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The Glacier
The Glacier
The Glacier
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The Glacier

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Two agents disembarked somewhere at the latitudes 74-75N and disappeared in the cold white world. Nobody had ever heard about them from then. Twenty years later a team of best glaciologists of the country of Russia went to high latitudes of Arctic. They all were enthusiastic scientists under the leadership of talented young doctor of science, Vladimir Ustinov, looking with excitement for new discoveries on the largest in the Northern Hemisphere glacier of Greenland. They did it. The glacier was not cold; it was hot. The scientist had realized long time ago that the whole Greenland Ice Sheet was in fact one huge thousands of trillion tones glacier. However, the twisted minds of the others became curious about this phenomenon for the absolutely remote from the science reason. The great discovery was about to become a source of the greatest tragedy in the present world. The earth crust rift zones if stimulated provoked or rather evoked for activity could shift and move to plow everything on its way across North American continent. A resolute struggle with destructive forces set upon Arctic - in the abyssal of Greenland Sea and on the Hot Glacier
Release dateJul 8, 2013
The Glacier


Leonard Chepel was born in Ukraine; marine biologist-ichthyologist; PhD. Took part in research voyages throughout Arctic and Atlantic Ocean from Greenland-Labrador to Antarctica. Served an Executive Secretary of North-West Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) in Halifax, NS, Canada, 1991-2002. Published professional articles in English and Russian; the most recent publications in English: “The Way in Ocean”, ISBN 978-1-4567-8837-7; (USA, AuthorHouse) “Purdy’s Wharf” ISBN 978-1-4678-7798-5; (USA, AuthorHouse) “The Diamond Triangle”, ISBN 978-1-4678-9651-1. (USA, AuthorHouse) “Two Colours”, ISBN 978-1-4772-2722-0; 978-1-4772-2721-3; (USA, AuthorHouse) in Russian (with English annotation): “? ???????? ?????? – In the Ocean Deep'', ISBN 978-1-4817-8086-5; (USA, AthorHouse)

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    The Glacier - Leonard

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/02/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-6908-2 (sc)

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    Chapter One       The Implants

    Chapter Two       The Expedition

    Chapter Three       Ice and Fire

    Chapter Four       The Arctic Delivery


    ‘A slowly moving mass or river of ice

    formed by the accumulation and

    compaction of snow on mountains

    or near the poles.’


    This story I heard in my beloved Arctic in time we were fastened by heavy ice fields near the East Coast of Greenland. Expecting a final crash by direfully moving humps and ridges of ice, we were scared and ready to disembark on the ice field any moment. Only one man, who was in charge of the oceanographic survey, had remained calm the whole time. The man stayed with me on the deck, watching with faint smile the piles of white-blue floes ready to trespass over the bulwark and to smash the bridge together with the crew. What a beauty! The man’s face was gleaming with delight, as he said it and then continued. Don’t worry nothing wrong is going to happen with us in this place. I did not believe the man’s optimism and asked for more explanation. How do you know? Why? His reasoning was unconvincing and rather mysterious. My father had been here sometime ago… the glacier doesn’t like the bad guys only… we’re here on a peaceful scientific mission. It was too subjective to accept and I had pressed more with my desperate questions:

    What do you mean ‘the glacier’? The ice fields, not the glacier, are about to trample over the ship.

    No, my friend, it’s only Greenland, as one gigantic Glacier, which controls everything and rules the ice fields and all Arctic world.

    I don’t understand. How it’s possible? Is there a mystery you know?

    Probably I do. Soon we’ll be out of the ice and I’ll tell you one special story about the glacier.

    The man was right. Greenland ice had relented and let us go free undamaged. At the evening, I came to see the man in his cabin. He said that his story would be improbable and fantastic, but it had been the real life of his father and the account of the bygone events, which had happened really not long ago. In fact it wasn’t just a story but rather an unusual account of the human struggle for survival in Arctic. He was narrating all this night and the next night, and then many other nights. It was tragic but at the same time a wonderful story line. I tried to preserve the main theme of it, including some imaginable and, as I thought, permissible details in my following literary inspiration. For me it was almost realistic because I immersed with my memory and feelings, and with my soul back into that time of mysterious events that happened in Greenland in fact not long time ago… That time nobody could imagine that this world and the human kind came very close to a tragic and could be irreversible extremity…

