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That's so You!: Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace
That's so You!: Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace
That's so You!: Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace
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That's so You!: Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace

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About this ebook

With the help of stories from real women, expert stylist Ginger Burr is your guide on a style transformation journey. Whether you are stuck in a fashion rut or feeling lost because your body has changed but your desire to look good hasn’t, That’s So You can help you:
• tap into your inner beauty
• stop sett ling for a wardrobe that is “good enough”
• let comfort and beauty coexist in your wardrobe
• create your signature style
• dress stylishly and compassionately
• avoid fashion no-nos
• age gracefully, and
• shop successfully
“When it comes to addressing the inner and outer obstacles that prevent women from feeling terrific about how they look, there’s no one more qualified than Ginger Burr. She is a fashion master!”
—Cheryl Richardson, author of New York Times bestsellers Take Time for Your Life and Life Makeovers
“Ginger truly is interested in empowering women and helping every woman develop her own unique style. And, she does it with gentle humor, verve and pizzazz!”
—Jean Kilbourne, author, filmmaker, social theorist

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 8, 2013
That's so You!: Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace

Ginger Burr

For twenty-six years, Ginger Burr, president of Total Image Consultants, has helped women around the world create wardrobes they love by connecting with their inner essence through private consultation and with her Who Taught You How to Dress? coaching program. Ginger has also provided her expertise in Worth, Forbes, and Bloomberg Businessweek magazines. She lives in Lynn, Massachusetts.

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    That's so You! - Ginger Burr


    So You!

    Ginger Burr

    Copyright © 2013 Ginger Burr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6873-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6874-4 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6875-1 (hc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013903052

    Balboa Press rev. date: 03/07/13

    Table of Contents





    Chapter 1  Tapping Into Your Inner Beauty

    Does How You Look Really Matter?

    Are You Settling for Good Enough?

    Are There Hidden Costs Lurking in Your Closet?

    Do You Love Your Body?

    Are You Dressing for You or Someone Else?

    What’s on Your Never-Wear-Again List?

    Do You Have a Fear of Standing Out?

    What Makes You Sparkle?

    How Do You Add Beauty to Your Wardrobe?

    Chapter 2  Taming Your Closet

    How Did You Get So Many Clothes?

    Is There a Stranger in Your Closet?

    What’s in Your Closet?

    Unworn Clothing: Love It or Let It Go?

    What Are You Waiting For?

    Is Your Jewelry Out of Sight?

    Does Your Makeup Need a Makeover?

    Chapter 3  Real-life Fashion Advice

    What’s Your Signature Style?

    Are You Bored with the Basics?

    How Do You Add Visual Interest to an Outfit?

    How Do You Find Your Best Colors?

    What’s Under There?

    Do Fashion Trends Fit Into Your Wardrobe?

    Is Your Cardigan Frumpy?

    Why Wear a Jacket?

    How Can You Dress to Look Slimmer?

    Are You Ready for Your Close-up?

    Chapter 4  Shopping with Joy and Ease

    Are You Afraid to Shop?

    Do You Know How to Shop Successfully?

    Do You Need to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone?

    Is It Really Ready-to-Wear?

    Do You Want Your Dream Wardrobe? Dare to Be Picky!

    Do You Know How to Shop the Sale Racks?

    Are the Shopping Rules Different for Dressy Clothes?

    Can You Master the Art of Online Shopping?

    Does Your Outfit Need a Dress Rehearsal?

    Chapter 5  Accessorizing: The Finishing Touches

    Are You Having a Bad Hair Day?

    Does Your Makeup Routine Need a Boost?

    Do Your Eyeglasses Reflect Who You Are?

    Do You Know How to Wear a Belt?

    Do You Love Your Handbag?

    Are You Missing Some Sparkle?

    Are Your Buttons Beautiful?

    Chapter 6  Casual Matters

    Can You Have Comfort and Beauty?

    What Do You Wear Around the House?

    Is Your Sleepwear a Dream or a Nightmare?

    The T-Shirt: Friend or Foe?

    What Is the Biggest Summer Fashion Faux Pas?

    Winter: Do You Know How to Stay Warm in Style?

    Chapter 7  Making Your Work Wardrobe Work for You

    What Is Appropriate Dress in the Workplace?

