded to for the next action to take place. Some souls have a series of existences that they will automatically move on to, those souls are forwarded to the Auto Souling team. They arrive in a shape that they will move on to and the Auto Souling team assigns them to an upcoming existence that is beginning to develop into a new life. For example, when a living being passes along, whether a human, an insect, or an animal, if there is a series of existence for that soul, they will appear in the shape of that new existence and it may not necessarily be the same being as they were. A dog could become a human, a human could become a fish and so on and so forth.

    Some souls arrive in a form that needs to pass through Shaleen for direct soul assignment. There is a holding period until Shaleen is ready for each soul, as she can only assign one soul at a time. Souls are held by the Soul Holder until she is ready. Once the soul has been directly assigned, it then goes to the Direct Souling team to be assigned to an upcoming existence.

    There are other souls that are not recognizable by anyone except for Shaleen. These souls have special requirements and once the souls have received their special assignments, they are forwarded to the Special Souling team for further special care.

    After each soul is assigned to a specific existence, it is forwarded to the Soul Dropper. The Soul Dropper places the soul into the existence and once this task is complete, that existence begins its path of life.

    There are problems that arise from time to time. Some souls are assigned incorrectly, some are assigned to existences that no longer exist, some are not assigned at all and sometimes, there are existences that do not get a soul assigned. These problems are located and handled by the Soul Issues Commander.

    HJ is quicker than most, both witted and physical. He comprehends things at an alarming speed, and is productive at his job as the Soul Catcher. He knows who to contact and what to say or explain for every soul that comes his way.

    Auto, you have sixteen coming in, Direct, you have twelve, and Special, you have two coming in. HJ said. Oh wait, he said, seemingly distracted by something. Here comes another one, this one is different, not sure I have ever seen one like this. Dark-purple and unlike any shape I have ever seen. This will go directly to Shaleen.

    Roger that, the Special Souling Manager Jeff, replied to HJ. I’ll forward it directly to her.

    Jeff specializes in coordinating each special soul for its new assignment. Souls are considered special when they have a series of predetermined existences they will undertake. Jeff ensures smooth transitions and gives them special knowledge, along with special task assignments, in order for them to fulfill their soul goals as directed by Shaleen. Jeff was taught directly by Shaleen long ago, and his ability to maintain information and pass it along in a manner that is understandable by whoever is receiving it, makes him the perfect candidate for the Special Souling Manager.

    Meanwhile, the soul sailed through the dark skies, swiftly and quietly. It entered the holding area that was currently empty and moved through the chambers toward Shaleen. Those that were in the viewing area of it when it passed by, all gazed at it in awe, as none of them had ever seen anything quite like it. It was brighter, larger and more colorful than any soul that had ever passed through the chambers.

    Ah, yes, Shaleen said as it moved toward her, slowing down as it approached. I remember this soul. It came with a preconceived notion that it had to live the soul of a hundred and eleven different existences. It presented me a list as it checked in; stating the first existence it was to occupy was an ant. Some of the species on the list were unknown at the time, so I had to take some time to create the species. I granted it permission as long as it passed my test of living the existence of the first soul I assigned to it, over forty-three thousand years ago.

    What could you possibly have assigned a soul to that lived that long? Henry asked.

    "It was a Tasmanian Kings Holly tree. I thought it would go a few hundred years, but it got stuck in a cycle of cloning itself over and over again. Not sure how that happened, but it must have finally found a way to escape the cycle. I haven’t thought of this soul in a long time. For a while I thought maybe it had given up or got caught in a continual cycle that grew to an immeasurable size that would be impossible to escape."

    What now? Henry asked.

    I suppose it’s time to assign it to its next adventure. This soul has certainly seen a lot of life around it. It has seen so many changes and so many lives come and go around it. It’s time now for it to begin the journey I granted it permission to have, so long ago.

    Where are you going to start?

    I will start with the ant. Shaleen answered.

    Because it was first on the list? Henry asked.

    Actually, it was willing to be anything, even an ant. It’s hard to believe that ants existed, even that long ago. What would be more special than to grant the permission this soul had asked for, especially after completing such a demanding task as it has done. Shaleen raised her arms and said, "Soul, an ant you will be. You will live a life of adventure and exploration. You will have the strong ability of easily reading personalities and understanding how to interact with others. You will be strong, you will be courageous and you will listen well. You shall live this life of the ant and tell me about your adventures often. I want to hear about every encounter you have with other living things. When you hear stories, you shall pay attention and listen to the details so that you can then share those stories and although you may not have lived the adventures you hear about, you can add it to life lessons and experiences, knowing that anything is possible in life.

