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The Paleo Thyroid Solution: Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, And Fatigued At The Hands Of Uninformed Doctors - Reclaim Your Health!
The Paleo Thyroid Solution: Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, And Fatigued At The Hands Of Uninformed Doctors - Reclaim Your Health!
The Paleo Thyroid Solution: Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, And Fatigued At The Hands Of Uninformed Doctors - Reclaim Your Health!
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The Paleo Thyroid Solution: Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, And Fatigued At The Hands Of Uninformed Doctors - Reclaim Your Health!

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The Paleo Thyroid Solution dispels outdated, conventional thyroid wisdom still practiced by uninformed doctors, and provides the in-depth guidance necessary to solve hypothyroidism, achieve vibrant health, and optimize thyroid fat-burning hormone metabolism. Over 200 million people worldwide and 20+ million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, but 60% are undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. Undiagnosed or mistreated hypothyroidism can put people at risk for serious conditions, such as: depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, gynecological issues (infertility/miscarriages/fibroids/PCOS etc.), hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, anemia, and other diseases.

The Paleo ThyroidSolution provides the only lifestyle and weight loss plan specifically targeted for maximizing thyroid hormone metabolism in harmony with paleo/primal/ancestral health principles.

In The Paleo Thyroid Solution, you will learn:

  • Primal/paleo protocols for naturally optimizing and even possibly reversing low thyroid function
  • How to work with your doctor to get the correct blood tests to diagnose hypothyroidism and accurately interpret results
  • How to work with your doctor to optimally treat hypothyroidism with thyroid hormone replacement
  • How to find a good doctor or work with your current one to diagnose and treat Reverse T3 issues (including T3-only treatment)
  • How to lose the insidious fat and weight gained from hypothyroidism
  • An MD’s perspective on why and how some doctors are uninformed and still practicing outdated thyroid protocols (in-depth commentary from integrative physician Dr. Gary E. Foresman, MD)
Release dateJun 14, 2016
The Paleo Thyroid Solution: Stop Feeling Fat, Foggy, And Fatigued At The Hands Of Uninformed Doctors - Reclaim Your Health!

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    The Paleo Thyroid Solution - Elle Russ



    With in-depth commentary from integrative physician Gary E. Foresman, MD

    Copyright © 2016 by Elle Russ. All rights reserved.

    Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, reproduction or utilization of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system, is forbidden without written permission of the publisher.

    Mention of specific companies, organizations, or authorities in this book does not imply endorsement by the author or publisher. Information in this book was accurate at the time researched. The author received no incentives or compensation to promote the item recommendations in the book.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016932163

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the publisher

    Russ, Elle 1973-

    Paleo Thyroid Solution/Elle Russ

    ISBN: 978-1-939563-24-8

    1. Thyroid Health 2. Diet 3. Weight loss

    Design and Layout: Caroline De Vita

    Illustrations: Caroline De Vita

    Cover Design: Janee Meadows

    Cover Photography and Professional Photo of Elle: Jonathan Moeller

    Editor: Penelope Jackson

    Consultant: Dr. Gary Forsman

    Proofreader: Tim Tate

    Index: Tim Tate

    Other photos used by permission ©: iStock: 4maksym, bjonesmedia, brians101, Katrina Brown, cislander, dina2001, elenaleonova, Vitaly Edush, Christopher Futcher, Adrian Hillman, ivosar, Magone, mycola, rafal_olechowski, Rod Pforr, Ivelin Radkov, Alex Raths, Tverdohlib, Michael Utech, zeljkosantrac; Shutterstock: Shane Myers Photography, Dennis van de Water; Dollar Photo Club: kovalto1

    Publisher: Primal Blueprint Publishing, 1641 S. Rose Ave., Oxnard, CA 93033 For information on quantity discounts, please call 888-774-6259, email: [email protected], or visit

    DISCLAIMER: The ideas, concepts, and opinions expressed in this book are intended to be used for educational purposes only. This book is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not rendering medical advice of any kind, nor is this book intended to replace medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury. It is imperative that before beginning any diet, exercise, or lifestyle program, including any aspect of the methodologies mentioned in The Paleo Thyroid Solution, you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician. The author and publisher claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the material in this book. If you object to this disclaimer, you may return the book to publisher for a full refund.