    A clandestine operation was plotted under the code name of the implants. Two well-trained operatives with families were sent northwest across three Arctic seas to settle among the snow and glacier terrains of Greenland. Their task was to launch the revolution and take over the icy country of the size of 2mln square km. Two agents on this mission were authentic Inuit, who were the only such special assets in the Secret Service portfolio. The agents disembarked somewhere at the latitudes 74-75N and disappeared in the cold white world. Nobody had ever heard about them from then. The WWII came shortly after and everybody forgot about the lost people and the great ideas of the North Pole domination. People on the European Subcontinent, up to Volga River of Russia and Caucasian Mountains, were struggling for survival, killing mercilessly for this reason each other. Then a tense peace with other less bloody but strenuous continuing struggle came…

    In the midst of XX century, a team of best glaciologists of the country of Russia went to high latitudes of Arctic. They all were enthusiastic scientists under the leadership of talented young doctor of science, Vladimir Ustinov, looking with excitement for new discoveries on the largest in the Northern Hemisphere glacier of Greenland. In charge of this expedition was a slightly less scientifically oriented person, the strong rugged man of the intelligence vocation. The masters of the man were looking for something else besides glaciology. This region of Arctic was in the back of beyond any civilization, even for the native people of Greenland. And it was the best chance for the most powerful military in this world to use it for special needs. So, unwillingly and unknowingly the scientists had embarked on a spy mission.

    While the scientists attempted to explore and solve the fundamental issues of Arctic cold nature, the spy agent directed the team to search a very specific place. The briefing at the spy’s headquarters in Moscow was simple—‘to locate the lost agents, implanted twenty years ago . . . do everything to fulfill the military part of the mission . . . search out the reserve landing strips . . .’ It was in time the high Arctic air spy mission by huge bombers with nuclear weapons on board had unveiled in full. The Tu-95 (NATO reporting name—Bear) was a largest, four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber, a missile high altitude platform. Massive noisy long-tailed bombers on patrol missions flew from the north of the eastern country towards the main adversary—Canada and USA eastern coast.

    The scientists did their discovery. It was a phenomenon of hot water vents in the bottom of Greenland Sea and underneath of monumental glacier. The glacier was not cold; it was hot. The scientist had realized long time ago that the whole Greenland Ice Sheet was in fact one huge many trillion tones glacier. The theory was pure scientific with fundamental academic features. However, the twisted minds of the others became curious about this phenomenon for the absolutely remote from the science reason. The great discovery was about to become a source of the greatest tragedy in the present world. The earth crust rift zones if stimulated provoked or rather evoked for activity could shift and move the monstrous ice sheet from its base to plow everything on its way. The vector of the further flow of such ice river would be only in one direction—across North American continent. A resolute struggle with destructive forces got underway in the abyssal of Greenland Sea and on the Glacier…

    Chapter One

    The Implants

    Today was Sunday and a man of a very special status in this country got his rare tranquil weekend retreat in a country residence, a large wooden building on the southwestern outskirts of Moscow city. His subjects around, who were actually the whole country, called the man by most reverent names—the Master, the Ruler, and the Supreme Commander.

    At nine a.m. a phone call came from a general in charge of national security. The general was asking for urgent meeting. The Master was not happy and even angry that anybody, even at the highest governmental status, would distract him from deserved weekend leisure. He asked:

    General, what the matter could be so urgent to take my time on Sunday?

    It’s absolutely urgent and a top state importance case, comrade Master. I’ve received a dispatched from my resident agent in Paris.

    Okay, come in… be sure not disappoint me.

    The national security chief in the rank of a four-star-general knew well the danger to disappoint his boss. The case should have been really urgent and important. The general arrived in forty minutes from his office on the Lubyanka Square in the center of Moscow city.

    Two guards met the general at the gate and escorted to a wooden rotunda featured a simple summer style interior, except a real mahogany round table at the middle. The Master dressed in a white summer outfit and high walking leather boots of dark color was standing in the rotunda, watching playing birds in the lush greenery around. The man probably was in positive state of mind. The general approached and greeted the boss with polite timid smile:

    Good morning, comrade Supreme Commander! I apologize for disturbing you on Sunday.

    The Master did not reply right away and only waved his hand asking:

    Look, general, these innocent birds are so happy. Why is that?

    I think it’s because they do not have our problems, comrade Master.

