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Journey of the Self: As Seen Through the Eyes of God
Journey of the Self: As Seen Through the Eyes of God
Journey of the Self: As Seen Through the Eyes of God
Ebook285 pages4 hours

Journey of the Self: As Seen Through the Eyes of God

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Who are the Wayshowers? What is the self of my being? How did I become separated from truth? What is the True Mind?

From the time of your birth into being there have been these prevailing truths: you are love and you are loved; you are complete; and you are the spark from the Divine. The guide named Mother, the true author of this book, leads you through the minefield of deception that has held you back from the truth of who you are. She takes you back to the beginning of this planet and its first inhabitants, shares ancient wisdom and insights about judgment, forgiveness, and the human mind and much, much more. There is and has only been one truth, and Mother lights this spark of truth within you with great wisdom and clarity.

Come forth into the act of being and believe in the self is the cornerstone of her message. Mother speaks personally to each of you, and with expert guidance, shows how to come forth in this very important time of ascension. She speaks of the Wayshowers, the enlightened ones who have come back at this time to lead this planet through the transition from falsehood to truth and from duality into singularity. Perhaps you are one of these Wayshowers and her message will help to light your way through your Journey of the Self.

He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.

- Lao-Tzu
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 7, 2014
Journey of the Self: As Seen Through the Eyes of God


Judith has climbed the mountains of Peru, studied at the feet of a guru for many years, received and recorded messages from Spirit and been a seeker of wisdom and truth for most of her adult life. She is a wife, mother and a grandmother who lives with her husband, a rescued dog and a cat that owns her, along the beautiful coast of California.

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    Journey of the Self - Judith

    Chapter One

    Our Journey Begins

    I am the one from the ancient past now known to you as Mother. I have been observing your spiritual evolution throughout this lifetime and have stepped in now because you are ready to have us meet once again. Our reunion yesterday was destined to be. The woman who introduced us aptly described me as ancient. I appeared as a person with flowing white hair and wizened face to emphasize that I am from a very ancient culture, far older than your recorded history.

    When I first came to you on this earth plane, you were as a daughter to me—though, in actuality, you were not of my genetic blood. Our time together then was to prepare you for what is occurring now during the earth’s present evolution. I was not of this earth then, nor am I now. However, for the purpose of teaching you the wonders of what had yet to be brought to this planet, you were given to me as a child, very young indeed—only four of your earth years. I was ancient to you even then, with white hair and wrinkled face. I came to teach you. As you were my only pupil, you called me Mother and continued to do so as we journeyed together. We came to the land known as Persia and lived out from the towns and villages. We created a temple of comfort for our stay, as we were able to do this quite easily then. In this temple, I began to teach you some of the things that would be important for you to know when next we would meet, during this current lifetime. We practiced in Persia, in our temple that housed many ancient ones, and you grew in the knowledge. You have not been to this planet often; however, you did come here during the time of Jesus and a few lifetimes before then. You also stayed away for long periods of time while living out trainings and initiations on other levels of existence.

    Why am I sharing this with you now? So you will know that this has all been preparation for what is occurring at this time. You have been in a universal school preparing for now. You have had your few lifetimes only to experience the love of human-to-human as partner and parent, in order to round out your experience. We all have a job to do, and yours is to record the teachings as they are given. Your home, the one you long for, is the universal one which you will understand as we proceed. For now, it is enough to practice and get back in the habit of listening and recording. You have waited and you have prepared; now just do it. I know that I may sound impatient or unhappy with you, but it is not true. That is your ego judgment speaking out. You must practice letting that go. You are loved and honored in the universal community. We love your courage and dedication. You are a student always but are now beginning to take on the role of the mother who nurtures the Soul, is the healer of mind and body, and one who frees the Soul to journey another reality. It is how you gain your prominence. The one who stands on your left, the blue ray known to you as Ezekiel, is always with you. I am Mother, and you are my student for now. Acknowledge the light of our loving presence and be glad. The information will come. You are not to force it. We are pleased that you have placed yourself here at this time. Now you must open more to our energy.

    Walk with me back to the time when creatures roamed the earth, back to the awakening Spirit that began on this earth in earnest over billions—yes, billions—of years ago. Those who had come to create new wonders had begun to populate the earth and were evolving rapidly. A species would pop up here and there, disappear, reappear and stay or leave as the thought processes of the creators were refined. This is how the planets were populated billions of years ago as we traveled around the universes. And, yes, there is more than one universe. They are as infinite as the one God is infinite. This experiment on planet earth was your true beginning. It came in stages, in which we would populate, experiment and then leave. You were among those who experimented but never stayed long. Life was formed from your thoughts and creative ability, for everything was possible. Our intentions were pure, though at times we did get carried away a bit. But that is how you learn, correct? Create, experiment and then refine what you intend. It was a playful time. It was a serious time. And it was a time of great learning.

