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Warfare: Winning the Spiritual Battle
Warfare: Winning the Spiritual Battle
Warfare: Winning the Spiritual Battle
Ebook206 pages4 hours

Warfare: Winning the Spiritual Battle

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

You’re at war. Are you winning?

Your fight is not with the problems you can see—depression, a broken marriage, addiction, or financial troubles. These are just the symptoms, the true disease—the true battle—is against the devil and his armies. But the devil’s not afraid of mere humans like you and me. So how are we supposed to fight? More importantly, how are we supposed to win?  

Warfare is a guide to fighting the battles that matter. In it, you’ll learn:

  • to identify how spiritual warfare is impacting your soul, family, church, and culture.
  • who the armies are and what role they play—God, angels, demons, and the devil
  • how to use the arsenal of spiritual weapons God provides
  • how to claim the victory God has already won.

When we fight the right battles with the right weapons, fear gives way to courage, futility gives way to purpose, and failure gives way to victory.

Release dateSep 4, 2018

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you need an understanding of spiritual warfare (why, what, when, who, where) this is the book. Readable, concise and to the point. I enjoyed it because it explained the history and why is it still going on today. Read to find out.

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Warfare - Tony Evans



Days after the tragedy of 9/11 struck our nation’s soul, members of the Special Forces known as the Green Beret were asked to pack their bags, leave their families, and head straight into the heart of warfare. While each of us back home struggled to come to grips with the devastation that came about so suddenly, these men set out to do something about it.

They flew there with one goal in mind: stop the enemy before the enemy could make another attack on innocent lives.

The Special Forces knew that if they could get to the root of the attack in a limited amount of time, they could win the immediate war of protecting citizens on America’s soil. They could protect individuals, families, churches, and communities, but only by letting go of what they once knew concerning conventional warfare and by embracing a strategy that would work.

One man, Mark Nutsch, was chosen to lead the twelve men into battle. Despite having no combat experience, his confidence and ability to think outside of normative approaches during the vetting process won him the assignment. Little did the military leaders know at the time of choosing him that Mark’s experience growing up on his family’s ranch, working as a ranch hand in college, and riding horses in rodeos would be one of his greatest assets.

After all, this wasn’t a war fought with militaries lined up and facing each other on opposite sides. Nor was it even fought in the trenches. Rather, to excel in this war, combatants would need to battle the elements, ride horses over rough and dangerous terrain, and outwit their opponents who knew the landscape like the back of their own hands.

To win this battle, Mark and his team of eleven other brave men would have to fight according to the rules of the enemy themselves.

Their campaign was supposed to take six weeks, but due to weather, they sought to complete it in three. It was supposed to take multiple teams of Green Beret, but due to the elements, topography, and lack of entrance points, they were given only one team of twelve men. It was supposed to rack up a high level of casualties on the American side due to the risks involved, but they walked away with none.

Because these men chose to adapt to the environment and allies surrounding them and work within the strategies at hand, they accomplished what few, if any, thought they could. On horseback, they battled tanks and troops armed with missiles.

And won.

Maybe it was Mark’s lack of previous combat experience that opened him up to adapting his strategy to the battle at hand more so than someone else possibly could have. We’ll never know for sure. But one thing we do know is that it was his willingness to set aside conventional approaches that allowed him to approach this battle unlike any other that had been fought in the history of our nation.

It also allowed him to lead his team of twelve into the quickest, most decisive victory in the history of our nation.

Two thousand years ago, another team of twelve followed another unconventional leader. He didn’t ride a horse; He rode a donkey. His battle didn’t last three weeks, but three days. He didn’t fight for a nation; He fought for a kingdom.

And won.

In doing so, He secured for each of us the victory that is ours to claim.

Yet only as we are willing to follow Him by laying down our own logic, perspective, approach, and understanding of how to fight this war will we discover the fullness and effects of that victory in every area of our lives. It is in following Christ as our Captain that we can win this war. It is in studying His battle plan that we can discover how to carry out our own. It is in conforming our hearts and transforming our minds to His that we will gain the strategic insights we need to live out the victory He has already secured for us.

See, this battle is unlike any other. This battle has already been decided. The outcome has already been secured. Jesus Christ gained the victory through His death, burial, and resurrection. But in order for us to experience the manifestation of that victory in our own lives, we need to learn how to maneuver through the mines left behind from an enemy still bent on making our lives miserable along the way.