    Don’t be so strained, general. What problems are you talking about?

    I’ve gotten today…

    The Master did not give him a chance to speak about the problems and said:

    The birds are cheery because they are free. Remember, general, the freedom makes everybody happy. These words were exactly, for which the national security guy would send into prison anyone in this country and what he together with his Master had been doing during last years. Being in the company with the boss, the general was not so foolish fundamentalist. He agreed with the boss. Yes, comrade Master, you’re right.

    The Master looked at his guest with chilling irony in his eyes. His voice has changed to inquisitive strong intonations like a teacher, asking his students about homework:

    What did you say the freedom and happiness would do to the people?

    They would want more freedom and happiness and wouldn’t work for the benefit of the country, comrade Supreme Commander. Too much freedom is too much for simple people.

    Therefore we have to keep then in Siberia, general. Very good! Now we’ll get some snack before you’ll tell me about your problems.

    They sat at the round cherry colored wooden desk, which called in this country simply—‘red wood’, which was for mahogany. The desk was brought, as everything in this cottage, from the shattered aristocratic past of this country. The victorious renegades in the amok of rebellion for some reason did not wish to destroy the mahogany things and kept them in their possession similar to the barbarians, who would keep and enjoy the seized artifacts of civilized societies. They relished the power of victorious rulers, supported and protected by a number of devoted young guards with automatic rifles and dogs. The men liked that aromatic dry wine and fresh fruits brought daily from distant southern mountains. The mustached, pockmarked face and looked like slightly sleepy-retarded Master did not wish to rush with the serious agenda, smoking slowly and ponderously his famous pipe with rich flavor of tropical tobacco. Inside of the man and especially his inventive tricky mind have been living more than two, but many personalities, which he would use in the right time for one paramount thing—the unchallenged supremacy. His guest, bulging puffy general in charge of all national security, knew this and was patiently waiting for permission to explain the top urgent matter.

    Finally the Master got satisfied with the supper and the aromatic pipe. He first time looked directly at the visitor by squinted eyes inside of which was a mixture of laugh, curiosity, and anticipation of the after lunch show. His speech came out slowly and slightly stumbling with distinct accentuation on each word, like he was struggling not to forget them:

    What is your special urgent subject you want to talk only with me, comrade general?

    The voice sounded like erroneous, but nobody would ever tell if it was the case of irony or deep attention or threat. Anyway, it has never been pleasant to hear such questions with a suspicion that something was wrong to ask the ruler about to get-together on the urgent national security matter. The general said:

    This is about my latest operative information from Denmark, comrade Supreme Commander.

    From Denmark? Now the voice of the powerful man was true sarcastic. A small, almost invisible country in Europe the size of a half of Moscow region, had never been in a spotlight of the interests or diplomatic activity of this eastern gigantic country.

    The general knew it and anticipated Master’s first reaction at the name of the country. He said only one short sentence:

    It’s about Greenland, comrade Supreme Commander.

    The word Greenland did magic transformation upon the Master, who became more attentive to the guest and demanded:

    General, report the situation in all details. Why… Probably he wished to ask, ‘why you didn’t tell me it right away?’ but stopped because he was the master of this protocol in first place. The name of Greenland had a direct connection with/to the strategic stance of this eastern country, which possessed almost 50% of the Arctic domain. The Ruler of the country had strong and resolute standpoint with one very special motto—those who will possess the North Pole they will possess the world. Now he sensed that something was going on in Arctic behind his back. The general said:

    Our resident in Paris, who controls Denmark and Belgium, send this secret dispatch, he opened a portfolio and gave the piece of paper to the boss. The man read the following deciphered text: ‘The Viking reports the meeting held between the deputy-premier of Denmark with the deputy of the State Secretary of USA. The agenda—the sale of Greenland to USA.’ The Viking was the resident-agent in Paris, who controls the agents in Copenhagen.

    The general saw the Master was visibly shaken by such news. The boss kept the report before his eyes for a couple of minutes. Then turned to the general:

    How’s it reliable?

    It’s from the Communist Party of Denmark—Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti, DKP, comrade Supreme Commander.

    Well, than it’s for real.

    What will be your order, comrade Supreme Commander?

    The only order for you is to disrupt, not let to happen this. Do you understand?

    Yes, comrade Supreme Commander. We’ll work on this.