    1 The Thyroid—Your Master Gland

    (Thyroid education for science dummies and math haters.)

    2 Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism

    (What the heck is happening to my body, and how do I get to the bottom of it?)

    3 Fixing Thyroid Issues: Medications and Supplements

    (Kick hypothyroidism to the curb!)

    4 Delving Deeper into T3 and Reverse T3

    (The forgotten stepchildren of thyroid health.)

    5 Paleo/Primal Eating and Exercise

    (2.5 million years of right.)

    6 Paleo Lifestyle and Stress Management

    (It’s all about cortisol and glucose.)

    7 Implementing the Paleo Thyroid Solution

    (Moving onward and upward.)

    8 Thyroid Success Stories

    (Winner at the finish line.)


    Appendix I: In-Depth Commentary from Gary E. Foresman, MD

    Appendix II: Paleo/Primal Resources



    I am filled with the utmost gratitude for the man responsible for helping me change my life and saving me from a future riddled with weight issues, food addictions, adrenal problems, suboptimal thyroid hormone metabolism, and declining health.

    Mark Sisson, you are my hero!


    I suffered for a total of five years of my life due to undiagnosed hypothyroidism and Reverse T3 hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, my story is not unique, because like millions of thyroid patients, I was unable to find a doctor or an endocrinologist who was informed enough to fix my hypothyroidism. After two miserable years of being undiagnosed, I finally took my health into my own hands and became my own doctor. It was a scary place to be, feeling neglected by the medical community and the more than fifty highly regarded physicians I had spoken to. If I had trouble finding a doctor to help me in Los Angeles, I cannot even imagine how hard it would be to go through this ordeal in the smaller towns and cities throughout the United States.

    When I decided to reject the dead-end mainstream medical journey I was on, my body and health were deteriorating so rapidly that I spent every day in full-blown misery, riddled with more than thirty hypothyroid symptoms. Trying to start with a clean slate and be open to all possibilities, I ordered my own lab work, bought thyroid hormones from assorted Internet resources without a prescription, and headed down a more holistic path to wellness. And it actually worked. It worked phenomenally well, for a while.

    I was hit with a second bout of hypothyroidism in 2011 called Reverse T3—a once rare though increasingly common thyroid issue that many doctors have no idea how to test or fix. For the second time in ten years, I was on my own again, having to doctor myself back to health. Once again, I was successful.

    Even though I am a writer (focused on TV and film—Hollywood stuff), I never had the intention of writing a thyroid book or anything health related. However, it seemed that everywhere I went I would run into someone suffering from hypothyroidism—either undiagnosed or unsuccessfully treated by their current doctor. We would somehow land on this topic without any prompting from me. After speaking with and offering help to over a hundred former strangers with thyroid issues, it began to feel like a calling. My close association with Mark Sisson and the Primal Blueprint movement made it clear to me that my calling is about integrating paleo/primal lifestyle methods to stimulate holistic healing of assorted thyroid conditions that, frankly, the medical community is failing to address through traditional means.

    One of the worst symptoms of hypothyroidism is insidious weight gain and an inability to lose excess body fat, despite devoted efforts to hard workouts and restricting calories. After I was optimized on thyroid hormone replacement and over the challenge of my second bout of hypothyroidism, I tried every diet and lifestyle plan out there, to no avail. I started to believe a common and monumentally destructive misconception that some doctors pass on to their patients: You have hypothyroidism, so you will always struggle with weight issues.

    While it’s true that even after people optimized on thyroid hormone replacement have eradicated 99.9% of their hypothyroid symptoms, they often just can’t lose that excess weight without struggle, there is a solution.

