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Silva Ultramind Systems ESP for Business Success: Use Intuition to: Solve Problems, Create Solutions, Earn More Money
Silva Ultramind Systems ESP for Business Success: Use Intuition to: Solve Problems, Create Solutions, Earn More Money
Silva Ultramind Systems ESP for Business Success: Use Intuition to: Solve Problems, Create Solutions, Earn More Money
Ebook337 pages5 hours

Silva Ultramind Systems ESP for Business Success: Use Intuition to: Solve Problems, Create Solutions, Earn More Money

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About this ebook

Whether you are a business executive or a home worker, an entrepreneur or freelancer, Jose Silva's UltraMind Systems ESP for Business Success gives you the winning mindset you need to succeed.

*Oprah Winfrey said: "The more we can tune in to our intuition, the better off we are."
* Steve Jobs called it "more powerful than intellect."
* Albert Einstein said it is "the sacred gift."

Your knowledge, mind power, and inner strength will give you the only real job security that exists. This book will help you:
  • Make better decisions
  • Improve efficiency
  • Boost your confidence
  • Communicate better
  • Find hidden information
  • Anticipate the future
  • Plan for what lies ahead
  • Create a better world
The UltraMind ESP System is the culmination of the life work of Silva Method founder José Silva. Start today, because the greatest discovery you will ever make is the power of your own mind.
PublisherG&D Media
Release dateJan 16, 2019
Silva Ultramind Systems ESP for Business Success: Use Intuition to: Solve Problems, Create Solutions, Earn More Money

Jose Silva, Jr.

Jose Silva Jr. was the first of Jose and Paula Silva's 10 children. He was there when his father began the scientific research that unlocked the secret of developing intuition and using it regularly and reliably in all aspects of your life. Nobody is more qualified than Joe Jr to teach you how to apply his father's research findings to your business career. Joe was not a research subject - Joe documented the research, recording the sessions and filing the data that his father was acquiring. By observing and recording Joe was provided an understanding that nobody else has of how to how to help the average person develop extraordinary mental powers. When Mr. Silva realized that he needed to establish a business to propagate his findings, he called on his son Joe to help manage the new business, something Joe continues to do today. Then when Mr. Silva started the new Silva UltraMind Systems business 25 years later, at the age of 84, he put Joe in charge.

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    Silva Ultramind Systems ESP for Business Success - Jose Silva, Jr.


    The Life of José Silva

    José Silva’s life is more than a great American success story. It has transcended time and space to become one of the world’s all-time great success stories.

    José Silva was born in Laredo, Texas in 1914. When he was just four years old, his father died as the result of a terrorist act during the Mexican revolution.

    He started his first business at the age of six, when he began working and earning an income to help support the family—which included his sister and two younger brothers.

    Since his income was necessary for the family, José never had the opportunity to attend school. With the help of his sister and brothers, he learned to read and write in both the Spanish and the English languages.

    He recalled that he was always very lucky at finding new business ventures that would help more people and earn him more money.

    He cleaned offices, ran errands, and eventually began traveling 150 miles to San Antonio to buy household goods that he then sold door-to-door in Laredo. By the time he was a teenager, he was employing other youngsters to go door-to-door and sell the merchandise. Many of the youngsters were earning more than their fathers, and young José was earning more than all of them.

    That’s how he had enough money to pay for a correspondence course in radio repair in 1928, when he was 14 years old. The timing was perfect. He got in on the ground floor of that new field, and that’s how he earned his millions when he grew his electronics repair business to be one of the largest in South Texas.

    He still had his knack for spotting new business opportunities. He recalled one time when he pointed out a vacant lot to his wife Paula and said it would be a great spot for an ice-cream stand. He didn’t act on that impulse, because he had other interests, but a few months later somebody opened an ice-cream shop there.

    José used his knowledge of electronics repair to start a new business repairing coin-operated music machines—juke boxes—and leasing them to establishments throughout South Texas.

    In 1944, José was drafted into the army to serve during World War II. Not knowing whether he would survive the war, he closed his business and set the money aside for his family.