    At such simple promise, the Master became very angry. He approached the general and motioned by the hand with the pipe almost into the general’s face:

    You’ll work on this? his voice was sarcastic and threatening. You’ll break it, you’ll stop it, and you’ll destroy it, general. It’s my order.

    I apologize, comrade Supreme Commander. I mean—we’ll disrupt it.

    The Master had always been unpredictable in his deeds and decisions. Nobody in his Kremlin surrounding was able to predict the man or read his thoughts. Probably such special quality was the main reason of his political durability with one more special merit—his ruthless treacherous nature. The next question was unexpected:

    Do you, comrade general, have a liking for the North Pole?

    Such question by the almighty man was tricky and could be even dangerous, because they were sending to Siberia, close to the Pole, all their opponents and even the general’s predecessors. And the creeping horror of such possibility began to take over the fatty man with large protruding watery eyes; tantalizing misgivings tormented the man: ‘what he should say? If he would like it, then it would be his destination or what? Why?’

    The general looked in the Master’s eyes and saw the smile, which nobody in this county could read, like the smile of the devil; it could be a leniency, but most likely a sentence. The reply spontaneously came to his mind without denial or strong confirmation:

    Yes, comrade Supreme Commander, I like it but not very much.

    Good response, general. We have the same story related to Siberia and Arctic, we don’t like it very much, but only have to posses it because we need it very much.

    Yes, comrade Supreme Commander, over there is too much cold for the liking it, but we definitely need it.

    It’s true, general; the cold is our best ally, helping our hot revolutionary case and in other many cases. And we need the North Pole even without liking it.

    The general knew exactly what his boss meant. His subordinates from prison camps would report back to him daily the thousands of dead in cold and those numbers were the best allegretto music for him and his boss. The more thousands would die, the more free space would be open to send other thousands to die, almost like patients to a killing hospital. The mortal accelerando of mezzo forte was the best-orchestrated music by the Ruler-Master and his National Security Chief. Together they worked like a perfect exterminating engine.

    At this moment the Security Chief finally realized that the Master was looking for more cold space expansion and not only in Siberia and probably up to the Arctic islands. He liked this idea personally and even proposed once to extend the cold killing fields further up north, to the Franz Joseph Archipelago. Most likely the boss was ready to approve his plan. But the plan was very much different and not so primitive. The boss has always been an unchallenged strategist of long shot political goals. The next sentence confirmed it and by its weighty significance had almost stumped the general in a stupor of disbelief and owe about the idea. The simple looked like modest individual, puffing his aromatic pipe, said:

    We need the whole cold of the north in our possession, all Greenland and Canadian north… up to the North Pole.

    The general was looking in awe at the Master. Such boundless extent of the strategy was stunning. Now it was understandable why the boss had become so irritated about the news from Copenhagen. The other overseas guys had rushed upfront of the Master, looking for the acquisition of the piece of Arctic of the size of two million square kilometers. The Master had his own plan for this and for his first man in clandestine operations. The general was ready to follow the next order. He stood to attention and asked:

    Please, comrade Master, order us how we’ll do it?

    This exactly what I wish to talk with you… and only you at this stage, because it’s extremely sensitive.

    I’ll do whatever you’ll tell me to do, comrade Supreme Commander.

    It’s not good enough, general, I’m waiting for your personal professional ideas and thoughts about it.

    The recognition of the professional merit of the general was the well-deserved thing because he was in charge of many successful plots inside of the country and outside, acting, arranging, and killing. Nevertheless this time it was very much different to deal mostly with the lands covered by ice and snow with not so many to kill and no so much to take. The general was confused and the master saw it. He said:

    Okay, I know that it’s unexpected for you, but, as the devoted revolutionary, you should be ready and think about such grandeur goals in our struggle with that antagonistic world to west and east, and even to the south. Only the north is our friendly ally.

    I will, comrade Supreme Commander, but I need your guidance and the time to think about it and to produce my plans for your approval.

