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About this ebook

This book is a non-fiction. I wrote it to dispel the myth from the fact. I did not want another dry and boring BDSM book on the market. I did not want another fiction novel about BDSM that continues to harm our community. I wanted to bring all the elements, good and bad, into the light. It is important to know what you are getting into before diving in. Would you jump headfirst into murky water not knowing the depth or if there was a rock on the river floor? No, so why do that with BDSM! 

PublisherStormy Jordan
Release dateOct 2, 2018

Stormy Jordan

Stormy began writing when she was just 10 years old. Books were her escape from the abuse she endured. She wrote everything from poetry and lyrics to short stories. As a child her favorite genre was horror. As she a teenager her tastes ranged from Fantasy to True Crime and everything in between. As a woman, she has walked through the fires of Hell but has never lost her voice or her passion. She has never been afraid of anything.  One of her friends can be quoted as saying "You have no fear because your fear response is broken." She has kicked off her professional writing career with a non-fiction novel entitled T.I.E.D. It is a fun and flirty look at the real culture of BDSM. She has a couple other books in the works but is keeping them hush-hush, even her Editor has no idea what they are about. This fierce lady is multitalented. She has spoken out against bad political policies. She writes, draws, paints, and is a single mother.  She has a good working knowledge of car repair, has built and rebuilt computers and laptops. She taught herself to code. She builds her own websites and websites for friends. Some may even call her a modern-day Renaissance woman, and rightly so.  Writing, actually, art; in all its forms, has always been a passion of mine. I will continue writing for the love of it, as I have been since I was about 12. As a kid and even now as an adult; books, music, writing, and drawing have always been my escape. They are my way to shut the world up for a few minutes and get completely absorbed in what I am doing and just quiet my mind. I know I am not the only person in the world that escapes through books, music, and various other art.  This is the reason I finally decided to begin publishing my work. The first book is more of an informative guide that is turning into a series. I am currently working on a 40,000-word non-fiction novel and a 60,000-word fiction novel. The non-fiction is written in a diary type voice. It was a lot of fun to write. 

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    Book preview

    B.O.U.N.D. - Stormy Jordan

    A more in-depth look at BDSM

    Entry 2      Tuesday , February 6, 2018

    I would say, Dear Diary; however, I find that way to lackluster. I think we will just stick with: Hey, it’s me; so much better. I felt that I needed a second book that went into more detail than the first. It occurred to me that while the first book was informative, it could have been so much more. I also realized after purchasing a copy of the paperback version of my first book that I made several typing errors that my word document did not catch.

    In this book I will delve into the deep end of BDSM. We will open up the door to extreme play, the dangers, and the fun. I do realize the irony that while the first book in this series is called TIED – The Informative Eroticism Diaries, it was not very diary like. That is the reason I have decided to write this one the way I am.  I wanted to be able to play with it and have fun. I will still answer all your questions, Diary. Some of those questions you have been thinking of for a while or been in that position with no idea of what to do. Then there are the questions you have yet to think of about this type of lifestyle.

    Dear Diary; Nah, I do not like that. Too cliché, how about; Hey, it is Stormy Jade; Yeah, that I like.

    Entry 3     Wednesday , February 7, 2018

    Hi there Diary, I am going to make this my dedication area. I need to first dedicate you to Master of Angels. I apologize that your name was typoed in T.I.E.D. However, I must thank you again for so many things. For guiding me and starting me on this journey with the books. Thank you for caring for me for the past almost 14 years, even during the times we fell out of contact. Thank you for supporting me in every endeavor I undertake and for being my center when everything feels chaotic. Finally, thank you for taking control when I am unable to.

    There is someone else I wish to thank. He will know who he is if or when he reads this. C, you inspired me when we first met and you revealed what I already knew about you. Trying to explain certain aspects of this lifestyle to you allowed me to add a couple of chapters. You are an amazing person and will one day make a wonderful submissive/slave for someone someday.

    Finally, I must put a dedication to Justin in here. When my female friends kinda flopped on me with this project, you let me distract you with my words, my formatting, and my insanity. Thanks for that. Also, thank you for the idea of writing it as if I am talking to one other person. Since I formatted this into a diary type book, I have gotten to be silly, flirty, and just have fun. In a way, even though we are no longer speaking, I am kind of writing it to you. You have been the other voice in my head asking the questions and looking at me as if I have lost my mind a bit. When I was being told it sounded childish you said fuck em if they do not like it. I sometimes need reminded of that. It is been a blast!

    The Breakdown of Protocols:

    Entry 4     Thursday , February 8, 2018

    Hey Diary, it is Stormy Jade; we need to talk about protocols. Protocols are a fundamental part of a scene and can be an essential part of everyday life. As noted in the first book, protocols are wide and varied. Speaking or writing in third person, as I previously demonstrated, is merely one of the protocols in the BDSM community.

    What is the purpose of protocols? The answer to this is a bit complex. However, it boils down to this; protocols are in place not just for scenes but also for daily life. They are a set of rules that must be adhered to. They will vary from Dominant to Dominant. Keep in mind as you read through this, Diary, that it will not be an unabridged version of a BDSM dictionary. It will, however, break down a lot of the main components of BDSM so that when you decide to dip your toes in you will have a good, generalized understanding of things before you jump into the deep-end without your floaties.

    So, let’s break some of them down.

