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Designed for Destiny: Destiny Awaits You
Designed for Destiny: Destiny Awaits You
Designed for Destiny: Destiny Awaits You
Ebook75 pages33 minutes

Designed for Destiny: Destiny Awaits You

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About this ebook

This book has been designed to walk you through all the phases of your destiny. It will give you the vitally necessary tools in life to complete your destiny. It will give you inspiration, revelation, and determination pertaining to the destiny God has for you. It will impact the spirit and transform the mind, and thrust you into the plan, position and promises of God. Destiny awaits you!
Release dateJan 20, 2012
Designed for Destiny: Destiny Awaits You

Prophetess Claudette Holliday

Prophetess Dr. Claudette Holliday is the founder/prophetic pastor of Destiny Faith Christian Center of Clinton, Louisiana, with a heavenly mandate and kingdom mission to impact the lives of the believers as well as the unbelievers with revelatory biblical principles and precepts for tapping into their undiscovered destinies. Her greatest ambition is to inspire the masses and inform them that God has designed them on purpose to accomplish destiny. Prophetess Holliday is known for her electrifying preaching, inspirational teaching, and precise prophetic voice that has transformed the lives of many. She has been summoned by the grace of the Holy Spirit to be a conduit to enlighten, empower, and equip the believer for destiny. This book has been designed to do the following: • Walk you through all the phases of your destiny • Give the vitally necessary tools in life to complete your destiny • Provide inspiration, revelation and determination pertaining to the destiny God has prepared for you • Impact the spirit, transform the mind, and thrust you into the plan, position, and promises of God You have been designed for destiny!

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    Book preview

    Designed for Destiny - Prophetess Claudette Holliday

    © 2012 by Prophetess Claudette Holliday. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/29/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-4111-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-4110-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012900211

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    Scripture quotations taken from Holy Bible King James Version, copyright ©1990 by Thomas Nelson Inc.




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Closing Prayer

    About the Author

    To my church family, Destiny Faith Christian Center of Clinton, Louisiana, where I am the prophetess and the founder. I dedicate this book to my spiritual babes, for they have embraced the many obstacles that we have encountered transitioning into our destiny as a church family. They have sacrificed their prayers, love, and support to me as a woman of God, and their continual success and growth greatly depends upon their ability to achieve their destinies. My desire is that this book will help them step over any and every obstacle that has been set as a trap to forfeit their destinies—that they can be fortified to push past procrastination, problems, and persecutions to position themselves in the promise, comprehending that destiny awaits them.


    This book was birthed from my personal experiences, failures, and mistakes that have readjusted my life and placed me on the road to fulfilling my destiny. This book is a reality of my life, not just to exist but to live life to the fullest. It is a constant reminder that as I am consistent in the plan of God, I will fulfill life’s purpose with my destiny. I will then be entitled to walk in God’s provision, promotion, protection, and the promises that God has provided for those who embrace their destinies. This book will awaken the responsibility of the believer to fulfill His destiny.


    Everybody has a destiny. God created everyone with a plan and a purpose in mind. When we fulfill our destinies, we are fulfilling the plan that God orchestrated for our lives. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill and to destroy, I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it abundantly. (John 10:10) However, we must play our part to enter into the place of our destinies. This book is designed to assist as a blueprint on how to embrace the different seasons as one moves into the promises of God. It would be catastrophic to an individual to live a life without enjoying the benefits that have been intended for fulfilling one’s life purpose. So many find joy in having big houses, nice cars, and numerous businesses. While I believe having all that is fine, those things are not a substitute for your assignment on Earth. When we fulfill our destinies, all these things will be added to us. We must not allow anything or anyone to detour us from destiny.

    When we think of the promises of God, we must comprehend that these promises are contingent upon our responsibility of walking the path that God has chosen for us. If we are going to experience the benefits of God, it’s imperative that we

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