    These two, as anybody in this part of the world, didn’t suspect that at the moment the history didn’t allocate much time for them both. The mustached master of political intrigues thought that he kept all cards in his hands and was wrong, his devilish intuition betrayed him. The victorious ignorance, as a deceitful oversight of nearly all conquerors, spawned and encouraged by unlimited domination over the subdued subjects, did prevail over the wisdom of true intellectual judgment. The man had a vision of great things on the horizon without seeing the exact path, similarly to an over-zealous alpine climber, watching his coveted summit so close, only a couple thousand meters away, without seeing the crevices, canyons and treacherous soft ice on the way. The Master-climber had already reached his craved summit some time ago and it wasn’t very hard—just kill without mercy, those who would resist, and climb over their bodies. He was confident that he would do it again and only had to get hurry ahead of all others to win the race. The Master pushed at the subordinate:

    Well, general, we do not have much time and should act very speedy. Do you still have those guys from Greenland-Grumant? It was exactly what the spymaster was thinking himself and was perplexed about the memory of his boss, who could remember such negligent things he once told. Even the name of Grumant, which the northern people of Russia gave for Spitzbergen, was more likely related to Greenland. A story about northern sailors and Greenland-Grumant the Master had heard almost ten years ago in time of his secret visit to north of the country, which he often called ‘the genesis of this cold country’. An old man, the sailor-fisherman of Russian north, had narrated one unusual tale of Arctic…

    * * *

    Greenland. East Coast. The actual historical account had originated probably a couple of centuries ago. A pomors’ kotch, which was the best type of a ship for Arctic navigation, traveled from the northern Russian coast several months across stormy seas. They reached the eastern coast of Greenland in August but were stuck in heavy ice. This part of the icy country was forlorn and treacherous. The sailors were saved only by the special features of their sailboat-kotch, which wasn’t crushed by the ice due to the egg-shaped hull; it was simply squeezed-up on the top of ice field. However the boat was badly damaged. In two days, seven strong men managed to pull the boat to shoreline. Everything around was covered by snow and ice without any sign of Arctic pebble beaches with granite boulders so plentiful on Barents Sea islands and New Land. In this desolated environment the men were sentenced by the nature to death for sure. From the stories of their ancestors, they knew that this part of the world was even more severe than at home. The people were scared to get the scurvy because limited nutrition and absence of seaweeds, which were so abundant in Barents Sea and could be helpful in this case.

    But these guys were pomors, Russian northern sailors, who sometime were called the Ice Vikings. They knew what to do first, second and further to sustain the wintering in Arctic. Fist of all a snow-igloo home was built under the protection by a high glacier from terrible eastern winds. In August, this part of Greenland is distinct by lively sings of marine life, which was the only hope for human life. The prime task was to kill seals and make pelts for the winter home and for the boat hull repair. However it was doubtful that they could reach 3000miles east from here by such repaired boat. The Greenland Sea weather was adverse for any travel in wintertime, which was almost here. Luckily they got food—a couple of seals, seagulls, small silver fish and a couple of white bears they killed by long sharp wooden poles. In October, the winter had arrived with dreadful winds and cold. The main problem was to find the firewood, which has never been a problem for pomors in eastern Arctic abundantly supplied by huge floating log-trees from Siberian forests. The Barents Sea currents did not reach Greenland. The men had only the seal and the bear oil to heat small stones and put inside of their skin coats to keep warm. However, they all understood that such energy source would not last for long and most likely they all were going to die. The only extra source of potential firewood was the wooden boat, which should be spared to take them home next summer.

    One night, which was not a complete arctic night at wintertime at this latitude, they heard the dog barking and saw a lonely sign of light not far from their place. The people moved closer to investigate and saw a low igloo with two native guys, the Eskimos, sitting inside. It happened to be a life saving meeting. The local guys were on a late hunting trip, returning on a dogsled from north with a heavy load of all kind of pelts. The meeting in such a desperate situation for the castaways would be fatal for the hunters if not these noble northern dwellers-pomors, who would never do bad things to the Arctic travelers. Very soon the two scared guys were smiling and drinking tea together with their new friends. Due to previous historical contacts between pomors and the Eskimo people, they knew a couple of crucial words and could communicate without any deep linguistic knowledge. However these two travelers spoke slightly different language or rather different pronunciation.

    The hunters came from West Greenland, which people spoke more common Greenlandic dialect the Kalaallisut. The historical pomors’ contacts were established with the East Greenlandic Inuit, who spoke their special dialect known as the Tunumiisut. It was very close to the language of the Yupik or the Yuit of Siberian populations related to the Eskimo people. Those old times the hunters and fishermen of Russian north would often travel east, across Kara Sea to central Siberia, and get in close contacts with the aboriginal people of Siberia. Sometime they would compete but more often cooperate and help each other in extreme northern conditions. The white hunters from northern Russian lands, west of Ural Mountain and shores of White Sea, knew that only the forest people of Tungus in Siberia were very difficult to establish contacts. The tundra Eskimo-Inuit and the Nenets people have always been hospitable and helpful.

