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How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits
How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits
How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits
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How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits

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How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits is an interesting book which unveils the knowledge that each of us is here in this life for a specific purpose. Once an individual discovers his or her life purpose and starts to run with it, he or she begins to experience the kind of momentum and fulfilment that baffles the world around him or her.

Thus, in this book, you will learn:
• how to obtain genuine vision that will unveil your life purpose
• how to choose the right career field
• how to trigger the forces that can propel you to success
• how not to dissipate your sexual energy but rather to harness it to advance in life
• the four kinds of love mentioned in the Bible and how to wield their powers for productivity
• about mind activation to access creative ideas, the secret of geniuses.

Indeed, this is a remarkable book that should become your lifetime companion as it will enrich your life and drive you to do exploits.

Release dateDec 8, 2018
How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits

Captain Adiari

Adiari Captain is a Medical Practitioner with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree (University of Port-Harcourt), Postgraduate Diploma in HIV Management (Stellenbosch University, South Africa), and Masters of Public Health degree from the University of Liverpool, UK. Captain met with Jesus Christ at the age of twelve that changed his life course, groomed spiritually in Assemblies of God and Living Faith Church, aka Winners Chapel, active in campus fellowship and has been very dynamic in medical evangelism for almost thirty years in Nigeria and South Africa. He is married with children.

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    How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits - Captain Adiari


    How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for exploits

    SSB Series

    Book 2

    Adiari Captain

    © Captain Adiari 2018

    How to Develop Your Mind and Spirit for Exploits

    Spirit, Soul and Body (SSB) Series: Book 2

    Published by Agape Lifecare Books


    [email protected]

    ISBN 978-0-620-81233-7

    eISBN 978-0-620-81236-8

    2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1

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    I dedicate this book to my kids, Charis, Phoster, and Sophia, and their generations yet unborn, that they may seek for greater light in the pages of the Bible on how God has wired the tripartite nature of man (spirit, soul, and body) for continuous success, and that by such knowledge they can escape the corruption of this present life and enjoy a life of bliss with their Creator in Christ Jesus. Indeed, that is my prayer for this lawless generation and the progenies yet unborn.


    AMP = Amplified Bible

    CEB = Common English Bible

    CEV = Contemporary English Version

    Chpt = Chapter

    ERV = Easy-to-Read Version

    ESV = English Standard Version

    EXB = Expanded Bible

    GNT = Good News Translation

    HCSB = Holman Christian Standard Bible

    ICB = International Children’s Bible

    ISV = International Standard Version

    KJV = King James Version

    LEB = Lexham English Bible

    NABRE = New American Bible (Revised Edition)

    NASB = New American Standard Bible

    NET = New English Translation

    NIRV = New International Reader’s Version

    NIV = New International Version

    NKJV = New King James Version

    NLV = New Life Version

    NLT = New Living Translation

    RSV = Revised Standard Version

    SSB=Spirit, Soul and Body

    TLB = The Living Bible

    Voice = The Voice Bible

    WYC = Wycliffe Bible

    Declaration and Acknowledgment

    All the stories reproduced in this book are true-life occurrences. However, the names of the persons involved were changed to preserve the identities of the individuals, except in few cases in which the story has actually been published with the full disclosure of identity or in any other public domain.

    I wish to thank the numerous permissions we received from relevant quarters while compiling the materials of this book. Especially, I would like to thank my wife and children who have been the first students I have used to refine most of the thoughts in this book. The principles in this book are not new because principles are eternal laws of creation. However, the unveiling knowledge of some of these principles are quite novel as they came via creative illumination from the Holy Spirit, the Greatest Teacher, over the more-than-30 years of my spiritual walk with God. My family were usually the first students to practice the illuminated teachings. As you study this book, may you find the creative illumination that will enrich your life and drive you towards successful accomplishments beyond the confines of your perceived limitations.