    It was during the army induction process that José had his first encounter with a psychiatrist. This led him to the study of psychology. He dived into the study of psychology with the same enthusiasm he always had, because he wanted to see if he could learn ways to help his children to be as successful as he was. He had observed that only a few people had the kind of instincts and good luck that he had.

    After his discharge from the army at the end of the war, José returned to Laredo and started his radio repair business all over again.

    This was an exciting and busy time for him.

    He was assigned to build a radio technician’s training department at Laredo Junior College, and ran the department for more than six years. The department was named the best in the state of Texas by the Veterans Administration. This was quite an achievement for someone who had never attended school as a student.

    When commercial television came on the scene, José began to learn all about it, and his business continued to grow rapidly.

    His study of psychology had led him to several related fields, including hypnosis, parapsychology, and electroencephalography, leading to psychorientology, a new science of how to orient—or direct—your mind (psyche) for greater success.

    After six years he was so busy with his business and his research that he had to resign his position at the college.

    By 1966 the research has progressed so far that Silva was in demand to speak at colleges and universities about his work in psychorientology, and people throughout Texas were asking him to teach them his mind development techniques.

    He had learned that the most successful people used their minds differently than the average person. Other people might work just as hard and have just as much knowledge, but if they didn’t do their thinking at the alpha brain-wave level, then they weren’t as successful as the 10 percent of people who did their thinking at that level.

    The results of the research were tested at the University of Texas Medical Center and at Trinity University, both located in San Antonio. He showed the researchers that his students could do what scientists believed was impossible: activate the mind and function deductively while at the alpha brain-wave level.

    The results were so impressive that they were published in a scientific journal in England in 1972. The scientists wanted to conduct more research with Mr. Silva, but school officials killed that idea when they learned that he didn’t have any formal education.

    He held no academic degrees, but received the kind of degree that you cannot get by taking tests in a classroom: the doctor of humanities degree for his life’s work, which is the true test of greatness.

    He always had great respect for education and wished he had been able to attend school, but someone once pointed out to him that every year, a lot of student parade across the stage and accept the Ph.D.’s they received for what they have learned, but only a few people receive an honorary doctorate for what they have actually accomplished.

    He had the kind of education and experiences that no other scientist had.

    His study of psychology taught him about human behavior.

    His experiences with hypnosis showed him what the human mind is capable of doing.

    The electroencephalograph (EEG) gave him the ability to see what was going on inside a person’s head and relate brain activity to mental function.

    In addition, he was a classically trained singer. His knowledge of music, frequencies, and harmonics revealed to him that scientists needed to rethink the way they had been classifying the brain-frequency spectrum.

    Through the years he met many ultrasuccessful people. One of them was W. Clement Stone, author (with Napoleon Hill) of Success through a Positive Mental Attitude. It was more than just positive thoughts and mental images that enabled Stone to earn millions of dollars in the insurance business. I could tell that Mr. Stone was also a natural alpha thinker, just like I am, Mr. Silva explained.

    Positive thoughts and mental images of what you want to achieve have a small effect when you are functioning at the beta brain-wave level. But they have a very big impact when you are able to do your thinking at the alpha level.

    Only one person in 10 learns naturally how to do their thinking at 10 cycles per second (cps), which is the alpha brain frequency. The good news is that José Silva developed a system to help everyone learn to function at 10 cps, just as the top 10 percent do.

    He began teaching his system to the public in 1966, after spending half a million dollars of his own money to conduct 22 years of scientific research. In 1969 the demand for his services was so great that he began training other people to teach his system.

    To date, millions of people in more than 100 countries around the world have benefitted from his research. He always offered a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee of satisfaction, and fewer than 1 percent ask for a refund.

    The boy who was taught how to read and write by his siblings became a successful and sought-after author himself, authoring more than a dozen books. The first, The Silva Mind Control Method, published in English by Simon and Schuster, and eventually in more than a dozen other languages, has sold well over a million copies worldwide, and is still going strong 40 years after its first publication, making José Silva Laredo’s most successful author.

    The young boy who used to shine shoes for a living is the undisputed leader in the field of mind development and ESP. His system is the first to guide you to function at the alpha brain-wave level, to use the right brain hemisphere to think with, and to develop and use intuition (ESP).