    For the Russians, the meeting with Greenlanders was the only chance to survive if they leave East Greenland and follow with these two natives to West Greenland. The older native man said that they would not sustain till next July-August in this spot, which was most likely at the latitudes of approximately 66-67N. The natives were eager to help and were happy that such strong team would travel together across empty dangerous wild country. The boat was pulled closer to the glacier and covered by snow. The travelers believed that they would have chance to come back next summer, to repair the kotch and launch towards the home shores. The group endured almost 900km trip across southern part of Greenland to western shores. During that journey they passed through glaciers, valleys, and frozen fiords with high icy walls.

    In January, the travelers reached a large fiord and an Inuit settlement; all people were living in igloos covered inside and outside by hides and pelts. Surprisingly, there were several solid stone structures. The winter conditions here looked much better than on the east coast. Stormy winds were howling and blowing somewhere high over the fiord walls and white precipitation descended down from the sky by peaceful snowflakes; relaxed and tranquil world was down there, almost like a snowy paradise. The fiord was teeming with wildlife—fish, seals and huge glossy-black whales, coming in summer time.

    The place inherited many strange legends and the natives remember most of them. The old folks told that long time ago in this place were living big white people, who arrived in large long ships, and they were building the solid stone constructions still scattered around. The white people had long white hair, beards and mustaches and looked almost like these newcomers, except that the others were dressed differently. The natives thought that the white people returned again and were even happy that such strong men appeared in the fiord; it was a godsend gift for them. The tribal clans from different fiords have been competing with each other for hunting and fishing areas. This community settled near the best fishing grounds had all time been under the threat of invasion and even elimination by aggressive folks from the north. They believed in Sedna, the goddess of the sea and marine animals. She-goddess was also known as Arnaqquassaaq and Satsuma Arnaa ‘Mother of the Deep’. But for the local people she wasn’t completely good character because she ruled over Adlivun, which is the Inuit underworld. This underworld has occupied the northern parts of their land and the western seas, from which the bad belligerent people would come from time to time. At the same time the goddess ruled the sea underworld for good things and brought to the surface seals, walruses, and whales hunted by the Inuit. Now the goddess together with the mighty god Thor delivered to them these white people.

    The locals told the newcomers that in this land, on the shores of the fiord, the white people brought with them an old god, who they called God of Thunder or Thor, who was the Son of Odin and Jord. It wasn’t news for the pomors because they had heard about Thor from their Scandinavian neighbors, about the famous Scandinavian God with Hammer, the burly red-bearded Lord of Thunderstorms. The natives showed large granite boulder crafted in the form of a huge hummer. They said that it was the Thor’s weapon. They considered the bearded burly strangers as the messengers of Thor.

    When the natives saw the large Christian crosses under the coats of the newcomers, their were convinced even more that these people were the Norse, the same white people, who introduced Christianity to Greenland almost seven centuries ago, in time of Leif Erickson, the son of Erik the Red. Catholicism had started its advent in Greenland and was especially strong in the southern part of the country. However with departure most of the white settlers from Greenland due to severe weather conditions during the Little Ice Age from fifteen-sixteen centuries, the historically old Inuit worship became predominant and again gave way to Pagan practices.

    At first the strangers occupied one big stone hut. But very soon the leaders of the tribe came and pleaded with the white inhabitants to move into individual igloos and huts and to live with the native women. The shaman of the tribe told that the spirit came out of the fire and told him that it was the only chance for them all to survive; the god sent these seven strong for them to rejuvenate and reinforce this once powerful dynasty of southern people. The pomors were given official wives but it was only formality. Surreptitiously some families of this settlement attempted to get their women and young girls into the bed with the strangers to get the birth of the godsend kids. The white men realized that it would not be easy to leave this hospitable place under the watchful eyes of theirs would-be wives and tribesmen, who wished to keep them longer and probably for all life.