    "Through your travels you will find two important items. The first item is a melanite-epidote. This item is precious and extremely vital. When you come in possession of it, it will be extremely important that you keep it with you at all times.

    "The second item is called an ustauga. This device is used to store and transport the melanite-epidote, but more importantly, it will keep it safe and secure. Once you have the melanite-epidote inside the ustauga, do not take it out for any reason. To finish your journey, return to your birthplace with those two items, and your soul will be lifted for you to return for your next assignment."

    The purple soul throbbed bright purple, dark purple, bright purple, dark purple, over and over again. Shaleen put her arms down and spoke once more. Bobby, drop this soul to an ants existence.

    Will do, Shaleen, Bobby said.

    Bobby is a curious fellow. He is intrigued by the finer details of things and enjoyed breaking things down to the simplest form possible. His forte is fine precision, and his accuracy can not be matched by any other, therefore he enjoys working alone.

    The soul floated towards Bobby and entered a box. Bobby hit a few buttons, turned a few knobs and poof, the purple soul disappeared in the box. Bobby opened the box and picked up an ear dropper-like contraption. He reached into the box, sucked up a drop of what looked like water from the bottom, and then he opened a hatch on the floor. He peered down onto Earth, focused intently, and spotted the egg in which this soul was to be placed. He lowered the device and squeezed it gently. The drop slowly exited the device, making a perfect circle before dropping off of it, falling down through the hatch and through the darkness, towards Earth.

    It fell and fell and fell. It didn’t gain any speed and it didn’t lose any speed. It remained a perfect circle as it fell towards its destination. Slowly, it got closer and closer. Soon a continent was visible and then mountains and bodies of water could be seen. Closer and closer to its target the drop fell at the same speed. Soon an area near a river could be seen as the target, then a log could be seen and then a leaf.

    The drop landed on the leaf, rolled off the leaf and down onto the log. It then made its way through the valleys of the log until it found its way into a hole in the log. The drop then trickled through the hole into an open room underneath where several eggs were displayed. The drop hung from the ceiling, slowly losing its grip before finally falling and landing onto an egg. It didn’t splash or splatter. It landed on the egg and enclosed itself around the egg as it slowly absorbed directly into the egg until finally the drop was gone and completely inside. Life would now begin.

    Chapter 1 – The New Life


    I lay still in a slightly damp, cave-like den. There are others like me all around, but I cannot see, I cannot hear and I cannot smell. I feel somewhat paralyzed, but realize it is only because I do not have limbs of any kind. I feel as if my body is in an oval shape. Although I cannot mobilize myself as I would like, I continually move around in a rolling fashion, sometimes bumping into the others around me, and I feel them moving around the same way I am.

    I cannot recall anything before this moment, and although I am not sure where I am, I feel safe and that I am being cared for by those around me. Not knowing what might happen next, I continue to roll around back and forth trying to get used to this body that has taken shape around me. Suddenly, I somehow sense there is something coming, something among us and something is about to happen.

    Wow, what a sensation! I received some kind of liquid power intravenously, and I feel it running through my body providing me with instant energy. My body feels completely fortified! I quickly begin to feel strong, energized and content all at the same time. My movements are still limited and although I feel I have a lot more power and energy, I can only roll side to side and squirm somewhat. I also feel that as long as I continue to roll and squirm, my body will continue to grow bigger and stronger, and eventually my movements will not be so limited. I’ll need a lot more of those sensational feelings though, I am sure those power-ups will be the key to my success in growing and transforming into what I am meant to become. The movements have made me tired and I fade off to sleep.

    Some time has passed. I am continually receiving the liquid power, although I am still unsure how I am physically receiving them. I can tell that all of us are beginning to grow slowly and move around slightly more. Our bodies get increasingly stronger with each power-up we receive. I am certain that those guarding and taking care of us are exactly those that are providing the energy sources so that we can progressively grow stronger. I am sure there will be things I must do soon, and I feel I will have to figure out exactly what it is I am supposed to do on my own. I can only stay awake for a short time before I become exhausted. The exhaustion takes over and I begin to slip off into another interlude of sleep.

