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The Great Spirit Says: A Rainbow Warrior's Journey
The Great Spirit Says: A Rainbow Warrior's Journey
The Great Spirit Says: A Rainbow Warrior's Journey
Ebook123 pages1 hour

The Great Spirit Says: A Rainbow Warrior's Journey

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The Great Spirit Says: A Rainbow Warriors Journey is a spiritual and detailed account of a personal shamanic journey to the universal mind. Drawing upon her life-changing out-of-body experience, author Jeanette Sacco-Belli shares how, through connecting to the eternal spiritual realm, we become free from the fear of death and the unknown, and can experience an elevated state of pure ecstasy and joy. She conveys how the power of the mind, when unconfined by time or space, has the ability to connect to the voice of unity. This oneness contains the ancient knowledge of our existence. When we allow the silence of nature and its wisdom to heal us, we become connected to our highest self, elevating personal growth and human evolution.

Separateness is only an illusion. When we hear from our inner ears and see with our inner eyes we are then awake, and know that there is only one universal voice, one God, one mind, one spirit.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 2, 2011
The Great Spirit Says: A Rainbow Warrior's Journey

Jeanette Sacco-Belli

Jeanette Sacco-Belli is a San Francisco Bay Area professor of music, vocalist, and artist; she has spent over thirty years sharing with others those things in life she says “feed the soul.” She is a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, the Music Teachers Association, and the Women’s Caucus for Art. She has given lectures and performances at a variety of colleges, universities, and conservatories.   After studying multitudes of religions and scientific theories, she eventually came across the simplicity and beauty of Native American spirituality. While further devoting herself intensively to self-inquiry and the study of shamanism, she was stunned by an out-of-body experience that was so beautiful and powerful she was driven from within to document it so she could share its ancient, freeing, and unifying message to all.   For more information or to contact Jeanette, please visit her website at    

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    The Great Spirit Says - Jeanette Sacco-Belli

    Copyright © 2012 Jeanette Sacco-Belli

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-4129-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5138-8 (ebook)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011918985

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/30/2011





    Note to Readers


    The Great Spirit Says

    A Rainbow Warrior’s Journey

    Background and Final Thoughts

    Words to Ponder

    Hopi Prayer

    A Cree Legend


    Index of Paintings

    About the Author


    Upon first meeting Jeanette Sacco-Belli almost twelve years ago, I was struck by her beauty, the warmth of her eyes and her mysterious demeanor. Her dark chestnut hair flowed by beautiful turquoise earrings as earthy as her personality. Past my initial awe I found a caring, patient teacher with the spirit and aura of a curious child. It is with this spirit that Jeanette has been able to touch so many lives through her performance, teaching and fine art. This wonderful work in which she shares so personally with us her experience with Native American spirituality and transformation is no different. She captures in all her work the love and affection of an old soul soaring through the Universe with the goal of being one with nature and with all of mankind. The journey that Jeanette lays out for all of us is another labor of love in which she shares with us her journey not for herself, but so that we may experience a little bit of what it means to live as One. Jeanette has personally touched my life as my vocal teacher and friend and I am proud to introduce this book so that she may spread her love to many more.

    With love and affection,

    Lauren Brollier


    This book could not have been completed if it were not for some very special people in my life and an amazing synchronization of events. Every time I seemed to come to a difficult pass someone from my life stepped in and helped me in one way or another.

    I must first acknowledge all the authors in my bibliography. Their writings continued to move me forward in the direction I was seeking. The author Kenneth Meadow, who wrote the Earth Quest series, had the greatest effect on me. Reading over my journey once I had put it down on paper, I recognized his teachings and the wisdom of his mentors interspersed within it. After so many years of studying different religions and philosophies, it was not until I studied Kenneth Meadow’s The Study of Shamantics that I finally felt like I was home.

    My lifelong dream was to meet and spend some time with a real American Indian Shaman. I did not know how this would come about, but I put the message out into the Universe. One day my dear friend Janice Hall invited me to take a vacation with her to a resort in Hawaii. She paid for the accommodations because it was a time-share so all I needed was to buy my plane ticket. This was such a gift—how could I possibly say no? While in this beautiful place we connected with a man named Pedro from Canada who had a very close friend actively studying with a Cree Indian Shaman named Flying Eagle. One thing led to another and I found myself flying to Canada with Janice about four months later. The student of Flying Eagle, Grace, arranged a meeting with the Shaman for us. We spent hours there and I had a chance to speak with them about spiritual things and the need for healing the Planet and ourselves. I met several other Native Americans that afternoon including the Shaman’s son, who played the flute and drums beautifully. We spoke for some time and then enjoyed a sweat together. After that we shared the gift of music. Janice and I sang for them and then they sang and played their native music for us. Before I left, Flying Eagle honored me with a white eagle feather. He said he could tell I had studied the teachings well and was sincere of heart. He gave me the name Little Wolf. This experience in Canada was so inspiring and spiritually uplifting that I really cannot express with words all it meant to me. I am so grateful to Janice, Pedro and Grace. When I came home I continued my Native American painting series with added vigor. About six months after this event my vision came to me.

    I thank my friend Nancy Cook for typing for me the morning of my experience. She was there just at the right time, so kind and willing to help me record what had happened while it was so very fresh in my mind.

    Thank you to Bruce Gibson Holcomb of Shoot on Site for photographing my paintings with such artistry and patience. I cannot thank you enough. I encourage anyone who needs a professional photographer to contact him. He can be reached at (650) 952 – 8470 and he is located at 154 W. 25th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403.

    There are several amazing young women in my life, all of whom have taken voice lessons from me at one time or another. These special souls have become very close to my heart through the years—they feel like daughters. They are gifted not only with artistic talents but also with intelligence. Their hearts are giving and warm, their writing and language skills superb. I cannot thank them enough for their help. Taylor Mallory did the first editing of my story. This was not an easy task, for I had not written anything of this magnitude since high school. I thank Lauren Brollier for her sensitivity and generosity in writing the forward. I thank Jane Bibeault for her advise and sisterly encouragement. Her sharp eyes and knowledge of American Indian spirituality was a great help. I thank Taylor and

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