    We enjoyed our moments here, but we never became so enmeshed in this planet called earth that we were motivated to make it our permanent home. For some it became their Eden, and they stayed to populate and experience that which is called human form. Life on this planet became a trap. Forgetting their God-Self created heaviness within the hearts of some. But then that is why they stayed—for the experience. What I speak of occurred billions of years ago and was never recorded. We built a beautiful trap. We dug a comfortable hole and have been climbing out ever since. Oh, what a journey this experiment has been! Did you know that the earth has had a variety of inhabitants of every shape and form before this present manifestation? Experimentation took place over thousands of years, and when we created something that didn’t work, it was quickly gone. This is how we learned—much like a baby who toddles to the hot stove and has to get burned only once to realize the folly.

    Why am I going on about something that will not matter in the long run? You and I are practicing with the flow of information and our alignment together. We are practicing much like those who have gone before us. It is good for you to remove your conscious mind, be at peace with the process and know that time can stand still if you wish it to. Until we have your complete focus, we will practice thusly. These are your first toddling steps in learning to trust.


    In the early morning hours, when I would sit and listen to Mother’s words spoken not as a separate voice but one that lived within me, I often contemplated what I was here to accomplish. The doubts would come to the surface, and I would feel my interference with the flow of information and the message being shared. Mother would then speak to me about my doubts and fears in an attempt to quiet my troubled mind.


    I hear your prayers, and I am here to answer them and to bring you the peace that has so far eluded you. This candle that I have asked you to light represents the Oneness of it all. You see not two or three flames but only one. Understand? You are still my daughter, yet separate from me in many ways. It is how our story begins. We are separate and yet one. It is one of the first lessons you were taught as my young pupil. I would hold you on my knee and sing to you of heaven. I would sing to you of worlds unknown, yet ancient and all-knowing. I would sing to you of futures yet to come, and then you would sleep to dream of all possibilities. The memories are beginning to come to you in waves. I have sent them to you for many more years than you realize. I will tell you, the temple you remembered from your first lifetime in Peru was a temple we inhabited for many years. At that time, we could change it at will to suit our purpose. Today this would be called magic and the word would be quietly spoken, but at that time it was commonplace for us to do so—that is, change anything and everything at will, our will.

    I will bring back to you the memory of a temple that we had placed in ancient Peru before it was called by that name. Do you remember? The mountains were beautiful and very sacred. Gods lived there. Truly, Gods lived there. And the people who came to inhabit this land came from the caves in the mountains that housed these Gods. Our temple at the base of these mountains and on the flat of the land received the people when they came to earth, where we refined their vibrational frequency so they could acclimate to the Earth’s surface, which was still boiling and shifting in some places. I am speaking of ancient, ancient times, before your Bible’s Adam and Eve. Your planet was continuing to evolve into the beautiful land it has since become. The earth, as Soul, is forever changing and shifting and evolving.

    The earth doesn’t look anything like it did when first we came to inhabit it. It was a landscape of flat spaces; rather dry and dusty. Rain was brought to feed the land because we remembered rain from whence we came. We brought forth the seeds from other lands; some we created from memory. It was a time of joyful creation. We placed our temple there on the flat of the land below the mountains, and we received all the people. Because it is important to our current message and its reception, I will tell you that our temple was set with crystals brought from other universes. Some are still buried there on this land. The crystals were quite large, and we placed them in a semi-circle with an opening to the east. These crystals were aligned in such a way that when the sun rose to full expression, the light created would spark and leap from mountain peak to mountain peak. The people traveled from the mountains toward this beacon of light, for this was something they remembered. Then they would walk through the crystalline portal and step up into a narrow, rectangular room with large columns running along both sides, supporting the roof and leading to a semi-solid wall in the back. They walked through the center of this room to the far wall that surrounded a large, round suspended disk made of transparent material. This material is not presently known because, in actuality, it had been created for just this purpose. This disk was rimmed in a brilliant gold, while the materials in the center shimmered and sparked with energy and luminescent light. The disk was quite large—ten of your feet in diameter—but those who arrived were also quite tall, so it didn’t seem quite so immense to them.