    After a short while longer, my body has definitely grown, but I feel that the exterior of my body is not growing with the interior. The exterior is getting tighter and tighter. I feel there may be something wrong with me and I don’t know how to fix it. Am I a misfit? I feel as though the exterior will soon split and I will either explode or release my innards and I will be left for dead. Each and every fluid energy surge I receive seems to push my body to new limits. I’m not sure how long I can continue to withstand the pressure that the inside of my body is putting on the outside of it. I fall asleep again, nervous about the outcome.

    I just received another energy surge. I believe it will be my last. I feel my exterior beginning to rip and tear. It will only be a matter of time before it lets go, and I am sure that time is coming soon. I feel the tears becoming bigger and bigger. My innards are pushing at the exterior from all angles. The exterior cannot hold it any longer. It’s letting go! It’s tearing everywhere! The pressure is alleviated as my insides begin to seep out of sections of my body. I cannot be saved! I was hoping that the others that were watching over us were going to come to my rescue. I must have been a reject, but why did they continue to provide me with the intravenous energy if I was such a reject?

    Moments later, a huge tear down the back of my body let go completely and all of my innards fell out the back. I am no longer enclosed within the exterior of my body. It is as though my exterior has been discarded like a shell and I am still alive and I am bigger than I thought I would be. I am almost double what my old enclosure was holding. As I shed, my body ballooned as soon as I was released. I am now able to move around slightly more than I could before. I can almost roll over completely. I am sure it won’t be long before I can do that. As I roll and squirm around the room, I feel other exterior shells lying around on the ground. We are all growing together and thankfully there is nothing wrong with me! It was an exhausting activity, more sleep is needed.

    More time has gone by and we get more and more energy surges the bigger we get. It seems the area we are in is getting crowded as we all grow in size. There is not as much room to move around in without rubbing and bumping into all of the others in the room. We have all grown so much that I am constantly touching at least two or three others at any given time. Soon we will all be so squished together that some will be under others. I am hoping something happens soon.

    I sense another energy surge is coming, it’s near, but something is different about it. There seems to be more of the protectors present, a large group of them. They are upon us and there is different movement going on all around us.

    Whoa! A huge surge! Wow, I have never experienced such a powerful one! Something is happening; I am being moved by someone or something. We all are; where are we going?

    We have left the cave-like room that we had been in all this time. We are traveling in some kind of tunnel. A few times I sensed bright streams of light and then they vanished as we continued to travel. I believe we are being carried by those that protect us. Soon we arrived at our new destination. It seems with our growth we have moved on to a larger area to better accommodate us. We are soon put down and left once again, in a similar cave-like den, which has much more room to move. We rest, as the move has expended a lot of energy from us all, and sleep is upon us once again.

    Not much time has gone by before I began to experience the pressure feeling again. I believe I am about to go through the shedding process for the second time. The pressure has constantly built up, but at least I am aware of what is going to happen next. In fact, as soon as I feel it beginning to tear, I might just try to push and squirm extra hard to speed up the process. It will be good to get out of this old casing and continue to grow with my new body.

    Within a short period of time, the ripping and tearing began to take place. I rolled and squirmed about more than usual, as I also felt the others around me doing the same. The squirming seemed to help a bit more than the rolling, so I squirmed more than I rolled. Soon I felt the familiar tear on the backside of my body, and I began to fall out of the back once again. Not too much later, I was completely out of that exterior, and my body once again almost doubled in size. It hasn’t taken any kind of different shape, just bigger. So with this second shedding process, I am beginning to wonder how many times I am going to go through this process before I finally become what I am supposed to be. I wondered if there would ever come a time that I would change my form and gain more mobility.

    Some more time has passed. The surges were coming constantly, while the deliveries were made more often. We are growing rapidly, and we are all moving around more than we had been able to before. The next shedding will take place soon. I feel I am outgrowing my current enclosure quickly. Whatever is to take place with me, and the life I am to live, I feel it will take place soon. My growth has given me new energy, courage and determination. I believe that after I shed the next time, my shape will take on a new identity. I can’t wait to experience my new being and explore new adventures in my new body. I am ready for anything!

    Not too much more time has gone by, and I must be right about my transformation. Either that or we are preparing to move again, as we just received another large energy surge. I feel the tearing beginning, and it won’t be very long before this casing is off and carried away and my new life is upon me. I can squirm so much I am using my surroundings to help shed this old lining.

