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Downloading Spirit: Babushka
Downloading Spirit: Babushka
Downloading Spirit: Babushka
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Downloading Spirit: Babushka

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DOWNLOADING SPIRIT presents a revolutionary new approach to the understanding of human consciousness. Incorporating a cross-cultural approach to matters of mythology and symbolism, this volume presents a step-by-step approach to the metaphysical understanding of spiritual growth for our confusing times.

PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateJun 7, 2012
Downloading Spirit: Babushka

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    Downloading Spirit - Janet Baljeu

    Copyright © 2012 by Janet Baljeu. 501454-JEU1

    PO Box 7285, Leura NSW 2780.

    Tel. No. 02 4784 2838.

    email: [email protected]

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012901606

    ISBN:     Softcover            978-1-4691-5764-1

                   Hardcover          978-1-4691-5765-8

                  Ebook                 978-1-4691-5766-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission

    in writing from the copyright owner.

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    How to read these books.



    Book 1


    Chapter 1

    Wake Up Sleepyhead

    Chapter 2

    The Temple of Life

    Chapter 3

    My Imaginary Friends

    Chapter 4

    Sleeper Awake

    Chapter 5

    Who and What is this Sleeper?

    Chapter 6

    ‘Babushka’ and Her Coat of Many Colours*⁸⁵

    Chapter 7

    Spinning Stargates of Rainbow Light

    Chapter 8

    Layers of the Aura

    Chapter 9

    DNA - Information Link to Infinity

    Chapter 10

    Our Brain - ‘Babushka’s Brains

    Chapter 11

    What’s Astrology got to do with DNA?

    Chapter 12

    The Road Map




    Astrology References

    Numerology References

    Janet Baljeu

    Educated at Sydney High School to University Entrance level.

    I then nursed, worked as a legal secretary, PR Officer, studied opera singing and acting, briefly earning a living as a singer. I gave up this career when I met my husband who was an hotelier.

    I travelled extensively with my husband for twenty five years until he retired and am eternally grateful to my parents who cared for our sons in these times.

    We then lived on our farming property until my husband’s death in 1989. I continued to run the farm breeding horses and cattle and running a holiday retreat. I am a qualified riding instructor with the Institute of Sport, and I broke in and trained my horses.

    I am also an accredited crystal healer and instructor, and am in touch with the Earth and her creatures. I have worked at spiritual and psychic fairs and conducted spiritual ceremony.

    After I sold the farm in 1999 I went back to College and graduated as a counsellor and psychotherapist, also gaining qualifications as a hypnotherapist. I also work with Astrology in my practice. I am a registered member of the Counsellor and Psychotherapists Association of Australia.

    How to read these books.

    These books are neither academic nor personal memoir, yet they contain writing that fits both these descriptions. They are non-fiction, telling my story of a right-brained, intuitive and imaginative visit to the dreamtime. Whilst doing this, I also research the worlds of Metaphysics, Science, History, Mythology and Astrology using my left brain. This imaginative and logical process has led to my discovering my personal spiritual truth and understanding why I have chosen to be here. It has been a life journey taking me from a sleeping, self-conscious human being to an awakened, more functional human who is consciously being in the physical and non-physical realities of our world.

    My reason for writing is to offer possible explanations, guidelines and coping techniques to others, like myself, who are aware of the new world overtaking our planet. Powerful as we are, we cannot stop this process. We are not only the witnesses to the end of this cycle in humanity’s and consciousness’ evolution, we are the people who have taken on the task of establishing our world and humanity through the transition to the next cycle.

    All who want to make this change need to know who and what we are; how and why we came into existence. When this is accomplished, we shall be able to learn how to use our amazing bodies, brains and beings to understand consciousness and what is behind it. This achievement will enable us to connect with the non-physical, collective unconscious, and realise our full creative potential empowering us to step bravely into our new world.

