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Expert Advisor Programming for Beginners
Expert Advisor Programming for Beginners
Expert Advisor Programming for Beginners
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Expert Advisor Programming for Beginners

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You will discover step by step along with clear visuals on how to profit with MT4 programming. Automated trading is often shrouded in mystery along with many misconceptions about who it can benefit. We peal away the layers of this misunderstood world in the book. The book covers the following topics and much more:

•Gives an overview of trading the financial markets
•Understanding of how quant trading works
•Understanding of basic of the programming language – declare variables
•Understanding of the script
•Make a script
•Create an indicator
•Make building blocks of different functions
◦Check for trade (trade open rule)
◦Check for trade (close rule)
◦Check for breakeven
◦Check for trailing stop
◦How to design a trading system (from a to z)

PublisherWayne Walker
Release dateApr 21, 2017
Expert Advisor Programming for Beginners

Wayne Walker

Wayne is known for the success that his students and readers of his books have. He is a trader trainer, coach and entrepreneur in demand. From his base in Copenhagen, this demand has led to trader training & speaking engagements in the United States, China, Jamaica, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden, etc. Prior to Europe, he was based in New York City. His books are used to teach some of the world's brightest for ex. at Copenhagen Business School & Nanjing University. He is also a guest columnist to several financial magazines, for example and in Spanish at Estrategias de Inversión. He has held several positions in investment banking including: Regional Manager for teams of Investment Advisors servicing North America & Middle East Regions (based in Denmark and London), Training Consultant to financial institutions. He also headed the Trader Training program at a leading investment bank. 

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    Jul 15, 2019

    Considering I have zero Experience in coding; GREAT READ!!

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Expert Advisor Programming for Beginners - Wayne Walker

1. Basics of trading

1.2 What is trading in financial terms?

Trading is buying or selling an instrument with the aim to profit from the trade. You speculate on the price going up or down. You can either go long(buy) where you buy an instrument and attempt to sell it at a higher price. Or you can go short(sell) where you borrow an instrument that sells at a high price and you speculate that the price will decrease, when the price has decreased you buy it back from the market and return it to the owner, a market-maker, you keep the decrease in price as profit.

You can trade leveraged or unleveraged. If your leverage is 1:200 that means for every dollar you have in your account, you have the buying power of 200 times. If you have 500 USD in account, you can buy for 200 x 500=10 000 dollars amount of the security. The margin is the amount that you are required to have in your account to use the leverage.

1.3 Different types of market orders

Buy Market order: You buy the instrument at the current spot price.

Buy Limit order: If the current market price is 100, you can place a buy limit order at 95 to buy if the price goes down.

Buy Stop order: If current market price is 100 and you want to buy if it goes above 110 then you place a buy stop order at that level, and it will be triggered if the price goes above it.

You can also do these type of orders on the sell side .ex. sell limit, sell stop, sell market.

1.4 Stop-loss and Take-profit

Sometimes the market moves quickly and if you are unable be in front of your computer it is possible to set exit orders for your trades. These orders are called stop-loss and take-profit. Stop-loss is an order that is triggered if your trade moves against you and ends with a loss. Take-profit is the opposite, it is how much profit you want from the market.

2 Automatic Trading – Algorithm

2.1 Why automatic trading – why develop algorithm of your trading strategy?

There are several advantages of quantitative trading. People have feelings and emotions attached to their money, they prefer to lose small and win big. Let us imagine you have just executed a trade, what you will experience is that you don’t want to close a losing trade, it’s difficult to take the loss. However, if you are in profit you will prefer to close your trade with a small profit. What you may also experience is that after closing the winning trade the market continues in your favor. It is difficult emotionally to follow the rule cut your losses and let profits run. By automating your strategy, you allow your algorithm to do the trading and detach your feelings from the strategy. You have predefined rules in your algorithm which are executed without your interaction.

As humans, it is difficult and time consuming to monitor all the markets and wait for all entry signals. By automating your trading you save time and increase the number of instruments you are able to trade because you run your algorithm on them instead. You can trade whenever you want, whichever market you want, without using so much time in front of the computer.

When you are trying to develop a trading strategy, several ideas come in your head. You start studying charts and look 2-3 months in the past to see how the strategy would have done. That period is not enough, you need to run many years of backtest to prove if a strategy is good. That can only be done by developing an algorithm and do backtesting of several years, on different instruments and timeframes. However, you don’t have time to do it manually because it’s time consuming and time used for developing a new trading system will decrease. By learning to code you become equipped to develop new trading strategies and you also will be able to detect false ones.

2.2 Progamming language

There are several languages you can use to program your trading strategy. What is true is that there is not much difference between the languages. If you can code one language you can code other languages too, you just need to do some tweaks in how you code, but the basics are similar

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