    In 1980, while in primary school, two of my schoolmates, Jude and Cheif, were given corporal punishment by the school labour master, Mr. Claudius. The offence they had committed was that they were caught picking mango fruits in the bush when they were supposed to be in class. I still remember how we would taunt the boys for leaving the classes to pick bush mangoes. The corporal punishment meted out was to clean up some sections of the fields around the school premises.

    Jude came with a sharp cutlass while Cheif had a blunt heavy machete. Jude finished his cleaning within the same day while Cheif finished his on the third day despite that they both had the same measured portions of fields with same type of grass on them. Cheif was expected to have finished his cutting long before Jude because he was much muscular, athletic, and appeared stronger than Jude.

    Jude and Cheif represent the two classes of humans on earth. One is the unsuccessful class, whose dreams and aspirations have been frustrated. For this class, life seems to be one resistance to another as nothing appears to be working well. All the lofty desires they had while growing up as children and young adolescents seem to have died. After attaining some minimal level of success, it was like all hell was let loose on them to halt any further advancement. Disappointments and frustrations have gradually but progressively grounded them to a halt, and now they have resigned themselves to ‘fate.’

    The other class are the individuals whose desires have been met, and new goals have been set and again achieved. To them, it is a continuous progress and advancement. Everything they do seems to prosper. Like any other humans, they do have their challenges and disappointments; nonetheless, their advancement was never impeded to a halt. The interesting thing about this class is that only a very few number of people belong here while the majority of people belong to the earlier category.

    Is life unfair? Does God love some people and favour some more than others? Why is it only few people tend to have their desires met while many others are always met with frustrations? These are common questions in the heart of many people.

    The truth is that we live in a structured world. Our universe is quite methodological, being governed by laws. Sadly, the majority of people are ignorant of these laws of operation, and ignorance of a law is not an excuse. This book is a continuation of the previous one: Spirit, Soul and Body – a Concise Analysis of the Human Nature (SSB Book 1). It unveils the operation of the laws of success. In this book, you’ll learn about the mind functionalities, and how to access creativity, and the secret of genius. The book introduces you to the mind activation principle, the three greatest forces that rule the world and how to harness these forces to make advancement in life. Other significant topics include how to harness sexual energy for life success, and much more. In this book, you’ll study how individuals utilised the laws of success to forcefully advance their endeavours to become great achievers in their fields.

    This book makes an interesting study, one that promises to be your companion in your earthly journey. Don’t just browse through it, rather study it diligently to be wise, and practise these principles that will cause your heart desires to come to fruition.

    Section 1

    How to Develop Your Mind for Exploits

    Chapter 1

    The Potency of the Mind

    On 27


    August 1858, about a century following the advent of the industrial revolution, Edwin Laurentine Drake (AD 1819-1880), also known as Colonel Drake, discovered petroleum in Titusville of Pennsylvania, USA; hence, becoming the first American to successfully drill for petroleum oil. That exploration and discovery changed the face of energy production and utilisation not just in the USA but across the globe. For the next 25 years after the oil discovery, men jostled about with personnel and machines, trying to conquer the industry. Standard Oil, pioneered by John D. Rockefeller, emerged the arrowhead and dominated the oil industry.

    Rockefeller’s wealth grew astronomically as he meticulously built his industry. Historians, anthropologists, and industrialists have written a lot about this character that, not only ruled the oil industry globally, but stood as a symbol of capitalism of industrial age. His rise from an obscurity, a village lad born to an impostor father and a dedicated Christian mother, to a global prominence, sounds more or less as a fairy tale, making those who never knew him to cast sentimental aspersions with awful veneration on his personality. Interestingly, the driving quality of Rockefeller’s success was the robustness of his spirit man and his astute mind. He wasn’t the best brains in the class during his school days or the best intellect in the oil industry. However, he had developed his spirit and sharpened his mind to such a degree that would dominate his physical world. One experience to clearly illustrate this is the Lima Oil.