    I ask that you will read the books with an open mind, prepared to be challenged, and ready to forgive me if I confront you. It is not my intention to do this, but some of my conclusions differ from many currently accepted beliefs which, no doubt, a large number of you

    hold dear.

    It is not necessary for you to agree with my conclusions, but perhaps they will act to open your minds to wider possibilities. It is a book for those who enjoy solving mysteries, seeking answers and discovering missing links regarding humanity’s creation, evolution, consciousness and reason for being. Spirit has told me that these books are for people from all backgrounds and levels of education.

    I often make sweeping and generalised statements. Forgive me for this. However, I ask you to allow yourself to move through them, not judging or mentally challenging them until you listen to your heart and feelings to see whether or not they resonate with you. Sometimes we can sense that something is right, even if it doesn’t seem logical or we don’t fully understand it. Even as I write, many theories I put forward are being scientifically proven.

    Writing for such a diverse audience has been, to say the least, a challenge. The rewarding outcome has been that some of the time I’ve been successful in finding simple language and metaphors for complex subjects. Readers of esoteric, spiritual and metaphysical books will be familiar with areas of my writing and possibly think been there, done that. Please persevere: the conclusions reached are frequently different. I ask the same from readers with a strong left brain inclination who choose to base their beliefs on proven science and who would normally pass by a book such as this. As for those down to earth people who work so hard and just get on with life doing the best they can to survive as comfortably as possible, watching their TV or videos, because they just want to relax after a day’s work and take it easy - I ask you, please try to persevere and read it from beginning to end.

    With regard to the politics of language, I beg indulgence and understanding. I am sixty seven. I grew up hearing my mother tell me to put sixpence between your knees. We didn’t have the pill in Australia until 1961. I first used it in 1966. I saw TV for the first time in 1956. Men ruled the roost and women couldn’t borrow money from the bank but again, as my mother said: Men nod their heads, women turn their necks. Consequently my language, in current times, is not always politically correct and has been shaped by my age and conditioning. One of the many places this is apparent is on page sixteen in the poem I wrote when I was twelve. In this I refer to God as the Father. Now, no longer a Christian, nor a follower of any organised religion, I have a different understanding of God, as you will see in the first chapter.

    I always have considered myself a liberated female. I believe that if a woman needs to be liberated, there is a man in the same situation nearby, if only to be liberated from his need to control, or his fear and need to project it onto another. I love men and women and I believe we’re equal, but different; that’s the best part. May the pendulum of equality not swing so far that women do to men what men did to women.

    This, the first of three books, deals with the physical, energetic and spiritual make up of a human being and our physical and non-physical structure. It explains my perception of us as the front end and interfaces of physical consciousness which enable us to connect with All-that-is, the back end. Human Beings are microcosms of the Universe.

    The second book explains my viewpoint on the macrocosm, the relationship between a human being and Mother Earth, also a conscious being (groundwork for this is laid in the first book). It goes on to consider this relationship with our Solar System and the Matrix, our Universe, and how it drives this incredible self-perpetuating reality at both the physical and non-physical levels. In doing this, the meaning of ancient esoteric teachings is explored, and my understanding of them presented.

    The third is the How to, which will be used and read in conjunction with workshops to develop the skills and abilities to re-unite our ‘selves’, the members of our ‘soul’; to connect the seen with the unseen; to understand that it is possible to travel in space and time and become one with All-that-is while still remaining an individual and sane. This explains how we can make the transition to our new world and live in tranquillity and peace.

    The first two books give the background information necessary to the practical exploration as set out in Book 3. They give the understanding to satisfy the needs of the left brain to trust enough and have the faith to walk the edge of the abyss, knowing we are always safe. The virtual reality game called life on Earth will end. However, we shall not die, for we are eternal, just not physical all the time.

