Subtle Energy and the World We Experience
By Rich Ralston
About this ebook
This is an informational guide with easy, step-by-step exercises for all ages to use the basics of subtle energy; you can
learn chakra, aura, grounding, and meditation exercises;
attract desirable situations, people, and experiences;
release and replace troubling emotions;
identify and release beliefs that hold you back; and
regain the confidence and power to make decisions for yourself.
Subtle Energy and the World We Experience also includes
stories of souls of the dead crossing over;
the universal laws and their roles in our world;
explanations and examples of the supernatural;
exercises to explore your past lives and karma flows; and
the authors personal meditation and healing techniques.
If youve ever wished you could change but found yourself thinking and doing in the same old patterns; desired to make a big change but felt fearful or hesitant to do so; or wondered why things happen (or dont) the way they do, this book is for you. The author comes from a Christian perspective of more than twenty-five years and explains how subtle energy operates in the area of religious persuasion, and how to get free from its influence to reach a higher potential and live a more meaningful life.
Rich Ralston
Rich Ralston is a clairvoyant energy worker and healer. His abilities include chakra clearing and energy release instruction, past life karma clearing, communication with souls of the dead as well as crossing them over, and remote healing - helping others throughout the world. He does this to help others heal and learn so they may empower themselves and reach a higher potential. He draws from his past religious experiences to help others gain clarity and perhaps new direction in their lives. His current project involves communicating with the souls of the dead and exploring the realms of afterlife with hopes of sharing his gained knowledge with others. Feel free to contact him at [email protected].
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Subtle Energy and the World We Experience - Rich Ralston
Copyright © 2013 Rich Ralston.
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-8564-2 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2013919676
Balboa Press rev. date: 11/22/2013
Part 1 Subtle Energy, the Chakra System, Life after Death, Spirit, Souls
Chapter 1 Subtle Energy and How It Works
Chapter 2 The Universal Laws
Chapter 3 Chakras and Their Structure
Chakra Structure (ch. 3)
Chapter 4 The Chakra System
The Seven Primary Chakras (ch. 4)
The Aura and Earth Mind (ch. 4)
Chapter 5 Subtle Energy Practical Application
Exercise 5.1 How to Check Chakra Rotation
Exercise 5.2 How to Correct Chakra Rotation
Exercise 5.3 How to Ground and Remove Excess Energy
Exercise 5.4 How to Clear Energy from an Aura
Exercise 5.5 How to Clear a Chakra
Exercise 5.6 How to Fill a Chakra with Energy
Exercise 5.7 How to Program a Crystal
Exercise 5.8 How to Shield an Aura
Pendulum—Exercise 5.1 (ch. 5)
Exercise 5.4 Steps (ch. 5)
Exercise 5.5 (ch. 5)
Chapter 6 Life after Death
Chapter 7 The Spirit and Souls
Part 2 Earth Mind, Collective Consciousness, Spirit, Soul, Life after Death, Works of the Spirit
Chapter 8 Earth Mind, Collective Consciousness, the Collective Consciousness of Religion
Collective Consciousness and the High Soul (ch. 8)
Chapter 9 My Personal Experience
Chapter 10 The Born-Again Experience
Chapter 11 The Phenomenon of the Works of the Spirit
Kundalini Flow (ch. 11)
Part 3 Ego, Self-Evaluation, and Clearing Techniques
Chapter 12 The Ego and the Decision to Change
Chapter 13 Identify Your Beliefs
Chapter 14 How to Change Self-Perception and Beliefs
Exercise 14.1 How to Release Undesirable Emotions—Energy Ball Technique
Energy Ball Technique (ch. 14)
Chapter 15 How to Release Lower Chakra Energy
Exercise 15.1 Meditation Technique for Clearing Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Chapter 16 How to Release Middle Chakra Energy
Exercise 16.1 Meditation Technique for Clearing the Solar Plexus Chakra
Exercise 16.2 Meditation Technique for Clearing the Heart Chakra
Chapter 17 How to Release Higher Chakra Energy
Exercise 17.1 Meditation Technique for Clearing the Throat Chakra
Exercise 17.2 Meditation Technique for Clearing the Third Eye Chakra
Exercise 17.3 Meditation Technique for Clearing the Crown Chakra
Chapter 18 How to Regain Your Power
Exercise 18.1 How to Regain Your Power
Chapter 19 Clearing Collective Consciousness
Exercise 19.1 Technique for Clearing Collective Consciousness
Chapter 20 Binding and Loosing Energy
Exercise 20.1 Clearing Cords
Cord Attachments (ch. 20)
Part 4 Meditation, Prayer, and Spirituality
Chapter 21 Meditation and Prayer
Exercise 21.1 Meditation
Exercise 21.2 Meditation and Prayer
Exercise 21.3 Manifesting through Meditation
Chapter 22 Past Lives and Karma
Exercise 22.1 Technique for Clearing Past Lives
Chapter 23 Religion versus Spirituality
My background consists of many Christian-based experiences from which I’ve gained a strong understanding of the Christian belief system and mode of operation. I realized some time ago that my religious beliefs no longer served me, and I moved on to discover a different perspective and understanding of spirituality. Although I no longer practice Christianity, my personal background and religious experiences that I have shared are intended to help explain my reasons for writing this book.
I spent twenty-five years living a very serious and zealous Christian lifestyle. My involvement covered teaching Bible classes, becoming an ordained evangelist, and preaching the gospel. I also created a missionary network to help indigenous pastors in India and sponsored an orphanage in India.