    The 19th Century Story of the Lima Oil

    At its infancy, the oil industry had been haunted by two nightmares – either the oil would dry up, thus starving their refineries and network of pipelines; or the oil would soon become irrelevant as the source of energy. At one panicky executive-committee meeting in the early 1880s, it was even suggested that Standard Oil should exit the business and enter something more stable. After listening quietly to such defeatist talk, Rockefeller stood up, pointed skyward, and intoned, ‘The Lord will provide.’ Rockefeller tended to see a heavenly design in all things and was convinced that the Almighty had buried the oil in the earth for a purpose, wrote Chernow Ron in The Titan.

    During this period, specifically in May 1885, a dramatic event occurred in Lima, the headquarters city of Allen County, Ohio, United States. The event was the discovery of oil in and around this city. By December of 1885, more than 250 derricks had sprouted in and around the town, spilling across the borders into Indiana. But soon, hope gave way to despair because the newly discovered Lima oil was found to be chemically unmarketable because of its high sulphur contents that not only increased the cost of production but also had a pungent, irritating smell, spreading an unwanted thin film over lamps, making it unfit for the domestic use of its kerosene. In addition, the Lima petroleum contained less kerosene, the most useful refined component of crude oil as at then.

    With all these challenges, many investors that hoped to reap from the new-found oil were disappointed. Many lost hope and looked for willing buyers of their share of investment. But not Rockefeller. It seemed to us impossible that this great product had come to the surface to be wasted and thrown away; so we went on experimenting with every process to utilize it, said Rockefeller in the heat of corporate despair about the Lima oil. One experiment he did to solve the challenges of the Lima oil was to import Mr. Herman Frasch, a distinguished, German-born chemist, unarguably the best in his time, with a marching order to banish the deadly odour from Lima oil and turn it into a marketable product.

    While Frasch became neck-deep in his assignment, Standard Oil executive board was thrown into frenzy, dichotomous dilemma: Should the company buy up the shares of the willing sellers with the assumption that Frasch would succeed or should they wait until Frasch had come up with ways of converting the oil into marketable product? The problem with the first option was that Frasch was not showing any sign of success in his assignment, hence, if they should go ahead and make purchases, they could end up with millions of unsellable barrels of oil that would dim the future of the company. However, if they chose the second option, they ran the risk of losing Lima oil market to competition.

    Faced with this dilemma, the executives chose to tow the ‘safest’ route by waiting for Frasch to come up with rays of hope of success on how to convert the Lima oil to marketable product. But Rockefeller’s insight came into play. He refused to tow the myopic road of his board members. He would bring up the topic again and again in their board meetings, with each time receiving a resounding ‘NO’ answer from his board members. At every meeting, Rockefeller would propose the immediate purchase of the Lima oil leases, but each time was blocked by the board.

    After several weeks of bringing up the same topic but kept meeting resistance, at one meeting Rockefeller decided to do the unthinkable. I will build this improvement out of my own funds and underwrite it for two years, Rockefeller replied in his cool calculated manner while piercing at the heated temper of the board members in the room. At the end of that time if it is a success the company can reimburse me. If it is a failure, I will take the loss, he finally laid out his thoughts, pledging three million USD (equivalent to about 60 million USD in 2016 rate). That caught the board members unawares.

    There was dead silence in the room, the kind that even a pin drop could be heard, as the board members sat in contemplative awe. Across the table sat Charles Pratt, a thin man with calculative demeanours and the strongest opposition to Rockefeller’s idea of outright purchase of Lima oil. Whether influenced by Rockefeller’s unflinching resolve or realising that they would lose out, Charles Pratt broke the silence and announced, If that’s the way you feel about it, we’ll go it together. I guess I can take the risk if you can.

    That sealed the deal. For the next two years, Standard Oil invested millions of dollars in purchasing and expanding their influence into Lima and Ohio in general. To many minds, this was a gamble, which could bring down the fortunes of the company, and possibly destroy the company’s future. But for Rockefeller, it wasn’t a gamble. His insight had nerved him to believe that was the profitable way to go. "Once Rockefeller had an insight, it often gripped him with the irresistible force of an epiphany," wrote Chernow Ron.