    It will not be a fairy tale ending in our virtual reality where we live happily ever after. That is not possible in a world such as this, for it is a polarised, electro-magnetic world; but it will be a positive and satisfying ending where we can live a life of spiritual awareness and achievement with times of great happiness. We shall learn to live in the moment and contribute positively to the evolution and ongoing creation of humanity. Even when difficult and sad, we shall know we have done the best we could, lived our lives to the full and made a change for the better here on Earth. When we cross over and leave this body, we’ll consider all we’ve learnt and achieved, then decide where to next? Heaven is a boring place, as Freddie Mercury sang in 1995, so I guess we’ll choose to return to Earth or some other virtual reality as we pursue the never ending journey of expanding consciousness and lighting up our Universe.



    I. Rainbow Water, stand at the edge of a chasm. I walk the edge beholding all below. A whirlwind spins the sand upward in a spiral and in the distance I see a cyclone of life-giving water. The howl of chaos vibrates through my being as it swirls towards me. I gaze at the cyclonic vortex as it brings rain and scatters sand to the four directions and the

    heavens above.

    Safe in the eye of all vortices, I walk the edge of the abyss, gazing over my ancient land. I listen as the voice of Spirit, the self-conscious I am in all of us, downloads this story of how knowing who I am, enables me to survive the chaos, to know that without the chaos, I would not be, for the chaos creates the structure that holds me together in the eye of the storm.

    My being travels through each vortex, uniting my SELF with my ‘soul’. I know I am ONE encompassed by ALL. This will always be, for the vortex spins through me. Spirit, the Being of All-that-is, moves through it. It creates me. I feed It by returning to it. I know I am but an aspect of Spirit and use this energetic force to create. We are all a part of a spiralling, eternal circle of Being creating structure and order from chaos.


    by John C. Woodcock Ph.D.

    In the first five chapters of her book Janet immediately plunges us into what appears to be a chaotic stream of ideas. This daring move by the author seems to fly in the face of any editorial wisdom suggesting that such an action would probably alienate many readers. This is particularly so when she is aiming her book at a wide audience whose members carry divergent even contradictory stances towards such ‘channeled’ material i.e. readers of esoteric, spiritual, and metaphysics who would think, ‘been there, done that’; those of a ‘left-brain inclination’ (science) ‘who would normally pass by a book such as this’; and even those ‘down to earth’ readers who ‘work so hard’ and simply want to ‘relax after a day’s work’. Janet is quite conscious of this chaotic thought stream and its possible effect on us readers. It seems quite clear to me that she does not intend us to make sense of any of it. It is challenging and confronting, and she asks us to persevere and join her on her journey:

    I often make sweeping and generalised statements. However, I ask you to allow yourself to move through them, not judging or mentally challenging them until you listen to your heart and feeling to see whether or not they resonate

    with you.

    Janet gives us an account of how she received the messages that comprise Chapters 1-5:

    The tall golden being I call Esau is my personal connection with the consciousness of Abraham. He is my teacher. He stands by me through the night to translate into my brain any messages from Abraham. As he told me in 2005: I come in dreams. Dreams are the way you understand best.

    In other words, Janet received this stream of ideas as one would receive a dream. She has not yet worked them into conscious brain-thinking, the kind of effort that leads to theory, which can then be scrutinised. We must wait for Chapter Six for that. I believe the implicit intent of the early chapters to this book is to take us into the chaos, in a way analogous to her experience. This is what good literature is supposed to do, i.e. take the reader into a real experience of the imagination so as to unite with the mind of the author, as she in turn united with the Mind as Esau-Abraham. When I began reading the first five chapters, I quickly became submerged in the chaotic flow of ideas. As much as I wanted to attach to one idea and dwell on it, I was quickly swept away by another. Whereas I usually think of myself as possessing my own thoughts which are ‘inside’ me, I found that now I was somehow ‘inside’ thoughts that had their own life and were decidedly not my possession. At times I felt I was drowning. But I didn’t. I came through, as Janet must have come through her dreamlike encounters with Esau-Abraham. One outcome of the reader’s participating with the chaos of the first five chapters in this way is that she can discover that such a medium of living thinking exists! We are in fact surrounded by this Mind or Mindedness at all times and can unite with an aspect of it in the form of real ‘voices’, as Janet has done. Furthermore there is a sense of urgency involved in uniting our minds with that of the Mind that surrounds us:

