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The Lost Children
The Lost Children
The Lost Children
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The Lost Children

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The magic they created in their dance was the truest cleansing power mixed with the protection magic of what is still inside him. What is left of the natural magic wanted this place to be destroyed without hurting the people here, who have done no wrong.
Release dateJan 22, 2014
The Lost Children

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    The Lost Children - A. T. Nialo


    L ong ago before she was born, a people born of magic called Keepers isolated themselves from the world. The source of their departure was a prophecy from each element and one from a young keeper with the ability to see into the heart of any matter. They faded into the great forest surrounded by the seven kingdoms which had long been on the verge of war.

    No one has ever wanted to live in the forest, except a few scattered druids. The elders of their people negotiated long and hard with them before coming down to threats. The keepers are far more powerful than any other magic users who have ever lived. Hostile terms were made and the druids moved to the outskirts, while the keepers entered the heart of the forest. No one else objected to their claim.

    After all the keepers had moved into the forest, whenever a new king or queen was crowned they secretly sent an emissary to them. The person they sent was always someone who had full control over their abilities, bearing a single message: Work with the land and for your people. Do not attempt to enter the forest unless you are invited.

    The rulers followed their instructions for three hundred generations and had no further messages from the mysterious forest dwellers. Who and what they were became lost over the years. The fear of them still remained. Stories of what they were suspected of being were passed down only from the rulers to their children. Even then, parents were careful of which children they chose to tell. To the people the forest was too dangerous for even the greatest of hunters to face.

    On Prince Quentin’s fifteenth birthday, a keeper was sent to him with a very special message. She was a seer and was volunteered to go in the guise of a human to visit the strong headed prince. He was in love with a sweet young girl whose heart he would soon break.

    The seer took great pains to cloak her sunshine colored eyes underneath a poorly made cloak. Her brightly colored dress, hid beneath a larger plain one. The mare she rode on was covered in dust to help her disguise of being a poor traveler with no money to spare or wares to sell. The elders would owe her a great deal if she succeeded. If she failed she would either die or be banished from her people forever.

    What many keepers did not know, was that two of their people had fled from their haven to marry for love. The seer was sent to recover one of their children. She rode slowly to figure out how it would be best done from where she would have to be. Only six months was given to her to befriend the young prince and get herself locked into the largest prison for twenty years. They might have signed her death warrant.

    Keepers can live for tens of thousands of years, as long as they are free. If they were to have their freedom taken away, they age three times faster than regular humans do. Humans, who use magic, age much more slowly for reasons unknown to them. The most powerful magic users have the power of natural vitality and live up to five or six hundred years.

    In this kingdom, magic is greatly feared and carefully used. The seer did not dare use her other magical abilities. It would draw unwanted attention to her. The package she had carefully hidden in one of her saddle bags is just one more reason for the lengths she took to fit in.

    It took her three months to reach the castle fitting in as a commoner. When she finally got there, her ever patient mare whinnied with relief. The unmarked path she had taken ensured her arrival at night. The castle guards stood alert at all of the entrances. She was not worried. She let down the hood of her shoddy cloak and let her long golden hair spill down her sides. She pulled just enough magic from its current to make the outside edges of her irises glow. The package she had been sent with carefully tucked under her arm.

    The guards let her pass unquestioned through the gates. The king already warned the night watch that a visitor was coming. The glow of the beautiful woman’s eyes alone was more than enough for them to let her pass. Even Halen, the head mage of the kingdom, was powerful enough to see her coming and describe her to them. Each guard gave her a slight nod of acknowledgment before returning to their duties.

    Her graceful movements were unhindered as she made her way through the castle. She already knew the young prince was not there. She previously planned to visit the current king and queen before she would wait for him. They would be waiting for her by now. They are on their death bed.

    The guards at the bedroom door nodded to her and opened it. She could almost smell death throughout the large room. To this day, anyone can tell they still love each other. They held each other’s hands even in their sleep. Her magic struggled to flare out, a telltale sign she is not the only magic user in the room. You can leave now mage, I mean them no harm.

    The head mage had been watching over them constantly since they became ill. Be wary how close you get, their unused magical abilities is all that is keeping them alive. He knew she wouldn’t pay any attention to him, but would heed his warning. For the past three generations he had told their kind as much. Each time, he had gone unnoticed. This time she surprised him.