It’s true that many Christians don’t even know they’re at war. Others, however, can see clearly the results of the battle in their lives, because they have become casualties of spiritual warfare. Some suffer emotional wounds from spiritual warfare. They are discouraged, depressed, downtrodden, and defeated. Others have taken fatal blows to their marriage or family. Divorce, conflict, and abuse are some of the battle scars they bear. Still others have been morally wounded in the battle. They cannot control their passions and make poor moral choices. For some Christians, the wounds have been inflicted on their finances. They are losing the financial battle because they are losing the spiritual one.

I could list more casualties, but I assume you get the idea. Since we all are at war, and since there is so much at stake both here in history and in eternity, we had better learn what spiritual warfare is about and how we can fight successfully.


The essence of the war we’re talking about is spiritual. Because this warfare is first and foremost spiritual and not physical, the degree to which you and I will be successful is the degree to which we are prepared to understand and fight this battle on a spiritual level. While waged in the invisible, spiritual realm, spiritual warfare is manifested in the visible, physical realm. In other words, spiritual warfare is a battle between invisible, angelic forces that affects you and me. You and I can’t see the cause of the war, but we see the effects—the kinds of problems I mentioned above—all the time, day in and day out.

It’s hard enough to fight an enemy you can see. It’s much harder to fight someone you can’t see. Everything you do in the visible, physical realm is caused, provoked, or at least influenced by something in the invisible, spiritual realm. Your five senses are not the limit of reality, and until we address the spiritual root of a problem, we will never fix the physical effects of that problem.

Not only are your physical senses limited, but they often provide little help in spiritual warfare. This means that if you are going to wage successful spiritual battle, you need a sixth sense—a keen awareness of the spiritual realm. In order to understand spiritual warfare, we have to address it through the lens of the spirit, with the help of the Holy Spirit.


Where in the universe is this great battle called spiritual warfare being fought? Paul tells us it is in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12), which means the spiritual realm. In the Bible, the word heaven describes three levels of existence (see 2 Cor. 12:2). The first heaven is the atmosphere that surrounds the earth, the environment in which we live. The second heaven is what we commonly refer to as outer space, the stellar heavens where the stars and planets exist. This is also a realm in which angels operate, because in the Bible, angels are called stars (Job 38:7). When you see the stars at night, they should remind you of spiritual beings called angels and the reality of the warfare we are engaged in. The third heaven is the throne room of God, the place we normally think of when we hear the word heaven. It is about this heaven that the Bible has the most to say. In fact, the third heaven is an incredibly busy place because it is the control center of the universe.

In the book of Ephesians alone, we find numerous references to heavenly places in addition to that in 6:12. Understanding these passages helps us know how to tap into the heavenly places and thus wage victorious spiritual warfare.

Ephesians 1:3 says, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. This verse tells us that God resides in the heavenly places, and so do all of our spiritual blessings. This is important because if you are engaged in a spiritual battle and need help to win, the help you need is with God the Father, who is in the heavenly places. But if you don’t know how to access heavenly places, you won’t know how to access the heavenly help you need to win the battle in earthly places.

You may be thinking, But Tony, I’m facing Satan here on earth. Yes, but your blessings are in heaven. So unless you learn how to open your arsenal of spiritual weapons in the heavenly places so you can use them down here, you’ll be a casualty of the war.

According to Ephesians 1:20, when God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the dead, He seated His Son at His right hand in the heavenly places. Not only are the Father and your blessings in heavenly places, but so is Jesus Christ. So if you need Christ’s help in earthly places, you’d better know where He is hanging out and how to obtain His help in your warfare.

But it gets even better: God also "raised us up with [Christ], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places" (2:6, emphasis added). You and I as believers are also in heavenly places. Paul is telling us that when you accepted Christ, you were transported to another sphere. Even though your body is limited to earth, your spirit that should be controlling your body is operating in a wholly different realm.

Few Christians understand that. The most real part of our existence is what happens in our spiritual lives, not what happens in our bodies. We are residents of heaven—in our spirits now and someday in our bodies, too. Once you understand how the heavenly sphere operates, you can begin changing what happens on earth.

What else is in heavenly places? According to Ephesians 3:10, spiritual rulers and authorities are there. These are angels. Why is this important from the standpoint of spiritual warfare? Because it takes an angel to beat an angel, and 6:12 tells us that Satan and his demons are also in the heavenly places.