    Soon, the tear down my backside has taken place and I am free. Nothing seems different, except for my size. This can’t be! I am quite large now, we all are. Why have I not changed? Is this the shape I will always remain? How much bigger will I get? I feel frustrated having not escaped in a new form. There must be a reason I am alive, I must have a purpose.

    Before too long, I start feeling cold for some reason, somewhat chilled. I feel the need to get warm. I roll and squirm until I bump into a hard surface. I squirmed my way into the smallest area that I could, and then I began to do something I didn’t know I could do. This is sensational! I am creating warmth!

    My body seems to be excreting some kind of material that I am able use to bury my body. Have I always had this ability? Could I have done this earlier? Are there others that have done this already? I continually create this material and bury my body within it as much as I possibly can. I receive a final energy surge before I am completely buried within the material. Once I have made as much as I possibly could and I am completely engulfed within it, I fade off into a deep, deep sleep.

    I have woken up several times lately, only for a brief time, before fading out again. I’m not sure how long I have been sleeping, but it feels as though it has been a long time. I haven’t received any of the liquid energy surges since I have wrapped myself in this cocoon. I am growing differently; I feel a real transformation coming on this time. My body is taking on a new shape and is growing slowly. I do not have the energy to move around or even squirm. I just lay here and let my body grow. I feel eventually I will grow to the size where I have the strength to leave this cocoon and join the others that I sense are near me. I must sleep more, I need my rest.

    It’s almost time. My body has developed some interesting features. Although it is mostly dark in this cocoon, the fact that I know it is dark only means, I have eyes! I not only sense movement outside my cocoon, but I can also feel movement. I have grown several limbs and body parts, and I have started to move them slightly, although, each time I do move them, even the smallest movement, I get extremely exhausted, and fade off to sleep again. I also feel a feature on my head that I eat from, reminding me exactly what those surges were, but not knowing exactly how I was receiving them, only glad that I was.

    I am ready for the outside world! It is time I begin working my way out of this cocoon. I have made several weak attempts of trying to break through, but I now know I have the strength to tear through it and find out what lies in store for me in this world. I begin picking at the cocoon, and soon I have made a hole near my head and started working myself through the hole. Some of my body parts are bigger than others; therefore those bigger parts are harder to push through the hole.

    I take small breaks constantly, as I still lack adequate strength to expend any kind of serious energy. With my head out of the cocoon, I see some of the others have already broken out and have left the area. Others remain working their way out in the same manner I am, while others still haven’t begun their breakout process. We are all weak but determined, and soon we will be able to build up energy on our own, once we are free of our cocoon.

    I have squirmed, pushed, pulled and worked my way out of the cocoon. I am so close to being out. The main part of my lower body, which is the biggest part, is almost out. Once I have this through, I will be completely free. I’m almost there, just a bit more. I’m pulling with my front, pushing with my rear, working at it with all my might. I can feel it squeezing through and then finally, THWOP! I’m out! I am completely and utterly exhausted.

    I took just a moment to work through my exhaustion and get a feel for my body. I have several legs on which to walk, so I will have adequate mobility for whatever I need to accomplish. There are a few others that have also just broken free and it appears we are going to venture out together to see what exactly is in store for us.


    Chapter 2 – In-processing


    Ok, hold it right here. It appears there are going to be about seven of you. Let’s wait for the others before heading to in-processing, an ant said, standing near the entrance of the room we were in.

    I stopped at the orders of this older and seemingly wiser ant, clenching in one of his front tarsal claws, what appeared to be a piece of bark. There was another ant with me that also broke free of its cocoon and looking back, there were two more out, looking as exhausted as I was when I first came out, and there were three more that were almost out. There were also a few with just their heads poking out, which meant it will be a while before they were going to be free.

    When do we get to eat? the ant next to me asked.

    You’ll eat when you are done in-processing, replied the guard with the bark clenched in his claw.

    Ok, geesh, the other ant said back, peering out into the path outside of the room.

    There was a lot of movement going on outside of our room. There were ants constantly going by in both directions, some carrying things in their mandibles or claws, while others had nothing. I tried to catch glimpses of what some of them had, but they were moving much too quickly for me to clearly see what any of them had.

    The other two ants were finished resting and came up next to us. The guard held up a claw to let them know to stop and wait. They did as they were told, looking as if they were still slightly exhausted.