    The rumors have already been spread through hundreds of glaciers and fiords about the white people descended from the sky. Now the territory of the tribe was well secured from intrusion. The old legends still existed and were persistent about the ruthless white outsiders of the distant past therefore nobody wished to challenge them. Only the pomors, living like gods in this land, whished to dispute such privileged status. In a couple of years many newborn were brought to this world. These children, regardless of the white physiognomy of their fathers, had facial features very similar to the native kids. It was a legitimate natural outcome because the prevalence of the genes superiority of 15,000-20,000 years of the Eskimo people existence in this cold world. They had been in these lands—Greenland, Canada, Siberia and Alaska, long ago before the whites have settled on the European and North American parts of Arctic. However the white genes did their useful work as well and produced their physical superiority and stronger bodies of newborn. Soon the newcomers had accustomed to their new life and even liked it. But not all of them were ready to forget their native land 6000km to east. Two youngest guys, who went to this voyage at the age of 20, didn’t wish to remain all their life in this place. They remembered very different green land covered by dense forests and life in solid log houses. Probably the youngsters missed that former life. The history didn’t preserve their names, which would be similar to Ivan, Peter and alike. They wished to escape and find the way home.

    Actually they need not to run away. The fiord settlers decided to let them go to their land and even helped with the boat repair and supply. The elderly of the tribe even encouraged the returning to that big eastern land of white people for telling the others about this glacier country. These people in isolation wished to trade and get things for better life. From the history, the Inuit still remembered that many useful artifacts were arriving from east. The passage eastward was not easy in stormy arctic seas. But the sea travelers knew well that they shouldn’t deviate far south to stormy Atlantic. The best way was to keep along the Icelandic northern shores and further at 72-73N latitudes, along Mohns Ridge in the stream of strong current. The weather in July-August was cooperative and the sea around their boat was filled with all kind of marine life, providing the prime food for the sea travelers.

    At the end of August, a sail boat-kotch appeared in the White Sea entrance, near the peninsular ‘Kanin Nose’ or Canine Nose. In the boat were two bearded white men and six other people by appearance similar to the native aboriginal people of northern Russian tundra—the people called the Samoyeds or Nenets. But those, two young Eskimo-Inuit women and four children, were real Greenlanders. The young white men decided to come back with their families and most likely by safety reason and limited size of the boat they didn’t take all children but only oldest. They didn’t wish to settle on the southern shores of the White Sea, in the traditional human habitat around the river of North Dvina and Onega Peninsular. Their choice was in a scarcely populated, almost wild place, near the sea and on the margin of tundra and forest. Such place was somewhere near the estuary of the river Mesen.

    The people from Greenland became accustomed to extremely severe life among glaciers and eternal snow. Now the chosen place was for them almost like a paradise and safe from the curiosity of neighbors 200-300km away in any direction. So, it was the course the mixed Greenland-Russian community had settled on the north of Russia. In next years, five more families came from Greenland. The community was slowly expending in relations with neighboring native populations in tundra eastward and with Russian settlements southward. But they preserved Greenland traditions and didn’t forget their language. It looked like the history had envisaged what would be needed for this country in a distant future…

    * * *

    Moscow city. The Kremlin. The general’s plan was ready in one week. The circle of involved in such top-secret matter was expended beyond two powerful leaders, including those who should supervise the clandestine mission. In the room with the Supreme Commander and his first deputy were the general of National Security, and the man in charge of the whole operation, colonel Ivan Pukhov. Two more people have been waiting in a reception room. The Supreme Commander warned the present about a top secrecy of this case and emphasized that this was the matter of the existence of their whole system and this country. His pivotal message was—‘without decisive aggressive actions and sacrifice, our revolutionary case could be dead soon.’ Everybody in the room knew this doctrine because have been experiencing it daily and nightly mostly in their own country. They all hoped that the Master’s attention towards far distant territories would be more favorable, diverting his keen revolutionary interest further away from this country. And they were ready to sacrifice a few to save more. Nevertheless nobody in the room had clear apprehension of an entire picture of the Master’s plot.

    The Chief of National Security gave a sign and the colonel put a large map on the table, asking for permission to report:

    By your permission, comrade Supreme Commander, may I report?

    Go ahead, colonel.

    Comrade Supreme Commander, on this map we have the operational details and disposition of implementing of all your ideas.

    How would you know, colonel, about my all ideas?

    I apologize, comrade Supreme Commander, I meant your ideas about this operation only.