    Are You Too Sexy for Your Job?

    Can You Offer Fashion Advice in the Workplace?

    Are Nude Stockings Posh or Passé?

    What Is a Work Wardrobe?

    Summer: Can You Keep Your Cool When It’s Hot?

    What Should You Wear for a Presentation?

    How Do You Mix Business and Pleasure?

    Chapter 8  Vegan Fashion: A New Way of Looking at Beauty

    Would You Wear Your Dog or Cat?

    What Do You Know About Leather?

    Wool: What About the Sheep?

    What’s the Flap Over Feathers?

    Is Animal Testing a Necessary Evil?

    Do You Have Bugs in Your Blush?

    Do You Have to be Twenty and Wafer Thin to Have a Vegan Wardrobe?

    Chapter 9  Aging with Beauty, Style and Grace

    How Do You Gracefully Make Peace with Aging?

    Are You Dressing Too Young or Too Old?

    Where Are You Getting Your Fashion Advice?

    Are You Wearing These Fashion No-nos?

    Are You Graying Gracefully?

    Do You Know These Makeup Secrets?

    Are You Listening, Fashion Designers?

    The Next Step: How Do You Keep the Magic Going?

    About the Author

    What Do You Do If You Get Stuck?

    For my mom

    with love and appreciation


    I was raised by a grandmother who loved clothes. She would charmingly misquote 1 Corinthians and say, Your body is a temple, and you’re supposed to decorate it. Her influence, and a string of others, led me to fashion school in London at eighteen. I kept a color-coded calendar then to alert me to the date each major fashion magazine would hit the newsstands: British Vogue, French Vogue, American Vogue, Italian Vogue….

    Although I was an expatriated Midwestern teenager with a student budget and a weight problem, I took fashion seriously. In my mind, looking good was a right and a responsibility. I felt a blessed connection to good fabrics, well cut and suited to one’s individual style. People talked about traditional style, romantic style, preppy style and bohemian style, but I knew mine was something else: Parisian, but more Left Bank than Champs Élysées. It was challenging to find clothing and accessories in sync with that style, but when I settled for less and wore what I’d settled for, there was invariably less joy in my day. If That’s So You had been around then, I’d have learned early on never to settle.

    Ginger Burr knows fashion and how it translates to real life—without trading bodies with a supermodel or cashing in the IRA. First, she’ll have you shopping (and discarding) from your own closet. Like the statue of David that remained after Michelangelo chipped away at everything else, there’s art in your closet already. It’s just competing with lots of other things. Or maybe you haven’t yet discovered the belt or blouse or scarf that would make that simple black skirt or pair of dark denim jeans a masterpiece. Ginger will make sure you know it when you see it.

    Reading That’s So You is like having an image consultant on call, answering every question you have and plenty you didn’t know you had. Its author knows as much about the female psyche as she does about pencil skirts and pantyhose. She gets it that each of us is unique and that our quirks and preferences and predilections make us who we are. There is no one size fits all.

    Ginger’s take on the what-to-wear question is totally up-to-date yet based on the timeless principles known by women such as Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn and the Duchess of Windsor. They looked amazing—and their photographs still do—because each had a look that was so her. With the information and inspiration in That’s So You, you’ll develop the look that is uniquely yours, so you can feel more confident than ever in how the world sees you.

    And while you’re looking good, this book will give you the opportunity to do good with its introduction to the concept of cruelty-free fashion and beauty. Ginger Burr’s image consulting firm is called Total Image Consultants, and the part of her book about the ethical side of elegance gives those of us who read it the chance to be totally attractive—inside and out. Once you know their origins, fur, down, leather and cosmetics painfully tested on animals in laboratories aren’t pretty anymore. But don’t worry that learning some of the gory details about animal abuse will mean you are left with cheap plastic shoes and only four lipstick colors in all the world. Not anymore. Compassionate fashion and beauty have come into their own, and no one knows more about them than Ginger Burr. She also knows—and tells—how you can incorporate them, all at once or over time, into your personal style.

    This book is as complete as any I’ve ever seen, and although you’ll refer back to it time and again for another well-dressed tidbit, it reads like a novel. So, get started on a truly delightful read. The way from here to fashion forward: turning the page.

