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Wilton’S Wit for Children
Wilton’S Wit for Children
Wilton’S Wit for Children
Ebook148 pages1 hour

Wilton’S Wit for Children

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About this ebook

Wiltons Wit For Children is presented in thirty-four essays taken from a lifetime of experiences in Christian service by Clyde Wilton, who has served as a pastor, chaplain, and minister of the Gospel. From a work originally intended for adults, Clyde has revised his essays in a form for children that is enjoyable and that provides encouragement for lifes lessons.
Release dateNov 18, 2011
Wilton’S Wit for Children

Clyde Wilton

Clyde Wilton draws his experience as an essayist from more than forty years of Christian service as a pastor and military chaplain. He is currently retired, but he remains active in church-related activities and enjoys teaching Greek and Hebrew to those who are interested.

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    Wilton’S Wit for Children - Clyde Wilton

    The Horseless Carriage 

    Grandpa Wilton did not have a lot of education, but he was a smart man, and he had many interesting things to tell us. Also, he never used bad speech or curse words, and he always had kind things to say. He was called Uncle Henry by his friends.

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    I remember that one of grandpa’s favorite stories was about the time he first saw what was called a horseless carriage. It was actually one of the first cars made, and it was strange to the people like Grandpa who lived way out in the country, because all they had to get around in was a buggy or wagon

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    that was pulled by a horse or a mule. Since cars ran on gasoline, they didn’t need anything to pull them along the way. That is why they were called horseless carriages.

    Grandpa’s house was about 4 miles from a small town called Jermyn, Texas. There was a dirt road that came from Jermyn, Texas, and passed by his house. It continued on down the road to Jacksboro, Texas, which was about twelve miles away.

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    There were not many people that came along Grandpa’s road, and the only real connection with places farther away was by the weekly newspaper. In the newspaper, Grandpa read a little bit about the new horseless carriage, and he hoped that someday he would actually be able to see one.

    Well, that happened one day when one of those horseless cars came right up the road and stopped in front of his house!

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    When this happened, there was steam coming up out of the front of the car, and the man with the car asked Grandpa if he could have some water to put in his car. Since this was all new to Grandpa, and since he saw the steam coming out of the front, he thought the car must run on steam that came from the water that was put in the car. He didn’t realize that the car actually ran on gasoline and was just overheated, causing steam to come out.

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    Since there was a lot of steam coming out and it looked like they would need a lot of water and quickly, Grandpa thought the best place to go would be to the creek that ran through his property. It had plenty of water and was easy to reach. So, Grandpa got a bucket to hold the water, and he rode in the car with the man down to the creek.

    When they got to the creek, the man used only one bucketful of water to fill his car, and that seemed strange to Grandpa, because he had seen so much steam coming from the car. When the man thanked him for the water, Grandpa said, That won’t make enough steam for anything!

    To his surprise, the man said, This car does not run on steam. It runs on gasoline.

    Grandpa’s answer was, Well, Shucks! If I had known that, we could have gotten that much water from the well in my yard! So, after they had gone to all the trouble of going down to the creek, all they really had to do was go to Grandpa’s well nearby. But Grandpa was still happy, because he got his ride in a car for the first time.

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    Billy And Nanny 

    One of the best trips I ever took was with my Dad when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I have made many other trips to a lot of different places, but that trip with my Dad was very special.

    For the trip that day, we went in our big-wheeled farm

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    wagon, which had a wooden seat in the front. The wagon was pulled by two of our horses. The most important thing about the trip was that it was made just for me. Before we left, I knew that Pa was going to get me a present, but I did not know what the big surprise would be.

    Our trip took several hours, but the time passed quickly. I can still remember the trip as we left our farmhouse to the Winn Hill Community in Texas. We

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    passed by several places that I knew about, but then we went to places I had never been before. Finally, we came to a big ranch — at least it was big to me!

    Then I got the big surprise that I was waiting for. Pa had bought two little goats just for me! What a thrill that was! It’s a thrill even now just thinking about it!

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    We then returned on the road home. As we brought the goats home in the wagon, I was the happiest boy in our whole area — maybe even the happiest boy in Jack County, Texas!

    The two goats, which were all mine to run and jump and play with, were named Billy and Nanny. They became some of my best friends. Later, there were more goats, and Pa fenced off part of our farm just for the

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    goats. Billy and Nanny were always special to me, and they were still with us even when I left home to go to college.

    Yes, that was a trip to remember! Since that time, I have taken trips by buggy, car, ship, train, and airplane, but never have I been on a trip that made me more happy than that trip in the wagon on that country dirt road to the goat farm. Pa always did the right things. He

    had time to be with me and to treat me as somebody important.

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