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Opposition Gives You an Opportunity
Opposition Gives You an Opportunity
Opposition Gives You an Opportunity
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Opposition Gives You an Opportunity

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This book is based on scriptures from Nehemiah, a Jewish servant of a Persian king and an effective leader who organized and guided the rebuilding of the city walls around Jerusalem. While on this special assignment, he faced great opposition. In spite of harassment, he along with others persevered and finished the work. When faced with opposition, allow it to bring us to a place of unity as well as strength.
Release dateApr 19, 2012
Opposition Gives You an Opportunity

Bobbie Williams

Bobbie (B. J.) Williams is the founder and pastor of Temple of Inspirational Truths Inc. Ministry founded in 1994. She entered full-time ministry as pastor in 1997. She has preached and taught the gospel of Jesus Christ for over thirty years. Her assignment is to raise up leaders to fulfill the will of God and carry out the vision that has been set in their heart for the betterment of life. She resides in Colfax, North Carolina.

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    Opposition Gives You an Opportunity - Bobbie Williams




    Bobbie Williams

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    © Copyright 2012 Bobbie Williams.

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    isbn: 978-1-4669-1680-7 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012903179

    Trafford rev. 04/12/2012

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Thank you God, for allowing me to write my first book.

    To encourage those that are doing a great work and it appears nothing is happening. It may seem like nothing is happening but you’ve got to know that God is working on your behalf. You should have no doubt about your assignment.

    God allowed me to write this book to encourage myself. He has done and is doing what He promised in my personal life. Just as I heard every prophetic word about ministry, I keep working and praying for God to send people with a mind work. I must continue to believe in my heart that I’m doing a great work. Regardless of oppositions of all types, if anybody is going to quit, let the devil quit!

    Oppositions have given me opportunities that God’s glory has been revealed in my life. Because I have not given up, because I have not quit, because I have not thrown in the towel, I have given my eyes a chance to see His promises fulfilled in my life. I must continue to see the fulfillment of ministry as well. It’s not always easy but I do know it is well worth it. Be encouraged!

    To God be the glory! Praise and honor for what He has done in the past, for what He’s doing right now and for what He’s going to do!


    1.   the act of opposing.

    2.   an opposed condition; resistance, contradiction, contrast, hostility, etc.

    Opportunity knocks: The door of opportunity is open, a phrase that has been coined and is generally used for one to make some type of investment or decision when conditions are favorable. It is seldom viewed when conditions are less favorable to view opposition as an opportunity. We want our desires, ambitions and goals given to us on a silver platter. No strains, no struggles, no stress, no mess, and especially no work on our part. When the door of opportunity is open, we want to merely just walk in. Some are fortunate to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. In Christ we were all born the same: born-again. Once sinners, now saved, it qualifies us to desire and obtain the things of God through consistency and perseverance. The oppositions we face can enrich us in ways we can never imagine. Paul, a sinner was on the road of destruction to destroy. He is now born again, preaching and striving for the very thing he once kicked against.

    Apostle Paul comes to mind, when the winds of opposition blew the ship apart (Acts chapters 27 & 28 KJV). In the midst of the destruction Paul was able to make it on broken pieces. The same pieces that were once bonded together that contained him as a prisoner, were the same pieces once broken by the storm that supported him as the tide brought him current—his current opportunity. The opportunity to witness! The opportunity to heal! The Bible clearly lets us know that afflictions with come. Many are the afflictions (stresses, hurt, wounds, strife, discouragement, grief, burdens, of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Psalms 34:19 (KJV).

    When God is with us and is the controlling factor on the ship of life we too can make it on broken pieces. God keeps us together when the storms of life carry us through rough seasons. If the devil had known, he would’ve left you alone! But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive (Gen 50:20 KJV). Your oppositions give you the opportunity to share your faith with others. Not only to share your faith but to be positive about what you know. Many are waiting for opportunities to witness to others. Believe it or not, the oppositions you have faced in life have already given you an opportunity to become a witness of God’s glory. If you have been opposed with sickness and God has healed you, that’s your opportunity. If you have been opposed with unemployment and God has made a way for you, that’s your opportunity. If you’ve been opposed with any type of addiction and now you’re clean, that’s your opportunity. If you’ve been opposed with brokenness and divorce, and God has healed you and re-established your joy, that’s your opportunity. Many people feel like they’re alone, but they’re not. You’ve gone through it. You have the authority because you’ve experienced it. Tell your story and you’ll see that opposition has a way of uniting people. Someone will be able to identify with you in a situation they’re facing. Opportunity is knocking at your door. Do you hear it? How will you answer it?

    Many flee opposition to only end up in a worser state. You’ve got to learn to stay on board. Paul faced the opposition, he had heard from God, except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved (Acts 27:31). There was a storm in my life. My life as I knew it is

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