    These voices in our heads, these feelings in our guts, our heart, desperately want to communicate with us. Sometimes, because they’re so frustrated, they’re like gremlins and goblins, our demons. Other times, when they’re wanting to help us, like elves and angels, our guides. Mostly they’re so unsettling or frightening we just don’t want to hear them, so we block them out.

    These and other truths can emerge if we can stay with the chaos long enough. We can then begin to understand this raw material as being alive (living thinking, as Steiner calls it), and which urgently needs our conscious participation as embodied beings with minds. Following her own immersion in what she calls her ‘ Night-Talk’, a process that went on for years, Janet emerged successfully and proceeded to hew out a coherent theory ‘of the physical, energetic and spiritual make up of a human being and our physical and non-physical structure.’ This effort is recorded in the remaining Chapters 6-12. I will leave it to the reader to submit Janet’s theory to scrutiny, which I am sure she would welcome. I read through these chapters and concluded that it would take me years to begin to comprehend the complexity of the relations that she describes. Her theory weaves threads of knowledge from many and varied disciplines, current and historical, too vast to summarize and too complex for me to evaluate or even understand.

    I can say here that her theoretical effort has a certain direction or valence that bears mentioning. Her theory seeks to bring physics and psychology into theoretical union. This effort places her in a spiritual stream that originates with the fruitful collaboration between C. G. Jung and Wolfgang Pauli the Nobel Laureate in physics, a collaboration that spanned many years resulting in some fresh formulations of the mystery of the psyche-matter connection. She also belongs to the stream inaugurated by Rudolph Steiner who articulated the spiritual meaning of science in his discipline of Spiritual Science or Anthroposophy. He showed that the meaning of the scientific spirit is to take us to the next step in the evolution of consciousness: to awaken in us knowledge of the objective realities within the subjective mind (apropos Janet’s ‘voices’) or, as he puts it, knowledge of the higher worlds. Her attempt to unite spirit or psyche and matter in theoretical terms (psychology and physics) is thus further confirmation of the authenticity of Janet’s experiences with the living stream of thinking that surrounds us at all times. Overcoming the split between spirit and matter seems to be the telos or goal of this mind-stream in our historical time. Both Jung and Steiner explored different aspects of this telos for their entire lives, and as Janet says, there is urgency about it. Whether Janet succeeds in crafting a psycho-physical theory must remain the judgement of other readers who dare to tackle its complexity. I believe however that her book may also provide another kind of service to our human community if we pay attention to Chapters 6-12 in a way similar to Chapters 1-5:

    i.e. if we enter and participate with its living thinking (distinct from studying its thought contents from the outside as it were), as we did with Chapters 1-5. We must first acknowledge and respect the enormous effort, taking years, involved in crafting this theory:

    One of the beings coming through called himself Mischka. He kept telling me to extrapolate. Over the next three years I did so much extrapolating I often felt I’d never finish. I seemed to be going in circles, pacing the floor, crying with frustration, learning, reading, researching, making notes, drafts. I was obsessive, being driven by I knew not what. At times, I was exhausted and overwhelmed. Then finally I began to understand. It was a moment of epiphany. The

    writing began.

