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Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach to an Individual with Alcoholism and Coexisting Endogenous Depression
Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach to an Individual with Alcoholism and Coexisting Endogenous Depression
Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach to an Individual with Alcoholism and Coexisting Endogenous Depression
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach to an Individual with Alcoholism and Coexisting Endogenous Depression

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About this ebook

When a forty-three-year-old medical doctor sought treatment for chronic alcoholism, author Dr. Michael Mullan determined that George J. also suffered from depression and would require an integrative treatment approach to ensure a successful outcome.

In Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach to an Individual with Alcoholism and Coexisting Endogenous Depression, Mullan:

Describes the details of the case
Reviews the literature related to the clinical problems of dealing with alcoholism and alcoholism with co-existing mental illness
Includes an overview of the dually diagnosed population
Presents the model of treatment for the dually disorderedDual Diagnosis Model
Reviews the patients treatment regimen
Provides a summary of the treatment and experience
Reports on the patients results

In this study, Mullan describes his Dual Diagnosis Model approach for the treatment of addiction with co-existing mental disorders. He contends that in order to be successful treating an individuals addiction that the underlying psychological disorders must also be addressed to ensure a positive outcome.

Release dateAug 7, 2014
Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach to an Individual with Alcoholism and Coexisting Endogenous Depression

Dr. Michael Mullan

Dr. Michael Mullan is a licensed clinical psychologist who recently retired from the State of California Department of Corrections. He was pioneer in the field of dual diagnosis treatment of alcoholics and drug addicted individuals with co-existing mental illness. Mullan and his wife live in California.

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    Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach to an Individual with Alcoholism and Coexisting Endogenous Depression - Dr. Michael Mullan



    Copyright © 1996, 2014 Dr. Michael Mullan.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3668-5 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3666-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014910426

    iUniverse rev. date: 08/06/2014




    Project Overview


    Theories of Etiology

    Biological Factors

    Psychosocial Factors

    Alcoholism Theories and Views on the Etiology

    Alcoholics Anonymous Model

    Psychoanalytic Perspective

    Medical Model Concept

    Family Interaction Concept

    Behavioral Theory

    Sociological Concept

    Transactional Analysis Concept

    Depression and Substance Abuse

    Depression and Alcoholism

    Pharmacotherapy For Depressed Alcoholics

    Comprehensive Treatment of Mood Disorders Within Alcoholics

    Medications Used in the Treatment of Depression

    Three Categories of Antidepressants


    MAO Inhibitors



    Moral Model

    Learning Model

    Disease Model

    Self-Medication Model

    Social Model

    Dual Diagnosis Model

    4.     CASE STUDY

    Integrative Dual Diagnosis Treatment Approach

    Program Description

    Policy and Procedure For Dual Disorder Clients

    Target Population

    Admissions Criteria

    Treatment Process Protocol

    Program Evaluation and Review

    Dual Disorders Treatment Team

    Integrative Treatment Approach

    Case Study: George J. - Treatment Experience

    Phase 1. Detoxification

    Phase 2. Long Term Treatment, Assessment and Planning

    Master Problem List

    Treatment Plan 1

    Problem No. 1

    Problem No. 2

    Medication Dosage and Administration

    Problem No. 3

    The Theory of Homeostasis

    Family Constellation

    Problem No. 4

    Problem No. 5

    Summary of Treatment Experience

    5.     DISCUSSION



    This case study focuses on an individual who was dually diagnosed with alcoholism and coexisting endogenous depression. The identified patient was a forty-three year old male who presented to inpatient treatment for alcoholism. The patient had an extensive history of alcohol abuse. Upon intake into treatment, the patient reported that he had three previous unsuccessful treatment episodes for his alcoholism. The patient also reported that he had been diagnosed with depression two years prior to entering this inpatient treatment program. The patient stated that despite his best efforts he was unable to maintain abstinence for more than a three-month period. The patient was separated from his wife and two children. The patient’s medical license had also been suspended until he completed treatment for his alcoholism and depression, along with successful completion of a required diversion program.

    The theoretical orientation used for treatment was the Integrative Dual Diagnosis Model.. This model addresses both disorders independently and concurrently, recognizing the need for chemotherapy for the treatment of depression, while integrating the twelve step model of recovery addressing the patient’s alcoholism. Following an intensive sixty day program, the patient made the transition to a less-restrictive outpatient program for an additional sixty days.

    The patient, at the time of this writing, had been abstinent from alcohol for one year and was continuing with his chemotherapy for his depression. The patient remained in an ongoing diversion program for the State Medical Board for reinstatement of his medical licence.

    Doctor Michael Mullan is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who recently retired from the State of California Department of Corrections. Prior to his work in corrections Dr. Mullan worked for many years in the field of addictions. He was pioneer in the field of dual diagnosis treatment of alcoholics and drug addicted individuals with co-existing mental illness. Dr Mullan was instrumental in developing one of the first dual diagnosis programs while working at Cedar House Rehabilitation Center in Bloomington California. Cedar House is a 125 bed drug and alcohol rehabilitation center serving both the indigent population as well as private pay patients. When Dr. Mullan first arrived at the facility it was strictly a 12 step based program which believed that giving patients any type of medication would be counter indicated for their recovery. Dr. Mullan states that he believed that treating the addict/alcoholic addiction alone was not the answer for a health recovery program as witnessed by the extremely high relapse rates and return to treatment. In 1995 Dr. Mullan was determined to focus on the much larger problem of treating not only the addiction to alcohol and drugs but to also treat the underlying psychological problems which many of the patients appeared to be suffering from. Dr. Mullan began to set up linkages with Riverside and San Bernardino County offices of alcohol and drug programs, as well as both counties Mental Health programs. It was Dr. Mullan’s contention that if an individual was suffering with an underlying psychological problem that was not addressed in treatment that the prognosis for recovery were very poor. In the following years both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties joined in this effort by providing Mental Health practitioners to come to the facility on a weekly basis to provide adjunct therapy to their respective patients. The program turned out to be a hallmark success and a prototype for other programs to follow in the years to come. Dr. Mullan was then asked to sit on the Board of Directors at the University of California Riverside Extension Program to develop the first dual diagnosis certification program in the United States. Dr. Mullan also taught numerous class’s in the program from 1996 through 1999.

    In 1997 Dr. Mullan was a keynote presenter on dual diagnosis for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals NADCP 3rd Annual Training Conference at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles. This

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