    When Halen passed her, she briefly touched his arm which stopped him mid-step. In about ten years, there will be a young boy with a strong desire to join the army. He will be the only one under eighteen with other recruits laughing at him. Her soft whisper was filled with authority and promise. It is the same child that has been seen in dangerous places. Train him well, and make sure he experiences court life.

    I will. He passed her without knowing what else to say.

    She knew the mage had seen the one she spoke of before. Her thoughts went to the back of her mind as she sent a light breeze of slightly chilled air, to wake the slumbering royalty. The king woke up with a weary grin on his bearded face. Winterpath?

    No, King Farken. She was sent to the mountains. I am Truthseer.

    Then I am doubly blessed to have met two keepers in my lifetime. His auburn hair shifted slightly on his pillow as he looked to his wife. We fear our son may catch the illness that is killing us. He is due to return this night, but I suspect you already know that.

    Truthseer nodded slightly in agreement. Quentin will live a long human life. He will not be troubled with the sickness within you. She saw visible relief wash over him and decided not to tell him about the whole of his son’s fate. This will not be a short visit for me. I hope you will not mind me staying for a while.

    Until our son becomes king and tells you himself to leave, you are most welcome to any room you chose. The queen’s voice was horse due to the medicine they gave her. It is our pleasure. Do you happen to know where he is? He hasn’t come home before dawn in months.

    He is with a girl… a young druid I believe. She closed her eyes and concentrated her thoughts on the teenage prince. Truthseer used as little magic as possible because of the mages warning. She barely dipped into the current of magic and let the light flow carry her concentration. Images of the young prince lovingly caressing the young lady he laid beside and told her all that she needed to know. She released the magic and opened her eyes. Young love like his is a precious gift. There is no need to lecture him over much. If you will be kind enough, excuse me. I have some things I must do before I allow myself to rest.

    They nodded their heads slightly and Truthseer left them to slumber. She knew they have but days to live, poisoned by a magic they do not understand. She once met the only keeper capable of such magic and knew he would never turn it on humans. His child may have inherited her father’s dark power. The Daughter is at work. Truthseer would not interfere with her evil plans; else the one she was sent for may change the future she foresaw.

    The queen was obviously a shaman by the slight swelling of her sickened features. If she knew how to use the magic she had a natural gift for, she hid it well. Since she is still in love with her husband, even on their deathbed, it means he has latent druid abilities he knew nothing about. Since Quentin spent as much time as he could with a druid, he must have inherited his mother’s gifts. She strongly suspected he would soon have a secret he will protect with his life.

    Everything was waiting for her in the northeast wing of the castle, when she had made her room selection clear. The well made weapons she brought with her lay carefully organized on the soft yellow silk bed sheets of the four poster bed. With two slender swords in the center, three daggers and five throwing knives on each side. A beautifully crafted longbow lay above it all with a quiver and thirty arrows. It is far more than what she needed, but the elders insisted she bring them just in case.

    Truthseer took a moment to take the rest of the large room in. Fine portraits were carefully arranged on honey colored walls. It somehow managed to compliment the marble floors and desk. The furniture was expensive and comfortably matched the rest of the room. The single window gave a pleasant view over a large garden which was obviously well tended. It is a room she will be comfortable for the time being.

    She gently laid the package she carried onto the desk. The weapons followed in the same careful manner. The shaggy human dress and cloak she wore disintegrated by the heat of her fury. It allowed her magically treated silk gown free. The air magic in the dress made it light, the water in it made it move with perfect fluidity with her body’s movements. The green one was her favorite. This multicolored one she wore better suited her purpose.

    The hand-woven rug on the floor would be ruined if left where it was. She moved it aside with a simple spell. Tying her hair into a lover’s knot, she sat on the cool floor. The magic within her stirred softly as she connected it with the flow of natural magic. Careful words of her home language wove truth magic carefully around her. There are many things she needed to see before the young prince came home.

    Sights of untold truths spun around her. Secrets of uncountable numbers had occurred within the castle. The young seer easily made her way through them to find the hidden room she sought. The images shifted around her until she saw the mage who had been at the king’s side working a simple mix for a potion in his workshop. Her smile at his struggle was brief before she turned her attention to the place where he stood.

