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What to Expect When You Have Diabetes: 170 Tips for Living Well with Diabetes (Revised & Updated)
What to Expect When You Have Diabetes: 170 Tips for Living Well with Diabetes (Revised & Updated)
What to Expect When You Have Diabetes: 170 Tips for Living Well with Diabetes (Revised & Updated)
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What to Expect When You Have Diabetes: 170 Tips for Living Well with Diabetes (Revised & Updated)

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About this ebook

Managing a chronic disease like diabetes can be overwhelmingespecially if you’re among the 1.7 million Americans who are newly diagnosed each year. Here is easy-to-read, steady advice in this newly updated book, written by the experts, so you can live well with diabetes, not just manage it. What to Expect When You Have Diabetes is a reliable companion for when you’re swamped with questions but also have more information than you can absorb.

The information in this book is geared especially toward people with type 2 diabetes, primarily because 9095 percent of those with diabetes have type 2. Type 1 is more rare, but most of the treatment and lifestyle suggestions given here are helpful for both.

A Q&A format, organized by topic for quick reference, provides authoritative but understandable answers to a range of questions, such as:

Is diabetes a dangerous disease?
Should I tell my supervisor and coworkers that I have diabetes?
Will the medication I’m taking for depression affect my blood sugar?

This book is a perfect companion to a health-care team and is sure to become a trusted reference as you live with diabetes.
PublisherGood Books
Release dateJun 14, 2016
What to Expect When You Have Diabetes: 170 Tips for Living Well with Diabetes (Revised & Updated)

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    What to Expect When You Have Diabetes - American Diabetes Association

    Cover Page of What to Expect When You Have DiabetesHalf Title of What to Expect When You Have DiabetesTitle Page of What to Expect When You Have Diabetes

    While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The suggestions and information contained in this publication are generally consistent with the Clinical Practice Recommendations and other policies of the American Diabetes Association, but they do not represent the policy or position of the Association or any of their boards or committees. Reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the American Diabetes Association and Good Books cannot ensure the safety or efficacy of any product or service described in this publication, and their inclusion in this publication does not represent an endorsement by either organization. The content in this book is not intended to be medical advice.

    Individuals are strongly advised to always consult a physician or other appropriate health-care professional before undertaking any diet or exercise program or taking any medication referred to in this publication. Professionals must use and apply their own professional judgment, experience, training, and their knowledge of your specific health needs and should not rely solely on the information contained in this publication before prescribing any diet, exercise, or medication. The American Diabetes Association and Good Books—their officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and members—assume no responsibility or liability for personal or other injury, loss, or damage that may result from the suggestions or information in this publication.

    Copyright © 2016 by Good Books, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the case of brief excerpts in critical reviews or articles. All inquiries should be addressed to Good Books, 307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10018.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is available on file

    Print ISBN: 978-1-68099-144-4

    ebook ISBN: 978-1-68099-145-1

    Printed in the United States of America


    Foreword by John Buse, MD, PhD, President, Medicine & Science, American Diabetes Association