    —Victoria Moran, author of

    Creating a Charmed Life and Main Street Vegan


    So many women look at me and think, It’s easy for you; you know what you’re doing. Or You’re slim, and everything looks good on you. While there is certainly truth to both of those statements, most people are surprised to learn that I spent the first half of my life making tons of fashion mistakes and that it looks easy for me because I have learned about my body and how to dress it.

    When I was in my teens and twenties, I felt so lost when it came to how to dress. I remember back in 1980, when I was at my sister’s bridal shower, I overheard my mom tell a friend that I looked like I was wearing my pajamas. Sadly, she was right. No, I wasn’t actually wearing my pajamas, but it was close. I had on a shapeless, flowy earthy–crunchy dress that was unlike anything she had seen me wear before.

    Did it look good on me? Not really. Did I feel good wearing it? No, mostly I didn’t. So, why was I wearing it? Because I was searching for my own personal style and this was one step along the way. I had found one more style that didn’t work!

    At the time, I was very active in the folk dancing scene, and I loved how comfortable the other women looked in their cotton dresses and pretty flat sandals. They exuded an ease and comfort that was so natural and free-spirited. I wanted to feel that way, too. So, I imitated what I saw but never felt completely at home in that look.

    In retrospect I see all the clues that would have helped me refine my look to align my inner and outer beauty, but at the time, I didn’t have the guidance or resources to help me see those clues clearly. I was imitating women who were very low maintenance and reveled in that part of themselves. They washed their hair and let it air dry while I had styled my hair every day since I was ten. Most of them either danced barefoot or with flat sandals while I was thrilled when I found a pair of vintage high-heeled oxford shoes to dance in. And, when everyone else was wearing T-shirts and jeans or long cotton skirts and peasant blouses, I was searching the racks at thrift stores for beaded cardigan sweaters.

    If I had known then what I know now, I would have realized that who I was on the inside was not being fully reflected in the style choices I was making. I wanted to fit in, so I tried dressing like everyone else. But my inner essence, that part of me that makes me who I am, was not happy. Mostly, I felt like an imposter. I didn’t feel like part of the crowd, yet I also didn’t feel like I was expressing myself fully, either. I was stuck somewhere in the middle and didn’t know how to get where I wanted to be.

    Thankfully, when I was nearly thirty I was lucky enough to meet the very talented and beautiful Nevena Cranney, who taught me how to tap into that part of myself that was longing to come out. She exuded a sense of self-confidence that was captivating and inspiring. I knew I wanted to feel that myself and help others access their inner beauty as well. Since then, I have done just that—cultivated my own sense of style and shared my expertise with other women who are as lost as I was back then.

    Every section in this book is a result of my personal experience. I know that all of this is learnable because I had to learn it myself. This journey takes time and effort, but there’s a freedom that comes with each step you take toward creating a look you love from the inside out.

    As you begin, the most important thing is to be sure your personal style is motivated by your own self-confidence and comes from a place of genuine delight and a love of beauty. Allow a new sense of joy and freedom to unfold as you go through the chapters and put the lessons into practice. Watch as old habits and unnecessary expectations give way to fresh, new ideas and ultimately, yes, a wardrobe you love—a wardrobe that’s so you! That is my wish for you and the main reason I am sharing all of this with you. I am honored to support you each step along the way as you create a look you love with beauty, style and grace.


    Writing this book has been a joy from start to finish, and there are so many wonderful people to thank for making it a dream come true.

    I have to go back a long way to one of my music professors in college, Pamela Susskind (now Pamela Pettler) who, after reading one of my papers told me, to my surprise, that I was a really good writer. Her coaching and encouragement changed my life, and I have been writing ever since.

    Although it is one thing to write articles for my blog, it is another thing altogether to write a book. My editor, Marijane Leonard, has been helpful beyond words. Her insight into how to organize the chapters and make the information flow has made this experience even more fun and rewarding than trying to do it all on my own. I also must give special mention and heartfelt thanks to Leora Tec who offered her enormously valuable insights and suggestions in the final two months of the project. Her contribution went well above and beyond my wildest expectations, and I am forever grateful.