    Third Person Speech

    Entry 5      Friday , February 9, 2018

    What’s up, Diary? It is I, Stormy Jade. Hahaha, I have always wanted to say that. Oh, come on, that was funny and you know it. I need to break each of these protocols into smaller chunks that what I was originally going to share with you. I have to make categories out of them in order to help you understand their importance. Now, of course, there are more than just the few I am going to list here. But, this should give you a good complying idea of what I mean. Let’s begin with 3rd person speech. It is such a fabulous pleasure to watch a sub or slave struggle to speak this way.

    There are Dominants that require their submissive to use this type of speech all the time.  This, usually, is not a punishment, nor is it done to break their spirit. At times it is an amusement to the Dominant and sometimes it is soothing for the submissive. The point of this is to allow the submissive to give over complete control of who they think they are. It aids in training. It is difficult to describe the things that the submissive feels when made to speak or write in this manner. For me, it allowed me to let go of myself and just exist. I did not have to think of my life in terms of time or mine. I was able to see things from an outside perspective because I was referring to myself as she, sub, pet, etc. It is a bit surreal at first.

    Finally, this type of speech allows the submissive or slave to remove all emotion from a discussion. When implemented in this way, it allows the submissive or slave to speak on a sensitive topic with reason and logic and may allow the sub or slave to see how or why the dominant made the decision that they did.

    Think of it as the narration of a story. When 3rd person speech is used in daily conversation between the dominant and the submissive/slave, it gives the submissive or slave the opportunity to look assess the situation from a different prospective. This complies very well when it is required during a disagreement. If the submissive or slave feels slighted by something the dominant has said or done, have them start speaking in third person before you (as the dominant) allow them to voice their opinion.

    Some Dominants do this as a way to humiliate their sub or slave. In this sense I mean humiliate as in to degrade, but not to harm one’s self-respect. Of course, there are submissives or slaves that get off on the humiliation aspect of the lifestyle and encourage their dominant to humiliate them by behaving better when the dominant does something to disgrace them.

    Admittedly, some just do it to be assholes and harm the other person’s sense of self. Third person speech in this instance completely disassociates the submissive or slave from their inner self.  People that use these methods are not always concerned with the submissive or slave’s well-being. That is not to say that they do not care about their sub or slave in some weird way. Some may even use it as a tool to break the submissive in order to remold them into what the Dominant wants them to be.

    Eye Contact Restriction

    Entry 6     Saturday , February 10, 2018

    Hey, it is Stormy Jade; yeah, I know three days in a row. I am fucking amazing. Oh, wait, my bad, we were about to discuss something other than my sex appeal. Let’s talk about eye contact restriction.

    Eye Contact Restriction, which is known by many different names, is when the submissive must look toward their feet or the ground. Let me give you an example here because it is not just used as a punishment but also as an erotic pleasure. When I walk into a room after my slave has bathed, I want them kneeling on the floor, knees apart, proper upright posture (back and neck straight, thighs not touching calves), head and eyes lowered not looking at me. This is not a punishment. This allows me to inspect them, ensure that they are clean/ready for the scene. It also commands respect for one’s position.

    It allows me complete control over the situation. They cannot see my facial expressions; they cannot see my body language. They have no idea if I am pleased or annoyed. This creates excitement. Since they cannot see anything except my feet, their body tenses, waiting, and pheromones begin excreting.  The pulse rises just a bit. I can give them a nice, approving swat, I can reward them by allowing them to look at me, or I can keep that control and express my disapproval by denying them eye contact with me.

    While the submissive is not allowed use of their eyes, it gives them a chance to truly feel their body, my hands, floggers, etc. They are more subjective to sensations rather than relying on what they can see. In its truest form, this is an offset of sensory deprivation. Despite the fact this does not necessitate as much trust as, say breath play; it does need to entail enough reverence for one’s dominant that you will not lift your eyes until being told to do so.  What we feel is far more appealing than what we see. Our eyes can betray us but our sense of touch can excite us beyond imagination.

    This can also be done using a blindfold or mask. Although that can sometimes negate the objective; it can also add another layer of sensation.

    Speech Control

    Entry 7     Sunday , February 11, 2018

    Hey, it is me. Feel like chatting a bit more? Well, too bad. We have to talk about speech control. There are a couple of forms. The first and most obvious is third person speech, which we have already conferred about. This one is more intense. It is basically being seen and not heard unless given permission to speak. I know, right, what if a sub or slave is being punished and really has to pee!?! They cannot ask permission and they cannot leave the punishment. To quote one of my favorite artists ‘Po lil tink-tink’.

    This is far different than Third Person Speech, however it can and sometimes does include it. Speech control is one’s ability to speak. As humans we need quiet time. Both sides, submissive and Dominant, need time to decompress. We need the world to just shut the fuck up for a few minutes so we can collect our mood. In order to prevent us from taking our day out, wrongfully, on our submissive, we may require things like no speaking for 30 minutes after we get home. 

    In other cases, we may use speech control only during a scene and not require it in everyday life. Perhaps, for the scene we want complete silence from the submissive, no moaning, no crying, and no begging. Forcing a submissive to control their natural instincts is a definite turn on too many Dominants. It is the ultimate control.

    I am going to give an example here but it is going to almost sound off-topic. 

    Communication is a primal instinct. However, I have never been very good at that one. So, I am going to use an example of a primal instinct I am good at. For instance, I enjoy hitting things. If my dominant partner looks at me and points, it

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