    At the time, you were around ten of your years—quite young, though very accomplished in the ways I have shared with you. We stood on either side of this suspended circle of gold. The people walked in flowing lines from the caves in the mountains to this temple on the flat of the land and were assisted by the two of us to move through this shimmering disk that vibrated at such an accelerated rate that one could only slip through it by breathing in synchronicity with its vibrational pulse. The final step in determining their ability to survive on this land called planet earth occurred when they were able to pass in between the vibrating molecules and through the disk safely.

    We have now begun to overlay you with many memories all at once and to speak with you of things that seem beyond belief. We want you to practice acceptance for the future information that will seem to make perfect sense while, at the same time, be too outrageous to believe. Write it all down. Only in this way will you learn to accept what must be written and shared for future times. We are pleased with the determination you have shown transcribing the material and with the sight of you in this early morning quiet time.

    Now open your eyes and edit at will. Go forth unto your day, daughter mine. Go forth. You have served us well in this morning tide. We are smiling, and we place the golden disk upon your soul, covering your heart and throat centers. All who come upon you will be at peace this day. Your vibrational flow is altered ever so slightly to accommodate this projection of vibrational pulse. You do not have to do anything. Just be and go forth unto your day in peace. Remember this temple and the passing through into all possibilities. It is now, at this time, that this door of all possibilities opens. Let the acceptance begin here, during this morning time of peace and quiet. Let it begin here.

    One day you will sit upon this chair and the words will flow uncensored by your conscious mind, and you will be free of all doubt. I do not recognize the doubt that you have at this time but see only the daughter of my temple, whom I raised to become a teacher and healer, and a bringer of wisdom beyond the knowledge that is available at this time of the earth’s evolution. Everything that we do now is in preparation for the eventuality of releasing once again the information that will assist humankind to go forth and to move out of the density that has been created from forgetfulness.

    Your expression of doubt will serve as a perfect example for the rest of mankind. Doubt fills the souls of humans as they move further and further into density, and they become blinded to moments of insight when the seemingly unexplainable occurs. I have watched it happen many, many times. Throughout the ages, there have been Souls who have remembered, risen up and moved beyond this limitation. You were one who was able to observe, move through doubt and help the evolving earth come to fruition.

    Let me tell you of you, for your story is the story of many. Though you were brought forth to work with me in the various temples we initiated and to learn from my tutelage, you were not of this earth. You have come once more to be within this earthly dimension and herald a new time. You are not the only one here with this purpose, but you are the only one who is my pupil for now. You and I have a history together. We have a mission to accomplish and a promise to fulfill. We are going to join together with many light beings around the world to pull this human existence up by its bootstraps, to use a current expression.

    I have observed for many centuries what has been occurring here. The varied expressions of humankind and their creations are never boring. Now come with me, daughter, and explore the depths of remembering that are just now beginning to occur in the hearts and minds of those beings that are awakening to yet another way of existence. It is not the way of the Christian, the Buddhist, the Hindu, the Jew, the Muslim or any other religious sect now practicing. It is not even the way of many of your enlightened teachers. But it is the way of the evolution of the Soul and the freedom of the Spirit, to soar into realms of awareness that were never known here on earth and only hinted at by those who ventured forth from other dimensions and told the stories of the ages. You have entered a time of magic and a period of timeless wisdom. It is the time of Original Thought personified. The words original thought are powerful indeed and will be the cornerstone on which we build our temple once more. Original thought is the center.

    You have asked, When does it end? When can I go home and rest? When is it over? I say to you, not until all become original thought once more, and then it will start again. I know, daughter, it is not so clear now. You continue to be restricted by your conscious mind and find it difficult to comprehend something that is incomprehensible to those who only possess limited thinking. It is a seed I have planted, only a seed. But it is enough that you are stretching your mind in order to know and to understand that you must trust what is coming, what has been and what shall ever be. With discipline, we will take it one step at a time. Do not become frightened. Breathe and come to know your higher Self—your Original Thought—and be glad.

    Walk quietly between the lines, as I have cautioned you to do this early morning hour. You have heard the words but have yet to truly understand them. When I ask you to walk between the lines, it is for the purpose of using your ability to suspend time and harken to another way of being, rather than continue to think of yourself as a limited human. Walking quietly between the lines frees you to move between those lines of judgment that you find so rigid. These are the lines of thinking that keep you bound to the belief that this dimensional existence is all that there is. When you walk between the lines of which I speak, you definitely break with the boundaries that have kept you planted firmly within this limited realm of existence.

