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Side Hustle Secrets: The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Starting A Profitable Side Hustle
Side Hustle Secrets: The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Starting A Profitable Side Hustle
Side Hustle Secrets: The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Starting A Profitable Side Hustle
Ebook77 pages46 minutes

Side Hustle Secrets: The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Starting A Profitable Side Hustle

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About this ebook

If you’ve been thinking of ways to supplement your income, you’re not alone. Millions of people are looking for ways to earn extra cash. 

If you’re starting to resent your job or you feel like the walls are closing in on you, then you need to do something right now. 
Discover how you can finally start the perfect side hustle and be on your way to living the life you’ve always wanted!
Side Hustle Secrets is a step-by-step blueprint for starting a profitable side hustle.
Here's what you'll discover in this course:
  • Why you should start a side hustle as soon as possible.
  • 3 of the best and highest converting marketing strategies you can employ for your side hustle.
  • How to quickly get in the right mindset to start a side hustle.
  • The one secret no one tells you about side hustling while working a full-time job.
  • 5 surefire ways to know when you’re finally ready to say goodbye to your day job.
  • The importance of time management and setting boundaries.
  • The easiest way to achieve your goals and live the lifestyle you want.
  • 5 easy techniques you can follow to avoid side hustle burnout.
  • Why it’s important to take inventory of your skills before you start your side business.
  • 4 steps to map out your side hustle idea and figure out the perfect strategy and formula for success.
  • How to determine the best and most profitable side hustle for you.
  • And so much more!
Release dateNov 30, 2018
Side Hustle Secrets: The Step-By-Step Blueprint To Starting A Profitable Side Hustle

Read more from Dr. Michael C. Melvin

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    Side Hustle Secrets - Dr. Michael C. Melvin



    This e-book has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this ebook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this e-book provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this ebook should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source.

    The purpose of this ebook is to educate. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this e-book is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this ebook.

    Chapter 1: Get In The Right Mindset To Start A Side Hustle

    Many people start off so excited when they see a side hustle opportunity they think will be a good fit for them. They make plans and think about how they’re going to spend their extra cash, or how they’re going to quit their jobs the moment their side hustle takes off.

    But before they even get halfway to success, they give up all of a sudden. They make excuses as to why their side hustle isn’t working. They’ll tell themselves that their day job is easier because they get a steady paycheck every month. They’ll try to convince themselves that they’re happier at their day jobs anyway.

    The right mindset

    Many people have what it takes to succeed. They have the skills and the talent to do so. But the moment life throws curveballs their way, they give up and quit chasing their dreams.

    Why is that? Did they not want their dreams badly enough? Do they really like their lives the way it is right now? Maybe, maybe not.

    The answer actually lies in people’s mindsets. Not everyone’s cut out to hustle and take actual charge of their lives. When you hustle, you’re taking control of your life and you’re stepping out of your comfort zone.

    The thing is some people are content with whatever they have going for them at the moment. They don’t have that drive, that burning passion to see their dreams come to life. And that’s okay, that’s their prerogative, their choice.

    Perhaps they’ve become jaded and cynical. They’ve seen far too many people fail, and only a very small minority succeed, so they think they just don’t have what it takes to beat the odds. In their minds, they’ve already failed.

    But you don’t have to follow in their footsteps. You don’t need to feel the same way. You don’t need to feel discouraged every time you hear about someone who’s failed at their side hustles.

    You control your mind

    The human mind is amazing. It can either push you to go after your dreams no matter what it takes or bury it long before you even do anything about it. But your mind and your thoughts aren’t

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