    The floor underneath him was brick shaped marble instead of looking like one solid piece; she could see the slight differences. Instead of pure white, it had a darker hint to it. The black swirls did not match up exactly. She suspected the prince knew the way to open the hidden chamber.

    A soft knock forced her images to blend together. Just a moment. She quickly released the magic she pulled and stood to allow her dress to straighten out. Hints of light crept through the window letting her know morning would soon arrive. A second, harsher, rapping insisted she hurry. She undid her hair, allowing it to flow freely. She opened the door only to be knocked down by a furious young man.

    My father has kept half the guards on the night shift on high alert for well over a month now. The anger in his eyes never left, but his words came out as bland as anything the seer ever heard. All I see now is a clumsy woman who has fine clothing and golden hair. Tell me your purpose here.

    She stood slowly, carefully controlling the heat of her sudden rage. I would not have fallen, Prince Quentin, if you had not knocked me over.

    He carefully watched her deliberate movements while she removed her hair from her face. Her eyes matched her hair, like sunshine shimmering across a wheat field. There was a literal glow to her iris’ which felt like a mage’s magic tickling across his skin. His eyes wandered from hers to take in the rest of her. She is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. I apologize for my rudeness. I must inquire about your purpose here.

    This is not the place for that conversation. Perhaps you know somewhere more private and not well known.

    Quentin paused a moment, weighing his options in trusting her or not. His father’s words, asking him to give the messenger whatever she wanted and to trust her completely, silently went through his mind. Follow me. He watched her nod slightly before he led the way to the one room where he never knew what to expect.

    They could smell the sweetness of a potion brewing long before they reached the head mage’s study. Quentin knocked loudly on the door to get his attention even if he was too deep in study to notice anything else. It took a full minute for the door to open. The red-eyed, over tired mage opened the door. Get some rest Halen. I will make sure nothing boils over.

    As you wish your Highness. It was an automatic tired reply, but his face became acutely alert when his magic almost flared. If the lady will be kind enough to give me some room to pass.

    She gave him a good ten feet to be safe. I’ll fix your potion as well and write down how to brew it properly.

    Quentin would have asked how, but saw the question in the mage’s eyes and thought better of it. In here. He waited until she had taken a seat on the edge of the table before he sat down in the only chair in the room. This is as private as it gets in the kingdom. No one likes to be around this study when something’s brewing.

    I will not waste your time. There is much for me to do and very little time for me to do it in.

    The soft tone got his attention far better than she could have planned. I am an emissary for my people. With every new king, or soon to be king, one of us is sent with a message. ‘Do not attempt to enter the land we have claimed as our own, the great forest.’ The consequence is death for all those who enter. We also suggest your rule over the people be for them, and to serve in their interest, before your own. If they are hungry, you feed them and so on. Without people all kingdoms crumble.

    I have spent a great deal of time amongst the people. My father has earned the respect and love from them because of what you speak. I have no interest in the forest or what it holds. As long as my people are well, I am content.

    Truthseer nodded in acknowledgement of the truth in his words. That is only part of the reason why I am here. There is someone my people wish for me to find and bring him back. Another to find his sister and keep her from following."

    Anyone I know?

    Not yet. If I have seen my vision correctly, you will one day know them both. I cannot see their faces or hear their names. Their parents live in this kingdom. The prince nodded understanding. He was already deeply interested in what she had to say. I need your help to find them. Their looks will be almost too beautiful. The man will be kind, honest, and understanding beyond belief. His sister will be cruel, deceptive, and overly manipulative. Be wary of her.

    It wasn’t much for him to go by. If this emissary and her people believed it to be, so would he. Where will you be if I should find these people before you?

    In your highest security prison under false charges and you will have to send him to me. Otherwise your public appearance will falter and you cannot afford for that to happen. Ever.

    Will I be the one to accuse you of these charges.

    No, but you will make sure I end up in the correct prison.

    Of course.

    Chapter One

    T he cell that she was held in had no windows. Only bars covered with bricks hid the place where the sun used to shine. The walls are covered in gibberish of someone who had gone insane years before. She had counted the stones by touch easily knowing where she was with, or without, light. The words she read by the trickle of light that filtered through the cracks in the ceiling when the weather was fair. Rain found the same spots when it was storming, leaving her shivering from the cold for hours on end.