All this means that if your problem originates in the heavenly places, then you need a solution that originates in the heavenly places as well. Most of us are vaguely aware of angels because they’re not part of our physical world. But we need to understand that the angels of God and the demons of hell are the warriors in the cosmic battle between God and Satan.

When you hear believers say they are being attacked by the devil, they probably mean they are being harassed by his foot soldiers. Satan is a limited being, just like any other created being. He is not present everywhere, all-knowing, or all-powerful. Satan is not God, but he has a whole host of evil angels called demons he can use for spiritual attacks. Anything that hell can bring against you results from satanic activity in the same realm in which God operates, called the heavenly places.

You and I are no match for the power and deceptiveness of Satan and his army. We need the power of God to neutralize and eventually overcome Satan’s attacks against us. We can be thankful that God has established His throne in heavenly places, pitting His kingdom against the kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of darkness has its own king, Satan, and he wants to be in charge of the universe. Yet when it comes to the universe, there’s no question that God’s kingdom and His King, Jesus Christ, are firmly in charge. And Jesus’ eternal victory is already assured. Still, God has allowed us to choose in our individual lives who will rule over us.


Revelation 12 depicts a day when the invisible warfare in the heavenly places will break out in a very visible form. Verse 7 shows us who the enemy is in this conflict: And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war. The archangel Michael and the holy angels are fighting Satan and the angels who rebelled with him. The battle is angelic, but they are fighting over the earth. Thus, the war in heaven directly affects what is happening on earth.

We are in the midst of an angelic conflict, a satanic rebellion, in which Satan is seeking to bring this whole world under his rule. That means when you were born into the kingdom of God, you were born into a war. You were born a warrior. You are surrounded by a spiritual enemy, but the battle is not for land or anything physical. This cosmic battle is for glory. The issue is: Who is going to get the glory in this universe? Who is going to be worshiped? Who will have notoriety? Who will get to call the shots?

Satan has essentially said to God, You cannot have all the glory in creation. I want some of the glory for myself.

God’s response? My glory I will not give to another (Isa. 48:11).

Of course that answer didn’t sit well with Satan, so he set about to steal what was not rightfully his—glory. The battle is for glory. Understanding that is half the fight. That’s why Paul told us, Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31; see also Col. 3:23).

Glory—it’s what the battle is all about.


The Origins of Our Battle  

Touring Israel with others is one of my favorite activities. Every so often, our national radio broadcast ministry, The Urban Alternative, organizes a group to visit with us, and I spend time teaching through the biblical scenarios that took place at various sites. Israel is truly a miraculous, breathtaking place. I can also honestly say I’ve never felt safer than those times when I was in the Holy Land. That statement may surprise you. After all, we witness horrendous bombings, rumors of wars, and great conflict on news outlets concerning this region. Therefore, safe isn’t exactly how most of us would assume we would feel there. Yet the Israelis live with the realization that they are in a constant state of conflict. They know that war could break out at any moment, even though everyone is talking about peace. And because of this, the Israeli government goes to great lengths when it comes to protecting visitors.

I found out after one of our flights to Israel that there were two plainclothes Israeli security men on the plane, ready to deal with anyone who would try to disrupt our safe travel. When we got to Israel the first time many years ago, two people asked us almost fifteen minutes’ worth of questions about our luggage. Officials checked some of our bags. This was before an in-depth level of security had become more normative at airports.

One of the officers said to me, I’m sorry to detain you, but over here we don’t take chances. Your safety is our greatest consideration, and your enjoyment is our greatest desire.

On the streets of Israel, civilians are practically surrounded by Israeli soldiers and various security people. We were told that Israel doesn’t have a high crime rate, and I can see why. The nation lives in a constant state of military readiness because its leaders understand that they are living in a potential warzone.

Even with this readiness, Israel still suffers some casualties. But imagine how much more the Israelis would suffer if they let down their guard and started living as if they didn’t have an enemy in the world.

The reason there are so many casualties among believers in spiritual warfare is that we have lost sight of the fact that we are in a perpetual state of warfare, which demands constant alertness. And so we let down our guards. We open ourselves to attack. We forget that we are warriors, not tourists, in God’s kingdom on earth.

An important principle to remember in life is this: just as God’s kingdom is

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