    Special thanks go to my friends and clients who read my book in various stages of completion and offered their recommendations, expertise and support. Jodi Smith, an author herself, knows the joys of writing a book and graciously shared her wealth of knowledge and experience. Priscilla Feral and Lee Hall, champions of animal rights at Friends of Animals, offered wise suggestions and guidance for the vegan fashion chapter. Stefanie Frank, Wendy Yellen and Jackie Davis each brought her own wisdom to the editing process. I could not have had a better group of women supporting me through this journey, and I am extraordinarily appreciative.

    For the past three years, I have had the good fortune to work with my amazing coach, Heather Dominick. For her brilliant, Energyrich coaching and unwavering belief in me, I offer my heartfelt gratitude.

    Thank you also to all of you who regularly read my articles and take the time to let me know the information I share inspires you. You make it fun and rewarding, and you are the reason I wrote this book.

    A special thank-you goes out to three fabulous women: Jackie Davis, Diane McKay and Amanda Sobel. Not one of them hesitated for even one moment when I asked her permission to use her before and after photos on the cover of this book. Each of them is just as beautiful on the inside as you see on the outside. And, to the gifted photographer Meri Bond, who captured each woman’s inner essence through the lens of her camera, I express my sincere thanks.

    Lastly, I want to thank my life partner, Marion Davis, who has believed in me from the beginning. She inspires me with her life’s mission to empower women by building their self-esteem. She makes me laugh every day at the quirkiness of life and shares my love for beauty and compassion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


    Gloria dropped her bags of clothes on the floor and started pulling things out. What do I do with this? she said as she pulled out a sleeveless blue-and-purple tie-dyed tank top. I bought it when I was in Miami Beach and needed a top for a dinner out. I never wore it again. Somehow it just never felt right. And what about this floral cardigan? I used to wear it all the time but then saw a picture of myself in it, and I couldn’t believe how dowdy I looked. It’s so depressing to think that I wore that all those times and looked like that! My whole wardrobe seems to be made up of a mishmash of items, and there’s no cohesiveness. Nothing makes sense together, so getting dressed is so exhausting and discouraging!

    If you nodded your head as you read Gloria’s story and thought, that’s me, that’s me, then you know firsthand how frustrating it can be to get dressed every morning when nothing seems to work right. You wonder if you don’t have the right stores, a big enough budget or a sleek enough body. Something always seems not right. Your intentions are good, and you know somewhere deep down inside that you can have a personal style you love. But as you search for those curvy jeans or wonder what to put over that sleeveless dress, you just feel lost.

    Your wardrobe is meant to be a source of joy and personal expression, not aggravation. Life is too short to spend every day feeling disempowered each time you get dressed.

    Creating a wardrobe you love is all about aligning your inner and outer beauty. When you reflect your inner sparkle—the part that makes you special—in the clothes you wear, you create a personal style. This book is designed to take you step by step through that experience.

    The truth about style is that it is not an exact science. You cannot make everyone around you happy with the choices you make. Just watch some red carpet commentary, and you’ll see that many fashion gurus can’t agree on who is the best and worst dressed (not that I ever encourage judging others’ wardrobes). Add to that the fact that no two bodies are exactly the same and that personalities, lifestyles and general likes and dislikes vary widely. I can safely say that my friend’s sixty-nine-year-old mom who loves long belted vests over leggings with boots would not feel comfortable wearing my forty-year-old neighbor’s flowy skirts and ruffled tops. It’s no wonder so many women get overwhelmed when they think about putting together a wardrobe they love. There are so many choices and so many ways to coordinate those choices that it all can easily feel overwhelming.

    So how do you navigate all the variables that go into creating a personal style that truly, honestly, deep down to your toes reflects who you are? If you have been in a fashion rut for a while, it probably has as much to do with inner obstacles as it does with what styles work for your body. This book will address both. When you create new awareness around things like your body image, the positive or negative influences that have affected your clothing choices up to this point, and your fear of looking inappropriate or silly—all of which have kept you stuck—you can loosen these strongholds on your personal style.