    That insight paid off in no small measure. In October 1888, Frasch finally got the desired result; he discovered methods on how to remove the odour and the stain associated with Lima oil, thereby turning it into a marketable product. The joy of Standard Oil knew no bounds. Soon the company launched the largest refinery, Whiting Refinery, in Indiana, that processed 36000 barrels of crude oil daily. The refinery became a wonder to the world for many years, with Standard Oil dominating the Lima oil production for those numbers of years, profiting immensely from it for more than a decade and which refocused the company for global supremacy in the industry.

    Fig.1: Whiting Refinery is a sprawling 1400 acre (5.7 km2) complex, located in Whiting Indiana, spanning into the neighbouring cities of southeast Chicago. The refinery was established in 1889 by John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil of Indiana, reaping from the proceeds of Lima Oil. By the mid-1890s, the Whiting plant had become the largest refinery in the United States, handling 36000 barrels of oil per day and accounting for nearly 20 percent of the total U.S. refining capacity. In 1998, British Petroleum (BP) merged with Amoco (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana) to form BP Amoco plc, now BP plc. In 2013, BP plc completed a multi-billion dollar modernization project of the Whiting refinery, making it the largest refinery in the Midwest as well as BP’s largest refinery in the world with a production capacity of up to 430000 barrels a day, enough gasoline each day to fuel 6 million cars!

    Insight – AN Output of Robust Spirit

    AND Keen Mind

    Insight is a word that has become common in science and business circles. It is one word that can spell a difference in the outcome of our life endeavours. John D. Rockefeller’s ability to correctly decipher the future prospects of Lima oil, while others in the industry had written it off, was due to a keen insight.

    A man with a keen insight sees what others do not. The question will then be: ‘what is an insight?’ Most importantly, how can one develop a keen insight and utilise it to achieve one’s heart desires? As you study through the pages of this book, you’ll undoubtedly come to know about insight and, more especially, how to develop it for maximum gain in life. The caution here is that you should take time to study and not just browse through the book if you sincerely desire to benefit from it. Some may find the answers in the first chapter, others in the second, and so on.

    Man is a tripartite being; he is primarily a spirit being, possesses a soul, and lives in a physical body. Just as the human body can be divided into systems, the human spirit, sometimes referred to as the spirit man, consists of three systems or components – the heart, eido centre, and censor. The soul is the outer covering, the cocoon, which houses the spirit man. The functional expression, the software, of the soul is called the mind, which has five faculties or systems – the emotion, imaginative, intellect, memory, and willpower. For a clearer understanding, see the book, Spirit, Soul and Body – A Concise Analysis of the Human Nature (SSB Book 1), by this same author. With the eido centre of the human spirit, an individual can perceive, discern, or ‘see’ beyond the physical senses. Such perceived, discerned, seen information is received by the heart of the spirit man and is judgmentally weighed by the censor to determine its significance.

    In other words, the spirit man can perceive information which is, hitherto, not detected by the body senses. Such perceived information is then passed onward to the faculties of the mind, where it is processed into an intelligible idea. That is, a combination of the functions of the human spirit and the mind is what produces such intelligible idea, which is referred to as insight.

    Etymologically, insight is from two words: ‘inside’ and ‘sight.’ Simply put, insight means ‘having an inside sight.’ The ‘inside sight’ here refers to the inner knowing by the action of the eido centre, and such inner knowing is then refined by the mind. Rockefeller’s eido centre could perceive the bright prospects of Lima Oil. His mind processed the perceived information, refining it more clearly into an acceptable, workable idea. Hence, in his heart and mind, Rockefeller had seen the huge profits from the Lima Oil even though all available statistics pointed otherwise.