    Walk with me and let us slip between this third dimensional reality and move into the reality that is you and me. We will not speak of things you are yet unable or unwilling to bring forth. We are still meeting and adjusting to your fear and resistance. This is why I have given you this lesson today, to help move you beyond this state of fear and resistance and into a state of all possibility. Vibrating within the electrum that is human existence, you will see only what your senses tell you is real—what you can see, touch, taste, feel and hear. And then one day you will know. The knowing is the sense that has been developed in you and many others of your kind throughout this lifetime. The knowing will set you on the road to walking between realities, or, as I have termed them to be, your lines or boundaries. You have always known and felt with more than so-called reality as your bellwether. You have practiced the knowing throughout this lifetime and many lifetimes yet realized. The knowing has set you apart. Many have this skill (I call it a skill), as they have honed it to perfection throughout the ages.

    So walk with me now in this state of knowing that enables you to press your fingers upon these keys, keep your eyes closed and transcribe what you know to be true. In this state of knowing, all will become clear to you—clearer than if I were to appear and talk with you in human form. Through the knowing, we are going to teach you to walk between the realities of time and space and live with the gods, so to speak, and walk with the gods and meet them—not in this third-dimensional world but on the ground they walk, which in our reality is not ground at all. We will teach you there. When you were dedicated to meditating, you touched some of these places—albeit with judgment—but still you wrote them down and lived the memory. Do you see now how long you have been preparing for this moment? You have been preparing virtually all your life—all of your many lives. The task ahead of us will call for you to walk with ease between the lines and boundaries of our worlds, and to take what is given and use it for greater good.

    There is so much for you to see and do. For those beings who will also experience the same set of realities and experiences as you, know it is what you have all come to do at this time. You will meet together at some point, but for now each of you will walk the path that is being guided by your willingness to arise each morning and face the challenge of letting go of conscious awareness and explore the possibilities of other realities yet unknown. You are in training. You are the scribe for this journey, and through your writing you will chronicle the experiences that will become the history for future travelers who have the courage to walk between the lines. Your planet will not self-destruct, though many now living upon it are bound to attempt it. It will not happen because it cannot be destroyed by ignorance. Ignorance is always foreshadowed by truth, and truth will always win out.

    So, my daughter, our journey continues and yet begins upon a new frontier that is really older than the ages of recorded history. Magic is in the air surrounding you. Move through the boundaries of your existence and you will see the vista of all possibility laid out before you. These vibrational signposts are like open portals. Step through one and experience what is there, then look toward the next and move through and feel the wind upon your face that will tell your human mind that this is the reality you seek. Each boundary crossed and each line moved between will free you to open more fully and increase the vibrational flow that is growing and emanating from within you. Do not be afraid that you will lose yourself in the process. When you increase your awareness of limitless space and time—limitless possibilities—you can change at will what does not serve you. I know it may seem a most fantastic concept, but the seeds are being planted now. You are nurturing each seed carefully by writing and transcribing words upon the page each morning and moving with me as your guide and teacher through many realities. As a result, you will also be leaving behind the judgments that serve only to delay your process. You will never lose touch with your so-called reality here because of your promise to come and to teach, but it will not keep you from all possibility, for I will see that you remember. The promise you made to serve in this way was made many eons ago. We know that you have much you feel you must do, and places and people who call to you in this reality. You will find your balance, and those around you will grow as well. You must plant the seeds.

    Be in joy, for it is a joyful time. Hear our song and sing it gladly. Feel the vibrational tones that blend the realities until no boundaries exist—limitless truth; all knowing; all seeing; all that there is. And still you will come upon another door that has never been opened, and it will present itself before you. And you will open this one too, and we will walk hand-in-hand and be teacher and student once more. But who shall be the teacher and who shall be the student? That will be the delightful question we will answer in some future time that is really not time at all. Is this not a wonderful thing to look forward to? Go forth and be happy, and let this be our greatest reward.

    Chapter Two

    Come Forth into the Act of Being


    Oftentimes, at the most unexpected moments, while taking a shower or brushing my teeth, I would receive a simple one-line message that was repeated over and over in my mind until I would finally stop and write it down. I have come to recognize these opportunities, which seem to come when least expected, as a clever way in which Mother would tweak my mind a bit and start me questioning and contemplating new directions in thought. This was one such occasion….


    So, have you been contemplating the messages from the shower of yester eve and now realize that nothing is given unto you that is without significance? When I gave you the message, Think with limited thought, you at once perceived this to be contradictory to all you had ever been taught. The very nature of that expression made you question the totality of your beliefs and years of spiritual study. This phrase was presented in this way for exactly that very reason. For far too long you have been receiving contradictory messages from many spiritual teachers, and it is my purpose to dismiss these teachings of the past until you have come once again before me as a clean slate. I want you to realize that messages of those masters served a purpose at the time they were given. It

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