    Two of the other three were just about out. The last one was resting as it started to force its large postpetiole out of the cocoon. It appeared it would still be a while before we were all going to be ready to go. Just then another ant came into the room from the outside and walked up to the guard.

    Randy, how many more do you have and how much longer before you bring them down? the ant asked.

    We’re going to have seven. We are waiting on three more, and it looks as though it will be just a bit longer. Tell Ruth I’ll be there as soon as they are ready.

    Ok, will do, she is just finishing up with the last bunch. See you in a bit. Off that ant went as quickly as it came.

    Before too long, two of the other three ants had joined us. We were just waiting for the last one, which seemed to be having problems, as it was taking a much longer time than any of us had taken.

    The guard stopped an ant that was going by our room. Andy! he yelled.

    The ant stopped and came into the room. Yes Randy? the ant said. Andy was smaller than Randy, and although he appeared to be less experienced, he seemed intelligent at the same time.

    Please get Gary and get him down here to help that last one over there get out. I need to run these six down to Ruth to get them in-processed. Once you get him out, bring him down to in-processing, ok?

    Ok, I got it, Andy said, as he took off out of the room.

    The rest of you, follow me, Randy told us. He walked out into the path and I followed directly behind him, while the other five followed behind me. We took a right out of the room and it was the first real look we had of our new home. The path was more like a tunnel dug out of dirt, with roots showing in some places. At first, it seemed as though there was only one tunnel, but before long we came to an intersection that showed us that the tunnel went in four different directions. We went to the left, and then took a right into a large room. There were five ants around the room, each set up behind a mound of dirt. They seemed to each have a particular piece of information to cover with each ant being in-processed.

    Randy turned around and faced us. He pointed to his right and gave us some more orders, All right, you’ll start here with Angela and when she finishes with you, you’ll move to Chris, then to Nate, then to Lance and you’ll finish with Ruth over here, he said pointing to his left at the eldest ant in the room with piles of bark all around her. You’ll receive your next set of instructions from Ruth, and then you will be on your way. Welcome home. Good job coming this far. Good luck, take care and I am sure I will see you all from time to time. He then turned to Ruth and gave her some pieces of bark he had been holding. Here is their info. There is one more coming and this is his info. He’ll be down as soon as Gary can help him out.

    Thank you, Randy.

    You’re welcome, Ruth; see you again shortly with the next batch. Randy left the room and we followed his instructions by heading to Angela at the first mound.

    As we stood by Angela’s mound, Ruth came over with the information that Randy had given to her. She brought them all over to Angela and said, The one on top is the seventh one that is not here yet. She looked at all of us as she made her way back to her mound.

    Angela’s smile and gliding movements made her appear quite elegant. She seemed friendly, sophisticated and confident. She came across as the kind of ant that thought things out before leaping to judgment, and always tried to find the positive in all situations.

    "Hello, my name is Angela. Please, all of you come over here and get in close so you can hear. I am going to give you all a quick orientation so you can be aware of what is in store for you for today and what you can expect in the future. After I am done explaining everything, you will proceed to Chris who will assign you a name. Once you have a name, you will move to Nate who will give you information for classes and training you will need to attend, where you’ll learn more about a specific area or task. After Nate, you will see Lance who will let you know where your temporary sleeping quarters are. You will then finish with Ruth who will tell you what your job will be and where you are to report next.

    "Let me first explain that you are in-processing into your new colony. You have spent the last full moon and a half growing into what you are now, which is an ant. Every ant here has a job and once assigned to a job, it is yours permanently throughout your life; although it may be altered in several ways as you learn and grow more experienced throughout your lives.

    If you have questions at any time, you can always ask anyone around, and if they can’t answer your question, they will be able to refer you to someone that can. If you can’t find anyone to answer your question, we are always here, so you may return at any time. Does anyone have any questions right now?

    We all looked around at each other, but no one spoke. There was a short silence while Angela gave us all an opportunity to speak up.

    Ok then, please proceed over to Chris and he will get a name assigned to each of you. Take your time, listen carefully and ensure you understand everything completely before moving along to the next in-processing step. They are all yours, Chris, she said giving him all the information except for the one on the top.

    We all moved as a group over to Chris to get our names. Chris was smiling and giggling before we even got there. He seemed like a fun character. Although he was a young ant, he seemed to hold a position of importance within the colony. I couldn’t help but think what name he would come up with for me. I was hoping he’d pick out interesting names for all us; I couldn’t wait to hear what my name was going to be! How cool, my own name!