    Mr. Silva’s philosophy has always been to gain while helping others to gain, not to gain at others’ loss.

    This master of teaching people about success also cautions people to keep things in perspective: Do not let the first failure destroy you, nor let success ruin you.

    With the worldwide success of his system, Mr. Silva is known by more people around the world than anyone else who ever walked the streets of Laredo. He did not let success ruin him. He lived modestly, and his favorite pastime right up until his passing in 1999 was lecturing and helping other people awaken the genius that is within them.

    This young boy, who started helping people one shoe at a time, went on to help millions, not just to look better on the outside, but to actually be better on the inside.

    Prior to his passing he developed a new course, the Silva UltraMind ESP System. It is more than a course; it is a system.

    In addition to helping people develop and use their own God-given intuition, the UltraMind ESP System includes a new scientifically based technique to communicate with higher intelligence regularly and reliably. This will enable you to obtain help and guidance in carrying out your mission in life.

    While Mr. Silva may have moved on to new assignments, his work is still going strong, both in live seminars and in convenient home study courses.

    José Silva is a glowing example of what people can achieve by using their natural, God-given intuition to make the right decisions and by concentrating on providing value to others, so that when they move on, they will have left behind a better world for those who follow.


    What This Book Is About

    Businesspeople at all levels, from solo workers and entrepreneurs to department heads and top executives, require many skills.

    Perhaps the most important is the ability to make good decisions in all aspects of creating and managing a profitable business.

    Good decisions lead to company profits and career advancement.

    The ability to sense people’s inner thoughts and needs helps you say and do the right things to build a strong team that will quickly reach its goals and achieve great success.

    Your intuition provides you with an additional source of information so that you will do the right thing at the right time and be ready when opportunities present themselves.

    The good news is that now, thanks to the 22 years of scientific research by José Silva, we can help you succeed by teaching you how to use your natural, God-given intuition regularly and reliably so that you will be right more times than wrong.

    Knowing the Future Helps You Prepare for It

    When you know what the future holds, you will be prepared to deal with problems and take advantages of opportunities.

    The benefits of this are obvious, but can it really be done?

    Professor John Mihalasky, professor emeritus of industrial engineering at the Newark College of Engineering (now the New Jersey Institute of Technology), conducted 10 years of scientific research to find out.

    In experiments he performed with company CEOs, he observed that the CEOs who performed best in tests of precognitive ability also tended to be the ones with the best success rates at running their business (measured in terms of five-year profitability growth).

    Prof. Mihalasky’s experiment results are summarized in the table below.

    Note that the CEOs with the greatest profitability increases (100% or more) also had the greatest number of correct guesses in intuition tests: 81.5% of them performed above chance results. On the other end, none of the CEOs with the poorest results scored above chance in the precognition test.

    Of CEOs with mediocre numbers, the results were consistent with statistical chance results.

    Professor Mihalasky will tell you more about what he learned in this project in appendix C. Even better, in this book we will guide you step-by-step to develop the ability to function the way the most successful executives do.

    Successful People Attract Good Luck

    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to make the correct decisions far more frequently than the average person?

    It is because they use more of their mind, and use it in a special manner.

    That is what you will learn to do in this book.

    Early Adopters Reap the Benefits

    Now is the perfect time for you to learn this new technology of the mind. With all new technology, the early adopters reap immediate benefits and gain big advantages before the establishment catches on and catches up.

    It happened with the printing press, which made mass communications over great distances possible. People living in the American colonies exchanged information in booklets and newspapers and joined to create a new country.

    It happened again with commercial television, when huge numbers of people could influence and be influenced by events and brought down a U.S. president and ended the Vietnam War.

    We saw it happen just a few years ago in the Arab Spring, when the early adopters used the power of the Internet to change the way they are governed.

    The computer, the Internet, and the smartphone have changed the way that all of us do business and communicate with one another.

    Now humanity is poised to move beyond physical technology. We can use the human mind to go places where nothing else can go, to communicate in ways in which no other media in history have ever been able to communicate, and to solve insolvable problems and make impossible dreams come true.

    We call it the science of tomorrow—today, and those who adopt it first will benefit the most.