    And there is more to the Paleo Thyroid Solution than the ability to effortlessly lose stubborn excess weight. Adopting a paleo/primal lifestyle is the quickest and surest way to optimize thyroid hormone metabolism—for everyone with thyroid problems and for everyone without thyroid problems. Every human being has a thyroid gland, and as the master gland of the body, it plays a critical role in all metabolic processes. If thyroid hormone metabolism is not up to par, anyone one can be thrown down the spiral slide into a pool of weight gain and is at risk of developing an assortment of thyroid-related health problems.

    Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, and Reverse T3 issues are on the rise. It is imperative that doctors who treat thyroid patients learn all they can about the latest treatment protocols in order to help their patients get well. In the meantime, I am overjoyed to present you with hope, encouragement, and a detailed plan to fix hypothyroidism. And if you’re overwhelmed right now, if you’re feeling lost and scared and unsure whether you’ll ever make it through, please turn to chapter 8 and start with the stories of people who have been exactly where you are and found their way to health and happiness. Then meet me back at chapter 1 and we will start you on your own journey toward achieving vibrant health.

    In chapter 1 you will learn how the thyroid gland works and how it can malfunction.

    In chapter 2 you will learn about common symptoms and how to properly diagnose thyroid issues.

    In chapter 3 you will learn about applicable supplements and thyroid hormone replacement options, along with dosing strategies.

    In chapter 4 you will learn about the very uncommon protocol of T3-only dosing, along with a rarely discussed thyroid issue called Reverse T3.

    In chapter 5 you will learn about how paleo/primal food and exercise principles support vibrant health and thyroid hormone optimization and promote weight loss.

    In chapter 6 you will learn about your adrenal gland, and paleo/primal lifestyle principles and how they affect cortisol and glucose which have a major role in your thyroid health.

    In chapter 7 you will learn a stepwise approach to implementing the Paleo Thyroid Solution.

    In chapter 8 you’ll read some Paleo Thyroid Solution success stories, including mine.

    In appendix I is my captivating interview with integrative physician (and primal doc) Gary E. Foresman, MD. I urge you to read it closely for insight into how and why doctors are getting things wrong and how thyroid health needs to be tested and treated.

    In appendix II you will find my favorite paleo/primal resources along with other resources to help you on your healing journey.


    The Thyroid—Your Master Gland

    Until now, you might not have paid attention to how the thyroid gland works or known about the critical role it plays in every aspect of physical health and mental well-being. Unfortunately, until a problem occurs and causes disease, the thyroid gland remains overlooked and misunderstood. This chapter offers an in-depth look at this miraculous tiny gland and what can go wrong with it.

    The Thyroid Epidemic

    There is a big discrepancy among experts’ estimates of how many thyroid patients exist in the United States. The common assessment seems to be about 20 million Americans, while some groups estimate 27 million—with 13 million of them undiagnosed. Roughly 200 million people worldwide have some form of thyroid disease, and 60% of those with thyroid disease are undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. Undiagnosed hypothyroidism can put patients at risk for serious conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, depression, osteoporosis, diabetes, infertility, and other gynecological disorders/hormone issues, and other diseases. More common in women, it is estimated that one in eight women will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime.

    Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid disorder and the main subject of this book, is disproportionately a woman’s disease. It’s chronically misdiagnosed; doctors often mistake the symptoms of hypothyroidism as symptoms of other conditions, without factoring thyroid dysfunction as a potential cause of those symptoms. Instead, the patient is given a prescription for the misdiagnosed condition (such as high blood pressure or depression)—and the patient remains hypothyroid and continues to deteriorate. Even when properly diagnosed, hypothyroidism is often treated with the wrong combination and/or wrong dosage levels of thyroid hormones along with the widespread unavailability of proper nutritional coaching. Both the absence of treatment and the widespread practice of mistreatment results in unnecessary suffering while creating a platform of disease within the body that eventually leads to other life-threatening conditions, such as diabetes/metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, depression, miscarriages, infertility, a variety of gynecological disorders, inflammation-related diseases, cancers, and more.