    Ok I need all ants to please come over here. Let’s see what we have here. You, Chris said, pointing to someone behind me to the left. Step up front. Right up here.

    The group made a path for the ant Chris had pointed to, so that it could make its way to the front. As soon as it made its way to Chris’s mound, Chris looked up and down his entire body. He scratched something on the piece of bark, and then looked back up at him. Your name is Eric. Please take this information and bring it to Nate. Have a good day. Eric grabbed the piece of bark from Chris and moved away towards Nate without saying a word.

    Next is you, Chris said pointing to an ant just to my left. That ant proceeded up to Chris’s mound and awaited its name.

    Your name is… Chris paused as he looked this ant up and down, um, your name is Kelley. He scratched on the bark and held it out to her. Please take this information and bring it to Nate. Have a good day.

    Your name is Mark, he said looking right at me with no hesitation. He quickly scratched on the bark and held it out for me to take. Here’s your information, please bring it to Nate. Have a good day.

    I made my way over to Nate’s mound, and stood behind Kelley, as Nate was still working with Eric. I continued listening to Chris to find out what the names of the other ants were. I learned that one was Tim, one was Jason and another was Chris. Soon we were all standing in the same, line except for Eric, who had moved along to Lance to find out where he was going to be sleeping.

    Next. Next please.

    Oh, sorry, I said, stepping up to Nate’s mound.

    Info, please, he said to me. I gave him the piece of bark that had my information on it.

    Hello, Mark. My name is Nate, how are you today?

    I’m fine thank you, I replied.

    Nate seemed like a funny ant. Not only did he make ants laugh, but he was also a little funny looking. Along with his quick-witted mind, he also came across as highly intelligent. He moved quickly, and spoke in a clear and fast manner.

    "Mark, you have been selected for a number of tasks. You will be doing a combination of tending to eggs, looking after the Queen, feeding the larvae and building the nest. As soon as your skills grow you will no longer attend to the eggs or larvae, you will continue to build and strengthen the nest and will someday begin to forage, after you have completed the necessary courses. All ants always look after the Queen, although there won’t always be things for you to do, only when you’re directed. Please do not leave the nest until you have completed the necessary courses. You will know, upon completion of various courses, when it is safe to leave the nest. Do you have any questions of what your jobs are or anything I just covered?"

    No, I think I understand everything.

    Ok then, please proceed over to Lance who will help you find a place to sleep, Nate said, returning the piece of bark to me.

    I took the bark and replied, Thank you, Nate.

    I then proceeded over to Lance’s mound. Eric and Kelley had already moved on to Ruth, so I was able to go right up to Lance’s mound. I walked up to him and gave him my information.

    Hi, Lance said with a pipe-like device in his mouth. How are you today? he asked, as he began reviewing the information on the bark.

    Lance was an older ant that seemed somewhat old fashioned, a kind of ant that used tried and true methods of accomplishing everything that he sets out to do. Although he seemed quiet and talked slowly, once he got started and had something to say, it seemed as though he could ramble on for quite some time. It was apparent that his usual methods of talking were to keep things short, sweet and to the point, but he also had the ability to use his detail-oriented mind to keep his conversation rolling.

    I’m doing all right. How are you, Lance? I replied.

    "I’m doing ok, let’s see, you are going to be sleeping in the Queen’s quarters for now. I see you will be sharing in the duties of watching over the queen in addition to tending to the eggs, larvae and nest building. This assignment will continue until another assignment is issued. The timing is unknown as it depends solely on the priorities and importance of all the tasks to be assigned. A particular task you will be assigned sometime in the future will be nest-building. That task will be an important one, as it will include building new sleeping quarters. Our current sleeping quarters are getting full, so they have decided to expand again, this time to a new part of the nest. I’m not really sure where it is going to be yet because I’m not a digger. So, until you build new sleeping quarters, you will remain with the queen and learn unless you receive other specific sleeping assignments. The Queen’s sleeping quarters are out this room, to the left, left again at the intersection and then the first room on the right. Across the hall from her quarters are the rest of the sleeping quarters. Do you have any questions, ummm, Mark?"

    Left, left, right. I got it, thank you Lance.

    Ok, here is your info, bring this to Ruth and she’ll wrap up the process for you.

