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Vegetable Bliss: Simple Seed-To-Table Inspiration
Vegetable Bliss: Simple Seed-To-Table Inspiration
Vegetable Bliss: Simple Seed-To-Table Inspiration
Ebook105 pages58 minutes

Vegetable Bliss: Simple Seed-To-Table Inspiration

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vegetable bliss [vej-tuh-buhl blis], n. 1. extreme enjoyment and ecstasy when preparing and eating locally grown vegetables. 2. intense pleasure and satisfaction when selecting veggies from farmers markets, community-supported farms or your own garden.
Imagine every Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) member happily enjoying their share knowing exactly what to do with every vegetable from greens to garlic scapes and from parsnips to kohlrabi. Imagine a guidebook for farmers market goers and gardeners that satiate their desire to enjoy just-picked veggies without heavy sauces and complicated ingredients.
Please welcome Vegetable BlissSimple seed to table inspiration. All of the recipes included in this book are plant-based and naturally wheat, dairy, sugar and meat free! And many of these tips come straight from community-supported farms!

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 10, 2012
Vegetable Bliss: Simple Seed-To-Table Inspiration

Sochacki Sochacki

Julie Sochacki is passionate about local, high-quality ingredients and healthy eating. She’s spreading the word that vegetables are one of our greatest blessings! Join Julie on her veggie adventures as she inspires others to live radiant, healthful lives!

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    Vegetable Bliss - Sochacki Sochacki

    Copyright © 2012 Julie Sochacki, Jason Houston

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5426-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-5425-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012910248

    Balboa Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting:

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/29/2012



    Simple Solutions—

    Fast, fresh, fantastic ways to use your veggies now!


    Pesto, Salsa, Dips and Sauces


    Soups and Stews

    Main Dishes

    Side Dishes

    For community supported farmers and their members.

    Thank you for up-holding the highest vision of a local and

    sustainable food system and actually living it on a daily basis.

    "I wake up each morning torn between a desire

    to save the world and a desire to savor the world.

    This makes it very hard to plan the day."

    — E. B. White


    These recipes call for simplicity and intuition, so please make them your own. They are the basis for many variations. Although in their current form they are plant-based, as the cook your dietary and taste preferences will guide you to add dairy, wheat, and animal protein when appropriate.

    In a world of fast food and quick-paced lifestyles, these recipes ask you to slow down, listen to your senses, and create delicious vegetable dishes without heavy sauces, complicated ingredients or several, difficult steps. Instead, the vegetables in this book are prepared simply and deliciously, letting the flavors of the vegetables shine through and allowing you to savor them in their natural beauty.

    Simple and fresh cooking starts with maximizing the deep flavors of the vegetables with simple ingredients such as lemons, limes, fresh herbs, garlic, ginger, extra virgin olive oil, nut oils and sea salt, just to name a few. The recipes in Vegetable Bliss use these ingredients with delicious results.

    The bliss is found in the slowing down. Visiting a local farm or working your own garden, returning to your kitchen with a basket of local, fresh veggies, and preparing them simply to share with others reconnects us to our roots, to our Mother Earth and to our community.

    Our vegetable gardens and local farms hold the keys to our health. The vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in freshly grown vegetables can’t be matched through alternative means, so please join me on a culinary adventure, as you prepare simple and delicious vegetable recipes all year long. Share your veggie creations and spread the word that vegetables are one of our greatest blessings!

    Wishing you a life filled with simple pleasures,

    Julie Sochacki


    Thank you to Lerae Gidyk for getting me to this place of magic and miracles where all of my dreams come true.

    Thank you to Jason Houston, a creative genius and incredible photographer. Meeting him eight years ago was a blessing and working with him is a breeze.

    Thanks to all of the farms for constantly sending me tips and ideas. I am grateful for you all!

    Thank you to Katrina Kenison whose brilliant and authentic writings allowed me to slow down and enjoy all of those ordinary days and to Cheryl Richardson who introduced me to the importance of self-care and to the power of grace in my life.

    Thank you to all of the women (too many to name, but you know who you are… wink) who have inspired me along my path.

    Thank you to my mother, grandmother and aunts for instilling a love of cooking in me at a young age.

    Thank you to my father for introducing me to the beauty, wonder and magnificence of nature.

    Thank you to Chris, Brandon and Sean, my three loves.

    Simple Solutions—

    Fast, fresh, fantastic ways to use your veggies now!

    Community farms from across the United States joined together to share their best veggie tips. Many vegetables are listed along with quick and delicious recipes and ideas of what you can do with your veggies NOW!



    Before you bring in the new veggies,

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