    Who Will Benefit

    Business owners, executives at all levels, managers, and supervisors will all learn valuable ways to use ESP to manage more effectively and make better decisions.

    If you are an entrepreneur, an independent contractor, a home worker, an Internet marketer, or someone who sells goods on an online marketplace or auction site, you will benefit from enhanced creativity and decision making.

    If you are looking for a new job, or if you desire to enter the business world, you will benefit from these techniques.

    If you have struggled for years trying to rise above average and fulfill the potential you know you have, the answer is in your hands: unleash your superpowers by learning to use your mind the way the ultrasuccessful people do.

    If you are part of a family business, we don’t need to tell you about some of the special challenges you face. In addition to business relationships, you also have family relationships that can affect the success of the business.

    Perhaps your job is managing a household and a family. That can be the toughest job of all. These techniques will help you to manage your family relations better and keep things running smoothly.

    Testimonials and Case Studies

    No matter what your age or where in the world you live, or how far along you are in your career, or whether you’ve had good fortune or bad, you can use your own natural, God-given intuition to help you in your business and personal life.

    In chapter 1, business owner Klemen Mihelic in Slovenia explains how he used the Silva UltraMind techniques to help his family, his friends, and his business. He even came up with a solution to end the rape of women in refugee camps in Darfur, in the Sudan, that won praise from the humanitarian aid coordinator there.

    A young man from Maryland, fresh out of college, used the Silva techniques to solve a difficult problem, and this one success helped get him out of a job that wasn’t right for him and into the right career. You will meet him in chapter 2.

    A California lady named Mona struggled for 23 years selling real estate with modest success. Soon after she start applying the techniques she learned in the Silva UltraMind ESP Systems, she doubled her results and quadrupled her confidence. She will tell you about it in chapter 5.

    A retired executive who spent most of his career in the public sector in the United Kingdom discovered that it is much easier to make big-ticket spending decisions when you have reliable ESP in your tool kit. He explains what he did in chapter 6.

    A lady in Bulgaria tells how she used subjective communication to get what she was rightfully entitled to despite the attempts of some unscrupulous people who tried to swindle her. You will learn what she did in chapter 9.

    Entrepreneur Victor Kovens, who owns his own one-man travel agency, recounts how he obtained worldwide publicity and recognition as tops in his field for his business without hiring publicity agents or a public relations agency. You will meet him in chapter 11.

    Ed Bernd Jr. will tell you, also in chapter 11, about negotiating his first publishing agreement with José Silva and how the words that he actually said to Mr. Silva were far superior than the words he had intended to say.

    How to Develop Your Intuitive Powers

    Now, thanks to the groundbreaking research by Mr. Silva, learning to use your own natural intuition is as easy as one, two, three:

    1.  Learn to function at the powerful alpha brain wave level with the relaxing, refreshing Silva Centering Exercise.

    2.  Unlock 100% of your intuitive powers with five simple mental projection drills.

    3.  Use your powers in ways that benefit both you and your customers.

    Now, for the first time, we are going to open the vaults, go behind the scenes, and show you the science of how and why José Silva’s world-famous mind training systems work. Better still, you will learn exactly how and when to apply this science in your own life and gain benefits you never imagined possible.

    Would You Like to Learn How To …

    Program yourself to do the right thing at the right time to take advantage of opportunities and increase profits and income?

    Accurately forecast business trends to keep you ahead of the competition?

    Use your intuition to help sense what other people’s real wants and needs are?

    Say the right thing at the right time when negotiating, managing subordinates, or reporting to superiors and shareholders?

    Learn mental techniques to establish immediate rapport with co-workers, as well as with customers, clients, suppliers, and other people you deal with? (As long as you are being honest, you can create an instant connection with people so they know they can believe you and trust you.)

    Use feedback in the physical world so that you know exactly what to do to achieve the success you desire?

    Determine if the time is right to make a career move?

    Detect industry trends before they become public?

    Become aware of potential problems before they hurt you?

    Program people who owe you money or who are trying to cheat you so that they develop a strong urge to do the right thing and pay you what they owe you?

    Program your work environment for success?