    A shiver coursed through her as the thought of nights getting shorter meant she would be tortured again. The warmer the seasons got, the longer she was exploited to use as an example to the other prisoners. Sometimes her beatings were public enough to encourage bidders for slaves but not public enough to draw the attention of the royal court. The precious secrets she kept to herself were the main reason she was their favorite prisoner. The longer she kept her mouth shut, the more pain she continued to receive. This made her a prime example to the other prisoners to encourage their cooperation. She would not tell them what she knew.

    Her keen ears heard them coming long before she should have. She heard a gruff voice say. Alright, we’re gonna have some fun today, let’s hope we can catch her asleep.

    They hadn’t caught her asleep for years. It was one of her few amusements that they still tried. The urge to fight them still lingered within her. She learned to ignore it long ago. It gave them a reason to prolong the pain, to make the cuts deeper, and the bruises go straight to the bone making them last longer. The guards have gotten smarter over the years. They no longer cut her or bruised her where it would show, but made sure she felt it for many weeks after. When she slept, every turn brought a fresh bolt of pain.

    She’ll be awake. I heard she doesn’t sleep. Why continue to hope? A softer, almost melodic voice said while they got closer. She mentally prepared herself for what she would endure soon.

    Because, I like my job. When you catch ones like her, the fighters, and I enjoy it even more; they can take more pain. They approached the door, their voices growing silent.

    She smelled them before she saw them. Musk and sweat wafted off both of the men in waves. They had obviously raped some of the female prisoners while persuading them into giving information before they got to her cell this morning. A smiling set of blue eyes greeted her first, and then narrowed as he ran a large, strong hand through his thinning red hair. Ready for us again huh? You used to be fun. No fighting today? Not even for old times’ sake?

    She ignored his jabbing and slowly stood; knowing that with any sudden movements both of them would be on her. The other man caught her eye because he is new. His brown hair carefully kept in a ponytail and the shame of what he just did is still fresh in his deep brown eyes. He shook slightly against the door in an attempt to regain his composure merely for the benefit of his burly companion. Her normal guard watched her hungrily as she rose. You’re not gonna let me have any fun with you today, are you Lady?

    Her aged body stood with the same grace she had when he captured her all those years ago. The ratty shirt she wore went down to her knotted knees. Her gray hair was kept at the length of her capture. He liked it that way because he still enjoyed yanking it around in front of anyone bidding on her.

    She ignored his comment again and thought very carefully before she spoke. If she kept silent they will beat her for being unresponsive and rude so she spoke in a carefully measured voice. Good morning Captain Greenholt. I see you are training a new man. It has been too long since I have seen someone new. I hope this person has the strength to do all the job will require of him. Captain Greenholt’s large brow furrowed and his fat cheeks reddened as he tried to figure out if he had just been insulted or not. Before he could reason it out, she continued. Will you be kind enough to tell me his name?

    Greenholt’s eyes brightened as he remembered the young man behind him. This is Private Windford. Pride radiated in his voice. Finished at the top of his class. He has broken beams twice your weight with his bare hands, without breaking a sweat. That makes him a perfect candidate for keeping prisoners like you in line. He went around her and placed the metal shackles around her wrists too tightly. Don’t let her looks fool you Windford. When she first arrived she killed twenty of my best men before they could get the first cuff on. She knows better now. He pushed her through the doorway roughly. Don’t you Lady?

    The younger man’s brow furrowed as he thought of how they more than likely taught her better. He was smart enough not to voice his thoughts. He also wisely chose not to talk to the prisoner. Does she have a name captain?

    Yeah, but her name is too complicated. We have a pool going for whoever is able to pronounce it right. Until someone does we have all decided to call her Lady, or Spirit, depending on her mood. He pushed her to the right, his polite way of telling her which way to go as he ogled her still shapely body. We walk behind her instead of in front of her because she has a habit of strangling guards. He knew she didn’t need his prodding to go to where they would end up. He just liked touching her.