    Indeed, the more robustly developed the human spirit and the more refined the mind, the sharper is insightful perception. A combination of the functions of the spirit man and the mind produces insight. That is, insight is an output of a robust spirit and a keen mind. A well-developed spirit is not the religious farce that goes all around us. A well-developed spirit is a robustly fecund spirit. Such a person is productive. His heart and eido centres know how to receive superior thought from the spiritual and physical environments, and such thought is then processed by his astute mind into a refined idea for execution in the physical world. That is the secret of Mr. Rockefeller and any other true success story in any industry!

    Chapter 2

    The Mind – Link between

    the Physical and Spiritual Worlds

    In 1950, shortly after the Korean War began, Kim Woo-Choong was an undernourished 12-year-old refugee who earned just enough money delivering newspapers to buy food for his widowed mother and his brother and sister. Despite such circumstances, Kim had a dream in his heart. Deep within him, he saw riches of financial fortunes and not poverty.

    He later wrote, I did not have a single coin in my pocket, but I had dreams... making a product that is the finest of its type in the world. I treasure this dream, no matter what the product may be. It could be anything, so long as it becomes renowned as the finest of its kind in the world – like a Parker pen or a Nikon camera. It does not matter so long as they say that it was made by Kim Woo-Chong and that it is the best of its kind.

    Thus, with his heart he conceived dreams of becoming an entrepreneur of world’s renown. But if he stopped on just dreaming, such a vision, no matter how sound, would never become a reality. From the heart of the spirit man, the dream must pass down to the mind for rationalisation. It was in his mind that Kim was able to rationalise the step-by-step approach to actualising his vision. His mind broke the dreams down into workable, practical steps. Thus, he wrote:

    We lived in the Changchung-dong section of Seoul then, and I had to walk two hours to Yonsei University, which was more than six miles away. I did not have a single coin in my pocket, but I had dreams. I still cannot forget the feeling that would come over me when I stepped out of the library late at night, or when I looked up at the sky on the long trudge home. It seemed like the world was mine, that I could just wrap the universe up in my arms. Nothing seemed impossible to me. The vitality of youth was in me, and it filled my heart with dreams. There was nothing that could stop me.

    If you are a dreamer; Kim’s story would have been quite familiar to you. When a dream permeates to the mind and it is processed into practical steps, it generates the propulsive force of faith that drives a man beyond expectation. Kim’s heart dreams had passed down to his mind, where they had been processed into workable, practical steps that triggered his faith beyond words.

    In 1967, Kim took a practical step by establishing a small trading company in pursuance of his dreams. Seventeen years later, the small trading company had grown into a giant multinational conglomerate, the Daewoo Group, employing more than 85,000 people in Korea and 60 overseas offices.

    Daewoo’s brand products include motor vehicles, textiles, ships, computers, home appliances, chemicals, leather goods, robots, fibre optics, machinery and consumer electronic goods. The company’s nearly eight billion US dollars in sales in 1984 catapulted the relatively infant Daewoo Group into Number 48 position on Fortune magazine’s International 500 list. His company’s unprecedented success story earned Kim the International Chamber of Commerce’s 1984 award as the world’s best businessman, a kind of Nobel Prize for entrepreneurs that is presented by the King of Sweden once every three years.

    Prior to the financial crisis that gripped much of East Asia beginning July 1997, Daewoo was the second largest conglomerate in Korea after Hyundai Group, followed by LG Group and Samsung. Notwithstanding its seemingly strong overseas branch office spread, the company easily plummeted under the weight of the crisis heavily. It caved in because of its hollow financial structure as events later revealed Daewoo as an unstable Group. It had to sell off nearly 50 division corporations to focus only on the major companies. There were about 20 divisions left under the Daewoo Group, some of which survived until today as independent companies. Kim was plunged into unduly huge debts that earned him an arrest and a sentence of 10 years in jail in 2006. He was however pardoned after a few months by the South Korean government on personal recognition of his towering contribution to economic growth of the country in particular and Asia in general.