    Influence others from a distance even when you cannot be with them in person?

    Mentally sense the right thing to say and do in order to produce the best outcome for your clients and your business?

    Detect hidden information that will give you a competitive advantage by enabling you to serve your clients better?

    Trust your judgment and your decisions, end doubt and second-guessing, by asking higher intelligence to confirm—or correct—your decisions?

    Know when to seek a raise, a promotion, a better job?

    Intuitively sense the true motivations and feelings of others and avoid the pain of being betrayed and disappointed?

    Let higher intelligence guide you to your right path in life—for greater success, happiness, and satisfaction? Find your right work, your mission in life?

    What You Must Do to Succeed

    When you follow the simple step-by-step guidance in this book, you will find the powerful alpha brain-wave level. You will also learn to activate your mind while remaining at alpha in order to make better decisions and solve more problems. Just a few hours of relaxing and refreshing practice with José Silva’s world famous Centering Exercise is all it takes.

    Then relax at the alpha level and go through each of the five mental projection exercises to become familiar with the subjective (mental) dimension. You’ll establish points of reference that you can use to solve problems and achieve positive outcomes that bring you success and satisfaction by improving living conditions on planet earth.

    After that, you need to continue to use your learned techniques. Just a few minutes a day will keep you mentally sharp so that you will be a superior problem solver.

    A word of caution: if you plan to use these abilities to take advantage of people, to gain benefits for yourself at their loss, then save your time and look elsewhere. Karma really works. The Creator does not favor one person over another, and will not help you if you want to gain at someone else’s loss.

    If you want to gain while helping the other person also gain, then these techniques will work for you, and higher intelligence will help you when you get stuck and need guidance and help.

    Practical Techniques You Can Start Using Today

    Your career. Do you want a better job? A raise? Something more meaningful, interesting, and satisfying to do? How about having your own business? More customers? Bigger sales? Better employees? Better working conditions?

    Smart buying. Use remote viewing to find the best product or service, the best vendor to establish a relationship with. Then use remote influencing to help establish a relationship that will be mutually beneficial for years to come.

    Effective selling. Would it help you to be able to mentally detect what your prospect’s real wants and needs are—to read their thoughts, so to speak? Would it help you to be able to put a thought into your prospect’s mind?

    You can use remote viewing and remote influencing to reach them at a deep inner level, where they know you are telling them the truth, that what you are offering them really is in their best interest.

    Neutralizing negativity in your prospect’s mind; neutralize negative generators who are trying to sabotage the sale for their own selfish reasons.

    Taking action. You can learn to use remote viewing to see what a person wants, and then use remote influencing to motivate them to go ahead and take action, to do what is right—to close the sale, to sign the agreement, to provide the information they’ve promised you, to pay a debt they owe you.

    Earn Your Master’s in Business Intuition

    People spend a lot of money and a lot of time in class to earn an MBA: a master’s degree in business administration.

    Just as valuable—perhaps even more—is an MBI: master of business intuition.

    The Silva UltraMind ESP System is like getting a degree in how to use intuition to detect information and solve problems.

    In the first chapter of this book, you will start learning how to use more of your mind, and to use it in a special manner.

    Claim Your Rewards

    All forms of success—bonuses and raises and promotions and recognition and honors—come to those who are prepared and take action at the right moment in time.

    In just a few weeks, you can equip yourself with the same skills and talents as the ultrasuccessful people in all walks of life, so that you can achieve the success that you have always known, deep within, that you are meant to have.

    When you are ready to begin, just turn to chapter 1 and follow the simple instructions.

    To contact us for help and support, please see the contact information in Appendix D.

    Meet the Authors

    José Silva Jr. was the first of José and Paula Silva’s ten children. He was there when his father began the scientific research that unlocked the secret of developing intuition and using it regularly and reliably in all aspects of your life.

    Nobody is more qualified than Joe Junior to teach you how to apply his father’s research findings to your business career.

    Joe was not a research subject. Joe documented the research, recording the sessions with an old Roberts reel-to-reel tape recorder, and filing the data that his father was acquiring.

    While his younger sisters and brothers were sitting with their eyes closed, following their father’s instructions, Joe was learning the

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