I believe that most are born with some type of extrasensory ability, commonly referred to as intuition. Intuition is generally influenced by the type of society we live in and parental influence. Children are more open and susceptible to their surroundings and connected energy. To more fully appreciate the human experience and energy we are comprised of, try to feel the emotions you associate with your time spent in or with religion or other aspects of your life, such as education, career, relationships, etc. The purpose of this is to learn about yourself and how your past emotional experiences have influenced you to be the person that you are.
For example, as a small child I was introduced to religion by my aunt, who attended a strict church that believed in the Bible and preached hellfire and damnation. The emotions that swept through me were of fear, guilt, and a sense of dread as the preacher stood in front of the congregation and yelled at everyone. He told us we had to be baptized that day or we would go to hell. I was around six years old at the time, very shy, and sheltered. I had been so sick that my mother, a former schoolteacher, with permission from the school district had homeschooled me that year.
At that point I had had minimal exposure to other people. I was also very sensitive to my own and others’ feelings. Were you sensitive to others and your surroundings as a child? Do you still consider yourself sensitive? Your answers to these questions will help you discover more about yourself and how it relates to your spirituality.
The experience was so scary that it kept me away from church until I became an adult. Even though I only visited that church with my aunt three times, I still vividly remember the feelings I experienced as I watched people confess their sins in a white gown, followed by being dunked into water. Somehow this act was supposed to make the person acceptable in the eyes of an almighty God and prevent him or her from being punished in a fiery eternal hell. The feelings I experienced were very alarming, and I knew I didn’t want to be part of any sort of similar religious experience. Can you relate to these types of emotions? Even if it doesn’t relate to a church experience, it could relate to some other type of life event (i.e., traumatic experience at school, home, work, etc.).
My parents did not want to be involved with church and would not allow me to attend except for the times with my aunt. At some point in our lives, for most of us, we begin to question our existence and desire to find real meaning. We ask questions such as, why am I here? and, what is my purpose?
My spiritual quest began in my twenties. I had several experiences with different religious groups. I spent three years studying lessons with a friend from work, and after many study sessions, the instructor was still unable to answer my questions about the material and did not meet my expectations. I came to a crossroad where I had to decide whether to join them or leave. I chose the latter as there were a few things that really puzzled me.
Women weren’t allowed to face the congregation, but instead, they had to face one another and hold a conversation. Why weren’t they allowed to look at the congregation? Why would a religious organization have the authority to dictate everyone’s beliefs? If heaven was reserved for a certain number of souls already elected by the religious organization, and there was a second opportunity to choose God at the resurrection of the dead, then what was the importance of following a strict religious lifestyle? I decided to leave the strict program and spend my time bass fishing instead. I thought when the resurrection occurred, I would take my chances and opt to serve God at that time.
A couple of years passed, and my wife and I didn’t have any children. I was not interested in taking up another religion. Even though I had rejected going to church, I still had a desire to understand God. My wife and I decided we should buy a juicer and clean up our bodies. We purchased a juicer from a pastor’s wife. She witnessed to us about Jesus Christ and how we were to be spiritual, rather than religious, by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We went for it hook, line, and sinker and became born again.
When we prayed the sinner’s prayer,
we both experienced sensations. I felt a significant amount of guilt lift off of me, and my wife felt as though a ball of energy entered her heart. We began attending the pastor’s church and stayed for about twenty-five years. I hadn’t been in the church very long when I was offered the opportunity to be a trustee. I accepted the opportunity and kept the role for many years. During this time, my wife and I raised three children.
This church relied heavily on music and worshipped God by raising hands, using verbal praises, speaking in tongues (a topic all its own), strict interpretation of the Bible, and sharing gifts of the Spirit, such as prophecy, laying hands on others, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. The congregation displayed a high level of emotion, which was intended to demonstrate that they loved God more than anything else and were happy that God would spare them from his wrath and accept them as his people.
I mentioned that when we are young we are more susceptible to our surroundings. I was born with an exceptional ability to see, feel, and hear things around me. Many people also have this ability but are at a loss to explain or understand it. Spiritual leaders attempted to explain my sensitivity by using the Bible as their source. Since they only used the Bible, their explanations were limited. They also attempted to explain what God, demons, angels, heaven, and hell were.
I became frustrated by these limited explanations and also wondered why the Christian church didn’t fulfill what it claimed to be by the writings of the prophets and Jesus. Due to its structure, the church also seemed powerless to change the world. There were also dominating personalities within the church leadership. These factors compelled me to leave. Once I left the church and searched for answers from different sources, the answers to these items became clear. I began to study meditation and the use of subtle energy to explore my sensitivity because I did not want to rely on religion any longer.
During my time spent in India, I experienced life-changing healing and spiritual lessons that revealed how off base I’d been in my religious beliefs. It was truly beneficial to be away from the church and in a foreign country because I was out of my comfort zone. Through dreams and visions, I was shown the love of the Creator. Since then I’ve been fortunate to meet Frank Jordan, who has over forty years of dowsing and energy work experience. I’ve studied his books, worked with him, and found my own purpose in these areas as well as my souls’ purpose here on earth.
I’ve developed my healing abilities and have been led to many people with similar backgrounds who felt mistreated, confused, frustrated, and sometimes hopeless as a result of their past religious experiences. I’ve helped them heal their physical bodies, clear their chakras, clear their minds of harmful thought patterns or beliefs, and clear their energy/emotional blockages to gain and maintain balance in life.
I have acquired much of my understanding about subtle energy from Frank Jordan’s books, Clearing the Way, and Clearing the Way to Higher Consciousness Earth-Mind and Living with Subtle Energy. I have also studied The Light Shall Set You Free by Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr. Shirley McCune, which explains the universal laws. I