    Kim’s success is a testimony of the power of a dream in the heart of a man that has undergone processing in the mind. He wrote in his book, Every Street is Paved with Gold, the following words:

    Of all the things that youth brings with it, dreams are the most important. People with dreams know no poverty, for a person is as rich as his or her dreams. Youth is the time of life when, even if you do not own a thing, you have nothing to envy if you have dreams. History belongs to dreamers. Dreams are the power for changing the world. I will bet that all the people who are shaping world history today had big dreams when they were young. But nowadays I often hear that young people no longer have dreams about the future. Or that the dreams they do have are fixed only on the present. If that is true, then nothing could be sadder for the individuals, and even more so for the nation.

    Kim concludes with these words:

    History belongs to dreamers. Only nations that have people with dreams, people who try to make dreams come true, and people who share dreams can be leaders of world history. Your dreams have to be as pure and as clear as spring water. And such dreams have to be big dreams. You have to carry the universe with you in your heart, and your dreams have to be as big as the universe itself. A philosopher once said that youth without dreams is the same as psychological suicide. So dream dreams that are pure and bright and big (Woo-Choong and Louis, 1992).

    With his mind, Kim could see his future clearly, and that triggered the propulsive power of faith that jerked his physical body into action to actualise the dreams. Indeed, the mind is the link between the spiritual and the physical worlds. With the heart of the spirit, a man conceives dream, which are processed by the mind and then executed by the body organs.

    Fig.2: Former Daewoo Group Headquarters building (now Seoul Square Building), the power of dreams in the heart being processed by the mind of man.

    Wealth – Function of Degree of Mind Development

    Indeed, the mind is the link between the spiritual and physical worlds. With his spirit, a man relates with the spiritual world. The received thoughts from the spiritual world are processed by the mind for execution by the body in the physical world. In other words, the keenness of the mind determines how much of the information received in the spiritual world becomes relevant and productive for the individual. For instance, vision, faith and love – the three greatest forces that rule the world – originate from and are perceived in the heart of the spirit man, but it is the mind of the soul that processes the vision, articulates the acts of faith, and processes the power of love into a driving force for physical execution.

    The Manual of Life, the Bible, repeatedly teaches the crucial place of the mind for a successful living. For instance, analysis of the Third Epistle of John verse 2 clearly reveals this:

    Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as your soul propereth (3 Joh.2 KJV).

    The above Scripture mentions three points:

    (i) ‘I wish above all things that you may prosper’:

    This is the thought of God for humans He has created in His image and likeness. Remember that John the Beloved, who penned down these words, was under divine inspiration; he wrote as being directed by the Spirit of God. The letter was addressed to Gaius, apparently a Christian leader in the first Century Church. However, the letter was not an expression of divine thought for Gaius alone. Gaius was only an avenue by which God unveils His thought for humanity. Thus, it is a spiritual message of blessing in the heart of God for man.

    (ii) ‘Be in health’:

    God’s thought for man is not just for man to prosper spiritually but this prosperity must materialise so that it can be seen physically here on earth. Health is the spiritual wealth translated into physical, tangible wealth. Health is wealth. In other words, the spiritual message of prosperity will only become relevant when it is physically transmuted into physical, tangible wealth.

    (iii) ‘Even as your soul prospers’:

    Take note of the subordinate conjunction - ‘even as’, in the Scripture. It means for the spiritual wealth that God has blessed man with to become physical wealth, the soul must prosper. The term soul in the Scripture is from the Greek word psyche, which is occasionally translated as ‘mind’ (see SSB Book 1). The mind is the functional expression of the soul. Thus, the translation of the spiritual endowments into material prosperity is dependent on the prosperity of the mind.