    In the past twenty years, she has walked this path thousands of times. The way was forever embedded in her memory. Each step took her one step closer to torture, public or private. It could be a simple beating or a torture session that would last for days on end. There were windows in the halls. She didn’t dare look out them or she would be beaten for dawdling. The only thing she allowed herself to enjoy anymore was the fresh air that flowed in. The very scent of it rejuvenated a part of her. It made her believe she could endure another day of what they were going to do.

    She didn’t allow what she felt to show, aware of Greenholt’s eyes on her. Captain, I wonder, why are you the one training Private Windford. Normally when someone with a rank as high as yours is training someone it means they are retiring. I know you love your job. You couldn’t possibly be thinking of doing such a thing.

    "Getting talkative now are you Lady? I suppose that is a reasonable question. Since so many of my comrades have been wondering the same thing. I figure the fastest way to spread the truth around is to go through you. Rumors halt at your door for one reason or another.

    The wife has been bothering me to take some time off to spend with her and the kids. I told her as soon as someone who could handle my job comes along and once I had finished training them in, I’d take some time off. Not to mention the boss is complaining that I’m here too often for his liking. He asked me to take some time off before he’s forced to fire me. He grumbled a few inaudible curses he swatted her rear hard enough that would have left a mark had she not been accustomed to the abuse. Not a word of that second part is to get out. The malice in his voice caused the private to stop momentarily. He could feel the hatred in the threat.

    She walked on easily as if his hand hadn’t stung her or the threat hadn’t promised a most welcome death if she talked. She knew he isn’t allowed to kill her, or take liberties with her that he does with most other women in the prison, she can only respond with carefully neutral words. I wouldn’t dream of it captain. Your family will be much happier if you’re able to spend more time with them. You are needed here much too often. Your boss must already be regretting having to lose you for any amount of time.

    She heard the private stifle a snicker with a cough before she continued. I’m sure you must miss your family terribly by spending so much time with law-breakers and secret conspirators who require constant attention. I know you would rather be spending your precious time with those who are beloved to you. Playing to cover grown male egos was her one way to get through the halls without him hurting her more than he deemed necessary. She tried to summon curiosity about the new guard that, like most, would probably take more than a passing interest in her.

    Admitting to conspiracy and law-breaking now Lady? You don’t have to keep going through this if you would just tell me what you know. He gave her shoulder another rough shove into a narrow corridor before slamming her against a cold, stone wall. He pinned her against it with his rough calloused hand encircling her throat. But you won’t will you. Your pride and precious honor keep you here. The knowledge resides in that pretty head of yours will stay there, won’t it? He tightened his grip, trying to lure her into a fight by cutting off her air supply. You won’t last much longer here; it’s just a matter of time before you talk. I plan on being here when you do. He released her suddenly and gave her a hard push into the last hallway before they reached the antechamber.

    Private Windford watched all this in silence. He was far enough behind them to observe how the captain handles prisoners. Lady is obviously his favorite. It is easy to see that she is filled with stubbornness and pride. The glint in her eyes, she tried to keep hidden, or the slight uplift of her chin now and then gave it away. The captain loves to break people, men and women alike, to make them serve his will. The fact that Lady hadn’t, showed him that his captain practiced his skills the most on her and doing so was tiring him both mentally, and physically. He knew that most of the prisoners here were unjustly charged placed under the queen’s control to gain knowledge. Anything unknown is seen as a threat to her precious throne.

    Lady is obviously no exception. Her piercing golden gaze was filled with intelligence even though her hair is silvery white from age. Her slender face is weathered and wrinkled from the stress from long years of imprisonment. He still saw the fire of youth in her ways.

    "Captain, she said those law-breakers and conspirators. She did not admit to anything. Perhaps in time she will give you the information you seek. He took a deep breath drawing on a calm he did not feel. In my limited experience those who guard their knowledge and secrets longer the more valuable they tend to be." Lady disappeared through the double door archway almost losing her footing from receiving another harsh shove.

    As she entered the antechamber the crowd stilled. They expected a young lady not an old maid. As the crowd overcame their initial cheers and boos were heard as she held her head high while she walked toward the platform. Her pulse was racing and her breath came harder and faster with each step. Every hair on her body stood on end. Her instincts told her to run away from the platform to sweet freedom.