    Twice in ten years, I struggled with hypothyroidism—I was slowly dying. As I mentioned in the introduction, I saw and corresponded with over fifty doctors during these two bouts, and no one knew how to help me either time. The reason all of those doctors failed to diagnose me is that they all ordered the same, incorrect blood tests, which is a widespread problem. (More on blood tests in chapter 2). I could feel my brain and body deteriorating rapidly, and I had developed a variety of other health problems caused by hypothyroidism and the low metabolic rate that goes hand in hand with it. It was frightening to say the least. If my thyroid condition continued to go unresolved longer than it had, I can only imagine the countless medical atrocities that would have ensued. I had already been misdiagnosed with another disease (PCOS, or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome); I developed a uterine fibroid and a uterine polyp (which later had to be surgically removed); and I had alarmingly low hormone and nutrient levels of all kinds. What else was in store for me? How many more health disasters would I have experienced before I met an extremely premature demise? How many more years of my life would be wasted on this disease? These are the thoughts that motivated me to write this book so I could help save others from the grim reality of undiagnosed and mistreated hypothyroidism.

    The only way to prevent yourself from rapidly deteriorating from hypothyroidism or living a sub-par existence with sluggish thyroid function is to learn all that you can about the condition, become your own thyroid expert, and take control of your own health so that you can help yourself and your doctor treat it correctly. Had I known what I know now and could travel back in time, I would go back to my pre-hypothyroid days and immediately adopt a paleo lifestyle along with naturally optimizing certain hormone and nutrient levels in my body. Had I done that I might have avoided a life of being dependent on thyroid hormone replacement and I would have likely evaded the physical and mental tragedies of the slew of hypothyroid symptoms I suffered from. Before we detail the amazing way I have found to solve my thyroid issues, let’s explore just what this little gland does.

    Your Thyroid—The Master Gland

    All vertebrates have a thyroid gland: humans, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located on the front of and in the middle of your neck.

    You cannot live without a thyroid gland. Well, technically you can live without the actual gland, but you must give your body what the missing thyroid gland once gave you: thyroid hormones. The reason you cannot stay alive without a thyroid gland—or, more importantly, adequate levels of thyroid hormones—is that the thyroid is the master gland of the human body. The thyroid gland controls the metabolic rate of every organ in the body, from the production and regulation of sex hormones, adrenal hormones, body temperature, growth development, brain function, and heart rate, to every other element that keeps your body functioning. Inadequate thyroid hormones in the human body will ultimately contribute to a miserable existence, likely rampant with diseases and health problems.


    Metabolic rate involves the entire range of biological processes that occur within us. It involves the buildup and breakdown of substances—most often used to describe the breakdown of food and its transformation into energy. Your body can use the fuel for energy, or store the energy in body tissues like your muscles, liver, and body fat.

    In cases where a person has their thyroid surgically removed, they are given thyroid hormone replacement in order to live. If that same person were stranded on an island with a supply of food but had no thyroid hormones available, they would have difficulty surviving, because thyroid hormones control the metabolic rate for every single organ in the body—and in their absence the body will continue to deteriorate rapidly.

    Thyroid function is very complex and exerts a profound effect on the function of nearly every other organ in the body. Therefore, smooth functioning of the overall body chemistry depends on the health of your thyroid gland.

    —Christiane Northrup, MD,

    Adopting a paleo/primal lifestyle positively affects thyroid hormone metabolism more than any other way of eating and more than any other lifestyle strategy. This applies to people who currently don’t have thyroid issues and to people who take thyroid hormone replacement. In order to achieve optimal thyroid hormone metabolism, living a paleo existence is a great path for people who want to recover from hypothyroidism naturally or seek to optimize their current thyroid hormone replacement. You’ll get all the details you need on the paleo approach to health and vitality in chapter 6.

    The Midwest Goiter Belt

    The Midwest is sometimes referred to as the Goiter Belt. A goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland caused by inadequate iodine, which aggravates the thyroid as it tries to keep up with thyroid hormone production. A goiter can grow larger than the size of a cantaloupe.