    Now That You Have Diabetes

    1. Is diabetes a new disease?

    2. What does the term diabetes mellitus mean?

    3. Can I catch diabetes from someone else?

    4. Is there a time of year when I am more likely to get diabetes?

    5. Does eating sugar cause diabetes?

    6. Is diabetes a dangerous disease?

    7. Can I ignore the risks of diabetic complications since the thought of them scares me?

    8. How close are we to a cure for diabetes?

    9. How do I know whether I have type 1, type 2, or another type of diabetes?

    10. Should I tell my boss and coworkers that I have diabetes?

    11. What is a health-care team and how can I find one?

    12. How often should I see my doctor to be as healthy as I can be?

    13. Is there a list of tests and things I am supposed to do to stay healthy?

    14. How can I tell if my diabetes program is successful?

    Blood-Sugar Highs and Lows

    15. What are the symptoms of high blood sugar?

    16. What type of damage does high blood sugar do to my body?

    17. What are my blood-sugar goals if I have diabetes?

    18. Should I be concerned about glucose control if I have type 2 diabetes?

    19. Why should I work so hard to improve my blood-sugar level?

    20. Should I take vitamins or minerals to improve my blood sugar?

    21. How will alcohol affect my blood sugar?

    22. How does being overweight affect my ability to obtain normal blood sugars?

    23. Will I gain weight as I lower my blood sugar?

    24. How does the health of my teeth affect my blood sugar?

    25. How often should I see my doctor to keep my blood sugar under control?

    26. Where can I find new information that will help me with my blood-sugar management?

    Low Blood-Sugar Tips

    27. Why do I yawn when I have low blood sugar?

    28. Why do I always seem to get low blood sugar after having sex?

    29. Why do I no longer feel the warning signs of low blood sugar?

    Living Well—Diet and Nutrition

    30. How can I eat in a healthy way?

    31. I’ve heard I’m supposed to eat five fruits and vegetables a day. Why?

    32. I don’t have lots of time to spend shopping for food and making healthy meals. What can I do?

    33. How can I find a registered dietitian?

    34. What is a meal plan?

    35. I easily get overwhelmed with decisions. Would I do better if I had planned meals?

    36. Diet food and all those fruits and vegetables seem so expensive. How can following my meal plan cost less?

    37. How can I get my spouse to follow his or her meal plan?

    38. How can keeping a food diary help my diabetes?

    39. What is food combining and how does it work?

    40. Will becoming a vegetarian help my diabetes control?

    41. How often do I need to eat for good diabetes control?

    42. Is it better to eat four or five small meals during the day instead of three large meals?

    43. I’m not as hungry anymore, and I eat less often. Will this affect my diabetes control?

    44. What foods can I eat when I am sick?

    45. What can I eat for snacks?

    46. Does reading food labels help me stay healthy?

    47. How big is a serving?

    48. Why are serving sizes important? Is there an easy way to remember them?


    49. How many grams of sugar am I allowed to eat in a day?

    50. Now that sugar is no longer forbidden for people with diabetes, can I eat all the sweets I want?

    51. I’m confused about sugars and starches. Which raises my blood sugar more—a brownie or a piece of bread?

    52. Are there sweeteners that are free foods? How can I tell which to use?

    53. Can I eat all I want of food that is labeled sugar-free?

    54. Why do some sugar-free foods taste weird?

    55. How can I overcome my craving for chocolate?

    56. Should I use fructose as a sweetener when I bake?


    57. Why is fat in food so bad?

    58. How do I know if I’m eating the right amount of fat?

    59. How can I make my favorite recipes lower in fat?

    60. What are fat replacers?

    61. Can I eat an unlimited amount of fat-free foods?

    62. What are trans fatty acids and how do they affect my diabetes?

    63. What are omega-3 fatty acids and should I include them in my diet?

    Dining Out

    64. How can I eat my favorite foods when dining out?

    65. How can I reduce fat in a meal when I eat at a restaurant?


    66. Will fiber help my diabetes control?

    67. Is it true that beans can improve diabetes control?

    68. What is carbohydrate counting?

    69. Is protein good for me?

    70. Are plant sources of protein better for me than animal protein?

    71. Are eggs off-limits now that I have diabetes?

    72. How can I use herbs and spices?

    73. Are sports drinks such as Gatorade okay for people with diabetes?

    74. Is it acceptable for me to have a drink with dinner?

    Living Well—Matters of the Heart

    75. Am I more at risk to develop heart disease because I have diabetes?

    76. How high is my risk for heart attack with type 2 diabetes?

    77. Will lowering the fat in my diet reduce my risk for heart disease?

    78. What is the difference between good and bad cholesterol?

    79. How much can changes in diet lower my blood-cholesterol level?

    80. Why did my doctor recently start me on a blood-pressure medication even though my blood pressure is only slightly elevated?

    81. What diet change must I make to improve my blood pressure?

    Living Well—Weight Management and Exercise

    82. How does losing weight improve my health?

    83. Should I join an expensive diet and weight-reduction program to lose weight?

    84. How can I lose weight when I have to eat on the run?

    85. How can I lose weight and keep eating foods I like?

    86. Does drinking water help me lose weight?

    87. Won’t skipping meals help me cut back on calories and lose weight?

    88. How can I lose weight when I hardly eat anything now?

    89. Will a very low-calorie diet work for me?

    90. How can I determine my ideal body weight?

    91. What is BMI and why is it important?

    92. Why do I gain weight as I get older?

    93. Does insulin resistance lead to weight gain?

    94. I binge-eat under stress. How can I avoid overeating the next time I feel pressured?

    95. How can I say no to friends who push food?

    96. Why would my spouse try to sabotage my diet?


    97. What does exercise do for me?

    98. How do I know I’m healthy enough to exercise?

    99. I’ve had type 2 diabetes for 20 years and want to start exercising. What do I need to know?

    100. Do I need a snack when I exercise?

    101. Does exercise raise or lower my blood sugar?

    102. How do I get the regular exercise that I need to improve my blood sugar?

    103. I have arthritis in my hips. Can you recommend exercises other than walking?

    104. What kind of exercise burns enough calories to lose weight?


    105. What is the best medication to treat diabetes?

    106. Is there a best time of day to take my medication?

    107. How can I remember to take my diabetes pills to prevent high blood sugar?

    108. What should I do if I forget to take my diabetes pills?

    109. If I forget to take my medications, should I take two pills for the next dose?

    110. Should I take my medication

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