    That is, the more developed a man’s mind is, the higher is his ability to translate unseen wealth into physical reality. That explains why many Christians do not experience physical prosperity. They may be good prayer warriors, living a committed and disciplined lifestyle, good Christian leaders with unrivalled holy living, yet remain grossly impoverished in material blessings. On the other hand, it also explains why a man, who knows nothing about spiritual growth and development and may not even believe in God, yet is able to amass stupendous amount of material blessings. Indeed, the development of our mind is crucial to our success in life. In other words, wealth of all forms is a function of the degree of mind development of the individual. Therefore, I encourage you to keep reading this book in order to discover the intricacies, the laws, and their application that govern mind growth and development.

    A Two-Way Communication

    There is a two-directional passage of information across the mind, viz.

    Downgraded Communication

    This is when thought is passed down from the heart of the spirit to the mind for processing. All thoughts projected from the spiritual world that enter the heart, alongside those thoughts independently originated by the heart of the spirit man, pass from the heart to the mind for processing. It is this mental processing function of the downgraded thoughts that convert the thoughts into functional ideas for execution by the body.

    Upgraded Communication

    In addition, information received from the physical world by the body senses pass to the mind for processing.

    In many instances, thoughts can also be projected directly into the mind of a man from spirit beings, and this is referred to as thought projection in psychiatry. Whether the information passes onto the mind from the body senses or it is projected directly into the mind; once it is in the mind, the information will undergo processing as far as the capability of the person’s mental prowess into an idea.

    Fig.3: The Mind – the Central Processor between the Spiritual and Physical realms

    Mind – The Central Processor

    The role of the mind in life’s accomplishments cannot be over-emphasised. Being a medium between the spiritual world and the physical world, the mind is central to every degree of man’s life achievements. Without the mind, all the products from the spirit man cannot be transmuted or converted into physical substances. Also, without the mind, information obtained from the physical world cannot be processed into usable substances for productive execution. The mind is the central processor that processes spiritual messages from the spirit realm for physical execution as well as information from the physical world for profitable execution.

    Without Your Mind I Can Do Nothing

    As this chapter rounds up, it is interesting to note the inspired word of Apostle Paul about the power of the mind in the Epistle of Philemon. The epistle, known simply as Philemon, is one of the books of the New Testament. It is written by Apostle Paul, co-authored by Timothy, while in a Roman prison in about AD 61. The letter was addressed to Philemon, a wealthy man and a leader in the Colossian church. Philemon might have converted to Christianity through Paul’s ministry in Ephesus.

    The highlight of the letter was Apostle Paul’s plea on behalf of Onesimus, a runaway slave of Philemon. Apparently, Onesimus became regenerated and converted to Christianity after coming in contact with Paul in prison. Following the conversion, Paul decided to send Onesimus back to his master, Philemon, with an enclosed letter, pledging to personal pay any charges:

    If he has cheated you or owes you anything, charge it to my account. With my own hand I write: I, Paul, will pay you back. But don’t forget that you owe me your life. My dear friend and follower of Christ our Lord, please cheer me up by doing this for me (Philem.1:18-20 CEV).

    Notice something of great interest: Onesimus’ changed character won the affection of Apostle Paul.

    I beg you to help Onesimus! He is like a son to me because I led him to Christ here in jail. Before this, he was useless to you, but now he is useful both to you and to me. Sending Onesimus back to you makes me very sad. I would like to keep him here with me, where he could take your place in helping me while I am here in prison for preaching the good news (Philem.1:10-13 CEV).

    Because of such a changed character and usefulness, Apostle Paul would have been glad to keep Onesimus with him. However, he made it very clear that without the consenting mind of Philemon, he wouldn’t dare do otherwise.

    But without thy mind [gnōmē] would I do nothing …

    (Philem.1: 14 KJV).

    That is the power of the mind. The Greek term for ‘mind’ in this Scripture is gnome, which means cognition or reasoning. Gnome is one of the expressions of the Intellectual Faculty of the mind, and more specifically it is one of the expressions of the Ideological Unit of the Intellectual Faculty (see the book: SSB Book 1). Thus, gnome means ‘to agree, to purpose, to arrive at a decision, be at one accord.’ In other words, Apostle Paul told Philemon that without the latter consenting mind, he

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