    This inland region of the United States that surrounds the Great Lakes used to be a hotbed of goiter activity back in the day, the cause of which was thought to be a diet based on foods grown in iodine-depleted soil. As a response, iodized salt was introduced to the diet, and it successfully eliminated the Goiter Belt in the Midwest and other select areas of the country. Iodine deficiency was the most common cause of thyroid goiters.

    How The Thyroid Gland Works

    The thyroid gland gets activated to release thyroid hormones into the bloodstream via a signal sent from the pituitary gland at the base of our brains called the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). (Side note: TSH is neither a thyroid hormone nor an accurate blood test to use alone in assessing thyroid health—a common practice of uninformed doctors). TSH is a pituitary hormone and TSH levels only indicate to us how loud or soft the signal being sent to the thyroid is. What truly matters is how the thyroid gland interprets that TSH signal…meaning whether or not the thyroid gland dispenses enough thyroid hormones to the body after receiving the TSH signal. Furthermore, even if the thyroid gland releases hormones into the body, those hormones need to get metabolized properly in the body or the person will remain hypothyroid. Sometimes, the pituitary doesn’t send the TSH signal at all.

    The Main Hormones—T4 & T3

    The two main thyroid hormones the thyroid releases are T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). These are the only ones measurable via blood tests and the only ones to be concerned with when it comes to thyroid health. Approximately 80% of T4 is released by the thyroid. Approximately 7–20% of T3 is released by the thyroid.

    T4 is a prohormone, and its job is to convert into the biologically active thyroid hormone T3. T3 is the fuel and energy that keeps us alive (more on T3 in a bit). When the pituitary senses a lack of T4 and T3 in the blood, it sends the TSH signal to the thyroid to produce more thyroid hormones. As we’ll see, sometimes the thyroid doesn’t take the bait. Or, it takes the bait but only releases suboptimal amounts of thyroid hormones.


    1. The thyroid gland outputting T4 and T3 (or you taking thyroid hormone replacement)

    2. Your body converts the T4 into T3

    3. The T3 arriving at work (the cells)

    4. The T3 punching in to work (enter/affects the cells)

    Why doesn’t the thyroid gland just pump T3 directly into our system, if that’s what our bodies ultimately need? Why does the thyroid bother with this middleman T4 and this whole conversion process? T3 is the biologically active, most important thyroid hormone to human health, and as a result, it’s a very powerful energy hormone. T3 has such immediate and powerful effects that our bodies sort of have a built-in time-release process, where T3 is wisely dispensed to our bodies via T4 throughout the day when our bodies need it. The biologically inactive T4 converts into the biologically active T3. The leftover T4 that was not converted into T3 will convert, instead, into a biologically inactive form of T3 called Reverse T3 (RT3), as a way of clearing out excess T4 from the body that goes unused/unconverted.


    There is really only one thyroid hormone that we know for a fact is critical to life, and that hormone is called T3 (triiodothyronine). T3 is extremely powerful and is responsible for fat burning, brain function, body temperature, healthy heart rate, healthy blood pressure, physical energy, and more. T3 is energy. Having adequate levels of T3 contributes to lean muscle mass and calorie burning. T3 is what keeps your body temperature at an average of 98.6°F in healthy humans.

    T3 is so powerful that your body has an extremely smart mechanism in place that protects you from the energy effects of T3 by dishing it out to your bloodstream incrementally via the other thyroid hormone T4. The thyroid gland releases some T3 directly into the bloodstream, but 80% of what the thyroid releases is T4. The job of the T4, either released from your thyroid gland or ingested as thyroid hormone replacement, is to convert into life-giving T3. We cannot live without T3, and very low or inadequate levels of T3 in our system will negatively affect other biological systems.


    On a daily basis, the thyroid gland releases: T4, T3, T2, T1 & calcitonin.

    T4: 80–93% of what your thyroid produces. Its main function is to convert into the biologically active hormone T3. Of the T4 produced by the thyroid gland, 40–50% converts into T3.