    I grabbed the piece of bark and moved along over to Ruth’s mound. She was still working with Eric; this must be a lengthy process if she was still with him. The six of us were now spread out along Nate, Lance and Ruth. So far, the process had gone quickly and smoothly. I was about to look at the information that was on the piece of bark to see what it said when suddenly, Randy entered the room again. He was with another ant, it must have been the ant that was having trouble getting out of its cocoon.

    Ok, here is the seventh one. We’ll have another nine shortly. See you then. He dropped him off directly at Angela’s mound. Something seemed much different about that ant. It looked the same, just something different, but I couldn’t put my claw on it.

    Eric had finally finished with Ruth and exited the room on his own. I was wondering if I would be seeing him soon. Kelley was now working with Ruth, and as I waited, I decided now, to attempt to read the piece of bark again. Just as I started reading, there was yet another commotion behind me. The seventh ant that had showed up was lying on the ground, his body going through some type of reaction. Angela was trying to talk to him and get him under control, but nothing that she tried seemed to work.

    Daniels! Chris said pointing at the ant lying on the ground convulsing. His name is Daniels! Chris walked back over to his mound and sat down, waiting for more ants that needed names.

    Suddenly, two ants came rushing into the room. They picked Daniels up and carried him out of the room swiftly. I hoped they were taking him to some kind of medical facility. It looked as if he needed some serious help.

    Mark? Hello, Mark? Someone was calling my name; I looked around and noticed it was Ruth.

    Sorry, I was distracted, I said stepping up to her mound.

    Your info, please, Ruth said with her claw extended toward me.

    I gave the piece of bark to her as requested. She read through it thoroughly. She sat behind her mound, quiet and content. As she reviewed my information, she seemed relaxed and focused. Although she appeared to be quiet, it was evident that she also had the ability to get her point across tactfully when needed. When she spoke, she spoke tenderly, but was easily heard. Although she appeared timid, I could tell she was strong and clever.

    When you leave this room, the first thing you will do is get something to eat. The eating room is out to the left, straight through the intersection, first room on the right. You will need to eat before you do anything. There will be plenty of food inside that room, just please do not get in the way of any other ants coming and going. Get what you need to eat and move on as quickly as you can, ok?

    Ok, I said, but, what- I didn’t have time to finish my sentence before Ruth began talking again.

    I will tell you everything you will need to know before you leave, Ruth said, interrupting me. After you eat, you will go rest. Do you remember where your sleeping quarters are? she asked me.

    Yes, I remember, I replied.

    Good. Go there after you eat. You will need plenty of sleep. While you are sleeping you may be awoken by the Queen or the Queen’s guards to perform some type of task. Do not ask questions, just perform the task. One of your main jobs, especially right now through tomorrow, is to protect the Queen. Do as she and the guards say. Do you understand?

    Yes, completely, I replied.

    Excellent, Ruth said back to me. "Tomorrow morning you will once again be awoken. You will be escorted to eat and then off for training. You will go through courses that explain how to care for the eggs, how to care for and feed the larvae and how to properly care for the Queen. Once you have completed all those courses, and have been caring for the eggs, larvae and Queen for a while, you will then be chosen to join a course in nest building. That course will explain the rules and tasks surrounding how to build and fortify the nest. After a while of nest building, you will go through your final course in foraging. That is where you will learn how to go out and bring back food and building materials for the nest. You will first leave with a mentor and then soon you will be on your own. At any time your assignments could change, but what I have just explained to you is what you are currently assigned. Do you understand your upcoming training and job tasks as I have explained them to you?"

    I am pretty sure I got it all, I said to Ruth.

    Great. Until further notice you will be escorted everywhere until you understand the lay of the land. Then you will be expected to show up on time for everything you are responsible for doing. Failure to arrive on time could result in a downgrade of your job, elimination from our colony, or death to us all. Please do not let us down.

    I will not let anyone down, Ruth.

    Glad to hear it, she said studying the piece of bark once again. Now, go eat, get your rest and tomorrow you will begin your new adventure. Do you have any questions?

    None. Thank you, Ruth, I said.

    Off you go. She looked behind me and asked out loud, Next?