    This kind of process, where a ‘mere’ human being is gripped by the Spirit, can be likened to C. G. Jung’s account of writing Answer to Job, in which he was seized by intense emotion, submitting to its violence and allowing it to penetrate his vitals. He gave expression to it all during a fever lasting two weeks. These creative processes offer concrete evidence of the objective nature of her accounts throughout the book and we can distinguish them from merely subjective fantasies of an imaginative mind. We know these accounts have something to do with ‘world’ (i.e. its interiority) and are not simply reflections of the author’s subjective mind. I also want to bring the reader’s attention to the central method in Janet’s crafting of her theory. It is a method that she learned from within the phenomenon itself, i.e. she did not impose a method from the outside. She was told by Spirit to extrapolate and here is an example:

    As Mischka had told me to extrapolate, I took this information from that time (i.e. information that she had studied previously) started considering Emoto’s work with crystals, and began to think about the matrix of our universe and all matrices within, together with the electro-magnetic grid that our reality sits on, and I realised that all dimensions have such grids and that they are varying frequency patterns of liquid-crystals. Again as we live in an electromagnetic universe, we need water to conduct the electricity and a magnetic field to hold the light of the electricity together.

    Janet’s own explanation of the process of extrapolation is this:

    Extrapolation for me is like automatic writing or as Eugene O’Neil calls it a ‘stream of consciousness’. In computer language, it’s streaming information through your computer which is being generated from another vibrational source. It can only be done if your computer is logged on and the interfaces active. Information comes into my consciousness. (105)

    On the basis of Janet’s explanation, one might think that her psycho-physical theory is also channelled like the material in Chapters 1-5. This is far from the case however. In the actual act of theorizing, Janet tells us that she took information from other human sources; that she considered Emoto’s work (on crystals); that she thought about the matrix etc.; that she realised a general solution. The method of extrapolation therefore includes deliberate, if not fully conscious, actions of the part of the human ego that then lead to realisations, the exciting experience of discovery—all processes that lie in the human domain.

    In other words the methodology used in the formulation of Janet’s psycho-physical theory, as required by Spirit (‘you must extrapolate’) combines spiritual inspiration or channelling in her case, coupled with subsequent exertion and gruelling effort on the part of the human ego, on its own, often unaided by Spirit. We can get a feeling for this method if we bring to the surface the hidden meaning in the word ‘extrapolate’ itself: pel, the etymological root carries a meaning of thrusting, driving, striking. Hardly a passive, receptive word! Why does Spirit require this methodology? This is the point at which I want to offer an alternative way to regard the whole book, not just Chapters 6-12. We can approach these chapters with a scientist’s eye, examining its veracity as a theory and subjecting it to sceptical scrutiny which is the proper function of the scientific mind. Perhaps many readers will do this. Perhaps Janet even wants us to do this. We could then conclude whether it holds up as a psycho-physical theory. However, I do not believe that is Spirit’s intent in insisting that Janet extrapolate. Based on my own experiences with Spirit and also from reading many accounts of others who like Janet have been gripped by its ‘urgency’ for years (in my own case twenty odd years), I can say with some authority that the intent of Spirit is to bring Janet into the actual process of its own incarnation! It may be our human wish to theorise but it is Spirit’s intent in this historical time to incarnate in actuality, overcoming the millennia-old split between spirit and matter. Janet has been drafted into service of Spirit and its wish to incarnate. Thus this book is ultimately a book of initiation! Janet has undergone all manner of initiatory rigors, at once feeling that it is all happening to her while at the same time exerting her own will in actively participating in the process (her extrapolations). When engaging the objective Spirit, initiates always feel that they are both the ‘passive victim’ of a driving, striking and thrusting process that penetrates to one’s vitals as Jung puts it while at the same time being an active agent in doing the driving, striking and thrusting. Janet’s book is thus a record of her engagement with a living dialectical process that leads in actuality (not just in theory) to overcoming the split between spirit and matter, within Spirit itself. A new reality is emerging, the forming of which requires the active/passive participation of human beings. Janet gives us a strong hint of this new reality that is emerging in our historical time when she reports this experience:

    It happened during a blissful sleep after we’d made love. I suddenly found myself awake, in the corner of the room on the ceiling. I remember thinking This is a funny place to be. I was looking down

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