    Very good, colonel, report what do we have here? But first the people…

    The last remark by the big boss was not completely clear for the colonel, who looked confused now. The crucial part of all this business was to deliver the best agents to Greenland and implant them under disguise of the aboriginal people. Therefore the most problematic undertaking was to find such agents. The boss didn’t wait for the colonel’s explanation and turned to the National Security guy:

    General, did you find proper people?

    Yes, comrade Supreme Commander, we had found the genuine native people from Greenland, as you’d advise last time. They are waiting in the reception room.

    Very good, general, very good… how long it would take to make them ready?

    The men are almost ready and will need no more two months extra, comrade Supreme Commander.

    Our country does not have any extra. You have only one month, general.

    I obey, comrade Supreme Commander, they’ll be ready in one month.

    Such short notice did not disturb the general because the two native guys, sitting now in the reception room, were intelligence agents already. They came exactly from that settlement on the shores of the White Sea and had been enlisted into the ranks some time ago. These two get extensive training in Siberia and tundra secret operations for almost six years. Because their appearance, the operatives were indispensable in the Russian northern territories. They spoke the Eskimo-Inuit and, as well, the native Siberian people languages. It wasn’t too hard for them due to inborn ability and conservative traditions of their families. These people spoke exactly the old Eskimo language, which was no longer the same in Greenland under the governance of Denmark. They were similar to the European settlers, Germans, Swedes, and others in Ukraine, along the Dniper River, who spoke the languages of 200-years old. Now the subversive power was ready to use it for great ambitions. But how it would be used nobody in this room was aware yet. The final decision was in the hands of one man only. The boss ordered to bring the agents from the reception room.

    Two men in the age of probably 27-28 entered the room. Uncharacteristically for the native people of Russian north, they were large and strong but looked like aboriginal folks of this country with high-cheeked faces and dark thick hair. Their coal-black eyes did not show any emotions, looking at the most powerful man in this world with indifference. The hereditary of these individuals had originated from very different world on the top of this planet. It looked like their physical or fleshly life only was going on in this country, but the most important vital spiritual force was still among the glaciers 6,000km west. Nothing and nobody could change the inherited nature of living beings with the genes of many thousands years older then the pockmarked grey-faced small man before them. Two black-eyed glaciers were facing their ruling master without warmth of feeling or any sign of servitude, which has been the customary manner in this eastern serfdom for centuries and millenniums.

    The Master-boss was not accustomed to such conduct of his subjects. And first time he couldn’t penetrate in the minds of these looked like frozen in time monumental people. At the same time and to his own surprise, the powerful man was pleased to see very different human beings, who didn’t quiver under his hypnotic stare. It was exactly what he was looking for because these two men were designated to an outstanding task. No doubt these guys would do the best if… The master knew that it’s up to him and only him to make these two his obedient allies by injecting the men with his great revolutionary ideas about the world domination from Russian Arctic shores, from Greenland and up to the North Pole. He was successfully doing it in this big country for hundreds million people, who called him the father with affection and tears in their eyes. The master felt the energy of magic demagogy was filling his heart and brain, and he spoke with maniac enthusiasm about the honor to be first to carry on the flag of liberation to Arctic countries of this world. It was really a great idea to possess the top of the world.

    The idea, which the Russian tsars envisaged in the previous centuries by taking Alaska; and they were ready to spread further, to Greenland. By strange coincidence or historical predetermination, the Russian tsars had possessed the same logic, as the Master, assuming that everything on the north must belong to them. The history of that bygone time had happened not favorable and the tsars had lost some part of the icy possessions. The master thought it was because the history was deliberately waiting for his arrival and, therefore, left it for his glory; the time of revenge and fulfillment had arrived in the right time. The words and inaudible thoughts of the Master were filling the room and hearts of the present.

    All people in the room were nearly mesmerized by the speech. They felt the eminence of the momentum to be at the foundation of a new free world. The man with pipe in the middle of the room was not only their master but also almost the Lord because only the Creator-Lord could think and speak like this man. The objective had been achieved, as the master saw the glowing semiconscious eyes of his agents and knew that his spell worked and from this moment they would be ready to sacrifice their lives for the great purpose. At the end the boss decided to verify the results of his irresistible influence and physiological impact on the subjects. He asked:

    Are you ready, comrade officers, to fulfill this mission and to serve your great country and the other oppressed world?

    Yes, our master, we’re ready.

    The answer came from all agents in the room. Even the unemotional general came

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