    She walked on. She would not lower herself for them now. Within viewing distance of the platform she saw only one device, a rack. She was to be bid on today. Would someone offer her worth to the king? Would it be a fair price, or one fit for the queen?

    The king is fair and honest, a true king in every way. When he married the whole kingdom changed. King Quentin was overeager in his marriage to the ethereal beauty that is Catherine. He once only saw nothing but her perfect face and form. It is because of her that the people suffer. She is only interested in material wealth. If it does not benefit her, she has no use for it. To prove his love, Quentin took more and more goods from his people. He raised the taxes for the sole purpose of filling her purse. When Catherine’s temper rose and she beat, tortured, and occasionally killed those unfortunate enough to get in her way. Even the king’s former confidant had been killed for keeping secrets from the queen. Only after his friend had died did they start leading separate lives. Even her beauty cannot overshadow all things.

    Lady blinked, remembering the present and leaving it where it was as she ascended the stairs. She did not stumble or let her feet falter while she walked toward the rack. She listened with less than half and ear as her crimes were listed before the crowd. As usual, she winced as her name was read. Another person didn’t get the money in the ever growing pool. She was stripped of all clothing and the rack was readied for her. The list of her crimes got longer every other time they were read to the public. It is at five scroll lengths now. Impressive. What had started as simple conspiracy had escalated to theft, attempted murder, and many other false crimes that ensured her continued hospitality of the queen. At times she didn’t know what she wanted more: freedom or death. Though either would be a welcome change.

    Greenholt went to her side, and lifted his hand to strike her. Before his fist could deliver the first stinging blow to her ribs, a man yelled out from the crowd. I will give you two million silver pieces to take a closer look at her before the punishment starts. Startled eyes sought the stranger among the crowd. He was a tall, lean man whose eyes were the same shade of gold as Lady’s are. He couldn’t be past the age of twenty five. Murmured questions rose throughout the people, seconded by the captain.

    Seeing the determination in the stranger’s eyes, Captain Greenholt cursed profusely under his breath before lowering his hand. "All right young man, come on up. The asking price for her is one hundred times that, bare minimum, if you want to keep her. Keep in mind that she is a dangerous criminal. You come up here at your own risk." He unlocked the rack that bound her.

    She stood slowly, not daring to believe her own ears. She knew him. Her soul felt him. For years she waited for the freedom only he can allow. Her gaze lifted as she stood. His simply being here renewed her hope. His words were to observe her.

    The crowd hushed as he made his way up the stairs. Each step brought her that much closer to her beloved freedom. His blonde hair was cut short. The tips grazing the top of his ears. His manner was filled with pride as he walked around her to hand the captain a note of promise. He shook off his own shirt and wrapped it around her. Put this on Zantyranlinia. He said her name softly without pause. His tongue familiar with the grace of her name. She slipped it on without hesitation. How long have you been here?

    Twenty years, my lord.

    His bent first finger gently lifted her chin to draw her matching gaze to his. He needed to be sure she is the one. A long time to be a prisoner. Do you remember why you were brought here?

    She knew he was toying with her, waiting for something. Have you not heard the list read my lord? By what is written on the scrolls I should be here for the rest of my life. Perhaps they will keep me here after that has been extinguished. This is my punishment for those crimes. She felt it then. A touch of magic embedded in the shirt. She almost closed her eyes to bask in the feeling, but resisted knowing she needed to stay alert.

    You are strong for one so old. Are you strong because you are here or for some other reason?

    I cannot know for certain, my lord. She carefully replied while she tried to understand the nature of the spell.

    The shirt I told you to wear has magic imbued in it. It makes its wearer tell the truth and often brings startling revelations. His well-toned body rippled with power as he chanted a spell causing fear among the guards.

    You said you would look at her, not do anything to her. Private Windford said angrily reaching for the stranger.

    He easily stepped out of reach of the private. I said I would pay to have a closer look at her. I did not say anything about what was left unsaid. To see her for all that she is, magic is necessary. The magic of the shirt keeps her from lying. The spell is to show me what she really is. The stranger stepped around her to watch his magic take effect. If she is who you say she is in a few moments I will see her for all she is.