    That’s why the book begins with a chapter on identifying and addressing your inner obstacles. Once you’re aware of what’s going on inside, it is easier to look at your wardrobe with new eyes. Then you can begin to tame your closet and purge garments that aren’t serving you with a freedom and awareness you’ve never known before. The book then moves into some of the more real-life aspects of dressing such as creating a signature style, harnessing the power of color, and knowing when to wear (and how to choose) a cardigan or a jacket. You will also learn to navigate stores more efficiently to have productive shopping experiences. After that, you can explore adding pizzazz with accessories, mastering the art of dressing casually with style and creating a professional wardrobe that also has personality. As if that’s not enough, this book also looks at beauty from a new perspective by introducing you to the concept of adding compassion into your wardrobe choices. And, finally, the book concludes with the topic of aging and takes you through all the complicated expectations and complex choices that go with that.

    The most important thing to keep in mind while reading That’s So You is that everything you will read here supports you in creating a wardrobe you adore. Will you have to put some thought and energy into your personal style journey? Yes. As one client recently said to me, Thank you for encouraging me to think more deeply about issues and then act on them. You can make positive changes in your wardrobe and personal style one baby step at a time. If you internalize and use the information in each chapter, you will see your new wardrobe (one that feeds your soul as well as meets your lifestyle needs) take shape little by little. The payoff will be great.

    Throughout the book you will find stories of women I have worked with whose experiences highlight specific points. In most cases, I have changed their names or merged several experiences into one out of concern for their privacy.

    The success stories below are from women who thought they could never have a look they love.

    I feel more grounded and confident in how to put things together and also know better what questions to ask when I don’t know. —Tammy


    I still can’t believe I have clothes I love. I thought I’d always be in mediocre clothing limbo. I’m now learning to be more proactive in wardrobe selection and am trying to figure out what the different types of situations I need to dress up for and trying to get the right clothes for each situation. I’m even getting used to putting together outfits. The reality is, it takes a while, and it’s not all going to be fixed in a few weeks, but I’ve already noticed a vast improvement in my wardrobe, and (even better) how I feel about things in general. It’s so nice working with you because not only was the process successful, it was smooth and seemingly effortless, though I well realize your experience made it feel easy. Most importantly, I can’t believe I finally have jewelry and clothes I love! —Carol


    I rushed home from work today because a friend was coming over for dinner. I took off my suit and threw on a pair of jeans and one of my new tops (oh, and a pair of beautiful earrings!). I felt so much more pulled together than I ever have when dressed this casually before, and the best part was that it was no harder than wearing any of the dull, ill-fitting, unflattering T-shirts that I used to own! Thank you! —Kate


    A few weeks ago I was headed to my Pilates class. I was walking into the building with another woman who teaches yoga there. She looked at me and said, You look so nice and pulled together! I was delighted. It was the last thing I ever expected someone to say as I was heading to a workout class. Yay! Since working with you, Ginger, I have picked up so many things in my colors including dark brown workout pants for Pilates and tops in various colors that work for me along with coats to finish off the look in cold weather. It’s wonderful to know I don’t have to be dressed up in order to look nice. —Teresa

    Do you dream of having the same experience as these women? The truth is that you can have a closet full of clothes you love. Yes, it is possible to pull together a fabulous outfit in three minutes (if that!). You can have just the right number of clothes and wear everything in your closet, and you will receive unsolicited compliments. The best part, however, is that you will know in a genuine, heartfelt way that you look great.

    It’s your turn now, so let’s get started!

    Before you dive in, here are some guiding principles to follow during your personal style journey. Jot these down on an index card and keep it handy.

    •   Allow yourself the time to read and re-read each section as often as you need to internalize the message. When you’re learning something new, repetition is key. Every time you do this you will pick up something you hadn’t seen before.

    •   Share this only with those who will be supportive. Be sure that whomever you share this with is as excited about your journey as you are and wants to help you celebrate your successes (or, maybe even join you) along the way.

    •   Practice what you learn. It’s OK if these ideas seem new and a little foreign at first. That’s where the practice comes in! The more you practice, the more they feel familiar and fun.

    •   Expect, welcome and celebrate the learning curve. Chances are good it has taken you a while to get stuck (it doesn’t usually happen overnight). So, give yourself a break and celebrate each new success no matter how small. Each time you do you set yourself up for more and more success

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