    T3: 7–20% of total production by thyroid. Most of the T3 in your body makes its appearance when T4 loses one of its molecules to become T3—a peripheral (that is, away from thyroid gland) conversion of T4 to T3 in the body.

    T2: May play a role in production of an enzyme called deiodinase that helps covert T4 to T3.

    T1: May play a role in keeping thyroid function in check.

    Calcitonin: Primarily secreted by thyroid, calcitonin responds to too-high levels of calcium in the blood and inhibits the release of more calcium from your bones to the blood.


    There is currently no compelling scientific evidence that suggests T1, T2, and calcitonin are necessary for longevity and optimal thyroid hormone metabolism. Many successful thyroid hormone replacement options have zero T1, T2, or calcitonin in them, and people live long, healthy lives without these extra thyroid hormones.

    The ultimate goal of the thyroid gland is to get your body enough T4 so it will convert into adequate levels of T3 in order to keep you alive and well (at the same time, our thyroid gives us some direct T3 as well). For T4 to be useful at all, it must convert into T3. There is no scientific evidence at this time that suggests T4 itself is necessary to longevity or healthy thyroid hormone metabolism. Adequate T3 levels and thyroid hormone metabolism are the ultimate goals when it comes to thyroid health. As an example, people who are on T3-only thyroid hormone replacement like myself, have had no T4 in their system for years, and we live vibrantly healthy lives.


    T4 to T3 conversion primarily happens within the cells of the thyroid, liver, kidneys, some in the gut, and through the action of a specific enzyme called the D1 deiodinase. A small portion of the conversion from T4 to T3 happens within the gastrointestinal tract, but only if the gut is healthy and has the right level of friendly gut bacteria. Some conversion also occurs within the cells of the brain, bones, muscles, through the action of another specific enzyme called the D2 deiodinase. The mineral selenium also plays a key role in the conversion of T4 to T3. Whatever remaining T4 has not converted into T3 will be converted into the biologically inactive Reverse T3 (RT3) in order to clear out the excess T4.

    If, for any reason, the T4 that is released by your thyroid gland (or taken orally) does not convert into the biologically active T3, but instead converts into RT3, you will experience hypothyroid symptoms, the severity of which depends on how little T4 is being converted into T3 along with how well the T3 is affecting the cells (more on Reverse T3 in chapter 4).


    Imagine that the cells are the office building, and the punch card machine is inside the building. T3 must arrive at the cells and then punch in to the cells in order to be effective. Having T3 merely circulating in your bloodstream is not enough to guarantee health and eliminate hypothyroid symptoms. In fact, if T3 is just circulating in your bloodstream and not getting into the cells to act in them, T3 will remain useless. When someone has a Reverse T3 problem (that’s when the T4 converts into the biologically inactive form of T3), what happens is the T3 sort of just floats around in the bloodstream, inactive, like water contained in a pool, not going anywhere. In this case, T3 does not go into the office building—and does not punch in to work (and therefore cannot affect the cells). You can think about Reverse T3 like a blockade or a locked door preventing T3 from doing its job. There are a few ways to go about correcting Reverse T3 issues, which we’ll explore in chapter 4.

    T4 to T3 Conversion Issues

    Your own thyroid may be dispensing enough T4, or a hypothyroid patient can ingest T4, but if that T4 is not converting properly into the biologically active hormone T3, then T4 is useless and it will ultimately be harmful to the patient, because they will become hypothyroid. There are a variety of factors that can cause T4 to T3 conversion issues, such as a sluggish or unhealthy liver, poor diet, adrenal dysfunction, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, low iron storage, and blood sugar imbalances. Chronic dieting, overexercising, and caloric restriction can affect T4 to T3 conversion because your body thinks it’s starving, so it slows down thyroid hormone production to prevent your body from burning any more fat. Doing chronic cardio (a pattern of frequent workouts where you exceed 75% of your max heart rate for a sustained period of

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