    Windford stood back a few steps as he contemplated what has been said. The crowd grew restless with fear rippling through them. He saw a couple of wealthy, superstitious, aristocrats slip out already. More would follow them shortly if this continued. He secretly hoped it would. Who are you? His words caused an echoed murmur throughout the room.

    Call me Firelight.

    What were you known as before you came here? Firelight’s question was spoken directly to Lady. As though they were alone in the room. No one from the crowd spoke or moved. Everyone wanted to know that very thing.

    Firelight had given her a true sense of freedom in the spell. A very dangerous thing at best, deadly for a room this size at worst. If he had misspoken even the slightest bit in working the spell, everyone in the room would have fallen through a portal to the deepest part of death. It was telling of the power he has gained over the years she has been gone.

    She could feel her body changing.

    Freedom is what her people live for. It is their life’s essence, their very breath. Being caught and trapped made her age more quickly than a human. The freedom he gave her granted the ability to live for thousands of years more.

    The skin of her body no longer sagged and hung loose. It became smooth, tightened and firm once more. The softness of youth encased her. Her hair melted from the white it was into the golden radiance it once had been. She could feel her muscles become stronger and more flexible as if they had been honed overnight. As her eyes and ears became more keen and her sense of smell more acute. I was known as a stubborn, arrogant, and willful woman.

    With the drastic change in her appearance, the crowd stood in awe of her. It was the reaction Firelight had hoped to get. The guards were in as much shock as everyone else there seemed to be. You know yourself well. Telling the truth with giving nothing away is a rare talent. What was the name you were often referred to as before you were captured?

    Captain Greenholt barely kept his anger in check. His hands were balled into tight fists. This man, this stranger, this Firelight, had reversed her age and made her stronger. Lady was a threat when she was old and tired. Now she is truly dangerous. You’ve had your look young man. Unless you plan on bidding on her I suggest you let us do our job and keep you safe. He was surprised at his own ability to keep his voice even as he moved to put Lady back in the rack.

    Lady turned to face the captain her gaze stopped him in his tracks. Her head tipped slightly to the right as she answered Firelight. I was referred to as many things Firelight. I believe the answer which you seek is already known to you. I may be the one you want to bid upon, or I may not be. That decision is yours to make, and the consequences as well. She eased the shirt up over her head, each inch revealing her newly transformed figure.

    The last time she looked like this the queen saw her talking with the king and became instantly infuriated. Catherine called the guards to arrest her for conspiracy. She drew her sword and fought the first one off. The next fell with the smooth strikes of her slender blade. A good amount of the queen’s guards within the castle were injured or slain before she purposely faltered and let herself get caught. In the end, Greenholt became a captain for her capture.

    Take your look as you will, my lord. It is what you paid to see. She spun on the ball of her foot, while she dropped the shirt from her fingertips before she placed her neck and hands inside the rack.

    The crowd, seeing her transformation, started to yell out bids for her. Men and women alike wanted her in their service. Both of the guards that accompanied her to the platform were in shock. Where once was an old lady waiting for death, a beautiful young woman awaited her beating now stood. People now believed they knew the true reason she was imprisoned. She is even more stunningly radiant than the queen.

    Captain Greenholt has already seen her beauty and recovered before Private Windford could catch his breath. He took the top of the rack and angrily slammed into place. If you all will kindly remember, He shouted into the crowd, the lowest price that we could accept for her is two hundred million silver pieces. Discontented murmurs ran throughout the crowd. You should also remember this woman, beautiful as she may be, is a dangerous criminal. Greenholt turned to Firelight. You may want to join the people.

    If it is only two hundred million silver I have it. Firelight said with a grin. Just give me one month to transfer the money to your treasurer. Do we have an agreement? He took the keys from the captain. The key snapped the lock open shocking the crowd into silence.

    Every eye watched as Lady rose yet again to her full height and former glory. Unless someone here wishes to pay more than that for her I believe we do. Greenholt grabbed the keys back with excessive force. He waited a few minutes to see if anyone would pay more for her. When no one spoke up he continued. You have exactly one month for our treasurer to receive payment. No longer. She will remain here until that time. If you fail to pay, she remains a prisoner here. That is not for you to decide.

    He looked evenly into the captain’s eyes. "It is agreed. One more thing if you will. From this moment on, until I take her with me no one is to touch her, or bind her in any way.

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