    I stepped out of the way, heading for the door, and Tim stepped up behind me taking my place at Ruth’s mound. I went left out of the door and when I came to the intersection, it was clogged with a quick and swift moving flow of ants, going in all directions. I kept stepping out to make my way across the intersection, each time finding myself stepping back before I got run over by passing ants. Finally I was able to scurry across when there was a break in the traffic. I scurried along to the first room on the right to get something to eat. Ants were coming and going out of that room as fast as I could see. I paused, waiting for a break to get in, but was pushed by an ant behind me. I kept all six of my little legs moving as fast as I could before I was finally in the room and out of the way. Inside was a pile of food I couldn’t even fathom. Most ants coming in were dropping off more and more. There were a few that were eating, but mostly the pile just grew and grew.

    I found an area to move to that was the least crowded and started eating. I peered over to the right and Eric was just finishing and getting ready to leave, looking as confused as I was. While I ate, ants continually came and went, dropping off food. Some of the food was dropped on me, bouncing into the high pile, while other pieces were thrown onto the pile and rolled down and hit me. There was certainly an abundance of food, I was ever so grateful.

    I ate and ate until I couldn’t eat anymore. When I was full, I turned around to leave and when I did, I saw Tim entering. I motioned my head over to where I had just eaten, showing him where to go to eat peacefully, and I headed out the door, letting the flow of ants take me out into the tunnel. I then forced my way to the left, as ants were going in different directions. When I got back to the intersection I went right, then entered the first room on the right which was supposed to be the Queen’s quarters.

    I entered the room. It was dark and quiet, but invitingly warm. There didn’t seem to be a lot of other ants inside, but there were some. I found a nice spot to curl up in, and let the feeling of tiredness overcome me, as I faded off to sleep.

    Soon after I fell asleep I felt a rush of ants come into the Queen’s quarters. It was the Queen along with several hundred other ants following her every movement. She crawled to the back of the quarters and nestled herself into a comfortable spot to lie down and rest. All the other ants followed cue and nestled up close to her. She was much larger than all the other ants. I was very impressed. No wonder all the ants do what she says without questioning her. As all the ants quieted down, I fell back to sleep.

    It wasn’t much longer before the Queen was moving again. I felt a poke and heard, We’re moving, let’s go.

    I got up and followed along with the rest of the crowd. We scurried down the tunnel making a few turns. It was so dark and there were so many other ants I really couldn’t tell where we were or where we were going. I just went along with the current, barely able to keep my legs moving fast enough. Finally we came to a room that was small and empty, but very clean. The Queen laid down in the back part of the room and several other ants stood guard closely to her.

    On another side of the room was an older and much larger ant that was lying amongst eggs. I couldn’t quite tell if she was sleeping or dead. Her motionless body surrounded several eggs and no one paid any real attention to her.

    Within a short time, the Queen began laying eggs. There were so many! As they were being laid, other ants were collecting them and storing them along the sides of the room, away from the Queen. I was not told to do anything, I believe I was brought there just to watch. More and more eggs appeared, and each one of them were being carried off by all the ants in the room. A group of us stood and watched the events unfolding before our eyes.

    After all the eggs were laid, the Queen began getting up, peering around, admiring her eggs before heading for the exit of the room. Several ants stayed behind, the rest of us were rushed along with the Queen back to her quarters. Before long, we were all getting comfortable again in the nice warm confines of her quarters. Although it was comfortable in this room, I couldn’t wait to get woken up and begin training for my new life in the morning.

    Chapter 3 – Training


    I felt a poke and heard, Come with me.

    I jumped up and saw a few ants that had come into the Queen’s quarters starting to wake up several of us. We followed the intruders and they took us to the room where the food was. There was not a lot of movement going on within the nest, but there were still some ants here and there. We began eating immediately, while the ants that woke us up waited for us near the entrance. We all ate as much, and as quickly as we could, and although we were not being rushed, I felt as though we were in some sort of a hurry.

    As soon as all of us had our fill, the other ants escorted us to another room just past the in-processing room. Please go in, this is your classroom for today, one of the ants said. Your instructor will be in shortly.

    We all entered the room and walked around, checking it out. The room had several small mounds and one large mound at the head of the room. I looked around and noticed Kelley, Eric, Chris, Tim and another Chris, amongst several other ants, totaling about twenty of us. It was good to see familiar faces, although I was not really sure if any of them were in the Queen’s quarters.

    We all wandered around and chatted with each other while we waited for the instructor to arrive. I chatted with just about every ant, or at least listened to them, trying to get to know who they all were, or finding out something about them. I found that it was extremely easy to quickly determine the characters of the ants I

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